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File: 26 KB, 495x370, europe-v-usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3792894 No.3792894 [Reply] [Original]

Europe: reinventing physics

USA: trying to stop evolution being taught, denying global warming

>> No.3792902

inb4 amerifats

why trying so hard yurop?

we've been shitting out stuff like this for a century now, it's finally time you jump on board.

>> No.3792901

Sounds legit.

>> No.3792907

Fucking Italian scientists think that neutrino's travel faster than light. Since when did those Niggers ever do anything right?

>> No.3792905

I think you meant to say

USA: winning more nobel prizes than the next 5 highest countries combined

>> No.3792911

Europe: Going down the shithole
America: Already in the shithole
Asia: Booming

>> No.3792930


Europe: Going down the shithole
America: Already in the shithole
Asia: Filled with peasants who get paid nothing and live in huts with their 600 family members

>> No.3792945

Most of europe's status with american banks: AAA
America's status with american banks: AA+

>> No.3792958

It's slightly better now, that's considered booming when talking about Asia - the worlds provider of shit we don't even need.

>> No.3792987

>Attributing scientific discoveries to an entire fucking continent and not the individuals involved
Trying to somehow include yourself in CERN by calling them "Europe" is fucking pathetic.

>> No.3792993

Just wait until the next debt ceiling debate starts, America. Our children already suck at everything, can't even get jobs if they do manage to somehow learn to add and spell and get a bachelor's degree.

inb4 Liberty

>> No.3793008

> implying CERN isn't a multinational institution employing physicists from every developed country


>> No.3793018


Seriously now?

>> No.3793039

you forgot
> scrap NASA

>> No.3793040

Give that damn tired argument up already. Every damn generation says the exact freaking thing about the next one.

The truth is constant. 90% are useless idiots. 10% will carry them forward.

>> No.3793041

fucking this, I've got a bachelors and no one will hire me because jobs in my field feel they can demand a Masters + experience and jobs outside my field have masses of less educated people clamoring for the same position

it's fucking terrible. Good thing those rich people we're not taxing have produced all those jobs right?

>> No.3793055

Nope, just european scientsts.
Centre for EUROPEAN nuclear research

>> No.3793069

Actually, scientist from every country paid by european money.

>> No.3793074


>> No.3793093

ITT: people who don't know that the US contributed almost half a billion dollars to the LHC's construction.

>> No.3793107

Pennies compared to most european countries

>> No.3793097

Bro, you're so mad you can't even form a coherent sentance.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be mad too if I lived in the only country to even join the third world.

>> No.3793115

>americans still have highest gdp
>strongest military
>best higher education
>most noble prizes
>leader of the corporate world
>cultural leader of the world
>political leader of the word

cool beans.

>> No.3793124

Well, thanks for trying to wreck the INTERNATIONAL effort on the James Webb Telescope. Thanks America.

>> No.3793133

Trolls: Relying on obvious hyperbole (which is about as subtle as a sledgehammer) instead of carefully thought-out trolling subjects.

>> No.3793135

Sounds like less than we give the oil companies in tax breaks. But keep pretending we science now.

>> No.3793136

It's still a shithole.

What does that tell you?

>> No.3793137

Bingo. We have a spelling mistake in a post criticising grammar.

>> No.3793142

I believe China has the highest GDP.

>> No.3793148

This faggot knows what he's talking about.

>> No.3793175


Without money from the govern they wouldn't be doing science, so I have the right to say "we"

>> No.3793176
File: 323 KB, 489x425, 1305339083505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw America only functions because it goes to war every decade over bullshit reasons.

If the rest of the world wasn't such a pussy and told America enough was enough they would be worse off than the mid east.

But I'm glad to be alive at this time, the collapse of America and even maybe Europe is going to happen by the end of our lifetime.

>> No.3793173

It doesn't sound like you live where I live. You are probably just some troll who has never been to the region you are commenting on. That kind of attitude doesn't allow you to change your position on anything. Why are you here?

>> No.3793182

I wasn't criticising his grammar, I was criticising the fact his sentance made no sense with no obvious typing/spelling error

>> No.3793184


>collapse of Europe

Big fucking deal, we collapse every century and then get back to work

>> No.3793187

Trying to ignore the truth, Americanfag?

>> No.3793216

>implying america didnt give fuck tons of cash to CERN
>implying no american scientists work at CERN

>> No.3793217

Pull your head out of your ass, it has nothing to do with America, we're incompetent over here just as over there.

The goverment restricts the banks, people and goverment fucks up and then we just ask questions instead of taking charge.

While america just throw darts at the world for their next attack, just waiting for that cashflow from the taxpayers while producing almost no exports.

America has to go to war, they have nothing else to do.

Europe is going down the drain because it's a fuckwit who pays lazy people to be lazy, then throw money at the problem.

>> No.3793233

>break into CERN
>jump in the neutrino accelerator
>grab one single neutrino
>travel faster than the speed of light

Problem americans ?

>> No.3793238

neutrino flys right through you.

>> No.3793250


What has that do with my post

>> No.3793257

I'm a skinny, American atheist, and there are millions more like me.