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File: 18 KB, 432x432, wealth2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3763803 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3763808

Bahhh some rich dudes got richer and and richer and then their families kept getting richer. They knew how to keep their assets from disappearing and they managed money right.
Bahh why do they have all that money why couldn't they just spend it all and be poor like me.
Why can't i have all that money. Why do they deserve it they did nothing to earn and keep it.

This is all i get out of these kinds of threads.
You aren't rich, your family isn't rich. Deal with it.

>> No.3763807

10% of the population owns 71% of the wealth in the US because 10% are the working ones and the rest are just lazy asshole parasites you dumb moron socialist asshole

>> No.3763811

>unemployment in usa is 90%

sure is 15yr old in here

>> No.3763812

the best way to "deal with it" is revolution

second best way is to vote for socialists

>> No.3763813

your right, fucking 90% of the rest are dumb lazy assholes who dont work and just exploit the job creators to pay them more with their dumb trade union shit

>> No.3763815


>> No.3763816

>second best way is to vote for socialists

Most self-proclaimed socialist parties are social democrats, who just do cosmetic changes like taxes, and don't help much. About 98% of the politicians are in that top 10%, and virtually none of them want to act against their financial interest.

“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”
― Karl Marx

>> No.3763817

You sound like a lazy piece of shit that is mad that you weren't born into a rich family.

How about earn your money in stead of leeching off of someone else. I hate self entitled people. You earn what you work for, they earned a shit ton of money, they deserve it.

You have probably done nothing, and deserve nothing.

>> No.3763818

lol, are you a dumb socialist commie? xd

>> No.3763819
File: 111 KB, 500x500, fragezeichenmödchen1269716674001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


which of the both parties?

>> No.3763820

Newborn babies often do not own as much as people having worked hard all their lives.

Luckily we can expect communism to change that.

>> No.3763821

omg this

If that asshole is lazy and mad at the rich people for being successful and success of all then he should just fuck off cause hes just a dumb socialist commie dumbass and probably exploits the rich people who are already taxed to hell with trade unions

>> No.3763822

our economic system rewards intelligence, motivation, contacts and family connections.

there are other virtues that perhaps a differing economic system could reward

>> No.3763824

my parents have learned this from the department of defense education movies and they told me the same thing

make mine freedom is one of the best educational films!

it shows how american freedom and values make the american way of life prosperous and free, but how mexican socialists and liberals try to destroy it

>> No.3763826

>shouting, assumptions and much butthurt

well, the ad hominems add nothing, but i'm self-employed, fairly well of on it, and probably work harder than most.

>> No.3763827

i think you misread my post

>> No.3763830

The irrational fear of socialism in this thread is mind-boggling.

>> No.3763831

what motivates someone to be super rich?

like after the first hundred million? there's only so much semen in you to waste on whores.

is it some kind of neuroses?

>> No.3763834

it's just trolling. and ironic jokes about how workers exploit their employers

almost everyone on sci is actually a socialist

>> No.3763836

dude just watch

the US government is a great teacher and it has well-taught people about socialism and its evils during the cold war

gladly this education passes on from generation to generation

>> No.3763838
File: 257 KB, 501x581, paul_willeax2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw socialism

>> No.3763839
File: 13 KB, 300x384, _520874_china_gdp_300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poverty and inequality is greater in countries which historically have had communist regimes and in which the entire population was indoctrinated into marxism and marxist derivatives.

>> No.3763844

I agree with that! 80% of the capitalist countries are very poor because they were indoctrinated to the marxist asshole dogma

and the Chinese obviously don't export everything to the 1st world, and don't benefit from this growth! They do benefit from it!

>> No.3763845

Yeah! The chinese don't export anything to the 1st world! Everything is given to the citizens of this glorious capitalist country!

>> No.3763846

probably the most iniquitous countries are the so called "scandinavian" social-democratic countries, where the rich elites literally have their feet clod by the suffering of the poor.

>> No.3763848

It's hard to tell when people are trolling and when they are frothing-at-the-mouth indoctrinated.

I've met so many people who actually are socialists in many ways, but if you say the word, they go to full retard histrionics.

>> No.3763852

the great wealth disparity in capitalist countries is simply because a true free market has never actually been realized.

capitalism as it should be is actually a great leveller of incomes

>> No.3763854


How ever many people yovue met, I bet Ive met more.

>> No.3763856
File: 45 KB, 1198x654, ussrecon1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: If private companies are allowed to exploit cheap labor in China, and to export everything, it doesn't mean that the well-being of the Chinese citizens has increased. Obviously very high growth can be attained when you allow private foreign investments to get the labor in your country for virtually free and then export everything.

