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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3764558 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have a tier list of majors by income?

Inb4 mathematicians.

>> No.3764565

>my major: 300k starting
>your major: would you like fries with that?

>> No.3764567

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics would.

>> No.3764597

The amount of math you do in your major is directly proportional to how much your future salary will be.

>> No.3764608

2 semesters = 2 dollars?
do i get one money extra for having 1 semester of statistics?

>> No.3764615

According to this chart, math majors are below quite a few other majors. Of course they're also lumped in with other physical science majors.

>> No.3764617

If you want to assume 1 math class = 1 dollar and be poor as shit, be my guest.

>> No.3764845
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Maybe this can help

>> No.3764882

I dont understand this, why is rank 1 wage lower than most of the others, and without any extra benefit (color etc)

>> No.3764888
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The place in the pyramind doesn't count. It's not from best to worst, it gives you a comparison between stress, money, versatility and so forth.
As for my personal opinion on your question, here's the best major by income, mine :)

>> No.3764909

sciences of finance? well good luck sir, I personally don't like that area, but I wish you well.

>> No.3764927

Yep. Math graduates usually end up in finance or teaching. Not many people get PhD in math. That's when the good money comes.

>> No.3764936

Yes, here in Europe you have to distinguish between Master of Science in X and Master of Arts (which is shorter and lousier) in X.
Thanks, a whole new adventure awaits for me :)

>> No.3764954

can you derive black scholes equation?

if you cant, dont waste my time.

>> No.3764960

>Yes, here in Europe
>Yes, here in some countries of Europe

>> No.3764961

of course I can.

>> No.3764963

im studying a quantitative finance major (as well as structural engineering)

quant finance is by far the most interesting branch of finance, and it is also the hardest by an infinite amount. I don't pretend to undertstand half of what is required to be a quant, shits fucked yo. stochastic calculus especially

>> No.3764965

whats the underlying trading strategy assumed?

>> No.3765002
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in australia, engineering has the most oppurtunity for the highest starting salaries

still cant get a fucking job though :(

anyone need a bridge or other structure designed? i could totally do that

>> No.3765005


Pop boy band math = 0
3million starting

>> No.3765010
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risk free portfolio shoud earn the risk free rate. You build a replicating portfolio, compute it's variation through time and equate it to the rf rate (using Ito's lemma and yada yada)
For the guy speaking about quantitative finance, that's exactly the 6 jobs I've applied to thus far. It's the best and most rewarding field there is, wish me luck.
I'll let you solve one of my series, pic related for the guy asking me the BS derivation

>> No.3765031

I find it somewhat humorous you can refer to that as "finance".

it's pure mathematics.

>> No.3765033

SHIT TIER: All, because a college degree isn't worth SHIT anymore.

>> No.3765037

*it's pure mathematics, with a vague application to finance

>> No.3765042
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I see it as financial engineering or applied maths to finance. There are numerous financial fields (corporate finance, wealth management, risk management) but I chose the numerical/quantitative field which combines maths, programming and direct application to financial fields.

>> No.3765048

>physician/general practice
>150k / 223k
>highest satisfaction

I am definately OK with this.

>> No.3765055
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>yfw you know in practice you will never use this bullshit to value a bond

>> No.3765059

traders at top banks pay the most. eg. the nigger kweku adeboli, who lost ubs 2.3 billion, made the firm 60 million a couple of yrs ago and got a 400k bonus, on top of his high salary

next is hedge funds/private equity firms, if you are a genius quant, youll make big bucks

next is investment banking, analysts get hired straight out of college (age 21) and make ~150k a year, up or down depending on economy (it was around 180k during 05-06 bull mkt)

conclusion: go to an ivy league and major in finance

>> No.3765060

God knows what I'll use, I think I've learnt so much bullshit that is either way too theoretical or advanced for practical use... Only time will tell I guess

>> No.3765065


My god, those ER doctor salary figures. Fuck grad school, I should go to med school. Holy hell.

>> No.3765069

This man knows the truth. I majored in Switzerland, so highest starting salary in the world, here I come !

>> No.3765077

I still am tempted to specialize in anesthesiology, if only for the mountains and mountains of money you get.

Who knows, i'll probably know what I want once I finish med school two years from now.

>> No.3765085
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>valuing a zero coupon bond using gaussian term structures, auto regressive terms, stochastic variables, white noise

it's called a zero curve motherfucker, do you speak it?

>> No.3765087

instead of spending 10 years in school, go to an ivy or top 10 global school, major in finance, your debt should be <100k, and you will start with 100k+ if you get picked up by a top firm

>> No.3765096

I want to do what I enjoy. That's not finance. Not by a long shot.
And besides, my studies are government funded, so no debt for me.

I'm 99% sure i'm specializing internal medicine, anyway, and it pays handsomely.

