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[ERROR] No.3788612 [Reply] [Original]

Should I major in aerospace engineering or chemical engineering or economics? Which one has higher wages?

>> No.3788645

which ever one you want. Don't go into something for money. To many people get jobs they hate just so they can be rich and they end up being miserable. Thats why I'm an Anthropology major, because its what I love.

>> No.3788659

I love all of these that I listed. That's why I'm asking which one out of the ones I love is paid the best.

>> No.3788674


pick 1

>> No.3788676

Aerospace Engineering then. Chemical Engineering has some of the worst job security, and Economics is too unstable for the forseeable future

>> No.3788669

You love them now. Wait until you've been in the field for 15 years.

I'd recommend chem or aerospace.

>> No.3788685

so you love waiting tables or being a barrista, cool.

all of those pay well enough that it will really come down to your ability. there isn't one that comes out way ahead of the others. chemical is probably the highest right out of undergrad, but that changes up if you go to grad school or go into finance.

>> No.3788762

No I love staying in school to get my PHD so I can enjoy the 100%employment rate for Anthropology PHDs in academia.

>> No.3788785

>Which one has higher wages?

Typically undergraduates are not paid wages to go to school at all, let alone wages based on major. In fact, they usually have to pay.

>> No.3788824


"Average salary" is meaningless, *even if* you yourself are exactly average and go to an exactly average school. All of those things open up a range of opportunities. Pick whichever one you find most interesting and are best at.

>> No.3788848
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keep ignoring that higher education bubble and the fact that soft departments are going to be decimated when the bubble pops.

i have some Lehman Brothers stock that i would like to sell you as well.

>> No.3789102
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Lol, your post ended the thread. Everybody knows the silent eery truth.

>> No.3789165

Higher education is state-funded where I live, so it costs dirt cheap. About 34 dollars a month.

Free-market sucks. Fuck your 'freedom'. We're better off without it.

>> No.3789209

> what I pay
> what it costs
choose 1

>> No.3789228

The people actually dare to make sacrifices for the common good where I live (EU, except for a few states which are in debt - still nothing compared to the US debt), unlike in the shitty 'land of the free, home of the brave' you live in. Fuck your 'freedom'. We don't want it, and don't force it on us.

>> No.3789315

oh boy XD

>> No.3789349 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3789343

>>(EU, except for a few states which are in debt - still nothing compared to the US debt)

All of the major states in the EU (Italy, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands) have larger debts as a percent of GDP than the US.


It's all very nice to claim that people are willing to make "sacrifices for the common good" but your claims are simply not supported by facts.

>> No.3789348

not to interrupt your "yurop is superior fuck bush american nazis" rant, but have you considered the real cost of your supposedly "cheap" education?

>> No.3789368
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>> No.3789383


>> No.3789376
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>> No.3789415
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I thought you were claiming that the US has more debt. That is patently false, as my post showed. Why are you posting something about taxes now? Moving the goalposts after your claim has been dis-proven?

>> No.3789451

>I thought you were claiming that the US has more debt. That is patently false


US has more debt than any other country. The entire EU comes second.

>Why are you posting something about taxes now?
Because are you said this:
>It's all very nice to claim that people are willing to make "sacrifices for the common good" but your claims are simply not supported by facts.

>> No.3789462

samefag here,
Because you said this *
I wanted to say "Because you are claiming this:", but then didn't want to say it, and then it fucked up like this.

>> No.3789475

Students can enjoy far cheaper education in the EU than in the US.

>> No.3789498

If your concern is for higher wages, you have no right to be a scientist.

>> No.3789522

Fun fact: everybody in this thread is a moron. derp

>> No.3789538

>US has more debt than any other country. The entire EU comes second.
Why are you so dumb? Click to sort by % of GDP. The US has more debt but it has a larger economy. France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the UK all have larger external debts as % of GDP than the US.

Your claim that
>(EU, except for a few states which are in debt - still nothing compared to the US debt)
is completely false. It is not a few states which are "nothing compared to the US debt". All major EU states have both more external and public debt compared to their economy (I doubt you even know the difference if you're talking about taxes and *external* debt) than the US.

>> No.3789561

US has the highest debt per GDP per capita as well.
Debt to GDP is largely irrelevant, it's the debt per GDP per capita which counts, as it measures the country's ability to pay out debt. The higher the value is, the more impact the debt has on it's citizens.

Fucking stupid moron.

>> No.3789568

I rarely see so much butthurt over such an innocuous response.

>> No.3789623
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I seem to have gotten you caboose clobbered because you've become incoherent.

"debt per GDP per capita" (which you say twice so you seem to be deliberately using it) is not on that list, or any list, because it is meaningless. No organization uses it. Not the UN, IMF, OECD, Eurostat, CIA, nobody.

This is because if the US and Vatican city both have GDP per capita of $40,000 and 40 billion in debt, then they will both have the same debt per gdp per capita. But 40 billion in debt would be nothing for the US but crushing for Vatican city, because of how many fewer people it has.

>> No.3789658

>is not on that list, or any list, because it is meaningless. No organization uses it. Not the UN, IMF, OECD, Eurostat, CIA, nobody.

Wait, so if no organization uses it, it's meaningless? Fucking stupid moron. Learn to use logic.

Debt to GDP per capita is largely useful, as long as it's combined with the value of the total external debt.

Simple debt per GDP is largely irrelevant.

>> No.3789679

US has the highest external debt in the world:

>> No.3789696
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>>Wait, so if no organization uses it, it's meaningless? Fucking stupid moron. Learn to use logic.
>>Simple debt per GDP is largely irrelevant.

If some poster on 4chan has some statistic for analyzing debt that no public finance organization in the world uses and also claims that statistics these organizations do use (debt per gdp) are irrelevant, he should just step back and consider if he's making shit up to save face.

But we don't have to rely on the fact that no one uses "debt per gdp per capita" as the entire argument against it. I've already explained how using debt to gdp per capita would give ridiculous results because the US and Vatican city could have the same debt to gdp per capita despite the debt being much worse for the Vatican city. We can even assume external debt is zero so those are the same as well. If two countries with the same debt per gdp per capita can have very different severities of debt, then "debt per gdp per capita" is not "useful" as you claim, but irrelevant. It is just something you made up for this thread.

>> No.3789701


>> No.3789710

The relationship between the external debt, the GDP per capita, and the citizen count is not GDP per capita alone, you dumb moron. If the US would pay off it's debt today, and if, say, France would pay off all of it's debt today, the US would suffer far more dramatic consequences on the citizens due to the fact that the relationship I pointed out isn't in the US' favor.

>> No.3789760
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>>If the US would pay off it's debt today, and if, say, France would pay off all of it's debt today, the US would suffer far more dramatic consequences on the citizens due to the fact that the relationship I pointed out isn't in the US' favor.

Did you even read the wikipedia article you linked?

If the US paid off its external debt today, every citizen would have to pay 99% of his yearly income or $47,568 per capita to it. Every French citizen would have to $74,619 or 182% of his yearly income to it. And you think the US would suffer more dramatic consequences?

GTFO, you retarded Eurofag.