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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 75 KB, 400x240, boskop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3795255 No.3795255 [Reply] [Original]


This is about a prehistoric race of humans who were apparently highly intelligent, yet died out somehow. Their remains pop up around South Africa. They were highly neotenous (i.e., resembling children, having "baby faces" like some Asians have, it is a trend in hominid evolution for neoteny to be correlated with increasing brain size). They also had large brain cases. Anyway, I pasted important snippets here of the tl;dr article:

We have seen reports of Boskop brain size ranging from 1,650 to 1,900 cc.

Boskop’s brain size is about 30 percent larger than our own—that is, a 1,750-cc brain to our average of 1,350 cc. And that leads to an increase in the prefrontal cortex of a staggering 53 percent. If these principled relations among brain parts hold true, then Boskops would have had not only an impressively large brain but an inconceivably large prefrontal cortex.

Even if brain size accounts for just 10 to 20 percent of an IQ test score, it is possible to conjecture what kind of average scores would be made by a group of people with 30 percent larger brains. We can readily calculate that a population with a mean brain size of 1,750 cc would be expected to have an average IQ of 149. [Anon's note: An MRI study showed brain size:IQ correlation of 0.44, so that's roughly 20%; http://www.springerlink.com/content/r173v725160tn626/]

>> No.3795265

If they were so smart why are they extinct?

>> No.3795267

>a race of ultranerds
>wonders why they didn't reproduce

>> No.3795268

>IQ tests

ISHYG... blah blah blah

>> No.3795270

Here is a (likely) hypothesis from the article:

Perhaps, though, it also made the Boskops excessively internal and self-reflective. With their perhaps astonishing insights, they may have become a species of dreamers with an internal mental life literally beyond anything we can imagine.

>> No.3795271

I always thought larger brains were just a cliche?

You know, kind of how a fucking whale isn't smarter than a human?

>> No.3795273

Obviously, ancient aliens.

>> No.3795277
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>> No.3795280


I expected this, so I deliberately put in a note toward the bottom that includes an MRI study showing brain size to be correlated with IQ by 0.44. Read the fucking study. It's MRI, not "geussing."

>> No.3795282


Obviously they interbreed with Europeans. This proves all other races are inferior.

/signed an intelligent stormfag.

>> No.3795285

Big brain =/= intelligence

Neanderthals had bigger brains than modern humans.

>> No.3795287

Actually there is a theory on the internet that the Boskops were actually visiting aliens (hence why they disappeared).

>> No.3795288


>> No.3795289

No /sci/ we are the ancient niggers.

>> No.3795290

>an MRI study showing brain size to be correlated with IQ by 0.44
That's not even close to a significant correlation.

>> No.3795293
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>failed stats

>> No.3795296
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>> No.3795303
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This is interesting. There must be a ceiling to the evolution of intelligence. Something must have stopped this from evolving. Probably the large brains were too metabolically costly.

Maybe Idiocracy was right.

>> No.3795306
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I just got that.

>> No.3795307

That was weirdly poetic.

>> No.3795310
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>> No.3795315
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What has been undone by evolution can be put right again with genetic engineering. So how soon can we set that up?

>> No.3795317

Please go back to school.

>> No.3795318


But pic related. I keep seeing this pic/meme come up again and again. Now I gotta ask, is his hair a shoop? And whats the source on the pic?

>> No.3795321

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos

No, it's not photoshop.

>> No.3795323


His hair is real, he appears on a show called ancient aliens as well as many other programs on the history channel ranting about how everything ever in the history of everything was done by aliens

>> No.3795346

Boskop master race reporting in

>> No.3795349

>thinking EQ=IQ

I thought we were done with that 100 years ago.

>> No.3795358
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Just leaving pic related here...

Also this:

>> No.3795359

Holy shit! Wow! Thanks.
Now that meme makes so much more sense, given its not a shop.
That's fucken stupidly, real?

>> No.3795363

If they were so smart, why are they extinct?

>> No.3795364

implying you can extract "brain size to iq as mapped by mri and IQ tests" data of human beings to non human beings

neural connections >>>> sheer # of neurons

>> No.3795365

They were so intelligent the discovered that life is ultimately meaningless and they held a giant party followed by a mass suicide.

>> No.3795366

nerds lost, buddy

just like in 2011

>> No.3795367

Stop simplifying shit. The brain structure has as much to do with intelligence as the brain size : body size ratio. Until they get a well preserved skull that has impressions of the brain on it to compare the different portions of the brain, you can't draw any fucking conclusions.

