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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 298x371, Einstein-tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3698356 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much Asperger's and Autism among scientists, and people who are very serious about studying science?

Is there a scientific explanation for this? Why so many science experts, science geniuses, and science students are autistic? What is the science that makes science students so often have diseases like Asperger's and Autism?

Also does /sci/ believe in the psychology of Autism or is that more pseudo-Science? I am curious to know.

>> No.3698369

It's called being smart, fuck.

>> No.3698370

United States of America is the answer to all of your questions.

OP, name 30,000 scientists with diagnosed assburger's or autism and then we can discuss your questions.

>/sci/ understands the field of psychology

Heh. That is rich.

>> No.3698384


Being smart doesn't mean being socially incompetent.

A truly smart person will now how to navigate social mores as well as understand the sciences.

>> No.3698399


Autism is a mental retardation. If you have a retardation like autistic behavior disorder, you are not smart.

>> No.3698404

They do it to fuck with all the lowly people so they can be left alone. Duh.

>> No.3698407

Maybe Einstein was so dumd, that everyone thought he was smrat

>> No.3698412

It's because autists obsess over 1 subject and have good mental arithmetic.
Although, being an aspie myself, I doubt the first part, and the second part.
It's werid isn't it.

>> No.3698417

Einstein was a pimp (fucked a lot of hoes).
Newton was a pimp (fucked even more hoes).

How were they autists?

>> No.3698418

Autists have the personality that allows them to go into science.

This doesn't mean everyone in science has an autistic personality (hell there are lots of people in science who are 'normal'), it just means it's more frequent that someone who likes to concentrate on hard problems will be quiet and reserved; for example, Einstein said he didn't speak his first word because he was contemplating on how to do it in an optimal way.

Are you willing to spend 7 hours a day outside of class studying/doing experiments and still be able to think critically? A lot of people on /sci/ would. I doubt the normal person could stand it. It takes mental stamina, something that comes from lots of experience with deep thinking.

Finally the worst stereotype that this has generated is the 'autistic = genius' one. You have a bunch of assburger kids ranting about how smart they are because their psychologist diagnosed them as autistic. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY DAMN IT.

>> No.3698426


You're not someone with a mental disorder, people with mental behavioral disorders like autism are too whacked out to even operate a computer machine. You're just using your "disease" as an excuse for pussy behaviors.

>> No.3698432

Maybe because the the scientist with Autism and Asperger's didn't use that as a crutch or excuse to become great.

>> No.3698433

This, screencapped for future.

>> No.3698434


Autism doesn't automatically preclude getting laid.

>> No.3698440

lol newton was a kissless virgin faggot, where's your precious science now?

>> No.3698444

Also, Einstein incestisiezed his cousin.
what now faggot?

>> No.3698451
File: 109 KB, 367x445, u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what?
That's alpha.

>> No.3698454


Sir Isaac Newton was the most popular man in the world at his zenith. He ruled England. He was the life of the party.

Where are you guys getting your misinformation?

>> No.3698456

Reduced sociability increases brain matter available for calculative work.
Higher functioning autism reduces sociability without reducing brain matter.

>> No.3698457

>proves my point
stay classy, fuckface

>> No.3698453


>> No.3698460

lol enjoy your josef fritzle the first

>> No.3698461


There's nothing wrong with banging your cousin if you don't procreate and didn't grow up together.

It is alpha.

>> No.3698493

Einstein preferred his double cousin (related to him both maternally and paternally) to an educated woman.

Are we done now?

Back to the 30,000 assburger scientists OP owes me.

>> No.3698518


No not done yet.

I still don't see the problem. Did he grow up with her? Then being related isn't even an issue if they don't reproduce.

And he preferred an hot slut over some geeky chick too busy with her research to cook a decent meal? Big surprise. Those chicks are usually freaks in bed. So ++.

I like them geeky and non geeky, but it was his choice.

>> No.3698543

Asperger's and autism is caused by differences in brain physiology and brain chemistry. The root cause is physical. To make fun of or discriminate against someone with Asperger's is as bad as descriminating against someone because they are paraplegic. Stop being thundercunts.

