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File: 29 KB, 500x500, vegetarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3695403 [Reply] [Original]

If you're so smart, why do you still enjoy eating dead animals?

>> No.3695410


Have you ever tried eating a living animal?

>> No.3695411

Because they're tasty.

>> No.3695414

I ate a fly once ...

>> No.3695427

I'm a vegetarian. But it has nothing to do with anything. If anything man's omnivorous nature was one of the essential ingredients in developing his large brain. A lot of nutrients that man needs are best found in meat. Sure, you can get all your nutrients with vegetarian food if you know how to combine your grains and legumes and such, but it's much more efficient to eat meat. Also consider that certain things critical to brain function like B12 and Omega-3's are best found and most easily digested from animal sources.

>> No.3695431

Yeah, but try doing it consistently.

>> No.3695435

>implying vagiterians are more than just hipsters pretending to be deep and edgy

>> No.3695442

That's pretty much the only reason I'm a vegetarian.

>> No.3695444

>implying you can point out a single dumb vegetarian

>> No.3695455

fruit flies. had a colony in my room once. then again they were too cute to eat.

>> No.3695456


Because i am a human being, and eat what nature intended me to eat, and not being brainwashed by liberal hippies.

>> No.3695458

>implying I don't have to deal daily with extremely dumb vegetarians

>> No.3695466


>laughing agricultural industry moguls.jpg

enjoy your weakness and lack of testosteron

>> No.3695469

Not eating meat for ethical reasons doesn't require intelligence. It's more a measure of a person's empathy for animals.

Personally I don't eat meat for environmental reasons. I cannot justify to myself the resources used to provide me with a steak when my nutritional needs can be met by much less resource-intensive means.

I do still eat wild-caught fish. Obviously resources are expended catching it, but at least we're not growing acres of crops just to feed a meat machine.

You can say I'm being inconsistent as my every food item is not selected specifically for the most beneficial nutrition to resource use ratio. But a simple rule of avoiding farmed meat makes a substantial difference to the resources used to feed me.

>> No.3695474

>don't eat animals because of their similarities to us
>OP's pic anthropomorphizes vegetables

>> No.3695478

>implying vegetarians don't kill more animals than carnivores by stealing the animal's food

>> No.3695481

Not OP, but-
Protein shakes, eggs, dairy, beans+grains
Zinc supplements

You make the same kind of argument my father does
I'm a vegetarian specifically to troll him
Because he can't understand how I can be a vegetarian and be gaining muscle at the same time

>> No.3695486

>Not eating meat for ethical reasons doesn't require intelligence. It's more a measure of a person's empathy for animals.
Personally, I think there are no ethical problems with raising happy cows that live protected and live healthy lives, killing them painlessly, and enjoying a delicious steak.

>> No.3695487

>implying vegetarians eat grass?

>> No.3695489


>I cannot justify to myself the resources used to >provide me with a steak when my nutritional needs >can be met by much less resource-intensive means

you want to look like a child, have the corresponding strenght and testosteron level of a 16 ear old teenage girl, then yes vegeterian does meet your nutritional needs.

>> No.3695508


animal fat, essential for human development

>> No.3695511

I'm okay with looking 16.

But really, if you're still eating fish it's extremely easy to get the same nutritional intake as someone eating all types of meat.

>> No.3695521


Are you a woman?

When did they install internet in kitchens?

Put some sauce on that stake woman!!!!

>> No.3695522

Eggs and dairy bro.
Vegetarians can get all the shit they need. It's -vegans- that are fucked

>> No.3695532

If you're so smart, why do you love the cock so much?

>> No.3695536


Tell me how is eating eggs any different than eating a grown chicken again?

>> No.3695539

It's funny because "cock" refers to an animal he loves so much that he wouldn't eat it.

>> No.3695540


I supposse it is okay to eat human fetuses than too, but not okay to eat babies?

>> No.3695541

The same way getting an abortion and killing teenagers are different.

>> No.3695551


so we should eat aborted fetuses?


>implying abortus and an layed egg is the same

>> No.3695558

New recruit reporting in.

I have not eaten meat in 5 weeks. I intend to keep abstaining untill lab-grown meat is an economically viable option.

>> No.3695561

I wouldn't because they look disgusting to me, but have nothing against it in principle.

>> No.3695568

A laid egg is unfertilized. It's not like eating an aborted fetus. If you want to compare it to humans, it's like drinking a woman's menstrual blood.

Which some people do.

Anywho, chicken tampons are delicious, and technically vegetarian.

>> No.3695583

Veggiefag again. To continue my oddly pro-meat rant:

Eating vegetarian for "ethics" about animals is retarded. If you really care about animal ethics, just restrict yourself to wild game like venison, wild fish, rabbit, etc. If you REALLY care about animal ethics, start up a farm yourself, raise free-range chickens something, sell them, profit, taking money away from the big meat companies that raise animals in poor conditions.

