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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 338 KB, 1228x829, cern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3787799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

CERN livestream general. Conference starts in 7 minutes. Get in here, /sci/entists.


>> No.3787805

Why is the screen for the speaker so much smaller than the powerpoint screen?

>> No.3787813

>someone saying 'BOO' into the mic

>> No.3787817

Because the slides are infinitely more important than seeing the facial expressions of a scientist

>> No.3787819


Because the slides are the interesting part and not the guy speaking? Durr.

>> No.3787822

>those scientists
>it's mother fucking friday and they just broke ftl

>> No.3787831

>it begins

>> No.3787837


>> No.3787839

FUCK! It's too low.

>> No.3787841

Tea and Coffe ready.

Lock n load.

>> No.3787842



>> No.3787848
File: 77 KB, 450x268, 1312865322338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pa... I ja isto :)

>> No.3787852

lol he just reads out powerpoint
fail at courses

>> No.3787854

>past experimental results

I'm already lost.

>> No.3787857

I know. Me too.


Gave up at 'past experimental results'

>> No.3787858


i ja isto, što sad

mučite i gledajte

>> No.3787859

>168,000 light years, which is very long

At least he thinks about us people not knowing shit about physics.

>> No.3787860
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postin in a sticky

>> No.3787869
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>> No.3787871
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I regret having never taken physics in my life. How lost would I be if I started with the MIT Physics I course online?

>> No.3787872

I don't understand what's happening but I'm happy just to be watching.

>> No.3787879

>I fucked the detector


>> No.3787877

Depends on how well you know your math, if you have a good grasp on algebra and calculus, you should be fine.

>> No.3787881

Haha, I was not the only one that heard it.

>> No.3787883

i would too

>> No.3787884

posting in a...

sticky? When did this happen?

>> No.3787885

>dat cellphone

>> No.3787886

look for time travellers in the audience...

>> No.3787887

>Making fun of the man's pronunciation
Get out, you don't belong here.

>> No.3787888

>gigga bitt internet-a network

>> No.3787889

I have no idea what is going on.

>> No.3787891

Haha, no.

>> No.3787896

Posting in a sticky during a turning point for mankind.

>> No.3787893
File: 13 KB, 305x358, avaruuskulttuuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ei vittu Soini mitä sä täällä teet :D

>> No.3787894

This is what would have happened if Mario was old and a scientist

>> No.3787895
File: 14 KB, 300x400, whystanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucked the detector

>> No.3787900

Can someone break down what's going on? I'm a simpleton that's interested but don't know what's happening.

>> No.3787901

>Embedded Linouks
>Embedded Linouks
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>Embedded Linouks
>Embedded Linouks
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>Embedded Linouks
>Embedded Linouks
>Embedded Linouks
>Embedded Linouks
>Embedded Linouks

>> No.3787902

Dude, stop being such a fucktard. It was a fun pronunciation.

>> No.3787904


Suck on that, windowstards.

>> No.3787907

>saging sticky

>> No.3787908

Posting in a sticky during a turning point for mankind.

>> No.3787912
File: 115 KB, 145x200, ES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oisko ES hetki paikalla? :-------DDD

>> No.3787913
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>> No.3787919

I don't know what the FUCK is going on

>> No.3787915

>complete 3D model of the lab on screen

>> No.3787916

"We made a super kickass device that measures things and we measured some particles that went faster than light therefore Einstein was wrong."

>> No.3787917

inb4 he gets killed by an alien before explaining the final results

>> No.3787920

>dat 730km tunnel

When the fuck did they build that? I thought this was done in LHC.

>> No.3787921

Well shit, Pack your things we're going to Alpha Centauri

>> No.3787922

>Mankind not realizing this is a turning point

>> No.3787923

Coming from /jp/ I have autosage, it doesn't mean I hate the thread or anything you fucking newhomo.

>> No.3787924
File: 22 KB, 351x359, 1314842929867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is that tunnel 730 km long?

>> No.3787937


Welcome to the world of particle accelerators.

>> No.3787925
File: 1.77 MB, 300x174, Blessed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I can't wait for someone to simplify this to the point where I understand it...

>> No.3787926


Just merging the conversation from that thread. Linking so people know what we were talking about there.

As said, seems to be describing the experiment itself right now, I bet some of you are creaming your pants right now.

>> No.3787927

>Not even reading the release article

>> No.3787928

You don't need a tunnel for neutrinos to go through.

>> No.3787929

If science is right and those particles really travelled faster than light, shouldn't they have known these results before conducting the experiment?

Check and mate, scientist fags.

>> No.3787930

That's half my cock size.