Hint: humans don't have the highest brain : body ratio, structure is important.

>> No.3795368

that's a myth, of course -- it's all about the pencil.
The pencil lobby refuses to make whale-compatible pencils, which reduces their ability to compete in a global market.
The Japanese approach is more direct, but it's all about keeping the whales out of the global jobs market.

Now, give a whale a nice large fountain pen, and watch the poetry and mathematics flow...

>> No.3795369


hurr durr durr derp

so edgy, how's the teenage?

>> No.3795370

That's a stupid reason for committing suicide.

>> No.3795371

>implying you can extract "brain size to iq as mapped by mri and IQ tests" data of human beings to non human beings
>to non human beings
>to non human beings

>implying they weren't humans

Did you even read the OP synopsis?

They were humans, very modern looking if not more modern looking.

>> No.3795372

>the dumb & poor have 4x as many kids as the smart & rich

>implying evolution is applicable or does us any good anymore

haha time for science & technology guided transhumanism biological engineering

>> No.3795375

>humans don't have the highest brain : body ratio

I already posted the table. Humans have the highest encephalization quotients.

What's wrong with you?

>> No.3795376

implying the modern human brain is anything close to that of these "humans"

>> No.3795377

but liberal atheists told me brain size has nothing to do with intelligence and that IQ isnt even real

what do

>> No.3795378

>implying evolution is applicable
>or does us any good anymore

Please die. You don't know what the fuck evolution means.

Don't procreate. And kill yourself.

>> No.3795383

i love the strawman against eugenics "oh bb-but there might be some special virus that kills everyone because there's no random mutations which are immune to it"

or we just use science to eliminate the virus and vaccinate people.

besides, evolution occurs on massive timescales. technological changes occur on the order of years if not shorter

>> No.3795384

lets hear your defition

and it better not be some self reference shit like "that which reproduces"

>> No.3795385
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you are nowhere near as intelligent as them. you could not possibly comprehend the meaning behind their decision.

>> No.3795386

Please help me with these idiots ITT who incessantly claim that "brain size has nothing to do with intelligence lol xD," even after I posted a link to the study three or four times already.

It's almost as if they shut out information that doesn't correspond to their preconceived ideas. Fucking creationists.

>> No.3795390

Just because your strawman is a claim about the opposition using a strawman that does not make it any less strawmanly.

>> No.3795394

intelligence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>> evolution

plus intelligence results in materials which CANNOT be made by nature, 100% artificial.

>> No.3795395

sorry, took off for a minute to read the paper.

interesting stuff, though I disagree that age=ontogenic state, or that any causality can be extrapolated from all that correlation.

but believe what you like.
you can't compare IQ's on anything other than extant humans, thus IQ will never equal EQ when dealing with non-modern humans.

>> No.3795397

try reading the post you replied to, aspie

looks like atheists lack reading comprehension and are too autistic to sense sarcasm at the same time. two mental failures in one. wow, sure hope you arent making "i lurv scienz hurr" your career cuz i got bad news for you bro

>> No.3795399

Shrews have higher ratios than humans.

>> No.3795400
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Using magnetic resonance imaging, we show that larger brain size (corrected for body size) is associated with higher IQ in 40 college students equally divided by high versus average IQ, and by sex. These results suggest that differences in human brain size are relevant to explaining differences in intelligence test performance.


The relation of IQ (Cattell's Culture Fair Intelligence Test) to brain size was studied in 103 right- and left-handed men and women at Atatürk University in eastern Turkey. Cerebral areas were measured on a midsagittal section of the brain using MRI. An overall correlation of 40 was found between MRI-measured total area and IQ thereby further supporting the IQ–brain size hypothesis. Additional analyses suggested that these results may need qualification. In men, only anterior cerebral area correlated with IQ. In women, total and posterior cerebral areas were correlated with IQ. Other results varied by handedness.

brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI
brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI
brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI
brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI
brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI
brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI
brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI
brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI
brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI
brain size is correlated with cognitive ability about .44 using MRI

>> No.3795403

implying that is significant

>> No.3795404

Is there any evidence that artificial selection can enhance intelligence without horrible consequences? Have a chat to a well versed dog breeder.

Is there any evidence to suggest it's even possible or achievable? Or, do you just (falsely) consider yourself intelligent and you don't want to be forever alone?

>> No.3795406

>In men, only anterior cerebral area correlated with IQ.
As I said, structure is FUCKING IMPORTANT.

