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[ERROR] No.3773062 [Reply] [Original]

>Go on reddit.com/r/Anarchism
>Read their philosophy and what they think anarchy will be like
>Read all their fantastical ideals about how people will work together in a state of harmony all across the land

Has anyone actually met people like this in real life? Are they legitimately mature adults, or are they young, fight the power I don't shower, I play my guitar in the park type youngsters?

>> No.3773074

>shoot the messenger

Also, not science.

>> No.3773075

OP, you can't reason with people like these.

My cousin was one of these in the 70-80s, she grew out of it.

>> No.3773082

Take a look at the live feed of people "occupying" wall street. You have your answer.

>> No.3773099

>Implying that's what anarchy is

Your idea of anarchy is so wrong OP, with anarchy, there may be some turmoil for the first little bit, but then people will realize the only way to progress is to work together.

That's where the harmony comes from.

>> No.3773106

1/10 come on man, you can do better

>> No.3773110

>implying I'm trolling

Seriously, if you just open your mind, and go do a bit of reading on most of the people's ideals, it would work.

The problem is our government spews so much anti-Anarchist propaganda at us, everyone is lead to believe it's a bad thing.

>> No.3773113

> but then people will realize the only way to progress is to work together.



>> No.3773115


>Implying people wouldn't vote on ideas
>Implying people don't naturally produce a leader to guide them
>oh look at that, no longer anarchy are we

>> No.3773117

Yeah, damn those psychologists who claim humans are assholes.

>> No.3773121


Yeah op has never heard of John Locke or Social Contract.

>> No.3773122
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>going to reddit

That was your first mistake.

>> No.3773126

Anarcho volunteerism in reality is not the lovey dovey shit internet philosophers believe it is. It is voluntary interaction among like minded individuals. Those who would not be "down" so to speak, would not associate by force of government hand with others, or they will simply move. The ideal is that through small pockets of co-operation, eventually larger pockets of co-operation will spring forward out of necessity.

All assistance to your neighbor will be voluntary and all laws set will be agreeable to all citizens. They will be able to separate themselves if they find something disagreeable.

Think of it in a /sci/ way. Anarchy is natural selection at it's finest. Through trial and error/failure and death, people will quickly find the best ways to expend energy and resources while engaging in trade. If not, they would die and face it, they would have deserved it.

>> No.3773129

Yeah. People will totally work together to better mankind. Then we will hold hands, all races, religions, ideologies, and stuff put aside and run over a hill with a rainbow and the sun will be shining and unicorns.

>> No.3773131


This is what the average reddit user is like.

>> No.3773142

Except when people form groups to take what those others produced by force, and then it's a fucking free for all.

>> No.3773146

Another part of the equation. People will have to band together under the knowledge that it could be them next. Voluntary regional policing. If you don't want police, don't contribute. If you get robbed, faff off.

>> No.3773161

And then the policing force will be part of/controlled by the people that make the big decisions, like communication with other groups, how resources are distributed, etc.

And before you know it, you have a cute, little, less efficient government.

>> No.3773165

so eventually, nothing changes, and we're back to democracy.

gg anarchy, you want to reset the path to government.

>> No.3773179
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> implying democracy exists today anywhere

>> No.3773191
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See, that's what I thought anarchy was, just a stepping stone to a better government.

>> No.3773208

This is why it's hard to take "adult" anarchists (and primitivists, although I secretly still harbor primitivist sentiments in my heart) seriously. It's fairly simple to realize that the society they protest is the natural product of the conditions they want to return to.

>> No.3773212

dude, just stfu with your aspie sensibilities. No one gives a shit about your semantics.

>> No.3773221


No semantics required. Democracy does not exist today as it has been defined since day one.

>> No.3773222

blah blah blah, no one can hear your autistic ramblings about what you believe are words.

>> No.3773223


Most "anarchists" are primitivists. It is just some silly socialist thing.

>> No.3773227


I was simply pointing out your statement was false.

>> No.3773232

so edgy brah

>> No.3773238


Are facts edgy?

>> No.3773247

You're simply pointing out that you don't believe words, and since you don't believe words, any statement using words is false.

This is a quaint way to continue your cognitive dissonance.

>> No.3773250



>> No.3773251

See, you're doing it again.

>> No.3773256


Pointing out you are wrong? Um...sure.

>> No.3773262
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You sure are good at demonstrating my point.

>> No.3773266


I disagree that Obama is a muslim.

>> No.3773276

Why don't you just explain the rationale why democracy doesn't exist instead of saying "nope ur wrong."