Being vegetarian for health is also retarded as previously discussed.

The only reason to be a vegetarian is so you can be a hipster elitist- chicks will think you're "sensitive," people will go out of their way to make vegetarian food for you if you go to a party, etc. Also, if you happen to beat a guy up (cause he calls you a faggot for being a vegetarian faggot) you get to further emasculate him in that despite being a meat-eater he was beaten up by a vegetarian faggot

>> No.3695605

I eat meat because we already waste a huge amount of resources farming animals, why would I waste that animals life AND everything that went into feeding that animal?

>> No.3695609

I'm a vegetarian because I think a civilised society wouldn't slaughter billions of animals daily just for the sake of rotten pleasure such as eating meat.

Killing and eating an animal is acceptable only when the only other option is death. Otherwise, there is no reason to do it and only implies human sadism.

>> No.3695612

Outstanding logic, faggot

>> No.3695623


>Eating vegetarian for "ethics" about animals is retarded. If you really care about animal ethics, just restrict yourself to wild game like venison, wild fish, rabbit, etc.

how the fuck is hunting animals ethical if farming them is unethical?
Would you like it if you were hunted down and killed?

>If you REALLY care about animal ethics, start up a farm yourself, raise free-range chickens something, sell them, profit, taking money away from the big meat companies that raise animals in poor conditions.

>implying we have those resources
>implying that converting more people to vegetarianism wouldn't be a better use of resources
>implying that making delicious cheap nutritionally balanced food and selling it wouldn't be even better.
most of all:
>implying two wrongs make a right.

run along troll. You've been outed.

>> No.3695628
File: 55 KB, 497x550, bigpot6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3695686
File: 824 KB, 3604x2488, mechanical cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna leave this here.

>> No.3695697
File: 87 KB, 737x610, Vegan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.3695711

If you're hunting animals, you're eating animals that have lived happy lives in the wild the way nature intended, instead of living life packed in a warehouse and force-fed food they'd never normally eat. If you're hunting right you're using every part of the animal and not making waste like the livestock industry. It's more ethical in the sense it's closer to the way nature intended with the ecosystem- it's ethical for an omnivorous creature like a human to eat meat. It's not ethical to raise that meat in shitty conditions with nothing to look forward to in life but the slaughter.

You're just mad that I can admit to being a vegetarian strictly for hipster cred, while you hide behind a veneer of bullshit. It's an anonymous forum bro, you can be honest, admit, the only reason you don't eat meat is because you can act elitist to people who do.

Hell, while I'm at it-
If you really wanna be ethical to the treatment of animals, you'll go to say a Tyson company chicken coup, where they live in unhealthy conditions, are raised with hormones, and never see sunlight, and kill every single one of them out of mercy, because they'd never survive in the wild.

>> No.3695721

> that have lived happy lives in the wild
>happy lives in the wild
>in the wild

there is nothing 'happy' about the wild.

>> No.3695744
File: 131 KB, 616x800, c3d7d80f8e541132550e2073e9ccc5da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's all sorts of wonderful things about the wild, friend.


>> No.3695752

like living in your own filth.

>> No.3695761
File: 4 KB, 152x157, 1264461465764s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3695764

>Have you ever tried eating a living animal?

Yes. Oysters, for one. Plenty of yeast and bacteria. Probably all sorts of stuff, unintentionally.

>> No.3695768

what about sunshine?
what about rain?
What about all the thing, that you said we were to gain?

>> No.3695771
File: 24 KB, 499x348, warm257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've adapted our way to the top of the fucking food chain, why not take advantage of it?

>> No.3695777

Incidentally, farm-raised animals live much more in their own filth than wild ones. Consider the following:
Wild turkey. Craps where it is, moves on. Lots of open space to move around for Mr. Gobbles.
Farm-raised turkey. Packed in a dark coop with a few hundred friends. Fattened up on feed and hormones designed to make him gain weight as fast as possible. A lot of farm raised turkeys grow so fast their muscle development can't keep up and they literally can't support their own weight. A good amount of them end up breaking legs just walking and die of starvation from not being able to reach the feed trough. They're all packed in there together with corpses of turkeys that don't make it, all covered in their own shit, a veritable cesspool to the point that antibiotics are added to the feed so enough will stay alive to make it to market. Imagine, if you would, /b,/ only with turkeys.

>> No.3695779

>Still believes in food chain and not web

>> No.3695794

Oh, some fun trivia while I'm here. You know who made huge leaps for the ethical treatment of animals?


They were the first to ban vivisection, and establish hunting seasons to prevent over-hunting of wild game.

