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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3734212 [Reply] [Original]

>U.S. scientists have developed a strain of green-glowing cats with cells that resist infection from a virus that causes feline AIDS, a finding that may help prevent the disease in cats and advance AIDS research in people.
>The study, published Sunday in the journal Nature Methods, involved inserting monkey genes that block the virus into feline eggs, or oocytes, before they are fertilized.
>The scientists also inserted jellyfish genes that make the modified cells glow an eerie green color — making the altered genes easy to spot.
>Tests on cells taken from the cats show they are resistant to feline immunodeficiency virus, or FIV, which causes AIDS in cats.
>[...] So far, Poeschla's team has only tested cells taken from the animals and found they were resistant to FIV. But eventually they plan to expose the cats to the virus and see if they are protected.


This sounds more like troll science then the real thing. seriously, you just change a few genes and you can make an entire organism glow?

>> No.3734230

yes and not one gene is responsible for intelligence

>> No.3734242

Genes and shit are really easy to be honest.
The protein it transcribes is all it does.
The real trick is to find the relation between genes and the temporal associations.

>> No.3734247

cat only glows under tv light

boring as fuck

cool shit though with transpecism.

>> No.3734249

Keep in mind that you just change a few genes in a chimpanzee and you get a human. Yes, bioluminescence can be achieved by changing just a few or even one gene. They've done the same thing to pigs and rabbits. Think about it, if you have one gene that expresses the luminescence, that's in the skin cells, and the whole organism is covered in skin... Kind of simple actually, not troll science.

Troll science would be more like:
>Crack glowstick to activate glowing
>Remove glowing fluid from inside with hypodermic syringe
>Inject cat with glow solution
>Enjoy your glowing cat!

>> No.3734258

I would love to graft a luminescent skin cell and then for it to be activated somatically.
This will be the future in bio engineering; making shit work on somatic level.

>> No.3734265

you crack the cats spine then shake it to make it glow?

>> No.3734273

No, you crack a feline joke and make everyone around you glow.

>> No.3734286

Like a pregnant glow?

>> No.3734290

This is very common practice in molecular biology when recombining genes. One protein is responsible for the ability to glow under UV light so SCIENTISTS usually insert it along with other genes they want to recombine to make sure the organism took in the genes correctly. This is very common practice in molecular biology.

>> No.3734301

I need to go into molecular biology if fucking mixing genes of different species is common practice.

>> No.3734327

Yes. Remember that Dawkins said memetics > genetics, so jokes are obviously the new paradigm in procreation.

>> No.3734331

>just change a few genes in a chimpanzee and you get a human
>sixty million base pairs
>a few

Mind your language.

>> No.3734343

Sure it's common... just don't be disappointed if you're mostly recombining DNA in bacteria.

Also, enjoy finding a job for shit pay despite your knowledge and expertise because the world doesn't appreciate this science enough to make it into a bigger industry.

>> No.3734381

and here i was trying to create a pregnant pause

>> No.3735550

>This sounds more like troll science then the real thing. seriously, you just change a few genes and you can make an entire organism glow?

yes, just like you can change one and get a different skin color

>> No.3735580
File: 75 KB, 500x381, 1402442474_d329206839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I track my modifications with GFP errday. Think about the usefulness:

>insert green fluorescent protein in same regulatory sequence
>if promoter is allowing expression of GFP, your gene of interest is in there too

It makes keeping track of complex physiological changes so easy, you can just SEE it.

>> No.3735585

>seriously, you just change a few genes and you can make an entire organism glow?
Yeah, actually, that's exactly how it works.
It's been done numerous times before. It has even been commercialized, and done for an art show.

>> No.3735586

>This sounds more like troll science then the real thing. seriously, you just change a few genes and you can make an entire organism glow?

sort of. basically, jellyfish make this thing called green fluorescent protein. this shit glows under a black light. we know the sequence for this gene. "scientists inserted jellyfish genes that make the modified cells glow." this is a simple way of saying they took the necessary things to make the cells express GFP (gene sequence, transcription factors, etc), and basically made the gene always on, so any modified cells would constantly be making GFP and glow green

>> No.3735591
File: 96 KB, 800x870, 1289460797142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>confirmed for science

>> No.3735599


This literally is the "PS3 has no gaems" of /sci/.

>> No.3735605

you seem upset

do you want a glowing kitty that can't contract aids?

>> No.3735610



Just making an observation. Not everyone is mad at everything.

>> No.3735618

speaking of changing the colours of animals and stuff using SCIENCE, i've often wondered if its possible to have some sort of pill(or whatever) that does science and makes your hair or skin change colour, sounds like it would be an amazingly profitable thing to invent, if you could make your hair GROW a certain colour instead of dying it.

>> No.3735620

biology has [spolier]no sceince[/spoiler]

lol spoilers no work on four channel's sai board

>> No.3735625

>makes your hair or skin change colour,
Blondes and pale-tanned skin everywhere, EVERYWHERE! In Africa too.

>> No.3735628

Just uh..throwing it out there..

The..."amazingly profitable" applications of biotech generally deal with...you know, keeping people from dying, or suffering. People pay money to not do those things as much as they can.

>> No.3735633

>octopus skin dna

>> No.3735637


yeah but one doesnt prevent the other, cosmetics is a fucking enormous business

>> No.3735642


And what about non natural colours, like birds and shit have blues and pinks and all sorts of crazy shit, imagine being able to grow blue hair straight out of your head, it would make the world into a rainbow style funhouse

>> No.3735646

Wait... there's cat AIDS? Doesn't this solve our stray pets problem?

>> No.3735654

Good thing about octopusses are they can imitate any colors.

>in my next life all humans will flicker in psychedelic colours like fluorescent green and then back to fluorescent orange

>> No.3735657

>Sponsored by Nike and Coka Cola

>> No.3735679

> Wait... there's cat AIDS? Doesn't this solve our stray pets problem?

Obviously, it isn't working fast enough. We need to breed a more virulent strain of cat AIDS.