And the shrew has a bigger brain to body ratio than humans do, so FUCK THE FUCK OFF.

>> No.3795411

these are all modern humans.

how does that in any way allow us to compare modern humans to extinct hominids of a different species, let alone animals we're far less related to?

or are we just trying to turn this into a /new/ thread? I'll sage and ignore just in case.

>> No.3795413

>you can't compare IQ's on anything other than extant humans, thus IQ will never equal EQ when dealing with non-modern humans.

Yes, you can. Evolution is slow, and these bones are not that old on an evolutionary time scale. They were still Homo sapiens sapiens by all accounts. Hell, even Neanderthals had an FST (genetic distance) of something as small as 0.08, IIRC.

Given that current populations of modern, extant humans differ genetically by a large degree anyway, and brain size is correlated among all modern humans, we can make the educated assumption that prehistoric humans such as the Boskop also had similar if not identical genes controlling the way brain size correlates with intelligence.

Please tell me why you think the Boskop are so different from us, when their bones are nearly identical to modern humans.

>> No.3795416

implying dogs are highly intelligent apex predators like human beings

it's absolute possibly, Intelligence is heritable, coorelates at ~0.8.

>> No.3795417

I have a big brain, confirmed by mri. Yet I'm an idiot.

How can this be?

>> No.3795421

the brain size might be the same, but modern human beings have vastly more neural interconnections due to the amount of education / etc we receive during our formative years.

>> No.3795423

you dont have a lot of neural connections.

>> No.3795425

This, gtfo big brain=intelligencefags.

>> No.3795426

I don't think they're significantly different. I think any speculation about their IQ is bullshit until you test one.

your speculation rates a 6 on the modified Boucot scale- it's reasonable, but entirely unsupportable with current evidence.

>> No.3795428


Hey, I just quoted studies. Did not add a single comment. If you have any evidence for your position, I'd be glad to hear it.

It really is counterintuitive to even think that brain size is NOT correlated with intelligence. People who have larger muscles can lift heavier objects. People who have longer legs can dunk easier. Similarly, people who have larger brains can perform mental tasks easier (relative to their body size, of course).

Anyway, the evidence is on my side and on the side of the authors of the Boskop-high-intelligence theory.

>> No.3795429

Human beings have been artifically selecting for intelligence, Thats why the flynn effect occurs and IQ tests keep having to be re-averaged

>> No.3795430

artifical selection

same reason that human height has increase so fast, because it's been selected for by women over and over again.

>> No.3795432

you didn't see the problems with any of those studies?


>> No.3795433

>no proof
>anecdotal evidence


>> No.3795440

They were not extremely intelligent

THEY HAD THE POTENTIAL TO BE. But their society was not as advanced as ours.

If you transplanted one of their children into our world he would be the next einstein and euler put together. But in their own time they were no smarter then your average high school dropout.

You fucking understand now?

>> No.3795441

>believing Boskops existed

Why am I not surprised. Fucking retards.

>> No.3795439

itt butthurt liberals only love science when its used to bash christians but when it shows (repeatedly and ad nauseum) that niggers are inherently dumb, suddenly SCIENZ DOENST MEAN CAUSATION LALALALALA

>> No.3795445

Thread is not about black or white people. Can you stormfags even read?

>> No.3795444

these people with 30% brains were niggers you know.

you're on the wrong side of this argument cracker

>> No.3795455

Boskops wouldn't fit into either of the modern races. They were an evolutionary offshoot, an isolated tribe which somehow evolved extraordinary traits.

Anyway, keep this thread about Boskops.

>> No.3795458

oh im sorry. i guess i assumed that "rational atheistz hurr" like you would be aware of the scientific FACT that niggers have smaller brain sizes. i guess atheists really dont know shit about the science they claim to worship.

>> No.3795459

>implying niggers are a "modern" race

>> No.3795466

Please stop derailing this thread; people will stop posting. Again, it's about Boskops, not fucking niggers.

>> No.3795474

If Boskops were intelligent or good they would have survived

they did not

ergo we are evolutionarily / inherently superior to them

>> No.3795475

this thread is an elaborate stormfag sock puppet. such a surprise.

when you go to that much trouble to troll, isn't it you that's getting trolled?

3/10, it had potential

>> No.3795496

butthurt diversity promoter detected

>> No.3795500

>this thread is an elaborate stormfag sock puppet. such a surprise.

OP here. Those aren't me. I'm not a stormfag. I'm genuinely interested in the Boskops.

