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[ERROR] No.3723909 [Reply] [Original]

What is your profession and salary?

Mathematics Graduate Student

>> No.3723915

unemployed bipolar physics undergrad


>> No.3723924

College Student
$0 (no tuition or employment)

>> No.3723937

Never went to college.
Information Technology
Complete benefits package

>> No.3723941

Freelance photographer (college dropout after 2 years)
~ 110 K

>> No.3723954

just finished my phd in math

>> No.3723968


$5/sniff my butt

>> No.3724010

25$ bj?

>> No.3724021

unemployed math/cs undergrad


>> No.3724036

howd you manage that?

>> No.3724045

he kissed a lot of ass

>> No.3724050
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This is sad.

>> No.3724051
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Professional daytrader. Negative $300,000 per year since 2005.

>> No.3724055

contract janitor.

$250k to date, probably ~$330k by the time the year's over.

>> No.3724073

Got my Cisco networking certs, network+ and security+. But the main thing that got me the job was that not a lot of people in the networking world like to configure VOIP, I'm not exactly a pro at it, but I'm not afraid of it. That what got me the job. Only bad thing is that if thing's continue to become easier for companies to configure, I might have to go into information security.

>> No.3724087

software pre-sales engineer
$125,000/yr plus quarterly bonus based on sales performance

>> No.3724089

> profession
> Mathematics Graduate Student

>> No.3724094


>might have to go into information security.
>have to

Implying that you don't jizz your pants each day at the prospect
Implying infosec doesn't require vastly broader and deeper concepts in IT to be mastered
Implying infosec positions don't require longer track records than any other position in IT save programming
Implying you qualify yet for either

>> No.3724093

why are you saying you earn more? Yeah right not in this economy.

>> No.3724103

>>Implying infosec doesn't require vastly broader and deeper concepts in IT to be mastered


>> No.3724134

Working on A+ cert to start off, then network+. waste of time?

>> No.3724138

I said might have to, because i am really getting tired of this entire field you do realize the only logical end points for our careers are automation. I really want to go to college instead. So yeah, go suck a dick.

>> No.3724144

still studying biology. dont know if i want to do scientific work. maybe i´ll just get a job at some biotech company when i am done.

>> No.3724153

>see thread
>going to post phd in mathematics
>already posted

>> No.3724164

A+ is a good start, you learn the equipment you are working with, and basic troubleshooting. You might want to pick up a CCNA book something by Sybex, they are pretty good. Get a good network simulator, and start configuring. I would work on getting some VOIP training, just because a lot of people hate VOIP. Security+ Networking+ are all good ways to go. If you want to do network security check out eccouncil.org

>> No.3724169

Computer Science undergrad (Senior)
$28,880 a year

>> No.3724174

CEO of my own company
College dropout

>> No.3724196

>>3724021 here


>> No.3724201

Econ tutor employed by my uni. (also a third year undergrad)

2100$ a year faggots

>> No.3724233

Loan Shark
about 70k a year

>> No.3724292

Know any good video courses? I have a couple books but i do better if i hear someone talk about things i've read.

>> No.3724313

tod lammle has a video series, some of it can be found on you tube. But i would torrent the rest, learning networking can become expensive, but if you know how to torrent a lot of your costs can be mitigated.

>> No.3724848
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>going to post phd in mathematics
>already posted

Do it on another board and link back here

>> No.3724876

how big are the quarterly bonuses, on average?

>> No.3724890

Geology student
±12-16k with scholarships/grants/work-related income.

>> No.3724891

chemistry graduate student. 25k stipend

>> No.3724889

Medical laboratory technician
E4 (roughly $22k before taxes)

Also, I like how OP said
>profession and salary
Because we damn well know a two identical majors do not always translate to the same position nor profession.

>> No.3724903

Landman in Natural Gas industry
$50k + bonuses + benefits
The company also pays for my rent (hotel), food, cell phone, and they fly me home every third weekend since I have to live close to the local courthouse to do my job.