By this logic, the Soviet Union under Stalin was even more prosperous - it grew even faster. However, it's how much the population benefits from this growth which counts. Under Stalin, most of the wealth generated was re-invested in the means of production, so the population didn't benefit much.

It's the real wages which count, not GDP or GDP per capita growth.

>> No.3763857

I will not post in this thread as the asshole OP will delete it after a while leaving others, who perhaps wanted to have a discussion without all their messages.

This is the sentence he used to justify such behavior : "I delete my threads when I either go to sleep or dinner, you fucking moron, so that stupid idiots wouldn't debate instead of myself. "

>> No.3763859

i've met everyone

>> No.3763860

>communism described as using the same tactics as republican conservatives these days
oh the irony

>> No.3763863

median real wages?

>> No.3763864

80% of the capitalist countries are poor. The rest are rich because they exploit the poor countries - the private companies of these countries do. If the Soviets made their own public enterprises in Africa and China, and exported all the growth, they would be even more prosperous than any 'rich' capitalist states. Obviously, this wasn't done, as the Soviet Union didn't like colonialism or this kind of exploitation.

>> No.3763866

>i will not post in this thread

man, you just divided by zero

>> No.3763869

Your post can't exist, because it's a reply to a post that was never posted. And my post cannot exist because it wasn't posted to a reply to a reply to a post that was never posted.

And you never saw this post.

>> No.3763870

>"I delete my threads when I either go to sleep or dinner, you fucking moron, so that stupid idiots wouldn't debate instead of myself. "

Exactly. I don't want people who don't know anything about socialism or economics argue in the name of socialism while I'm away. There's hardly any education on socialism these days, and most people know everything they know about socialism from misconceptions taught by the Department of Defense propaganda movies, and their parents who watched such movies.

>> No.3763874


Which department of defense?

>> No.3763877

america is the only country you faggot

>> No.3763879


Nah they were fine exploiting their own people, baiting them with promises of collective enterprises and then taking over everything in the name of the state.

>> No.3763888


>I don't want people who don't know anything about socialism or economics argue in the name of socialism

Then please stop.

>> No.3763889
File: 14 KB, 375x356, world_income.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were fine exploiting their own people

Exactly - just like all of the capitalist countries. In the rich 20% or so countries, the people are still exploited, but their quality of life has improved significantly due to the exploitation of poor third world countries, as well as investments using the wealth created by these countries.

>> No.3763894

No, I won't stop. I will never stop until every single capitalist country on this planet will fall.

Because the most precious possesion you have in this world is your species.

>> No.3763898 [DELETED] 

I know right, it is better to look at the actual practical impact of ideology instead of this black versus white capitalism versus communism world view that ideologues have. Marxist ideology is a failure, historically only educated middle classes with liberal democratic politics have had a significant effect on their government, not working class radical revolutionaries who have only succeeded in replacing one despot with another.
The world is not black and white, social democracy is not communism.
The soviet union's success can be explained by other factors, it's newly acquired eastern europe client states led to a post-war boom as you can see in that graph and when the empire fell they lost their perks. The soviet union was just a regular tyranny, I am not arguing that there was something inherently wrong about them, I am just arguing that there was something inherently brilliant about them and that marxism was ineffective in terms of achieving humanist or utilitarian ethical goals.

>> No.3763899

You are just a coward. If things won't go your way in your thread you'll delete it. Other people don't really want to invest an effort into discussion under those conditions.

>> No.3763901


Then why should equally uninformed posters stop? If you want intelligent discourse, you are clearly not qualified to partake in it. If you want mass discourse, why restrict it by deleting your threads?

>> No.3763902
File: 12 KB, 800x600, socwealth1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< Socialist wealth distribution

>> No.3763903

I know right, it is better to look at the actual practical impact of ideology instead of this black versus white capitalism versus communism world view that ideologues have. Marxist ideology is a failure, historically only educated middle classes with liberal democratic politics have had a significant effect on their government, not working class radical revolutionaries who have only succeeded in replacing one despot with another.
The world is not black and white, social democracy is not communism. Most of scandinavia's social programs are paid for by taxing private enterprises.
The soviet union's success can be explained by other factors, it's newly acquired eastern europe client states led to a post-war boom as you can see in that graph and when the empire fell they lost their perks. The soviet union was just a regular tyranny, I am not arguing that there was something inherently wrong about them, I am just arguing that there was nothing inherently brilliant about them and that marxism was ineffective in terms of achieving humanist or utilitarian ethical goals.

>> No.3763904

So Fidel Castro only earns 25% more than the guy who applies preparation H to his asshole?

>> No.3763907

Exactly. And they both earn about x 15 times more than in a capitalist society because the means of production aren't used to accumulated the wealth for the top 10%.

>> No.3763910

did you actually read the Scandinavia post?

obvious troll is obvious, much?