>> No.3787932

Anybody watching who understands what the fuck he is talking about?

>> No.3787933
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>> No.3787934

The neutrinos don't go through a tunnel, they go through the ground

>> No.3787935


>> No.3787936
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>> No.3787938

If we see one, don't say it instantly. Because they will know in the future and not travel to the time we saw it, we must somehow fool them.

>> No.3787941
File: 55 KB, 400x420, 1294206295131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with a picture
>in a sticky

>> No.3787944
File: 22 KB, 272x219, assburgeroidi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oisko assburger hetki houkuttelevampi?

>> No.3787947


I can't believe we're witnessing this. OMFG.

>where were you at the turning point for mankind?
>on 4chan /sci/

>> No.3787948

am i the only one who can't get a stable stream? fuck this shit.

>> No.3787952

Moot fixed the picture-sage-bug months ago

>> No.3787958

wtf am I looking at and wtf am I hearing? Can anyone here actually make sense of this dude?

>> No.3787953

So, basically, it's magic. Got it.

>> No.3787954

I'm not even trying to understand what he's talking about anymore.

I'm enjoying his accent.

>> No.3787955

you are

>> No.3787957

Click the Site 1 in the link. Open that stream in a window, then open the slideshow stream in another

>> No.3787960

>faster than light achieved
>fags saging sticky
>I fucked detector

>> No.3787961

>the protons are not flat

Why is that so fucking funny?

>> No.3787962
File: 317 KB, 128x146, 131346953995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eiköhän se käy. Gifussa assburger kokee FTL.

>> No.3787968


>> No.3787966


>> No.3787967

posting in epic 2nd /sci/ sticky!

I wish I knew more about physics or engineering! I can only pick up on the very basics of what they're doing - but it's still damned interesting.

>> No.3787969


Nah, unless you know advanced physics, odds are that most of what he's saying is incomprehensible to you.

So far, he's explaining what they did, how they did it and the problems they ran into while doing it.

>> No.3787970

Currently they are talking about the synchronization of the clocks that measure when the neutrino beam left, and when it arrived in the other destination

>> No.3787971

I hate how he goes, "The system sucks and its unrealiable.... but we upgraded it in 2008 so its good now".
Giving me heart attackas each time he does something like that.

>> No.3787972
File: 216 KB, 1012x833, AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assburgerimpaa paikaa kuin /sci/ on vaikea löytää.

>> No.3787973

I don't understand anything he is saying at all and it is awesome.

>> No.3787976

>We stole the device


>> No.3787978

so does this mean Einstein was hoax or what?

>> No.3787980
File: 20 KB, 446x600, Albert_Einstein_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be willing to answer questions after I leave the presentation (and I make it back to my office). Unless I go drinking afterwards.

FYI - "Accurate time syncronization of the Beam" - THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. Probably the part they will be scrutinized the most.

>> No.3787982

>We stole the devices

>> No.3787983

>we stole the device


>> No.3787984

they send time underground? WTF MAN?

>> No.3787993

It means that the scientific community aren't too different from christians. Both believe the lies of long dead jews.

>> No.3787985

The device has been modified.

>> No.3787986


He said "installed"

>> No.3787988


>> No.3787989


>> No.3787991

No you fuck, he was right untill they discovered something new.

>> No.3787992
File: 28 KB, 768x768, 1306699190001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3787994

>we installed the device from cern

doesn't make sense, he probably meant "took" instead of stole, but his genes.. y'know.

>> No.3787995

So, did they do that or not?

>> No.3787996
File: 25 KB, 510x546, Ultramug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He meant to say the device was gifted.

>> No.3787997
File: 182 KB, 489x746, tesla1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3787998

So THAT is what Switzerland has been doing all this time. I was wondering wtf was going on in that country except for banks and shit.

>> No.3787999

one nanosecond. So if they play WoW they got really nice ping, dont they

>> No.3788004

But how could he be right if he was clearly wrong?

>> No.3788000

Could someone explain the general situation to a layman with an interest?

>> No.3788002
File: 17 KB, 300x300, Not-again-picard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it too much to ask to stop the trolling for a few fucking minutes while we discuss this?

>> No.3788003

This guy is fucking up powerpoint worse than my professors

>> No.3788005


>> No.3788007

I've already decided that when each human gets a solar system of his own to command, mine shall be called the Hibernian System.

Do you think the US is already building star cruisers?

>> No.3788008

well, no. switzerland is just giving the land, but cern is mainly european

>> No.3788009
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>> No.3788011 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 300x244, 1304271410831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this sounds most likely.

>mfw All we are doing when they revolutionize the world of physics, is making fun of his accent and mispronunciations.

