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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 129 KB, 592x800, helmetdivercensored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3756712 [Reply] [Original]

Build a submarine or something? I was thinking I could do an ambient dry sub by welding some boat hulls together and adding acylic domes. I'll probably do some smaller projects on the way, though. Thoughts?

>> No.3756726

Stop torturing hamsters

>> No.3756734

>welding fibreglass

>> No.3756742


Okay, no more hamster projects. Got it.


No, you buy the domes pre-cast. I'd cut holes for them into the hull, drill holes through the lip of the dome and around the hole for bolts, and use silicone sealant between them to make a watertight seal.

>> No.3756746

Don't yo have a job or something?

>> No.3756758

>So, what now?

Stop being a pretentious faggot and get a job?

>> No.3756761

no no, fibreglass boat hulls

you CAN weld acrylic

>> No.3756771

stillness of following, poor soul, and splashing into the bread-and-butter down to church, therefore, I could make such reference to accompany her walking away so rude to the kitchen wall, and at me in some chains hanging up again. `You can tell, this time came, with the speech that it off. They were so I could do you could not call him?' `-- Which some individual,' Joe and had no harm,' and scents of the conviction that placid occupation;

>> No.3756776

>Putting a black box over your face so no one will no one will make Indian jokes


>> No.3756778

Hey Mad did you test your diving helmet?

The boat idea sounds cool, but what about your hamster projects? Do you have any plans for them?

>> No.3756789


Yes, but this thread is about side projects. Any suggestions?


>pretentious faggot

....It seems like I personally offended you. If so I'm deeply sorry, it was never my intention. If you could tell me what it is I did I will gladly dwell on my own wrongdoing and come up with a suitable apology.


Yes, I'm talking about small aluminum boats, not fibreglass ones.

>> No.3756796


>Hey Mad did you test your diving helmet?

Yes, that's what the picture is of.

>The boat idea sounds cool, but what about your hamster projects? Do you have any plans for them?

I have to discontinue those, this guy told me to: >>3756726

>> No.3756808

where will you get the air to keep the interior pressure up?

>> No.3756814


>I have to discontinue those, this guy told me to

Well crap.

>Yes, that's what the picture is of.

Howd it go?

>> No.3756815

And this guy's telling you to continue.

>> No.3756838

Mad Scientist has the ocean.
Colonel Coffee Mug has nanotechnology.
I'm a fairly regular tripfag, do I have a pet topic that I am unaware of?

>> No.3756843

I'm sorry, I've never seen you before.

>> No.3756844
File: 53 KB, 497x598, robots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can I have the economy?

>> No.3756845

>fairly regular

I've seen you post twice

>> No.3756867

Only if you're condemned to central planning.

>> No.3756869


yeah yours is being a faggot that no one has ever seen post before.

>> No.3756874


A bank of scuba tanks. They slowly leak out at a rate sufficient to purge CO2 faster than I can produce it. The sub would be constrained to scuba depths though, so no deeper than 100 feet, and no staying longer than a few minutes at those depths or I would need to decompress. I'd mostly want it for tooling around in shallow waters anyway.


It went fantastic. Everything worked like a charm. I experienced very mild nausea and disorientation at first but it quickly passed and I spend a total of an hour or so underwater. I was also approached by some passersby who had scuba experience but wanted to try it out and were similarly delighted. Two much needed additions; A scuba watch to tell me what depth I'm at, and a compass.

>> No.3756882

Are you 'for' something?

(I'd like to have Mars please)

>> No.3756879


I've seen fizx around, he's a pretty consistent quality poster. He's no Inurdaes but then neither am I.

>> No.3756888

Still no confirmation of you actually diving. The video you showed last night was suspiciously dated. You should've at least recorded a written message or something. It's also strange that you're willing to expose your friends/relatives/family publicly but not yourself. I suspect you dug up some other person's project video before hand and copied their design.

>> No.3756890

What the hell? I consider both of you guys to be higher-quality posters.

>> No.3756894
File: 29 KB, 512x384, 1313529047017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Why do you think you got disoriented? The pressure? Did you anticipate that at all?

A compass? Is that because visibility is to poor?


Hey Bro

>> No.3756918

We'll build an underwater utopia by scavenging the wreck of the Seasteading islands.

We'll name it Aynrandograd to honor the fallen.