What if a highly intelligent group of mankind existed and mysteriously went extinct? Why did they go extinct? What could possibly lead intelligent individuals to no longer further their species?

There are one or two /new/ fags ITT who have been derailing it. They are not me. I don't know why you even assumed they are me.

Can't we talk about prehistoric humans without it turning into a "race shitstorm"?

>> No.3795516

Why does OPs pic use a caucasian skull and then claim it's a 'modern human skull?'

Why does everyone on TV and in science pretend there aren't different skull types within homo sapiens sapiens' sub-species?

>> No.3795518

why do you assume that intelligence equals success when we're the only creatures in which it does? We're wildly successful by our own standards, but not particularly successful by any other.

But anyways, brain size isn't used as a measure of technology, which is our actual specialization, not intelligence. To compare technology we look at tools. As far as I know no boskop tools are known, and even if they are, they certainly aren't band saws and arc welders.

intelligence means nothing if you don't apply it. I realize this is a difficult idea for /sci/ to grasp, but it is the case.

>> No.3795523

>If Boskops were intelligent or good they would have survived

Wrong straight off the bat. We don't know that. That's a baseless assumption.

In fact, all the current evidence points to an NEGATIVE correlation between IQ and fertility.

There are a number of reasons an intelligent group of humans could have died off. Just look at intelligent people that you know IRL. Your professors, for instance. Find out, do they have more or less children than less intelligent people you know? Almost invariably, smart people have less children.

>or none (Tesla)

>> No.3795528

Haha, article is hilariously inaccurate and misleading. That being said, if there was a race that was smarter than humans, I would jump ship in a second and go hang out with them.

Is there a Star Trek: TNG episode about this? It seems like there would be.

>> No.3795531

liberals love n1ggers lrn2politicalgroups/multicultism

>> No.3795532

Hey, save it for another thread, whether I agree with you or not. People will flee my thread when they see such posts.

>> No.3795534

Everyone ignored this post. Always stay ignorant, /sci/, always.

>> No.3795535

this is because of liberalism. without intelligent people being forced to subsidize the existence of third worlders, low IQ people would have low populations as well. but since intelligent people are forced to feed and heal them, and all they know how to do is have sex and eat, its no wonder theyre over populating while the intelligent are under populating

>> No.3795541

>if there was a race that was smarter than humans, I would jump ship in a second and go hang out with them.
>a race that was smarter than humans

As far as we can tell, the Boskops were still humans. They were a separate "race" (for lack of a better word) of humans, but not a wholly separate species by any means.

>> No.3795542

> without intelligent people being forced to subsidize the existence of third worlders, low IQ people would have low populations as well

Meanwhile China has higher average IQ than any first world'er. BUT THEY NOT CREATIVE HURR DURR DERP

>> No.3795553

have you been to China?
that place is fucked up.
might have higher IQ's but you sure wouldn't know it to see how they live.

>> No.3795556




>> No.3795557

im not really if you are even aware of the ridiculousness of your own argument. by my logic, china should have a good sized population with a high iq, because they can feed and heal themselves.

>> No.3795561

thanks to the jewish marxist infection, but at least now china is fascist so they are recovering.

>> No.3795563

this is what stormfags believe.

>> No.3795564

OP, your thread is now officially ruined. How do you feel? Suicidal?

>> No.3795571


>> No.3795578
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>> No.3795583

lol the skelton s r kissin

>> No.3795587

there are no legitimate paleoanthro or morphology threads on /sci/.

If you actually made the mistake of starting one you're a retard.

so are you a retard or a stormfag? Or both?

no reply necessary.

>> No.3795588


>> No.3795602

I enjoyed this thread OP.
Perhaps an ecological disaster lead to their eventual demise.
Smart people don't have the answer to everything.
Without seismographs, how would they prepare for an earthquake?
With no early warning systems, how would they prepare for an especially harsh winter?
This whole "if you're intelligent enough you'll survive" stuff is horseshit when you factor in the hundreds of environmental factors that could lead to death.

>> No.3795612

Also, I have to agree with>>3795518
If they were truly intelligent, we'd have seen some evidence of tools, unless they only made biodegradable tools.
Perhaps while the Neanderthal came to grips with hunting, killing and skinning with primitive tools, the Boskop were too busy creating cave paintings and foraging.
You can't forage very well in a harsh winter, which would tie my original post to this quite well.