Also, as Asperger's is a form of High Function Autism, people who have it ARE NOT mentally retarded, by definition. If you are legally mentally retarded this precludes you from a diagnosis of Asperger's as this would mean you are low functioning.

>> No.3698573

Blasted pseudo-anonymity.

It was to be pointed out that to some his taste in women is disagreeable.

>Incest creates deranged offspring
That is contested :)

Still waiting for those sweet thirty thousand.

>> No.3698588

Let's do the idiot test, albeit it is a quite cruel one:

leave the asspie or autistic person alone for a year.

>> No.3698594


I have Asperger's and if I was completely alone and by myself for a year I'd probably commit suicide or something.

>> No.3698597

Self Diagnosed autism.
Or you're just extroverted you fuck.

>> No.3698613


I have Asperger's. From my experience with others with the syndrome, and certainly for me personally, we like nothing more than to be left alone.

The problem is that the general public has such a warped view of what Asperger's actually is. Everyone thinks we are like Rainman or some stupid shit like that.

>> No.3698620

No, not alone as in "abandoned in the wild" but instead having to fix yourself up every morning, going to work, later coming back home, doing some shopping (or ordering groceries online), doing some exercise for your body.
Daily routine without forcing people into becoming your bitches by mentioning what you seem to suffer from.

I simply challenge the concept of an assburger being functional ENOUGH to make do with a regular life.

It's getting late here in Germany. Bed time sounds reasonable.

>> No.3698622

Confirmed for not Asperger's

>> No.3698629


No, I was diagnosed with autism by an Arab psychologist when I was eight and with Asperger's by a J-wish psychologist when I was ten.

Also I've never had sex, never had a girlfriend or boyfriend, never had a best friend or any very close friends, and I've grown up a lot more slowly than other people. Also I have a 4.0 GPA and make the President's List every semester at my uni. I'm pretty sure those are asperger's symptoms.

>> No.3698628

I think I have a more accurate version of that question ,op.

Why is it that people who love science usually don't have very much charisma?

>> No.3698635

Please don't feel insulted by my question:
do you live on your own?

>> No.3698640


You're from Germany, an entire nation of emotionless Asperger's.

I've never met a German who had emotions or facial expressions. They are all very cold and nasty, like lizards. Unless you're an American military or a travel writer or some shit, maybe an expat worker, like an English teacher. Then I forgive you for being in Germany, but if you're a Kraut, fuck you.

>> No.3698645

>President's List
Nigger please, I wiped my ass with those things.

>never had sex
Welp, welcome to 4chan.

>> No.3698646


I'm currently studying engineering at a university which has just been ranked in the top 50 in the world. I am also on a scholarship (my second in 2 years) and I have a GPA of 6.0 / 7.

This proves the point I made earlier about people having a warped view of Asperger's. It hasn't stop me from doing well at university, and yet you seem to be doubtful of the fact that I can dress myself in the morning.

>> No.3698659


No, but that's just because I'm studying. I'm a poorfag 'til I graduate.

>> No.3698663


It's funny that people with asperger's think they can "dress themselves."

Every time I have met someone irl that claims asperger's, they are wearing some ridiculous shit. Like striped gloves, ties with skulls and crossbones on them, spiked bracelets, fishnet shirts. Everyone that claims to have a case of the Asspies looks like they just raided Spencer's Gifts.

>> No.3698664

It's sad that you've felt prompted to type that, since a country is little more than a place with people in it.

I'll hit the sack and no one will be any smarter.

>> No.3698680

Is it me or does thread seem trollish?

>> No.3698687


Welcome to /sci/.

>> No.3698688

And this orgy of adequacy in numbers is of importance to whom?
Listen, if you can get off on the fact that you are currently still a student, be my guest but do not expect someone else to share your passions.

Then by all means, graduate and then re-evaluate your self-image of being an asspie.

I am off to bed you two, da wir es gerade kurz nach fünf Uhr morgens haben und Ich meine drei Stunden Schlaf durchaus gebrauchen könnte.

See ya!