Good old Adolf himself was a vegetarian, in addition to a teetotaler and a non-smoker

>Nobody INB4'd Godwin's law

>> No.3695796

Excuse the improper name then
All I'm saying is we're a pretty dominant species
Why not take advantage of the many animals we've dominated for our own needs?
You think other predators give half a shit how their prey feels? NOPE
So why should we?

>> No.3695810

Because the oils and b vitamins found in meat that are vital for the development of our brains make me so

>> No.3695811
File: 6 KB, 206x245, 130698041965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take advantage of animals to satisfy a lot of my needs.

>> No.3695813

Vegetarians aren't so bad most of the time.
Now vegans on the other hand are full retard

>> No.3695816

the fox, shits in its own den.

>> No.3695817

Because i believe in natural food cycles
grass -> cow -> human -> grass

>> No.3695820

>he doesn't buy freerange

>> No.3695822

If you believed in efficiency, we'd all be better off.
vegetables -> human -> vegetables

>> No.3695823

I've eaten whale, do you know how much plankton it would of taken to give the same sanctification as whale meet.

>> No.3695824
File: 119 KB, 550x733, vegetarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3695831

Because we have the cognitive capacity to know better.
We also have the infrastructure and means to eat a full and healthy diet without the need to factory farm animals.

>> No.3695832

where do we get the vegetables if we live in areas with poor dry soil.

>> No.3695841

You'd be substituting taste, proteins, vitamines, minerals and essential oils, thousands or millions of jobs and the death of millions of farm animals for a carrot

>> No.3695846
File: 9 KB, 349x314, trouble424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goodness are you serious?
How is it?
The closest I've ever had is shark, and that's not even very close

>> No.3695848

>I'm a vegetarian because I love animals
>Still eat fish


>> No.3695851

That's the worst argument I've ever heard.

>> No.3695852

Cow is more efficient at digesting plants (eg: cellulose)

>> No.3695854

How do you get animal meat if you live in an area with no plants? From the fucking store, like everyone else.

>> No.3695860

How so? And do note that the argument in question is only relative to the comment it replies to and does not (fully) work when it is a reply to a person who is not clinically retarded with a post to match

>> No.3695864

Are you retarded? The shit a cow eats will grow everywhere and friday, a carrot, lettuce or most other fruits and vegetables you care to mention do not.

>> No.3695870
File: 24 KB, 444x322, box081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat crippling conscience

>> No.3695883

failed to see the point i was raising.
grass can happy grow in a number of different climates, and animals can graze on this grass.
the same soil that grows said grass can not grown veg, fruit, maze etc with out heavy intense farming, fertilizers, pesticides and plentiful supply of water that isn't always there.

sometimes its just makes more sense to eat a cow.

>> No.3695894

Maybe if you live in the artic fucking circle you can't grow food.

>> No.3695899

You're getting more retarded every post.

>> No.3695901

Because they are delicious. What are you, retarded?

>> No.3695910

in the mountains and vallys.
where do i put my crops that wont, freeze in winter and be washed away in all seasonal rainfall?

when i just get a load of sheep.

>> No.3695918

Or you could buy your food from the store and quit arguing about something fucking pointless.

>> No.3695923

Oh wow, veggy fags are really fucking retarded these days

>> No.3695932

never thought a veggy fag would say animals are pointless.
Just buy them in the shop.

>> No.3695963
File: 34 KB, 520x358, steak mon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all forgetting one very important thing.

Steak is fucking delicious.

>> No.3695989

You are all forgetting that animals eat each other everyday whether we do or not?

>> No.3696020

I believe this is a troll thread, and you have all been roped in
this is more ridiculous than string theory

>> No.3696037

It really is.

Steak au Poivre with the cracked pepper, cognac, and cream demi-glaze is simply divine.

Filet mignon with melted gorgonzola cheese and port reduction sauce.

Pork tenderloin stuffed with honey and apricots with cracked pepper.

Prime rib with a butter/brandy demi-glaze sauce.

Or the simple Chicago style steak with the charred and peppered outside and juicy inside. Maybe some South African style biltong jerky that's been soaked in cider vinegar, coriander, peppers, and air-dried?

Perhaps some pork ribs slowly smoked over hickory after being dry-rubbed with Memphis style spices? Maybe some Kansas City style spicy vinegar sauce to go with it?

Meat is delicious, and human ingenuity has made it only moreso. No red-blooded human can deny the appeal of properly prepared meat.

>> No.3696055
File: 362 KB, 500x640, vegans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.3696059
File: 14 KB, 348x232, 1314729836427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 134 IQ and am, indeed, vegetarian.

>> No.3696063

By which test?

>> No.3696069
File: 260 KB, 395x385, 1311832054036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sheeps and cows and chickens totally eat each other all the time.

>> No.3696071

>retard and vegetarian.
You fit the stereotype.