If you mean pure direct democracy, then that does not exist on a large scale. However there are still democratic republics with varying degrees of direct representation. To claim democracy doesn't exist is just pedantic and annoying. Especially when you add next to nothing for the overall conversation.

>> No.3773278

Could you explain further?

>> No.3773282

I know your intentions are good, but you can't fight irrationale with rationale, it's irrational.

>> No.3773290

Why are you responding to him at all?

>> No.3773291


Everyone gets a vote, on every issue.. This does not happen in any country.

I find it odd you emotionally feel direct democracy (defined democracy) can broadly be changed to mean anything where a lot of people vote on some issues.

>> No.3773297

Because, Science.

>> No.3773303

Why don't you do something more useful?

>> No.3773307

Again, you are being myopic in your definition of democracy. There are a plethora of types of democratic government.


>> No.3773308

It's Liberty, either he's a long-term troll or he's seriously committed to beliefs that were clearly chosen mostly out of a childish desire to antagonize and hold "unique" positions as well as a definite lack of critical thinking skills.

>> No.3773318


Democracyish is not democracy.


Stating facts is not a unique idea.

>> No.3773320


There's that one word answer again.

Let's catch coffee sometime, bro.

>> No.3773323

It's important to remember that, when dealing with autistic people, they often have trouble with the meanings of words and will become violent or abusive when others express a semantic understanding that differs from theirs as they cling strongly to their beliefs.

>> No.3773327

I find studying the human troll a very useful activity.

It is the troll that prevents the actualization of progress in science.

>> No.3773330


>implying subjective ideas and definitions are facts.

get out of my /sci/

>> No.3773337


I do not drink coffee.


That is the best part, I don't name call, I don't report, I don't alert others to not respond, etc.

>> No.3773339
File: 23 KB, 347x401, 10013_alb_xlarge_347x401_97851251166689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been documented in other species, that as the number of cohabitators in a community rises, the number of distinguishing features, the diversity, also rises.

As such, I would expect the diversity of ideas, regardless of the baselessness of them, to increase, as to differentiate one individual from another.

It is hard to understand why people hold such a diversity of ideas, but this certainly sheds a light on why we find an endless differentiation of ideas, when we seem to only hold a very narrow set of truths.

>> No.3773341

I don't share that opinion, but what are you doing to combat him, in that case?

>> No.3773348
File: 7 KB, 176x154, Bester S2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just adamently refuse words.

Now run along, theres nothing to see here. Just some words that make no sense to you.

>> No.3773351


Are you sure they do not make sense to you?

>> No.3773364

Oh, I'm rubber.

How convient, you've choosen glue.

>> No.3773370

>I do not drink coffee.
We don't like your kind 'round these parts.

>> No.3773367


It seems like you have taken a subjective concept and given it your own precise definition. This is not "fact" as you have stated. A precise definition doesn't exist.

>> No.3773365

>a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
>government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
These are two dictionary definitions of democracy. Notice how both include governments in which power is exercised by elected agents of the people. This is a perfectly accurate description of the government of the United States, as well as most western governments without a monarchy. Both of the sources I cited were from two of the most commonly-used English dictionaries, and these are the commonly-accepted definitions of democracy in the English language. Your definition of democracy as only a 100% pure, direct democracy with no other traits of any form of government at all is different from the more commonly accepted definition of democracy. You, sir, are wrong.

>> No.3773382




Are you referencing democracy, or the subjective nature of words?

>> No.3773385

i hope not. i'm guessing they're all types. everyone has the right to be an idiot. that's something they can't understand...unless they wanna create a big brother type situation.

>> No.3773386


what if i don't drink coffee

but i drink tea instead

>> No.3773390


then you just haven't reached the next step where you need coffee instead

>> No.3773393

Coffee is unsettling to my stomach. Even before having a bowl of nails for breakfast.

Without any milk.

>> No.3773404

Why the hell wouldn't you use milk?


>> No.3773425


is their a level beyond coffee

>> No.3773433


you just keep adding shots of espresso

>> No.3773440

caffeine suppositories

>> No.3773457

what is the highest level of caffeine consumption attainable

>> No.3773538
File: 42 KB, 450x600, objectivism..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone called?

>> No.3773568
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>> No.3773683



>> No.3773718

I had the same discussions on Gaia back before it was over run with anime fans. I remember they always assumed mob justice would replace the police and legal systems, and that that would be enough to prevent crime. They never answered my questions about public works like roads and such either.