>> No.3795627

That's a good point. There could easily have been an earthquake, hurricane, etc., that wiped them out, independent of any possible effort on their part to avoid it. Of course they didn't have ambulances or trauma surgeons, so this could exacerbate the death toll.

It's a shame we haven't recovered any of their DNA. Good night, sweet princes.

>> No.3795709


>It's a shame we haven't recovered any of their DNA. Good night, sweet princes.

Cant it be extracted from the bones?

We should clone them.

>> No.3795717

A race of aspies?

>> No.3795720

Clone them and we will have a massive /sci/ userbase.

>> No.3795721


>Discover magazine gave Lynch and Granger' book a "fairly positive review"[2] and reprinted an excerpt. John Hawks says "The portrayal of "Boskops" in the Discover excerpt is so out of line with anthropology of the last forty years, that I am amazed the magazine printed it. I am unaware of any credible biological anthropologist or archaeologist who would confirm their description of the "Boskopoids," except as an obsolete category from the history of anthropology."

>He does note that the Web editor at Discover replied that 'the excerpt was intended to run identified as a "controversial idea, but that context didn't come across as intended."'. and that "The web page has been changed to make that context clear".

>> No.3795726

So we that have been saying that shit about brain size ratio not being THAT important were right?

So much for you faggots that can only think of size and not structure.

>> No.3795733

no, the ones that said Boskop man doesn't exist were right.

or those that pointed out that many modern people have brains 30% larger than average as well. which nobody did, but I will go ahead and do that.

>> No.3795740
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>Boskop man doesn't exist

Oh boy, so we have fossil evidence but they don't exist?

Did I just step into a parallel universe where /sci/ were Creationists?

Fossils and skeleton remains are pretty strong evidence. I'd like to see what evidence there is that can possibly debunk all this.

>> No.3795745

we also have fossil evidence of Trachodon, Brontosaurus, and maybe even Nanotyrannus, none of which exist.

don't get into paleo arguments you don't understand now.

>> No.3795758

They were too busy hiding in their caves, playing LoL and doing math problems.

>> No.3795762
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>> No.3795774

Paleontology really seems like the shoddiest of science from an outside perspective. Really just seems like they're making shit up from time to time.

>> No.3795785

you just need to understand the difference between fact and speculation.

bones are fact.
the rest is speculation.

It's only when people confuse the two that we get threads like this crap.

>> No.3795786

They don't have much evidence to work with. But they try.

>> No.3795799

I came here on a neutrino, and I can confirm that they went aliens,

>> No.3795809

>thinks brainsize shows perfect correlation with IQ

Neanderthals had bigger brains than us, but still they were dumber (as shown by their primitive tools)..

>> No.3795823

0/10 troll detected

>> No.3795829

Actually, Neanderthals were more intelligent than us.

>> No.3795831

We have no evidence that they were less intelligent.

>> No.3795837

he actually has a great point.

we measure technology not intelligence in extinct hominids. Can't exactly hand out IQ tests to extinct people.

there's plenty of people with huge heads and low IQ's around, you're probably one of them.

>> No.3795840

If they were smart, then how come their tools remained more-or-less the same for 100s of thousands of years, were as the tools of H. sapiens kept on evolving towards better and better..

>> No.3795857

what technology did the homo sapiens have before the neanderthals died out? only after the neanderthals had some sex with homo sapiens to create whites and asians did the homo sapiens start making useful shit, that's why niggers, who didn't fuck neanderthals, are still stupid and africa's a shithole

>> No.3795869

hand axes, butchering flakes, pebble tools- much like neanderthals, only far earlier.

>> No.3795873
File: 96 KB, 323x323, srslyuguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circular logic.

>Why are Neanderthals intelligent?
Because whites and Asians have Neanderthal genes. Niggers don't. Whites and Asians are superior to niggers. Therefore Neanderthals must have been smart.

>Why are whites and Asians intelligent?
Because they have Neanderthal genes.

>> No.3795882

>speed of light is broken
>time travel discovered in the future
>people of the future go study prehistory
>some of them die for a reason
>the others go back to their time
>paleontology is trolled for centuries

>> No.3795886

>If they were smart, then how come their tools remained more-or-less the same for 100s of thousands of years, were as the tools of H. sapiens kept on evolving towards better and better..

Because humans have Spiral Energy, which trumps intelligence.

>> No.3795887

would kinda fuck with our c14 though, wouldn't it...

>> No.3795888
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So this must be the direction of human evolution.

>> No.3795897
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>implying a futuristic race of Boskops wouldn't have accounted for that

>> No.3795916





>> No.3795929

>just believes whatever he reads

this is why you aren't doing anything important.