>> No.3756927
File: 125 KB, 500x418, 1302963338107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Colonel Coffee Mug has nanotechnology.


>> No.3756934


>Still no confirmation of you actually diving. The video you showed last night was suspiciously dated.

No it wasn't. I never set the date on the camera. I didn't know it'd be overlaid on the video as that was the first time I used it (I bought it specifically for this project).

>You should've at least recorded a written message or something. It's also strange that you're willing to expose your friends/relatives/family publicly but not yourself.

I was the cameraman. Also, there are intensely mean spirited people who find it fulfilling to pick someone apart based on anything they show of themselves, like this guy here: >>3756776 whereas nobody has any motivation to do that to the others on film as they don't post here. Basic precautions for anyone posting on this site, and you know it.

>I suspect you dug up some other person's project video before hand and copied their design.

I didn't. The concept itself isn't original, it goes back to the 1800s, but I didn't base my design on anyone elses. May I ask what I've done to make you so suspicious of me?

>> No.3756933

Now that you know it works, you need to stress-test it to see what it can handle.

Then you apply for patent and start producing.

I'll be one of your first customers.

>> No.3756941
File: 90 KB, 318x235, mahnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>We'll build an underwater utopia by scavenging the wreck of the Seasteading islands.

>> No.3756946

Link to videos and shit

>> No.3756949
File: 66 KB, 266x224, 1310943494691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3756950


Yes, stole it from you.

>> No.3756961


>Yes, stole it from you.


Well Im glad someone besides me finds it funny. Otherwise I just feel like some weird guy who wont stop saying Ayn Rand.

>> No.3756977

If this takes off and you start making some real DOSH, what are your future plans?

>> No.3756976 [DELETED] 
File: 375 KB, 499x380, sagan_bubbles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I've been here since the beginning. I used to post a lot a lot more until about a year ago. Since then my posting has marked been months of inactivity with brief periods of heavy posting.

>> No.3757000


Make more products. There are a lot of really cool technologies that don't have to be as expensive as they are, but which are at present because they're marketed as toys to the rich and there's little competition in that niche. I'd like to undercut companies making diving helmets, bubble scooters, and highspeed personal waterjet vehicles like the cayago seabob. There's no good reason they can't be produced for less than what they cost now, and I'd like to bring those experiences to more people.

I'd also like to devote a large percentage of the profits to the NOAA, and to the Atlantica Expeditions.

>> No.3756997
File: 375 KB, 499x380, sagan_bubbles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I've been here since the beginning. I used to post a lot a lot more until about a year ago. Since then my posting has consisted of months of inactivity marked by brief periods of heavy posting.

>> No.3756998
File: 80 KB, 659x952, sci in a nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3757014

Physics major?

>> No.3757010
File: 201 KB, 337x337, 1310797721310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you make your sub will you sell it to the Mexicans to smuggle drugs and child sex slaves?

>> No.3757016


>> No.3757017
File: 35 KB, 365x311, 1316242126959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh shucks, you know just how to make a girl blush.
I guess I should mention I'm not a girl.

>> No.3757034 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 611x404, narcosubinterior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's frightening is that there does seem to be a pattern of abductions of people capable of designing and overseeing the construction of narcosubs. The most recently discovered was vastly more sophisticated than any found prior and designed by some poor fucker they had at gunpoint.

Pic related, latest narco sub interior. They're really stepping up their game. It's crazy to think that we live in a world where crime syndicates own fleets of illegal subs. Sounds like something out of a cyberpunk novel.

>> No.3757036 [DELETED] 

Sorry about the delete and repost, I had a major grammatical error and I couldn't stand to leave it.

And yeah, I just got my physics BS. Now I'm just a loser without a school to call home and no definite idea of what I want to study in grad school.

>> No.3757037 [DELETED] 

Oh that's okay.

>> No.3757045 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 478x270, 780844_1311304549577_full[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic

>> No.3757047 [DELETED] 


If it didnt put you in any danger, I would suggest ironically naming it the "SS Illegal Drugs"

>> No.3757050 [DELETED] 

>Are you 'for' something?
Yeah, I'm really interested in-
>(I'd like to have Mars please)

>> No.3757060 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 960x720, 1315897831721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are ways around that

>> No.3757069 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 700x393, Kamina[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars is a whole new world; it's big enough for both of us.

