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[ERROR] No.3742046 [Reply] [Original]

We'll never explore the universe significantly because we'll never exceed the speed of light.

>> No.3742058

Speak for yourself.

Posted from Andromeda on tethered Android.

>> No.3742060

Quantum entanglement enables faster-than-light information transmission. Einstein agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.3742063
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Oh well, I'd be happy with the greater part of the Solar System anyway.

Living on a city-station hovering in the Venusian upper atmosphere would be a dream.

>> No.3742065


No information is transmitted in quantum entangled particles.

>> No.3742066

implying we know shit about the future of space travel

>> No.3742071


Depends on what you mean by "significantly." No, we'll never reach the far reaches of the observable universe. We'll probably never leave the galaxy. But then again, even our own solar system is larger than human minds can really grasp.

>> No.3742072
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>Quantum entanglement enables faster-than-light information transmission

>> No.3742074
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>Look through lead glass floor
>Thunderstorms errywhere

>> No.3742079

>Quantum entanglement enables faster-than-light information transmission.

No it doesn't.

>> No.3742081

Yes they do, because when you observe one you immediately know the state of the other, even after it changes its state.

>> No.3742084

We will build von-Neumann-probes and they will explore the universe for us exponentially.
Sure its still going to be slow first, but after a few centuries we will get more data on the universe than we can process.

>> No.3742091

>only leave own bedroom when absolutely necessary
>baww i'll never explore the universe

>> No.3742093

Information is being delivered to us at speed of light. Whats the problem?

>> No.3742098

I want to chat with some aliens using computers that use quantum entangled particles as I/O.

>> No.3742100


We will travel at the speed of light as an information necessary to reconstruct our uploaded minds. The travel will be instantaneous from the traveler perspective. We will live until heat death of the universe. Plenty of time to explore.

>> No.3742104

so heres a question for you guys:

if we cant go faster than the speed of light why dont we just maek the speed of light increase so we can move quicekr

>> No.3742112

>Quantum entanglement enables faster-than-light information transmission.

...which isn't information transfer. You get information about the particle. You don't get any information from where the particle is.

I don't know where this widespread misconception came from (or rather, where sci fi writers got it from), but it's annoying.

>> No.3742115

We are talking about the constant "c", not actual "speed of light".
"c" refers to the speed of light in a vacuum and is always the same relative to time.

>> No.3742124

its always increasing. but because of that we end up with a future so dark and bleak that entire galaxies will fit within the wavelength of an xray photon and be undetectable

>> No.3742128


This guy just solved FTL everyone! Quick! Phone the Nobel committee!

>> No.3742130

>You get information about the particle

1. make a computer that collects some information of the environment and then changes the color charge or whatever of the particle, sending for example a serial binary signal
2. computer on the other end sees the signal
3. information about the environment lightyears away just traveled faster than light
4. ???
5. profit

>> No.3742138

holy shit this just gave me a fantastic idea.

say we never perfect microprocessor tech and computers in the future are powerful but limited by size.

>gigantic computer processor somewhere underground or in a desert somewhere nobody wants
>small access terminals that are linked by a series of entangled particles

step 5. hand held computers with more processing power than the human race currently has combined

>> No.3742139


You can't change information about the particle, you can only read it. There is no "input."

Read this:


>> No.3742154

Quantum entanglement cannot allow FTL communication. Just stop.

However, what it could do in theory is allow 100% secure communication, which is still pretty sexy.

>> No.3742236


>allows it

>it's highly hackable


>> No.3742402

at one time we could only walk

>> No.3742411

or run... or sprint... or hell, we could swim and roll down hills, there is always a faster way.

>> No.3744284

Not if we invent a method of stasis or prolong our lifespans. Boo-yah.

>> No.3744322

caveman: one day we will be flying in the sky like the birds
caveman #2: yeah right, dumbass, every heavy thing that rises must fall, duh

>> No.3744441

"It is only impossible to <span class="math">accelerate[/spoiler] to the speed of light. Nothing was ever said about things already traveling faster." - Prot (from K-Pax in the Lyra constellation)

>> No.3744448

Genius. Now we just have to be traveling at the speed of light.

>> No.3744453

dont be stupid, humans didn't know things fell until that apple hit newton on the head

>> No.3744496


"I would bestow unto you the equations which would allow such things, but you are not mature enough yet as a species. However, it is the way of things that societies are ready for the knowledge only by way of discovering it themselves. If I just handed it to you, you'd probably blow yourselves up." - Prot