>> No.3763911

x15 to 20 times more than the average person in a capitalist society *

>> No.3763915

Are you fucking serious? the every middle class person I know works hard as a motherfucker. I'd be willing to bet the richest folk don't work that hard they have strategies set up to make money. If any of you fuckwits know anything its easier to make money out of money than out of nothing. Look at stocks for example.
You fucks think you can talk shit but thats because you don't know shit.

Life shouldn't be about earning as much money as you can.
Life shouldn't be a fucking struggle for 90% of the population.
Yes there are morons out there, yes most people have the intelligence of a fucking earwig.
If you know anything, the easiest way to make money is to fool people into giving it to you. But does this make it right? Does this make us any better than them? If there is anything we should strive for in this world it is to improve humanity. We create new technologies everyday but they rarely ever actually help anyone live better, they are put on the market at a ridiculous cost with a fat tax to give more money to those ravenous pigs running the show.

>> No.3763916

1) Let private enterprises exploit your people
2) Private enterprises export everything
3) The GDP per capita growth enormously, since products are created in your country
4) Boast about economic growth


>> No.3763921

samefag here
the GDP per capita growth is enormous *

>> No.3763925


>The soviet union's success can be explained by other factors, it's newly acquired eastern europe client states led to a post-war boom as you can see in that graph and when the empire fell they lost their perks.

The net transfers between the USSR and the Warsaw Pact countries were not in the USSR's favour. One could argue that indirect economic effects supported the USSR but that's hardly a condemnation: of course a community of socialist nations will be better off than a single state, same with capitalist. Trade is good.

The Soviet Union's early successes can be attributed to forceful investment in human and physical capital, at the expense of everything else. You may argue that it would have done just as well without the revolution, but you can't argue that it did poorly. It's growth under Stalin and Khruschev was exceptional. It ground down under Brezhnev, presumably because the antiquated bureaucracy was not up to the task of managing an industrialised economy. The economy changed faster than the planners could adapt to it.

I am not making a statement about the relative benefits of planned to market economies. I am pointing out the fact that some planned economies worked rather well (and no doubt you are well aware of some market economies that didn't). Economic growth is too complex to be attributed to an ideological binary.

>> No.3763928

You idiots.
You spend so much time and effort analyzing how your grandparents lived.
Why not spend that effort in shaping how you and your kids will live?

>> No.3763935

>The net transfers between the USSR and the Warsaw Pact countries were not in the USSR's favour.

Only arguably since the 70s (and 70s was the oil crisis time)


At the same time, at the war's end, the Soviet Union adopted a "plunder policy" of physically transporting and relocating east European industrial assets to the Soviet Union.[37] Eastern Bloc states were required to provide coal, industrial equipment, technology, rolling stock and other resources to reconstruct the Soviet Union.[38] Between 1945 and 1953, the Soviets received a net transfer of resources from the rest of the Eastern Bloc under this policy of roughly $14 billion, an amount comparable to the net transfer from the United States to western Europe in the Marshall Plan.[38][39]

>> No.3763937

We need to analyze the past in order to plan for the present and the future. The past is often disregarded by the majority due to common misconceptions which are passed on from generation to generation.

>> No.3763957

>Eastern Bloc states were required to provide coal, industrial equipment, technology, rolling stock and other resources to reconstruct the Soviet Union.

And lots of resources were transferred to the Eastern European states as well. It's called transferring resources which are needed.

>> No.3763960


just keep feeding them to keep them occupied.
What the fuck do you need to analyze?
Its all right in front of you. There is nothing to fucking analyze. For once action is needed not thinking.

>> No.3763968

"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

There's a current and very worrying rising trend in right-wing extremist popularism. Brought on by social inequality.

I really would rather the relevant fucktards realize what is going on than have another bout of global distress.

Because when the imbalance grows too large, it will correct itself. It's just a matter of how much blood it will require.

>> No.3763971

>There is nothing to fucking analyze. For once action is needed not thinking.

Action and thinking are both needed. We can act and make some stupid shit because we didn't plan it out properly.

>> No.3763980


The top have all the money. They run the show and make sure they keep their lifestyles nice and full of luxuries. No amount of thinking is gonna solve it, a radical change is needed. It seems crazy now but were going to make it happen. They're using you for slaves cant you see it?

>> No.3763983

I know that already, although the class distinction isn't as dramatic as the slaveowner-slave relationship. There are shades of grey.

Obviously action is needed, but we need to plan out how to run the means of production effectively without the profit motive to avoid wealth accumulation.

>> No.3763985


>> No.3763993


When the payrate for jobs goes up and the price of items goes down. They will seek to experience life instead of accumulate money. The people will realize they don't need money to be safe, they already will be.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power etc.