>> No.3795937

Or maybe they just eventually blended in to the rest of humans living around there or just died off after, contact with modern black humans.

Someone should search African history for more clues of what happened. 10 000 years is not so long time, myths and legends in African folk tales may still be around

>> No.3795943

Neanderthals lived in Europe and the Middle East. Not Africa.

>> No.3795962
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Still talking about boskops

>> No.3795984

Oh, nevermind.

You're right. I'm sure there must have been be some contact with them. I would guess that there is some oral history someplace about a "strange tribe."

>> No.3796015
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Also, it may be connected with Nephilim skulls

>> No.3796028


gentlemen, we've just solved the mystery of who designed
the pyramids

>> No.3796050

Super intelligent Boskops build the pyramids.

Damn right

>> No.3796053

You are really, really ugly. I'd go so far as to say that you are heinously ugly. Stop posting photos of your hideous man face, nobody cares. Fuck, you are disgusting.

>> No.3796069
File: 406 KB, 1280x1024, ekjizz3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pics she posts are of a YouTube atheist whore named "Facts vs Religion."

Pic related is EK's actual face. We dox'd her a few months ago. Her name is Rose Elizabeth Kelly-Lines. Don't know why she keeps posting even though she confirmed that as her identity.

>> No.3796078

EK is still fucking ugly, regardless. Not to mention a complete idiot, as most women are; however, she seems tremendously retarded... I can't stand unattractive attention whores.

>> No.3796089

my ghod


>> No.3796100

ek is a pigwhale

Fat smelly gluttonous beast

>> No.3796130

Your all idioths



>> No.3796144

I dont know what the fuck I'm looking at, whats wrong with it's face?

>> No.3796161

he ejaculated onto the picture...

>> No.3796166

isn't it sad the only people who would ejaculate on you are fat virgin neckbeards with aspergers living in their parents basements lol you ugly bitch

>> No.3796174

You're looking at a dumb cow.

>> No.3796175

I thought it was just some huge deformed face, just another fat 4chan whore.

>> No.3796184

You would be correct, my good sir.

>> No.3796322

That's because it was a random link with no explanation of what it was. If someone posts a link and nothing else people tend not to bother clicking it.

>> No.3796358

If they are so smart, why are they dead? Checkmate.

>> No.3796394
File: 3 KB, 126x96, Hvaså.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We killed them off because we are a retarded lifeform.

>> No.3796402

Here's my theory as to why they are extinct.
South Africa doesn't have fertile soil, or good cereal grains growing near it at the time. Africa also has a poor selection of livestock, i actually think it originally had none. Since these guys never had a constant food surplus due to lack of good farming conditions none of them could become specialized. Also due to their larger brains they probably needed more calories, and their larger heads made it harder for them run after prey.

>> No.3796416

did u know that milk cows come from India

true fax

>> No.3796436

So I'm guessing they were niggers?

That's why they died out.

>> No.3796454

lol smart niggers

>> No.3796505

They were definitely different from modern blacks (indeed, they were different from all modern humans), although their skin was probably as dark due to adapting to the African climate.

>> No.3796663

They must have looked like fucking aliens with those out-of-proportion skulls.

But their bigger brains may have been caused by some weird genetic mutation that wasn't passed on much since then, since it made them less attractive probably. I mean, baby face and bigger skull isn't exactly what most women choose as mates. On average, they choose the opposite: smaller brains/intelligence and more ape-like looks.

>> No.3796667

>>Evolve large brains, probably by using the brain so much
>>go extinct because large brain hinders running after prey

The scene in my head, of 'Grays' running over a field, chasing after an antelope with bows and spears, just makes me rofl ..oh there goes another one losing his balance and falling down coz his head is too big

>> No.3797175

an extinct race

>> No.3797354

This thread reeks of science fiction, here's the truth about this boskop race.

>> No.3797640


Implying the woman had a choice on who was going to rape them.

>> No.3797679

Well, we can't really infer the thickness of cortical columns from skulls, can we?

>> No.3799622

Egghead nerd master race doesn't rape. Niggers do.

>> No.3799641

This is so much BS it barely justifies a reaction, even from /sci/.

>> No.3799654

>complain about factual inaccuracies
>link to blog


>> No.3799661

might i suggest some light reading for your uneducated, bigoted arse

>> No.3799816


>> No.3800334

lol bump

>> No.3800393 [DELETED] 
