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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3745756 [Reply] [Original]

How does one get a female to rape u?

>> No.3745759

Rape a female into submission and then force her to rape you.

>> No.3745780


Why would you want that?

>> No.3745787

I enjoy dominate females

>> No.3745798

Play a board game

>> No.3745800

like chess or dnd

>> No.3745816


>> No.3745831


How do you know that?

>> No.3745834

i just like females with a dominate personality

>> No.3745840

Hook up with porky chicks.

>> No.3745844

I dont like fat chicks

>> No.3745846

Rape University is a highly distinguished school. Presumably, you would have to give this female much tutoring and training in the fine arts to make her application stand out from the rest of the submissions to enter Rape U.

>> No.3745857


How do you know that you like them?

>> No.3745863

Not OP
but i like when my girlfriend is on top of me
does this mean i like dominating personalities?

>> No.3745868

I dont know I just feel weird when Im around them. I enjoy being told what to do by a female

>> No.3745888

convince a female who you know couldnt convince you to have sex with her , to have sex with you. Really you don't even have to bother with explaining it to her because if you initiated it then your really just raping yourself. To willfully setup situations where people do things against your will is most bizarre especially if there is not a governing externality. This is because you this was the inetnion instead of unforeseen consequence. It is common to do things with unforeseen results especially when there is potential for rewar. It is uncommon to do the opposite,

>> No.3746974 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 151x196, 1311251562878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trips

also: WTF?

>> No.3747012


You must realize that the real power evolves from within my black colored subject.

>> No.3747306 [DELETED] 


tl;dr: muh dikk

>> No.3747333


>tldr muh dikk

Of course its too long for you.
Your jealousy is extremely apparent now.

>> No.3747524

kill all other men, remain a prude.

>> No.3747725

I lost my virginity to being raped.
I mean, i guess i didn't resist, but I was really drunk and she did all the work. she even texted me the next day "sorry for raping you"

>> No.3747739

>she even texted me the next day "sorry for raping you"

That's because women don't know what rape is.

Did you know that some women consider changing their mind the next day to make it rape retroactively? Did you know Swedish law agrees with that?

>> No.3747751


>Did you know that some women consider changing their mind the next day to make it rape retroactively?

Sauce needed.

>> No.3747753

fucking without a condom in sweden is rape. just ask julian assange

>> No.3747767

Realistically, she's doing you a favor.

Unless she physically ties you up, force feeds you viagra, AND gets pregnant from said intercourse, it really shouldn't be considered rape.

I actually was raped once. I was a socially awkward (but simultaneously rather good looking) guy that was studying engineering, and then, one night, a atheltic (somewhat brawny actually) chick I barely knew but whom I frequently checked out the ass of came in and started humping me. I was completly unsure what to do the next morning.

>> No.3747789

Legally if you're drunk it doesn't matter what happens, it's considered rape.

Gotta brush up on the legal code bro

>> No.3747807

go to /adv/
the femanons there can help you

>> No.3747809

That dude would be an asshole to the rest of men if he decided to press charges. I mean, shouldn't we be encouraging this sort of behavior? Then even awkward fucks can get laid.

>> No.3747816 [DELETED] 


>> No.3750032

>get someone to
>rape you

pick one

>> No.3750044

You're my hero for saving this thread from 404. It was on the edge of page 15.

>> No.3752346


>> No.3753333

That's an interdasting thread we have here.

>> No.3753339

MY GIRLFRIEND likes to dominate me. Sometimes she'll force me to fuck her even when I'm not in the mood. It's pretty rapey... she's even tied my hands and feet.

Find someone like that. The world is full of people.

>> No.3753344
File: 64 KB, 478x480, 1308693449973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3753346

Just wear a sign "I want to be raped"

>> No.3753350

It can't be rape if you agree.

>> No.3753351

Don't take it too hard. Dog penises can top 10 inches and ejaculate continuously for over half an hour.

>> No.3753353

>Be super sexy but also kind of submissive
>entice a desperate female from a bar for women on the wrong side of 30
>invite her in your bedroom
>stop abruptly midway through kissing
>say goodnight but give no indication for the abrupt premature end to the evening

I cannot help you any further but I wish you the best of luck. Godspeed.

>> No.3753356

>same nigger posts one of these threads every other goddamn day
>considers it trolling

>> No.3753359

>you know what that means
>that you're less attractive than a dog
>to a women you are aroused by dogs

>women you are aroused by dogs
There's not that many of them, by the way. Judging from your internet habits, you have a pretty heavy observational bias in this area.

>> No.3753358

And other niggers bump it til friday night.

>> No.3753944


>> No.3753949
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>> No.3753952


>> No.3755230


>> No.3755258

(saging with a bump)
(bumping with a sage)

Seriously, /sci/ what is wrong with you lately?
Yesterday all topics were the cliche ones (ancient aliens, misogyny, misandry (variant of the usual misogyny), IQ, Eugenics, Eugenics based on IQ, homework threads, troll homework threads,
>hard science)
Seriously, all we were missing was for EK to start posting and a >300K starting thread.

Honestly, there were about two decent threads...
Fuck it.
Imma start a good one.

>> No.3755328

surround yourself with hot females and get them to have sex with you on many occasions. Make sure all of them are extremely satisfied with your performance. Then pick the women you want to rape you and ignore all of her advances. She will then want to rape you, even then it probably wont happen.

>> No.3755366

This thread is still alive. WOW

>> No.3755377

Thank me for bumping.

>> No.3755382

Thanks. Hey are u a female if so would u rape me

>> No.3755388

Sure. Why not?

>> No.3755391
File: 11 KB, 204x267, saythattomyfacefuckernotonlineandseewhathappens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better hope I don't fucking find you fucker cause if I do you will see what happens.

>> No.3755392

Can I get a pic to make sure you are female?

>> No.3755393

Oh you so mad.

>> No.3755398

Nope. If we plan it in advance, it's not rape.

>> No.3755399

What did I ever do to u? I never hurt u. Did I? No. Then why the threat?

>> No.3755403





>> No.3755404

Ok can it happen sometime in the beginning of October though?

>> No.3755408
File: 14 KB, 348x232, deal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this is the first annoying troll on /sci/

>> No.3755412

Okay. Where do you live?

>> No.3755413

Please dont hurt me I really do want to know how to become a successful engineer.

>> No.3755415

Ill go where u live

>> No.3755420

Nevermind. I have your IP now and I'm gonna find you.

>> No.3755422

OK cant wait

>> No.3755501


>> No.3755533

Anyone else want to rape me

>> No.3755535

thats a female in between the ages of 18 and 45

>> No.3755553


46 is too old?

>> No.3755561

Ill go to 50

>> No.3755563



>> No.3755567

Nope thats to old for me

>> No.3756495

One day before their 51st birthday, but still technically 50?

>> No.3756533


>> No.3756576

>rape her.
>drug yourself.
>claim she raped you.