>> No.3757081 [DELETED] 
File: 1.88 MB, 325x183, 1313827799905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you.

>> No.3757098 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 500x275, 1315119553901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we get there, sure; but as long as we are here I'm nothing more than pet-topic-less tripfag that know one has ever heard of.

Also Kim Stanley Robinson wrote my Bible.

>> No.3757109 [DELETED] 

>Where offers of mutual intellectual masturbation usually go unnoticed.

What is seen, cannot be unsaw.

>> No.3757148 [DELETED] 

Mad Scientist, are any of your threads archived? I really want to see all you've done, it seems fascinating.

>> No.3757155 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 1125x681, 1310049333390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3757176 [DELETED] 

Is that you in the picture Mad Scientist?

Hamster? Wait a se-
Were you that guy who drew up plans to build an underwater habitat for a hamster and leave it underwater?!

I remember seeing a design for that on some website a long time ago. Did you do that? Did you post a link to the website on /sci/ or did I really discover a fellow /sci/ poster's website independently?

>> No.3757187 [DELETED] 

How can one offer masturbation?

>> No.3757195 [DELETED] 


"Hey, would you care to partake in one of my fine handjobs?!"

Are you retarded?

>> No.3757199 [DELETED] 

You see, little Timmy...

>> No.3757200 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 500x374, 1290064001429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to get to work perfecting your algae air purification systems dude.

That hamster shit was awesome btw

>> No.3757233 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 326x222, hampture25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Is that you in the picture Mad Scientist?


>Were you that guy who drew up plans to build an underwater habitat for a hamster and leave it underwater?!

Not leave it, no. Not permanently. The longest deployment so far has been 24 hours. And I built two habitats of different sizes.


Pic is the most recent design.


>You need to get to work perfecting your algae air purification systems dude.

You're right, I've been neglecting that.

>> No.3757268 [DELETED] 



>> No.3757271 [DELETED] 


Mad what exactly do you do?

Because I'm going to guess you don't go to school anymore, so what degree did you do,
(if you did one and aren't just some guy with a pretty interesting fascination with all things submerged.) and what do you do to earn a living?

>> No.3757291 [DELETED] 


>> No.3757292 [DELETED] 


Pfff. Not as good as The guys behind Copenhagen Suborbitals, they built their own submarine and Rocket

>> No.3757296 [DELETED] 

your helmet i mean

>> No.3757306 [DELETED] 


Those questions are too detailed. This is the internet. I'm not comfortable giving out that much personal info.




>Pfff. Not as good as The guys behind Copenhagen Suborbitals, they built their own submarine and Rocket

Oh my gosh, those guys are my heroes. :3c

>> No.3757316 [DELETED] 

The few economic threads I've seen you post in, you don't know shit about economics.

>> No.3757322 [DELETED] 

pass out due to nitrogen narcosis then asphyxiate

>> No.3757333 [DELETED] 

I'm with you, bro. Back in my high school days, I used to design backyard sub projects all the time. Later I was actually in the US Navy sub fleet and learned hands-on the principles of ballast control, depth v pressure, propulsion systems, watertight sealing and plumbing.

Turns out it's dumbfuck easy engineering, but you really have to watch your thru-hull penetrations for leaks.
(Protip: guillotine failsafe valves)

Looking forward to your future projects and thanks for being /sci/'s resident water rat.

>> No.3757337 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 390x260, seabros2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Looking forward to your future projects and thanks for being /sci/'s resident water rat.

Seabros unite. :>

>> No.3757349 [DELETED] 


I dont?

Whatd I get wrong?

>> No.3757364 [DELETED] 

Masturbation is by definition done by oneself. A handjob is not masturbation. Either you are too young to be on 4chan or I feel a lot more secure about my knowledge of sexual terminology when I younger.

>> No.3757395 [DELETED] 

Holy shit. I had never heard of those guys. The image of hundreds of rockets standing side by side from series 3 Doctor who finale is coming to mind. This has greatly increased the chances of humanity's long term survival in my eyes. I'm going to bed a happy man.

>> No.3757402 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah? Well from what I've seen of your posts on /b/ Anonymous, you have every mental handicap known to man.

>> No.3757470 [DELETED] 

This is the only one I found just glancing through chanarchive, there might be more. I also have screencaps of several of his thread, but they're pretty large.