>> No.3765097

you are neglecting the fact you have to be extremely intelligent, extroverted, have a wealth of extra curricular activities and be better than the rest of the highly talented applicants.

it's not
>go to college
>collect finance degree
>100k any job i want

that's reserved for mathematics, except the starting salaries are somewhat higher - i forget the exact figure

>> No.3765099



>> No.3765101

What is it anyway?

>> No.3765108

You mean to get into the Ivy League?
Or the firm?
U of Chicago has a 98% placement rating in Goldman Sachs.

>> No.3765110

Keeping people under anesthesia in surgery. One of the highest paying jobs in the world. Also involves a lot of work in the intensive care.

>> No.3765112
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the dude that tells you to count back from 10, 9, 8, 7-leep

then monitors your heartrate and tries not to kill you during the operation.

>> No.3765118

What the fuck?!
That sounds easy as shit.

>> No.3765119


My school doesn't offer Switzerland, so I settled for biochemistry. Where did you go to college?

>> No.3765120


Well, what are you waiting for, buddy! Go get yours!

>> No.3765129


Supposedly it's quite difficult. Making the right drug cocktail for each patient can be hard and if he/she fucks up, you can die.

That's what I've heard anyway. They make money because their job is in high demand and not that easy, not because people like to throw money at them.

>> No.3765130

>U of Chicago has a 98% placement rating in Goldman Sachs.

bull. fucking. shit.

or do you mean students who have done their phd? even then i wouldn't believe it.

i dont think you understand how competitive this shit is. have you got a job?

>> No.3765133

Anesthesiologists are the most extensively-trained anesthesia providers in the United States. Anesthesiologists are physicians (MD or DO) who have chosen to specialize in anesthesiology. Anesthesiologists in the United States must have completed an undergraduate college degree, including pre-medical requirements. Like other physicians, anesthesiologists complete four years of medical school. Physician training programs in the United States, without exception, require four years of residency training for board certification eligibility in the specialty of anesthesiology. An anesthesiology residency requires a one year medical or surgical internship followed by three years of anesthesiology training.

Anesthesiology residency training in the U.S. encompasses the full scope of perioperative medicine, including pre-operative medical evaluation, management of pre-existing disease in the surgical patient, intraoperative life support, intraoperative pain control, post-operative recovery, intensive care medicine, and chronic and acute pain management. After residency, many anesthesiologists complete an additional fellowship year of subspecialty training in areas such as pain management, cardiac anesthesiology, pediatric anesthesiology, neuro anesthesiology, obstetric anesthesiology or critical care medicine.

Easy as shit.

>> No.3765134

Dude, I'm just repeating what the Dean of Students said.
Go take it up with them.
I'm not even in U of Chicago.

>> No.3765135


Where are dentists??

>> No.3765138
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they also have about 100x the amount of medical law suites than any other doctor

>"but im still numb boohoohoo"
>you were cut up with a knife bitch, deal with it

>> No.3765143

Here I go!
Well if we had started off with this..
I would understand why its so difficult.
You guys made it sound like he just shoves the IV in your arm and says sleep motherfucker.

I would never get into medicine anyway.
I couldn't deal with the pressure of saving someone's life.

>> No.3765149
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In the corner, sobbing through their gin-soaked tears how they should've just got an MD.

>> No.3765151

How much do civil engineers make?

>> No.3765154

I lol'd.

>> No.3765156

The actual job part is quite easy in most surgeries I have seen.
The guy administers the anesthesia, and sits there, monitoring a wide array of stats from the patient, turning a knob once every 5 minutes.

It's the training and education that's apparently balls-to-the-wall hard.

>> No.3765157

>Spoilers on /sci/
Well fuck me with a giant spiked dildo.

>> No.3765160

300 dildos starting.

>> No.3765161
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>> No.3765162


>> No.3765163

Think about the satisfaction of saving a life.
Ever had parents or family in the hospital?

>> No.3765165

ITT: greedy capitalists

Everything should be free

>> No.3765176

I don't doubt that its probably one of the most rewarding professions.
But I don't think I could deal with the pressure.

>> No.3765179

HEC Lausanne

>> No.3765180

search payscale.com salary by major. Will give you a list of bachelors degree sorted by pay.

Engineers make the most, followed by other math intensive fields.

>> No.3765183

>Think about the satisfaction of losing a life.
>Ever had parents or family blaming it on you ?

>> No.3765186
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>> No.3765188

>political science major
>tax everyone 100% income
>give it to myself
>9 trill starting

>> No.3765195

That comes with the territory too.
It will suck, but it's not going to deter me from doing my job. Policemen and Firemen do the same thing, but are risking their own lives in the process as well.

>> No.3765202
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>"Have a bullet for free"

>> No.3765230

Nobody knows this shitty school.

>> No.3765280

My mom is an anesthesiologist. She starts at 7 and is home by 2 PM, often by 12:30 or 1. She makes about $1000 a day before tax. Yeaaaaaaaaahhhh

Most anesthesiologists work much longer and irregular hours though.

