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[ERROR] No.3704627 [Reply] [Original]

i cant seem to figure this out. anyone got an idea?

>> No.3704632

integration by parts

u = 1 + e^x
dv = 1/e^x dx

haven't worked it out but it seems like that might work

>> No.3704638

integration by parts or just expand the numerator, divide each term by the denominator.

>> No.3704640


expanding the numerator is probably the fastest/easiest

>> No.3704643

could someone maybe write out the first step or two?

>> No.3704645

seriously just expand out the numerator

>> No.3704649

<span class="math">{e^2x +2 e^x + 1} \over {e^x}[/spoiler]

>> No.3704651

i figured that much out but im not seeing how it helps me

>> No.3704652


now divide each term by the denominator, and since you can split the integrals up for each addition, you will have 3 simple integrals to compute

>> No.3704653


I can't latex but okay

integral of (just assume im carrying the integral sign)
(1 + e^x)^2 / e^x
(1 + 2e^x + e^2x) / e^x
(e^-x) + 2 + e^x
= -e^-x + 2x + e^x + c

>> No.3704654

<div class="math"> \int {{e^{2x} +2 e^x + 1} \over {e^x} dx}</div>

>> No.3704655
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>> No.3704656

oh ok. thank you! having a mad brain fart, its been a while since i had to do this