>> No.3788010

Loving his accent.

>> No.3788012


It means he had no way of performing what CERN can perform because he lived at a time when this was not possible. It's like criticizing people before Copernican because they didn't have telescopes.

>> No.3788013


>> No.3788014

i am too fucking tired to listen to the scientist dude.

but. i. have. to. stay. and. watch.

>> No.3788015

So he hasn't really said anything important yet, right? He's just going over the equipment used and the minute details before getting into the experiment from what I can tell. Then again, I'm an economics major so my understanding of physics is very limited.

>> No.3788018


>> No.3788019

He talked about fucking the detector earlier.

I wouldn't deem that unimportant.

>> No.3788024

>Detter mine

>> No.3788020


Given the evidence mankind had at that point, he was entirely correct.

>> No.3788022


>bumping a sticky

>> No.3788023

Don't talk about GPS, I don't give a fuck about how GPS timing works.

>> No.3788025

Are they going to do the experiment again, live?

>> No.3788026
File: 89 KB, 600x429, gaston2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apparently a particle that's real fucking weird because it doesn't interact with conventional matter in any meaningful way doesn't obey the established laws of physics and they measured that with a huge fucking tube except they had issues because their GPS was getting buttfucked by plate tectonics.

>> No.3788027


i think that him fucking that detector tampered with the results

>> No.3788030

by that logic ancient religions were also correct

>> No.3788036

That feel.

I'm going to get so drunk tonight celebrating others achievements.

>> No.3788031

Posting in a sticky about neutinos about a neutrinos been ftl!


>> No.3788032

>GPS was getting buttfucked by plate tectonics.
Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.3788033
File: 496 KB, 498x487, Moijoni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3788034

Inb4 some random Italian guy pressed a couple of buttons wrong and this is the blunder of the century

>> No.3788035

I don't know why I'm watching this, I don't know what he's talking about.

I feel like if I don't watch it, I'll be missing history.

>> No.3788038

Yes and the audience will disappear

>> No.3788039

Guys, this has huge implications in science, and religion.

Just think of all the creationists who will say "If Einstein was wrong and all he had were theories, how can you believe in science?"

>> No.3788040
File: 361 KB, 274x200, 1316541465446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tiny ass irrelevant particle nobody gives a shit about can cheat and go faster than the speed of light

I wish I could hate you people to death.

>> No.3788041

So what. No Event Horizon yet?

>> No.3788042

>getting something wrong
See this makes sense.

>> No.3788043

Does they sell a cern at wallmart ?

>> No.3788044

what's the name of the man?

>> No.3788045
File: 27 KB, 507x520, strategie-marketing-tourisme-destination-france.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3788047

You would be.

>> No.3788049
File: 27 KB, 640x480, neutrinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think that weird hover car was that fast, but all right.

>> No.3788050
File: 602 KB, 488x488, ISHYGDDT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Settling on a single star

Fuck that, I'll be a bad-ass mercenary, roaming space and looting resources from those stupid enough to stay in one place.

"xX-weed-420-sephiroth-Xx" is what I'll call my ship.

>> No.3788061

It's written at the fucking bottom of the slide, like in every other slideshow in the history of mankind.

>> No.3788051

this guy is italian

<3 germany

>> No.3788053

>can cheat
That's... not how the universe works.

>> No.3788054


No really, listen. They were calculating the travel time with a GPS device. However, their measurements weren't precise enough and one of the reasons was plate tectonics were fucking with it. Just by a few dozen nanoseconds, mind you, but it did. So they used a different GPS.

>> No.3788056


I wasn't going to dignify you with a response but seriously, fuck your shit.

>> No.3788057


>> No.3788060

Dario Autiero

>> No.3788065 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 227x222, mfw_wtfno..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, mfw when powerpoint and not beamer.

>> No.3788062
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>> No.3788069

Their margin of error was +/- 10 ns.

It moved between 70 ns-1 or it moved 50 ns-1 so it's not significant if it got fucked.

>> No.3788070

0/10 Neutrino, see me after class!

>> No.3788072

>One of the base blocks in the theory of relativity is that nothing can move faster than the speed of light
>Major building block in modern physics

>Find something that travel faster than light
>"It's just a small particle, it's irrelevant"

>> No.3788073

old profile pic is old: http://it-it.facebook.com/darioautiero

>> No.3788074

>slow bump

>> No.3788075

Stupid question

If you go faster than light aren't you travelling backwards in time?

