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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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3795694 No.3795694 [Reply] [Original]


Welcome to the Install Gentoo archive!

naosia wants to get rid of all of his boards so i've decided to take you in, we've lost about a months worth of thumbnails but I don't see that as much of a problem. I WILL be caching thumbnails now.

So welcome and enjoy your stay,

>> No.3795702

Do we really need an anthology of poorly disguised troll?

>> No.3795704
File: 4 KB, 126x121, 1266761416547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, pics are being recorded again?
excellent, thankyou.

>> No.3795712

Thanks, bro.

>> No.3795723
File: 57 KB, 1022x253, deal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with the fact that install gentoo will be your new home lol.

Also you guys don't post alot. Only 2,000,000 archived posts.

>> No.3795739
File: 44 KB, 666x636, post_counts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post loads.

>> No.3795748


Oh god.

EK, Inurdaes, Kraken, Liberty.

Somebody genocide this board.

>> No.3795751
File: 104 KB, 299x254, 1314141178472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP. Can you add a few lines of code that filters out the following tripcodes from archival:

!!nQrIRh+JHbs (Liberty)
!obkpuSWh5M (Teacup)
Blackman (namefag, no trip)

These are the top shitposters on /sci/. It really will save a lot of bandwidth ($$$) to just cut them out of archival, since none of their posts contributes anything of intellectual value worth saving.

Overall, very nice job and thank you.

>> No.3795755

It's possible to view your posts by tripcode? I'd like to see how much I've posted.

>> No.3795756

>I post loads.

>> No.3795763


Haha, no sorry.

>> No.3795767

whats wrong with them? they all seem ok to me.

that wouldnt stop me posting here still, and that would just make the archives confusing. you would see anons replying to non archived posts.

yeh, i can also search by name and find the records of all my posts.
yours will all be grouped under the 2,000,000+ anonymous. you will have to become a namefag to find yourself individually.


>> No.3795777

>you will have to become a namefag to find yourself individually
I have one but I don't use it very ofter anymore.

>> No.3795779
File: 4 KB, 135x128, 1314242530439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK in thread

>> No.3795781
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>> No.3795787

is "CNS!ZB6kpElKD6" you as well?

>> No.3795793

Yup. That's my old tripcode.

>> No.3795800

What is the main neurological basis for human intelligence? Thickness of the cerebral cortex? Brain size? What is the most important factor?

>> No.3795807

EK!D96TK2PSsI is my old one. it has 3280 posts logged.

>> No.3795833

4chan X has been updated to redirect to my site.

>> No.3795842

This is why I don't use my tripcode very often anymore. Random people will start asking me questions...

But alright.

There is no single neural factor which constitutes intelligence. There are many contributing factors such as encephalization quotient, axonal myelination, absolute number of neurons, cortical and sub-cortical density, relative signal transduction speed (influenced by myelination) and the list goes on*. The thing with intelligence is that most contemporary accepted measures are inter-indivudual definitions. They don't provide an absolute measure, but rater the context of the score depends as well. Corrections for cohort etc make it difficult to find true neural correlates of intelligence because the correlation is driven downward because of variability in scores even though the actual neural substrate might be the same. If that makes sense.

*Here's an article if you're interested

>> No.3795867

why is this on installgentoo.net?

>> No.3795872

why not?

>> No.3795876

Oh wow, thanks. Didn't expect that detailed of a response. Thanks so much. Saved all of it for reference and copypasta.

>> No.3795881

seems kind of strange, like it's linked to some installing package or something

>> No.3795883

oh it see

>> No.3795884

wow I'm tired as hell "oh I* see"

>> No.3795885


>> No.3795965

I still don't get why the archive is on a linux distribution platform

>> No.3795972

its an old /g/ meme

>> No.3795980

I would prefer a Mac.

>> No.3795989

Gentoo is best distro.

>> No.3796007

I think you misspelled Ubuntu.

>> No.3796026


If I wanted a Mac, I would have bought a Mac.

>> No.3796027

Ubuntu is for kids.
Gentoo is for real men.

>> No.3796035

"the fucking Internet runs on Linux™"

where have you been?

>> No.3796039
File: 26 KB, 187x226, 1294459995496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second highest tripfag poster
Seriously, was not expecting that.

>> No.3796044

i'm the highest poster. only the combined might of anonymous outranks me. no tripfag posts on this board more.

>> No.3796046


No wonder there's never any science on this board.

>> No.3796048

i dont start threads (hardly ever) i just respond.
blame he OP's if you dont like the content.

>> No.3796051

a close reading of the log reveals that EK is easily distracted by trolls and trivia

>> No.3796063
File: 12 KB, 145x152, sirhaveiwrongedyouinsomeway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can count the number of times I've replied to a religion vs science thread on one hand, never bumped unless forgot sage on accident
>eugenics threads are ignored
>/new/ threads in general I dislike
>posted many science articles from places like physorg and sciencedaily with the threads being largely ignored

But I do dislike EK came in first.

>> No.3796067

This is bullshit, right? Right?

>> No.3796090

I'd like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.

>> No.3796101


Shut up Stallman.

You've had your chance. I waited for you longer than I have for DNF.

>> No.3796108

if you count the #taxon tripcode, i've been 1st for quite a while.

>> No.3796112


Disjunctive normal form?
Don't you CS guys learn that in your introduction to logic?

>> No.3796117

as long as it isn't OS Tiger/Lion/Leopard/Kitty Kat

>> No.3796182




Well that's convenient...

>> No.3796194
File: 36 KB, 450x407, geuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Costanza not the most reposted

That sound like a theory (a geuss).

>> No.3796201

>image reposts
> laughing girls and trollfaces errywhere

looks about right...