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[ERROR] No.3709305 [Reply] [Original]

I'm still an atheist if I believe in ghosts right?

>> No.3709310

Going by definitions, yes, but rationally it's pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.3709321

But i've seen G-g-g-ghosts.

>> No.3709325


yes, but for the wrong reasons

youre a hypocrite and are really no different from the retards who believe in other unscientific nonsense

now bleat for me you stupid sheep

>> No.3709332
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The senses can be fooled. Are you sure they were G-g-g-ghots? What exactly IS a G-g-g-ghost?

>> No.3709336

By the true definition of the word you don't believe in a God or Gods so yes, ghosts have almost nothing to do with Gods.

But where exactly are you getting the idea that there remnants of human consciousness floating around after the body that produced said consciousness has expired coming from? When there is no evidence to support the idea that there is a "soul" or any physical evidence of "ghosts" to have ever been successfully produced.

Second, do you believe you saw a human ghost? Why not the ghost of a friendly raccoon, dog or cow or any number of animals? Is there something that makes us special other than a supernatural explanation that we were gifted souls from a God above all other creatures?

>> No.3709338

Thats kind of like saying "I believe in gay marriage but I'm a christian".

>> No.3709347

Well, I never said humans are different, i'm not even sure the thing I'VE Seen was human, I don't 100% believe in supernatural things, but i'm not blatantly denying their existence.
I don't believe in god, but i'm not going to say that his/her existence is 100% impossible since we have only gone so far in scientific research.
tl;dr I don't believe in supernatural, but i'm open to the idea sometimes

>> No.3709352

You only see ghosts if you convince yourself you will see them. Think about ghosts for a while and soon enough objects out the corner of your eyes will start to look like people

>> No.3709355

> I don't 100% believe in supernatural things, but i'm not blatantly denying their existence.

Youre an unthinking idiot.

Please convert to christianity.

Life will be simpler for you and you dont have to worry about making the rest of us look bad.

>> No.3709365
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The existence of there being "supernatural" things is as irrelevant as the "scientific research" performed on them. If something is "supernatural" it is above or beyond what is natural, what comprises the universe. As it is impossible to observe, it may as well not exist at all.

It is a means of supporting shows like "Ghost Adventures" and making tourist traps, a means of fooling the superstitious out of their money.

>> No.3709366
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I don't believe in god, that's like saying.
"Oh, I think there might be a 300 million year prehistoric shark underwater, we may find it some day, maybe, i'm not saying it exists, but i'm saying with more research we might find something like that, I'M not saying I believe in it, but it may be possible, I mean, people that thought the earth was flat pointed out radical ideas as bullshit"

>> No.3709388

lol wut


captcha: broeili lord

>> No.3709392

But what if it isn't really that impossible to observe?
Something on a sub-atomic level?
I don't believe in ghosts, I just..I don't know, not 100% denying their existence, I don't believe in it at all.
But eh, I am a bit, well, confused, since I've seen a silloutte of a man with a hat, I thought it may have been a hallucination, but I researched it and a bunch of people have seen it..What's up with that?
I don't know..

>> No.3709410

Ghosts = 4 dimensional creatures.
Discuss / De-railed.

>> No.3709435
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Other people are capable of having hallucinations too, you know. "A silhouette of a man with a hat" is extraordinarily unspecific. The human brain is not a perfect, un-impressionable observation tool, not by a long shot.

>But what if it isn't really that impossible to observe?
>Something on a sub-atomic level?

As in quarks and such? It's an unreasonably large stretch to go from
>subatomic particles

>> No.3709439

What if there ARE these supernatural ghosts? You're going to tell me that you get to break the laws of physics because you choked on a fucking pretzel and died in a creaky house?

>I researched it and a bunch of people have seen it..What's up with that?

I'd never heard of such a thing before, but it only took two seconds to type shit into google and find the wikipedia article on Shadow people. Its bullshit.

>> No.3709452


>> No.3709465
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I thought about this briefly myself. What if there were beings that existed on a higher plain of vibrational energy or whatever and could witness things in our perceived 3 dimensions from "somewhere else". Then I stopped thinking about it so I could jerk off. That shit would be creepy, jerking off with a ghost just watching you. Creepy or hot. Whatever. Fuck this thread.

>> No.3709478
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>implying we don't already exist in a 4-dimensional universe

>> No.3709599

What's your fourth dimension?

>> No.3709635

a retarded athiest, yes, but still an athiest.

>> No.3709647

4 spacial dimensions are clearly logically impossible, even biologists know this.

>> No.3709672

implying nothing

>> No.3709674

Fucking closeminded bio fag

>> No.3709763

I'm an atheist, presumably I don't believe in God because there is no evidence supporting him other than random so-far unexplainable phenomena that is more likely than not the tales of people on acid trips and near-death experiences fucking with people's heads.

I believe in ghosts however, despite there being no evidence supporting them other than random so-far unexplainable phenomena that is more likely than not the tales of people on acid trips and people 'jumping at ghosts'.

By definition you're an atheist, I just really wonder how you got there. If you're not rational then you're just following the beliefs of others atheists because they sounded good. Either form your own beliefs or follow the beliefs of Christians, it'll make things easier on you and our stance will look less retarded.

>> No.3709774

Well, i've been an athiest since I was 6 believe it or not, I don't believe in anything that has no proof/I haven't seen.
I'M NOT SURE, what I seen was a ghost, but it sort of changes things.

>> No.3709791

Perhaps, but you're most certainly a huge faggot.

>> No.3709796

There's evidence for the existence of ghosts, not for god.

>> No.3709826

what if beings from a parallel dimension can be observed through some phenomena of their light entering our universe from time to time, like a quantum fluctuation?

what if future humans can only send light into the past, so they send holograms?

what if aliens that exist as pure energy are observing us?

or maybe its mild hallucination from sleep deprevation, hypnogoglia, or a dollop of mustard, and a bit of undigested beef.

occums razor.

interesting thinking for sci fi though isnt it? and not -entirely- impossible

>> No.3709835
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Clearly a 'new atheist' who is only an atheist to be seen as intellectual and different, because you certainly didn't become atheist through rational thought.

>Pic Related. It's OP

>> No.3709837

No there fucking isn't. 'Ghost's' aren't a testable hypothesis.

>> No.3709855


It is a touch weird, but you're thinking too narrowly. Various myths and beliefs about ghosts, spirits, and other supernatural phenomenon persist whether a cultural society developed also a poly or mono theistic belief structure.

In short, no. Though it is a bit bizarre to state that one particular phenomenon is absolutely non existent while having no evidence to believe so and yet state that another one exists while, again, having no evidence to believe so.

>> No.3709896

Isn't THIS enough?
Just.. this.. world?
Just this.. beautiful, complex
Wonderfully unfathomable.. natural.. world?
How does it so fail to hold our attention
That we have to diminish it with the invention
Of cheap, man-made myths and monsters?
                                            ~Tim Minchin

>> No.3710991

Atheism is the lack of belief in God. You can be spiritual and still be an atheist if you like. Atheism is not dependent on rationale.

Pretty disappointed that so few know that.