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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3740053 [Reply] [Original]

People are born good at math.

Therefore, intelligence is genetic. Discuss.

>> No.3740066

>implying mathematical proficiency is intelligence.

>> No.3740079
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Didn't real the article yet but if it's true I'm going to have to pay a little visit to my high school math teachers.

>> No.3740081

>implying it isn't

>> No.3740082

>children without social interaction devolve into animals without language and unable to learn
>it is all genetics


>> No.3740120

>implying math = numbers

>> No.3740130

>Huffington Post
>Science has just confirmed
stopped reading there, fuck that garbage

>> No.3740147

Math can be developed as a skill. But to be creative with it, is a gift. That is why if you are not born "good at math" you will never contribute anything to the science.

>> No.3740154

why can't you just accept that its both nature and nurture

>> No.3740159
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Where's the peer reviewed article

Until then it's just hypothesis (a gauss)

>> No.3740180

To continue, its just like a fighting video game. At first you don't know the controls and the way you fight with your character is clunky and slow. But as you get better from countless amounts of practice you will then develop more creative combos and techniques. (Of course reaction time would play a factor in the long run, but you don't need to be fast for non-competitive math).
This goes for anything you want to master.

>> No.3740201
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>implying education increases intelligence
>doesn't know the difference between intelligence and knowledge

>> No.3740200


>> No.3740216 [DELETED] 

>yfw jews are the smartest race

>> No.3740263

i'm sure you can be quite intelligent without a number theory or the means to express it even internally.

>> No.3740268

your face when you can't differentiate between inherent and enviromentaly expressed capacity.

>> No.3740275

expressed capacity >>>>>> "inherent" capacity

>> No.3740279

> Researchers found that preschoolers (who because of their young age have not yet learned basic math) who have a good inherent "number sense" ALSO do better on tests that predict mathematical ability.

The article provided does not support that some people are born good at math.

Fuck you.

>> No.3740287

> (who because of their young age have not yet learned basic math)
Bad assumption.

Bad assumption.

Age does not determine ability.

I could teach a 2 year old flash cards if I wanted to.

>> No.3740297

>implying inherent capacity exists when it is not tested for and is not found at an age past the developmental stage.

feral children.
not an assumption.

>> No.3740300

I don't like reading the media's interpretations of research. They take a study that gives an interesting result and ignore the rest. This is why so many people believe that vaccines cause autism, cellphones cause brain cancer and redheads are going extinct.
But though there is almost certainly a genetic factor in intelligence, I believe there is a lot people can do to improve their ability.


>> No.3740306

Go blow animals.

Lrn!2troll faggot.

Feral infants. LOL.

I'm done here.

*divides by zero*

/sci/ is no better than /b/ because of people like you

>> No.3740312

>wah wah he disagreed
>conform damn it
>u maed u feel bad

>> No.3740315

>That is why if you are not born "good at math" you will never contribute anything to the science.

...My God you're dumb as fuck.

>> No.3740310

Am I the only who thinks that if you show kids a picture with two different sized clusters of dots and they aren't able to tell which is the large cluster, then that only proves that the kid is retarded? As opposed to proving that the kids who can tell which cluster is larger are going to be good at math?

>> No.3740339

what is that? enviromentaly expressed capacity can only go up to inherent capacity?
expressed <= inherent

>> No.3740367

99.999% of people don't max out their "inherent" capacity. for almost everyone, hard work goes further then talent.

>> No.3740397 [DELETED] 

did I say max out?
I said "up to", which means it cannot exceed it.
Like you cannot teach a whalw to fly.
generally, the higher the inherent capacity the more chances to utilize it to a bigger level.
That's why niggers leave in huts and don't have space programs.

>> No.3740401 [DELETED] 

>That's why niggers leave in huts and don't have space programs.

Confirmed for racistfag

>> No.3740412

This study is like testing IQ. Some people did better on a test of some sort. Is intelligence genetic. Derp Does this get a few clicks and get some add revenue. Yes I believe it does.

>> No.3740423

I Didn't know Neil Degrasse Tyson lived in a hut.

>> No.3740433

I know an old man who is 80 years old and isn't just healthy, but he regularly goes hiking, therefore old people don't tend to be less healthy than their younger counterparts.

>> No.3740456

Aside from every obviously reason why OP is wrong and a fucking dumbass troll, intelligence isn't defined solely by mathematical ability.

>> No.3740458


> Implying mathematics isn't just logic, which requires intelligence to understand

>> No.3740469

i responded to a blanket statement with an equally illogical example on the opposite perspective. We're talking about maximum potential.

I know all blacks aren't Neil, just like you know he is not the only one who is intelligent. I'm a bit racist myself, first hand experience being that i don't like black people from those i have met. I don't just to the conclusion that all Africans are worthless though.

>> No.3740475


>Implying quantitative logic has as much use and connection to reality as does qualitative
>Implying you arent trying defend your autism by glorifying the only subject you autists are good at

>> No.3740501

Because this would mean that some people are genetically better or worse.
It would crush many of the ideologies we have today - most of shit masquerading as egalitarianism (and being actually sexism, racism and the like) only works when you assume it's evil white males who think up bad lies to feel superior.

>> No.3740519
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> Implying quantitative logic cannot apply to understanding of social/political/economic phenomena

> Implying I'm even good at math

> Implying I'm even an autist

> Implying this isn't your face when you need some Preparation H for your butthurt

>> No.3740528

People are born naked.

Thus, nudity is genetic.

>> No.3740535

>implying quantitative logic isn't the basis of qualitative

nigger, you just went full retard.

>> No.3740603

I saw this several months ago. Old news already. Huffington Post is garbage; don't go there for science news.

Oh, and intelligence already has been thoroughly demonstrated to be genetic. inb4 butthurt liberals

"Our results unequivocally confirm that a substantial proportion of individual differences in human intelligence is due to genetic variation, and are consistent with many genes of small effects underlying the additive genetic influences on intelligence."

"Genetic influences on brain morphology and IQ are well studied. A variety of sophisticated brain-mapping approaches relating genetic influences on brain structure and intelligence establishes a regional distribution for this relationship that is consistent with behavioral studies. We highlight those studies that illustrate the complex cortical patterns associated with measures of cognitive ability. A measure of cognitive ability, known as g, has been shown highly heritable across many studies. We argue that these genetic links are partly mediated by brain structure that is likewise under strong genetic control."



>> No.3740604
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> Implying "Implying quantitative logic cannot apply to understanding of social/political/economic phenomena" isn't synonymous with "it all boils down to physics in the end"

Man I was expecting you guys to be more intelligent than /b/tards. This is my face right now.