>> No.3788076

Okabe Rintaro

>> No.3788079

>slow bump

>> No.3788080

nice gf btw

>> No.3788082



>> No.3788085

No, you're going faster than time

>> No.3788087

Slow Bump

>> No.3788088


>> No.3788089

>implying anybody in this thread understands what he's saying

>> No.3788090

What if there was actually an experiment done downstairs at CERN by some cheeky buggers that just wanted to troll those squares upstairs.

>> No.3788091

You're travelling in the punch dimension.

>> No.3788092

Yeah, but you were talking about it like it mattered in the experiment, but since they changed it it didn't matter, so no need to bring it up!

>> No.3788094


I just know that any moment now they're going to create dark matter live

>> No.3788099

So does this mean anything beyond "k that theory maybe wasn't right"? Like, is this knowledge even useful?

>> No.3788095

>implying i disagree with you

>> No.3788096


I just wish people would stop thinking that because this tiny particle can teleport across space at high speeds, that means we can go WARP SPEED in a fucking space ship. It doesn't work that way.

>> No.3788097

this guy doesnt appear really excited for defying physics as we know it

>> No.3788098

Well good, I can't wait till we're all faster than time. I had to wait an hour once, took 60 fucking minutes!

>> No.3788100

Too many darned acronyms. It's already tough for non-physicists, but abbreviating everything only makes it harder.

Anyone care to provide a summary (other than "he's talking about the synchronisation")?

>> No.3788101


The Event Horizon didn't go faster than light, it created an artificial black hole in order to stabilize a wormhole, allowing it to travel to an intended destination.


Have you heard they learned how to bypass the Heisenberg uncertainty principle earlier this year?

>> No.3788102


Professionalism. Look it up.

>> No.3788104

Physicists are never excited.

>> No.3788112


That's what I'm saying, they were using a GPS earlier and it had a greater variance, so they changed it. Part of that variance was caused by plate tectonics.

>> No.3788106


>> No.3788108

What? When you're faster than time, you go at infinite, so you don't time anymore

>> No.3788110

Yesterday we thought it impossible for anything to go faster than light. Look where we are 24 hours later.

>> No.3788111

>create dark matter live


>> No.3788114

>In Switzerland, helium comes in bags.

>> No.3788117
File: 18 KB, 268x326, Einstein_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OPERA experiment is presenting there results. They claim to have measured some neutrinos traveling faster then the speed of light.

No one (Outside of OPERA, maybe a few exceptions) has seen these results until now.
This is the first presentation to show other physicists what they have done. It started at 16:00 CERN, is in the main auditorium, and is a packed house. Most physicist resecheduled there meetings today around this event.

This presentation is made for physicists, by physicists, so yeah, it may get kinda technical. Also, there was free tea and coffee at 15:30, it was good.

>> No.3788119

*infinite speed, don't feel time anymore

No, they'll create dark matter on camera

>> No.3788120

Don't listen to tripfags, especially on /sci/

>> No.3788131

I don't think that we will have WARP flight tomorrow, that's just you being stupid bringing that up.
We might have WARP drives in 1000 years away from this, but this is still huge, because this opens up so many new possibilities that before were thought impossible.

This might trigger a complete revolution within physics, re-writing the entire physics model, which could bring stuff like infinite energy and so on. Not tomorrow mind you, but in 10-50 years.

>> No.3788121

Yep, the top scientists at CERN definitely did not take plate tectonics into account when analyzing the systematic errors.

>> No.3788124

It's not like he discovered that yesterday, we did

>> No.3788125
File: 37 KB, 540x270, 1576532_3_0185_le-chercheur-dario-autiero-sur-le-site-de-gran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you

>> No.3788129

>mon visage quand les gens pensent que le CERN est une initiative largement francophone

>> No.3788130

1 - It's tripfriend
2 - We're as respectable as any other tripfriends

>> No.3788132

totally worth it

>> No.3788133


I was just repeating what the man said in layman's terms. He was mentioning they had trouble validating the results because the variation was too high, which is why they changed the GPS. Doesn't seem important, but without that, the experiment wouldn't be valid.

>> No.3788134


We already knew information could travel at whatever fucking speed it felt like, i.e. quantum entanglement. Why didn't anybody scream Einstein was wrong when we found that out?

>> No.3788135


Watch as /v/ tries to discuss this

>> No.3788137

amen brother anons

same place I was when they killed Osama

Great moments in history, I head to 4chan as fast as I can

>> No.3788138
File: 140 KB, 490x600, 1295676547254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerifats: 0
Europeans : 1

>> No.3788140

Srsly guys, guys.

