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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3759034 [Reply] [Original]

I study physics and I hate solving differential equations analytically. This is pretty much all we're doing in my current quantum mechanics class. If I pursue a career in particle physics, will there be a lot of this shit or will I be doing stuff numerically instead?

>> No.3759039

>studying physics
>doesn't like DEs

How about you switch to biology?

>> No.3759042

Why do murrikans still keep this retarded meme alive? Only the most idiotic of godfags would ever seriously believe "Santa Claus" exists, or be surprised let alone upset when someone claims he doesn't.

>> No.3759050

wrong thread?

>> No.3759057
File: 215 KB, 570x320, mfw30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Irony. You can't into it.


>> No.3759058

I've studied mechanics, elctrodynamics, thermodynamics, optics and waves and haven't had to solve a single goddamn D.E since math class. I was really good at numerical methodology though, so as soon as the problems become to complex to solve analytically I should be in the clear.

>> No.3759062

I meant to post in the
>implying sage works

>> No.3759078

I think telling children as much bullshit as possible is a good way to teach them critical thinking.

>> No.3759101

>studied mechanics, elctrodynamics, optics and waves
>haven't had to solve a single goddamn D.E
A you sure you studied them?

Hint: before using computational methods, you ususally want to solve as much as you can analytically.

>> No.3759105

What the hell do you mean "numerical methdology"? I smell bullshit.

>fat americunt

>implying americunts can into irony
Kind of "ironic" how you're so dumb, huh?

Then how come you have the worst godfags, and the most easily manipulated, sheep-like voters in the world?

>> No.3759178


>I have nothing of value to say so I'll just insult people and pretend I am making valid points.

>> No.3759184
File: 34 KB, 409x352, well well well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3759193
File: 191 KB, 351x351, mfw12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, I'm totally seething. Can't you tell from the pic?