>> No.3698690


> striped gloves, ties with skulls and crossbones on them, spiked bracelets, fishnet shirts

I don't think I've ever met anyone who wears stupid shit like that. However, whether you meant to or not you actually raise an interesting point. The other people I've met who have Asperger's often do dress strangely. While I can't claim to know exactly why this is, I suspet that it has something to do with aspies not being as socially motivated as normal people. I think the only reason why we see fashion trends occuring is that people care what other people think of them and therefore dress to impress other people. People with Asperger's just don't think about that kind of stuff.

>> No.3698693

lol nazi speak
we dont take your incestous jewish nuclearring kind kindly here

>> No.3698703

Einstein had a wardrobe full of the same shit so he didn't have to think about what to wear whatever day.
Newton ate athe same restaurant erryday.

Also, Tesla also seems to be highly autistic, as he did what no autist did before;
reject sex.

>> No.3698709

Aspies get attracted to science because academia is the one place you can completely obsess over an esoteric interest and get well rewarded for it. Thing is, there aren't a lot of aspies relative to the amount of normalfag scientists. Reason being that aspies, contrary to what all those self-diagnosed anti-social teens think, do not have an average intelligence that is above average. It IS above average WHEN COMPARED TO OTHER AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (which are all characterized by lower-than-average intelligence, often to the point of retardation), but not when compared to the general population.

In reality, most scientists are pretty normal, social people.

>Also does /sci/ believe in the psychology of Autism or is that more pseudo-Science?

Autism is definitely real. I really don't see how anyone could debate that fact considering that if you've ever met an autistic person it should become apparent within the first few seconds of seeing them that something is terribly, terribly wrong with them. Asperger's Syndrome isn't really debatable either although it can often skirt the line between mental disorder and neurosis. What makes it seem like a fake disease is all the self-proclaimed asspies out there who don't want to admit that they're just very unlikeable people.

>> No.3698716

>implying restaurants existed in Newton's day

>> No.3698719


You claimed that people with Asperger's are too retarded to dress or feed themselves. I corrected you with the only example I could think of.

Asperger's is nothing more than a lack of instincts for social interaction. Whereas most people are born knowing instinctively how to interact with other people, people with Asperger's aren't. It has no impact on intelligence, whether we can dress ourselves, or anything else. We just aren't good at socializing.

>> No.3698720

>hurr durr this was 350000 BC

>> No.3698743

He didn't
he's said that he challenges people like you to be functional enough for a normal life and judging from your post he was right.

Normal life has people in it.

>> No.3698750


I seriously doubt that Einstein had Asperger's. Newton seems much more likely, however there's no way to know for certain. Personally, I'm highly skeptical of claims for any historical figure having Asperger's since it is impossible to verify these claims.

These are two people with confirmed HFA / Asperger's, one being a nobel prize winner:



>> No.3698762


Aspergers primarily presents as a social problem, as people with aspergers have difficulty adjusting to social interaction and habits. In day to day tasks they should be able to function reasonably well, so long as not too much is demanded of them socially.

Of course the disease is a spectrum, so you will have people who seem less affected by it than others. Apparently I am one of the less affected, but I really don't think my diagnosis was worthy of being called a 'diagnosis'. I'm probably more of an anxiety case than anything else, but I'm hesistant to visit the doctor about it ; ~;

>> No.3698764

The woman is fucking retarded

>> No.3698771


> having to fix yourself up every morning, going to work, later coming back home, doing some shopping (or ordering groceries online), doing some exercise for your body.

> Daily routine without forcing people into becoming your bitches by mentioning what you seem to suffer from.

Most people with Asperger's are perfectly capable of all of this.

>> No.3698773
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>> No.3698772
File: 378 KB, 608x352, VLC-2011-09-04-20h28m44s184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind being an aspie, I wouldn't change anything, it's just that i'm sort of shy since I have to do everything manually, think of that clumsy fool that says the wrong things.

>> No.3698781


>> No.3698793
File: 346 KB, 608x352, VLC-2011-09-04-20h28m42s164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3698797

I just looked at his face I and knew instantly he was an aspie, he as that aspie face.

>> No.3698800

>implying most of the asspies know how psychiary works
>implying they dont self diagnose "cus they so smart"
>implying psychiatry ignores emotions
>implying not gay as fuck

>> No.3698814
File: 80 KB, 492x559, retard-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey buddy, what are you trying to imply?