>> No.3765302

Your mom is pretty cool. It's a hardcore field.

>> No.3765306


>> No.3765312

Dude, how rich is your family? Does she drive a nice car?

>> No.3765314

anesthesiology is piss easy.
There are about a dozen specific anesthetics in your bag-o-tricks, and you'll probably only ever use 4 of them at any given time, unless the patient has an allergy or the surgeon fucks up.

Your only concern is keeping the patient sedated (not too little) and from developing any toxicity (not too much).

there is an accepted set of calculations for this based upon patient age, weight, gender, and certain histories.

You'll never "mix" a cocktail of anesthetics since 99% of the time you can get by on Barbiturates and Propofol, or occasionally Ketamine, and it is frowned on by the practice to try anything new unless you're working on animals or a volunteer test subject.

Stick to the classics, monitor vitals, adjust dosage per your calculations and pray the surgeon doesn't stab them somewhere they didn't need to be stabbed.

>> No.3765316

Yep. Getting there is hard as balls though.

>> No.3765333

of course, it's a medical field.

enjoy your 8 years of school and 4 years of backbreaking slave labor (internship) and the distinct likelihood of being forced into 2 years of indentured servitude (focused internship) to obtain your first real job, then spend 4 years working on-call and odd hours so your bosses and superiors can work 4 hour days or 3 days a week.

Make it pas that though and you can join them and be in to work at 9AM and out by 1PM or only work on Monday, Thursday, and Friday.

>> No.3765340

I will. Not specializing anesthesiology though.

>> No.3765345

From what I see we're actually the least rich materially compared to other doctors. Average 3Br home, not a large mansion-ish thing. I don't have to pay for my really expensive college education so I'm not complaining. She has a Lexus.

And yeah, her actual work now is not hard. She tells me she once worked a 120 hour week during residency/intern. But new doctors work much less than they used to I think.

>> No.3765357

Yeah, my neice is a surgical intern, and has had a 40 hour shift once. That's insane.

>> No.3765374

The reason medical people get paid so much is licensing.

>> No.3765379

interns are regularly shit upon, because doctors used to be interns and were shit upon.

the limit for a shift now is 40 hours.

They had to do that because overworked interns were killing people.

>> No.3765394

Well, my mom turns tricks in her '96 mercedes, and earns about 800$ a day, tax free.
No education required.

>> No.3765413
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>> No.3765459

You fucking moron. It's the ranking for the MBA program, not the Bsc/Msc.

>> No.3765504

>a tier list of majors by income

would be almost completely meaningless, and would be a stupid basis for choosing what to study.

I guess unless you are exactly average in every way, attend an exactly average school, and have no interests. But even then it would be stupid, since there isn't a 1 to 1 major:job correspondence, unless you go to air conditioning repair school or something.

>> No.3765510

>air conditioning repair school
Why did this make me laugh.

>> No.3765520

Dentistry strong, bitches.
Oral maxillofacial surgery: $408,570
Endodontist: $362,700
Pediatric: $337,800
Orthodontist: $309,970
Periodontist: $295,630
Prosthodontist: $232,310
General: $210,280

Source: ADA surveys, Income from the Private Practice of Dentistry. (c) 2006, American Dental Association, Chicago, IL.

>> No.3765530

I've been told we're 17 worldwide (the Finance major of HEC Lausanne) by the Financial Times if I recall correctly. Nevertheless, feel free to find some ranking because I'm not good at it

>> No.3765532

I'd rather shovel shit than work with teeth all day. Disgusting.

>> No.3765546

Good luck making $200k with that shit

>> No.3765549

You seem like a rational person

>> No.3765553

Have fun believing you make top tier private practice salaries when you get out of dentistry school(lol).

>> No.3765563

man what an easy way to make money

>> No.3765568

You do know that an orthodontist is just a dentist with a few years of extra education under his belt right? But yeah, in practice, these guys don't do jack shit, and rake in the cash.

>> No.3765576

Implying I'm not aware that I will be 90-115k starting for general dentistry

>> No.3765586

If you run your own practice (pun intended) then you have to be a small business owner as well. Those make the highest paid dentists, but shit's now easy

>> No.3765604

A pediatric dentist I know rakes in over 3 million dollars a year through his practice. It's hard as shit to get into ortho programs though

>> No.3765629

Pediatric dentist?
foot dentist?

>> No.3765636


this is the only valid response. If you only care about money get into a target/semitarget school (ivy league or top 15-20 usnews), major in econ/finance (if you go to harvard/yale/princeton you can major in underwater basketweaving, it doesn't matter) and get a 3.5+. Starting salary with bonus for NYC ibankers is around 120-150k, and salaries rise dramatically every year

>> No.3765642
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For those who suffer from chronic foot-in-mouth syndrome.

>> No.3765645
