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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3762622 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/
I'm about 20 now.
Will I live to see computer brain implants that allow me to internet and whatnot with my brain.
Just got through reading:
Am now I'm more futured up than Ray Kurzweil (is that guy a kook? seemslike)
pic related it's from the future i wish for.

>> No.3762636

No. Also, you will most likely die young ~60 and never get to see manned mission to Mars or Moon, or immortality, or singularity. DEAL WITH IT.

>> No.3762630

>Ray Kurzweil (is that guy a kook?)
You shouldn't call people kooks, that's racist

>> No.3762648

Oh god, my sides.

Well, OP, he's definitely over optimistic, but we will probably reach those feats much later.
Hey, you'll still live longer than people before us.
Harvard has made some significant breakthrough's on de-aging and whatnot.

>> No.3762652

Yeah, Ray Kurzweil is kind of a hack, and the Singularity is as good as any of those late-nineties transhumanist religions.

But the ideas underlying his beliefs are not.

>> No.3762665

So he's crazy, but what he says isn't?
I thought /co/ would jump all over his shit considering he loves terraforming and space colonization.

>> No.3762667

ty for bump

>> No.3762670
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>So he's crazy, but what he says isn't?

He's crazy and what he says is crazy, but the citations from which he draws his conclusions are not.

>> No.3762689
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Don't mind the transhumanist.

>> No.3762691

In other words, we'll do all that shit.
Those studies are true.
We are making progress.
Computers will eventually reach this nirvana.
But not by his predictions?

>> No.3762710

OP here
How long guys I want a CPU in my mind so shit can be faaast

>> No.3762714
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You'll live to see it, but being too frail from head cancer, you'll be considered too much of a risk to undergo elective surgery by any sane robodoc.

>> No.3762722
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Oh, we'll have nanotechnology and maybe AI and shit.

We've uploaded a nematode ( http://www.csi.uoregon.edu/projects/celegans/ ) and we've demonstrated molecular manufacturing ( http://www.mendeley.com/research/mechanical-vertical-manipulation-selected-single-atoms-soft-nanoind
entation-using-near-contact-atomic-force-microscopy/ ), but I don't share Kurzweil's overly optimistic outlook.

Don't mind Science, he has something against us for some reason.

>> No.3762730

Why don't you just man the fuck up and get into the field and create your own implants?

>> No.3762764

Well, a CPU won't likely help with traditional "thinking"
Realistically, it'd act as an "addon" to perform high-end calculations quickly or reference information at high speed. The idea that it'd raise your IQ or somesuch, especially an early version, is just hoping for too much.

That said, you can look forward to embryo selective reproductive therapies, replacement organs (living tissue, not mechanical), limited germline engineering, limited retroviral gene therapies, and surgical enhancements.

I'm thinking of buckyball, or carbon nanotube body armor woven into a cellular growth scaffolding and surgically implanted under the skin. We could also use flexible memory alloys or carbon nanotubes to enhance skeletal muscles. Similarly, we could grow more/better rods in your eyes to improve night vision or alter the cones to allow you to see in other spectra.

Biological systems are very promising, self-repairing, and ultimately pretty robust. It's childish to think that "human augmentation" will be mechanical in nature.

>> No.3762771


>It's childish to think that "human augmentation" will be mechanical in nature.

In the end it's just prioritizing function over form. Sacrificing, say, the ability to have cells that self-replicate for the ability to lift heavier objects.

>> No.3762794

More likely, it'll just be a chip that prevents you from forming false biases, and illogical constructs.

Eventually, it'll just be all hive mind shit. It's funny and ironic that transhumanists think that computers will increase freedom.

>> No.3762813

OP is me
I would want a CPU in my head to do high end calculations for "reference"
When can I do that.

>> No.3762817

ppl will never knowingly accept mind control bullshit
and with computer enhancements, they'll be too smart to not know.

>> No.3762825

We already have an array of astonishing technologies that have been developed by nature. Integrating those technologies into the human body is a tremendous idea. To replace a fully functioning limb or something with a mechanical one is just wasteful.

I'm imagining a distant future in which humans are extensively enhanced biologically. We can see into infrared and ultraviolet, withstand the impact of kinetic energy projectiles without more than a superficial skin wound, heal quickly, smell into the PPB range, communicate in limited fashion with pheromones, have conscious control over almost all body functions, etc.
Hell, I'd love to have an "aggressive" immune system. An immune system under semi-conscious control that can self-replicate and differentiate outside of the body. If a human is attacked, his/her immune system can literally fight outside the body.
My ideal human would also be venomous, capable of producing a variety of toxins under conscious control/selection. The canines would be hollow, sharper, and capable of envenomating a target. Similarly, the mouth will be teeming with potentially "aggressive" immune cells to be activated by high levels of stress hormones and adrenaline.

We could transform mankind into the most deadly creature in the universe when he's unarmed.

>> No.3762827

right, but they'll sleep walk any day into it without recognition.

Everyday, someone, somewhere, accepts a 40 page EULA.

Good luck preventing the hive mind.

>> No.3762837
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>My ideal human would also be venomous, capable of producing a variety of toxins under conscious control/selection. The canines would be hollow, sharper, and capable of envenomating a target. Similarly, the mouth will be teeming with potentially "aggressive" immune cells to be activated by high levels of stress hormones and adrenaline.

>> No.3762843

well that's cool and borderline off-topic
You could also slow down time using your machine parts by being able to forcibly activate adrenal glands, and by being able to move your conciousness into the machine parts (which would be able to calculate thoughts much faster than organic material) In this way you would become a superhuman, with the ability to do things like jump through the window of a moving car.

>> No.3762885

Even if you live to see it or a manned mission to Mars or the Moon, or immortality, or the singularity; you, yourself will not get to do or have those things. If you were smart, you would just try to create an AI that is just like you.

>> No.3762897


>typical self-loathing singularitarian

>> No.3762921

Well, I like my transhumanism with a dangerous tinge to it.

I like my "mankind as superpredator" thing. What's your problem with it Colonel?

>> No.3762934
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I wouldn't recommend it

>> No.3762948
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Not a problem, just strikes me as odd. But I like it. A more proper reaction face would've been

>> No.3762951

This will likely occur due to technology being the religion of Satan, technology is a religion that certain aspects of humanity unquestionably obey, they shell their entire faith over to the religion of man as opposed to the religion of God. The reason that Satan uses this religion is to empower himself and create doubt in the Lord, he will likely use this religion in order to wage his war against Heaven. However, he will not succeed as the technological society will be destroyed by the faithful followers of God and the sons of Abraham and those follow his divine destiny.

>> No.3762969

>certain aspects of society

spot on, bro, spot on
still 0/10 cuz this is /sci/ and ur troll is very clear.
bet you're masterful on youtube

>> No.3763254

>Implying I'm a troll
Just because I obey the word of God doesn't make me a troll.