>> No.3698846

>go to any "decent" social website
>search asperger
>lol at results
for example,interpals.net
you can use okcupid too but they are too pathetic i cant even laugh at those retards

>> No.3698871

I want pictures.

>> No.3698891
File: 16 KB, 219x251, 1314744550548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too pathetic.

>> No.3698900
File: 550 KB, 701x525, Typical scientist..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god

>> No.3698908
File: 80 KB, 248x280, 1314556239733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3698919
File: 348 KB, 412x450, Female scientist#.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wondering along, looking for my prince charming

Hi I'm Rain, i'm a beginner at languages and i mean beginner but i love to learn , i have a condition called Asperger syndrome which is a autism spectrum disorder i also have mild memory loss. i am Bi-Sexual and proud, i do swear a lot maybe a bit too much sometimes, i love making new friends and meeting new people, i'm kind, caring, easy to talk to, i love animals mainly wolves, big cats and horses, i'm kinda a Fantasy freak, i'm only looking for friends, i'm currently doing first level art at my local college, i'm a nice person just don't give me abuse or il give it back twice as hard =], but as long as you don't tick me of i'm acutally a nice person so say hi =] thats all really =]

>> No.3698966


>> No.3699705

Autistics are smarter

>> No.3699734

uh, newton proclaimed his greatest accomplishment was dying a virgin

where is your atheist god now

>> No.3699746 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 479x620, 1315388852796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.3699752

Oh wow what a freak

>> No.3699776 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 272x368, wtf....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I also have an exclusive syndrome that I share with people like Bill Gates and Albert Einstein, Asperger syndrome."

"I am an eternal student and a political scientist by education. I have a state pension due to Asperger syndrome, so I am not working, but my income is quite ok, around 30.000 US dollars.
I like to read and travel, but I miss a woman who could be my life partner. Maybe you are the lucky one?"

>Maybe you are the lucky one?
>you are the lucky one?
>lucky one

that's like shooting to red cross.. whatever..
how could these people think that this way of "approach" would ever work? How can the first one linked talk so big about himself saying "I have the same syndrome of Einstein and Bill Gates" while admitting to not give a single fuck in his life while living with a state pension "because an aspie"?

Seriously.. what the fuck??

>> No.3699811

He's stupid, that's all there is to it.

Is it? I've never noticed this or seen evidence for it.

>> No.3699867

just be glad you arent autistic they are pathetic as fuck

I know one autistic guy who graduated computer science and sits in his room doing nothing but programming a computer game, some space strategy thing with what he calls "relativistic physics" whatever the fuck that is. he says he doesnt care about money. he always wears clothes that HIS MOM BOUGHT HIM. hes never made any money for himself. pathetic.

>> No.3699880

If not troll, I feel sorry for you, and the world.

>> No.3699889

I admire naturally gifted people in terms of scientistic abilities.


I'd never change my social and emotional awareness for that :)

>> No.3699901

>Why so many science experts, science geniuses, and science students are autistic?

They aren't. Socially awkward faggots just like to self-diagnose themselves to excuse their behavior, then pretend that everyone they admire is also an "aspie."

>> No.3699911

>Well, and there is also another thing I am really good at, but I am not sure if it approppriate to mention that here...

Holy fuck, now THAT'S alpha.

>> No.3699913

Yes, and by the way, I am a naturist, that is I like to take a bath in the nude, as I find it very uncomfortable and unnatural to wear cloth when I am taking a bath.


>> No.3699917

>real disorder

Yeah, nah. I'm socially retarded, but I still have enough self-respect not to blame it on imaginary disease.

>> No.3699919

wow i posted this message in the morning,i am glad people checked them.
I dont think anybody in this board is that socially retarded(asperger's level).Go see a psychiatrist.Because asperger's is not schizoid personality disorder,or social phobia.Online tests are bullshit.

There are many examples like those.

>> No.3699925
File: 52 KB, 900x719, kdn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Einstein said he didn't speak his first word because he was contemplating on how to do it in an optimal way.