What does this mean, if anything? Can they actually do something with it or is it just going to spawn more theories that are.. well, theories

>> No.3788141

I don't understand where the whole "NOTHING CAN GO FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT, IF IT DID MAGICAL THINGS LOL TIME TRAVEL" comes from. Surely it's just another number? What's stopping something from going that fast? Why would time suddenly stop working? Wouldn't you just arrive at your destination slightly faster?

>> No.3788145

>implying quantum entanglement propagates information faster than light

Looks like someone doesn't understand quantum entanglement.

>> No.3788146

They can break the time dimension by shotting neutrinos at it until it breaks

>> No.3788147
File: 32 KB, 500x391, 1307533292628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The brains of CERN are french.

>> No.3788148

This is even more incredible than a trible rainbow

>> No.3788149

>beat a girl in the face with a chair
choose one
why aren't you in jail, anyway?

>> No.3788153

/sci/ has no gaems

>> No.3788156


We thought the basic rules of the universe you live in could not physically create something that went as fast as the speed of light. It just did. Our entire physics model was built around that idea.

>> No.3788157

I don't know what girl and chair you're talking about.

>> No.3788158
File: 130 KB, 665x900, 1313738233348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/, could you translate what he said into peasant language for us, please?


Thank you!


>> No.3788161

if this is true it would mean that theres an infinite energy source wich was preveiously thought impossible to exist.

>> No.3788163

>break time dimensions
Okay, what's this in layman's terms? Last physics I did was in high school

>> No.3788165

If the measurements are correct and FTL is possible, what happens to causality?

>> No.3788166

I'm pretty sure beating girls is perfectly legal.

>> No.3788167
File: 160 KB, 1425x539, scitrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3788171

Or, or, you don't need a fucking infinite energy source and our models were just completely wrong.

>> No.3788182

I was kind of getting it before, but now I'm completely fucking lost

>> No.3788174
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>> No.3788175




>> No.3788176
File: 138 KB, 465x540, 1316675526998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several things move at the same speed, therefore its the ultimate universal speed.
>Hard science
Choose one.

>> No.3788177


>> No.3788179

The punch dimension.

>> No.3788181
File: 31 KB, 500x468, dog scholar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing PHYSICAL will change, but everything we know about PHYSICS will be overturned.


In the long run that means that machines and devices that we would have thought would work under what we thought was the way physics worked, would not work.

>> No.3788185

In layman's terms, teacup is a troll and will bring this thread down.

>> No.3788189

>In the long run that means that machines and devices that we would have thought would work under what we thought was the way physics worked, would not work.
Am I correct in saying that these machines are far from possible with current technologies?

>> No.3788191


Nobody knows. Not even them. A lot of people, many of whom have doctorates and large research budgets, have launched into a stirring chorus of "FUCK KNOWS!" when asked about what happens next if this is all true.

>> No.3788193

Not a /sci/entist, but if I remember correctly, in order for something with mass to reach the speed of light, then it would take infinite energy.

>> No.3788195


They did, which is why they changed their GPS. Are you even listening?

>> No.3788198 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 800x700, 1316010313894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the experiment is tried again and it turns out they fucked up, speed of light remains supreme

>> No.3788210 [DELETED] 

>yfw they already "tried the experiment again" literally over 15 thousand times

>> No.3788206


But don't neutrinos not have matter?

>> No.3788199

This was special relativity, if this is true, that would be changed.

>> No.3788201

Sorry, we're not open yet.

A neutrino walks into a bar.

>> No.3788203

Okay, think of a dot. Now another dot. Now make a line that passes on those two dots. You're thinking 1 dimension.
Now make a square with those dots. 2 dimensions
Now make a cube with those squares. 3 dimensions
Now make every of those things stand in the same place but go back in time when you go closer to them or move away from them. 4 dimensions

They're going to break the time dimension

>> No.3788204

Yup, it would require so much energy it's impossible to measure.

>> No.3788211
File: 52 KB, 640x557, logic-fail-hypocracy-tea-party-political-poster-1290119856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main site of CERN is in switzerland

>> No.3788212


>> No.3788214

I see, huh, interesting how this develops then.
How sci fi, think I would need to read quite a bit more to wrap my head around it.

>> No.3788216

but they already did it again, many times.

>> No.3788218
File: 13 KB, 168x128, 1290046981693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3788219

This is the most possible possibility for now.
Fuckton of time scientist claimed that and everytime it was wrong.

>> No.3788220


I admit, that's hilarious.

>> No.3788222

I am not a troll and I won't bring this thread down. I'm just chilling for a bit.

>> No.3788224

Yes, but because neutrinos go faster than the speed of light, this means photons weigh more. meaning they have mass.

I think.

>> No.3788223

Using the same setup is not trying again.