>> No.3696088

I don't get this hate of vegentarians. The vegetarians I've met are just too empathetic to animals (perhaps too many stuffed animals and petting zoo trips as children). I myself tried vegetarianism for a short time and that was because I think Americans (like me) should try reducing the amount of meat they eat because it is very energy inefficient and the world population is only growing.

>> No.3696091

Fuck you, they get eaten by other animals who get eaten by you and me. Ignorant faggot.

>> No.3696103


Congratulations on thinking you are morally superior,

>> No.3696109


because they sound like self-righteous faggots?
Just guessing....

>> No.3696111
File: 26 KB, 344x345, 1308747650325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're mad at vegetarians like Christians are mad at atheists; they know they're logically/morally wrong but they'd rather be in denial because the thought of paradise/meat is too tasty to forsake.

>> No.3696114


>naturalistic fallacy, naturalistic fally everywhere!

>> No.3696143

Who ITT enjoys sex? It's not really necessary for reproduction any longer. It spreads disease and distracts otherwise productive humans from more fruitful pursuits.

The urge to engage in sexual activity is primitive and we are beyond it. Those that defend their love of sex are just mad, knowing that their position is really indefensible. It's a disgusting, largely harmful, and primitive drive.

>I thought not.
>Meat is tasty because we are hard-wired to enjoy the bounty of fat and protein it offers via our sense of taste. Natural selection made certain of that.
>Sex is fun and feels good because natural selection ensured that it was so. This is because we need a drive to ensure the species continues, even if the actual act of sex is obsolete.

>> No.3696152

You're an idiot for comparing murder to sex.

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>> No.3696183

>I know! I'll call him told!

>> No.3696186

I can enjoy just as much, if not more, protein, fat and taste without having to kill an animal.

>> No.3696188
File: 17 KB, 590x473, Vegetarian NCDS men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the end of cannibalism, vegetarianism is the next step in the evolution of human civilization.

>> No.3696192
File: 30 KB, 485x364, notmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're using a loaded word and you know it.


Seriously though. Enjoy or practice whatever diet you'd like.

Also, who loves fois gras? It's especially good as a pate with a flaky pastry and thick-cut, smoked, and cured bacon.

Duck is severely overlooked as a meat. It doesn't have to be a fatty, greasy food. Smoked duck is delicious and duck fat is great for frying other foul.

>> No.3696197

Fucking 5 star post mate!
I lol'd. Gonna save that list.
[Sage for troll thread]

>> No.3696204

How long did you spend making that in MS paint.

>> No.3696228

Further, I generally shut-off when someone claims moral supremacy for their given cause or ideology. At least, when it comes to certain vices.

Such moralfags brought us great hits like Prohibition and the War on Drugs. When morality is legislated or imposed, disaster of some stripe or another always seems to be lurking right around the corner.

>> No.3696235


If you're so smart, why do you enjoy methodically killing plants and eating their still living limbs?

>> No.3696242 [DELETED] 


I don't know them by name but I sure as hell know them. This one eco bitch didn't eat animals or support corporation because apparently child labor will be stopped if we don't buy their T-shirts. Then the fucking retard goes out and buys cigarettes. WTF man?

>> No.3696248 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 300x360, 1278106332069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw meat-eaters don't have any argument but "you kill plants lololol"

>> No.3696282 [DELETED] 
File: 344 KB, 500x375, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat them while they're still alive just to hear them scream!

>> No.3696285 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 140x105, lrg_28d13728a0714037b23ed947e44a46a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw plant-eaters don't have any argument but "you kill animals lololol"

>> No.3696359 [DELETED] 

Hey everyone! I have a compromise that helps everybody here. Let's all just eat meat AND plants! No more conflict!

>> No.3696364 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 240x210, 1312458644781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying vegetables and fruit dont start dying as soon as you cut them off from their source of nutrition
>stay black OP

>> No.3696367

because its fucking tasty and i dont care about animals feelings...unless they are cute...

>> No.3696373
File: 129 KB, 850x637, sample-a2b452f1c5ef1a948c65e6983066fe28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best compromise: All meat eaters eat the plant eaters. Cannibalism is now legal. Discuss.

>> No.3696384

Well fuck you. I just shot a rabbit with an arrow this morning, and I'm grilling it tonight.

>> No.3696391


Cannibalism is bad because of prions.
Good job exponentially losing your mind as your brain cells are converted into prions.

>> No.3696394

/sci/, I'm thinking about eating meat 2-3 times a week.

Will I get all of my nutritional needs?

>> No.3696928


from this thread i have learnt that the topic of vegetarianism is just too attractive to trolls to expect reasoned discussion here. You're probably better off asking somewhere else, but as long as you make sure you're getting enough protein from other sources i don't see why not. One benifit of my becoming vegetarian is that hyped-up fear of malnutrition has me eating a lot better than before.