BTW, liberal arts master race reporting in. Faggot specialists.

>> No.3724921

I saw a position for that just a week or so ago. Pay was upwards of $18 an hour + full benefits. I was like WAT.jpg I'm thinking of getting the scientist (bachelor's version) but I'm not sure if it's what I want to be doing. What's the daily work like?

>> No.3724922

walmart photo center - $8.30 / hour

math/physics 2nd year undergrad

>> No.3724923

student on scholarship
my yearly allowance from the scholarship is 60k

>> No.3724933

Software Engineer
$75,000, quarterly bonuses, benefits, etc.

>> No.3725002

>What's the daily work like?
That's a hard, broad question to answer. I now work at a small / medium sized clinic (which means no ER, no night shift, and fewer complex tests performed.) I did on-the-job training at a large hospital, though.

As far as with my co-workers, I'm an MLT in the military, so it's all different. All the reservists say in the civilian world, people are far more at each other's throats, because the job can become very demanding and there's a growing shortage of lab techs, both MLT and MT (aka CLS). Good employment opportunities, I hear.

As far as dealing with doctors, it's very bipolar. I've been asked what test to order for a patient if they thought they had a certain parasitic infection, what a test result means, and other misc questions the MDs don't know. Then again, the moment you make a tiny mistake, they're up your ass in a heartbeat.

Unless you're in California, there's not much difference between MLT and MT/CLS, except that, of course, you're paid more (on average). Advice, if possible, get associate MLT, and then get MT/CLS, because you will have more experience sooner.

>I was like WAT.jpg I'm thinking of getting the scientist (bachelor's version)
I hate that they changed the name to "Scientist". That's a different story.

>> No.3725024

Mathematics graduate student

>> No.3725240

electrical engineer

>> No.3725256

band instrument repair man, about 31k

>> No.3725303

Unemployed uneducated loser.

0,000,000$ per year, no benefits.

>> No.3725439


you gotta be fucking kidding me

>> No.3725469

Chemical Engineering Intern (still a sophomore)

$23.60 / hr with overtime if I want it. Pick and choose my hours since I clock in whenever I want since there's always work to be done.

Getting a pay-bump in January. Feels good.

>> No.3725485
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14.50 pharmacy tech
3rd years bio/chem major
I pills in your fucks and give no cum

>> No.3725510

anxiety ridden unemployed highschool

whatever little money I can scrape together

>> No.3725514

50k, geoscientist.

>> No.3725520

Finishing my undergrad with a major in math and a minor in economics. I'm fucked, aren't I.

>> No.3725530

Computer Science undergraduate
Intern doing various tech-related shit, but mainly programming

>> No.3725540


i honestly lol'd

$25 / blowjob... man, no wonder engineers end up as millionaires

>> No.3725547

McD manerger
$70,080 per year

>> No.3725556


Now: $65,583/year

20 years later: $65,583/year

Go to college, you can afford it.

>> No.3725571

I think you overestimate how many blow jobs that'd be to earn.

That'd be 40 blow jobs a week.

>> No.3725581

>implying a 40 bj week isn't the standard

>> No.3725589

GED w/ 20+ years experience in facilities management.
Note: I did earn a lot of "certifications" and shit over my career and 20 fucking years is a long damn time to wait for a decent check.

>> No.3725599

Well, I'm not an engineer, so it's hard for me to imagine.

>> No.3725778


nope. Couldnt find a job as an EE so i had to settle for an electronics technician job at Intel.

>> No.3725785


50yr old detected.

>> No.3726337

Mining Geomechanic here
$130,000/yr plus i only work 7 months of the year
not bad for 2nd year out of uni

>> No.3726361

UK Engineering student

about £6,000 composed of my student loan, student grant and tuition bursary.

Would like to know how much engineers make around the world, without having to individually search top earners for each country.