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[ERROR] No.3694758 [Reply] [Original]

What exact field of science explains how to persuade and motivate people to fulfill execute some task?

Do you know any good books on this topic?

>> No.3694761

psychology, manipulation, hypnosis, something on those lines?

>> No.3694768

charisma, you don't need books.
>manipulation hypnosis and psychology

>> No.3694773

but if you really want a book read emotional intelligence by daniel goleman

>> No.3694809

It's difficult to find hard science that covers this topic. The level of abstraction is too great from what we know. It would be like asking a quantum physicist how a computer works because he knows how electrons work.
You should read about the Confucian concept of "li"
It's not exactly science, but Confucius had an understanding of human psychology that rivals experts in the field.

>> No.3694814

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

>> No.3694815

Snow Crash!

>> No.3694816

The science of being wealthy.
Pelt a stack of bills at someones head then tell them what to do. They'll do it.

>> No.3694820

This is the root of a big problem in capitalism. The better people can be manipulated by the people with more capital into making the people with more capital richer. It's like the bank robber that straps a bomb to your chest and tells you to rob a bank, you really don't have a choice and you're forced to make this guy money. But hopefully if you do it right, he will give you a cut then you can use your bank robbery money to strap a bomb on someone else and make them rob a bank for you so you can become rich like him(maybe the analogy breaks down after a point....)

>> No.3694826

Nah the analogy works.

>> No.3694832


That's not funny fucker. My parents died in a skiing accident.

>> No.3694842
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> free choice is like being forced to wear a bomb


>> No.3694848
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Yeah, you're FREE to make the CHOICE if you want to die or not.


>> No.3694857


> die
> every political ideology ever

Pick both. Socialism/communism/fascism does not magically erase death, you silly goose.

>> No.3694871
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>suddenly go full retard and take my comment out of the context of the analogy I was referring to

>> No.3694884


You made no analogy of substance, relevance, or truth.

>> No.3694892

Replace the bomb/bank with "forced to work to get things you want/live the life you want" and it works fine. It may be hyperbole, but it has some substance.

>> No.3694899
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pic related, your face

>> No.3694906


There is NO political ideology that can eliminate labor. You must labor to survive, simple fact. Capitalism lets you choose what to work at, whereas the planned economy means the plans are taken out of your hand.

In other words, you claim/implication has no standing in reason, rationality, or logics.

>> No.3694947


>> No.3694966



>> No.3694985


> take from labor
> you dont need to labor

Wait, wut?

>> No.3694995


Yes, but labor isn't required on an individual level. Quit being full retard to try and prove a point.

>> No.3695010


How do they spend it? Labor.

One of the problems with communists/fascists is that they think labor is only working for a boss. Taking a shit is labor. Eating a peach is labor.

>> No.3695013

Not the same person, but
a planned economy can have wages to make an equilibrium of supply and demand, without 'telling' people where to work. In other words, wages would tell people where to work in a socialist economy, just like they do in a capitalistic economy. No one would tell you where to work in a socialist planned economy.

>> No.3695017
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>Taking a shit is labor. Eating a peach is labor.


>> No.3695023


Wages are set by the state. Where to work is set by the state. Planned economies are planned. There is no planned economy where choice is allowed. Nobody would choose to do the shit jobs.

>> No.3695029

I don't know the science behind it, but I know a book about how to do it.
"How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie

I learned some insightful things due to this book.

>> No.3695045

Wages are set by the state at an equilibrium - so that supply equals demand. Where to work is chosen by people mainly based on wages.

Soviet planned economy is just one type of a planned economy, and I personally don't support Soviet planning.

>> No.3695050

>how to persuade and motivate people to fulfill execute some task
i'll just ignore the paranoid angry nerds against the system and actually answer the question:
It's called charisma, basically projecting/sharing one's emotion to others, by doing so you create a bond with this person, and this person will trust you, and be motivated to do task X for you easier, PAY ATTENTION this is not manipulation, it's not a bad thing, and it comes naturally to many people. if you try hard, it's not going to work, if you have something to hide, it's not going to work, if you try to act, it works on some people, but ultimately is not worth the effort. charm is about how fast you bond with people, and works in 2 ways, by projecting calm or strong emotions. it's not science, it's not psychology, it's just working WITH your emotions and instincs. being confident helps but is not necessary at all, various tricks you'll read about /see on the internet do not work, they come from self deluded cheesy people.
It's not about forcing someone, it's about comunicating. the system, capitalism, bombs attached to chests and bank robberies are completely out of context, you guys.

>> No.3695049


Wages are set artificially and arbitrarily. They controls prices instead of altering wages. And most wages are simply ration tickets.

>> No.3695051
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No, seriously liberty... Explain this bullshit: >>3695017

>> No.3695054

avoid these kinds of books, for the love of god.

>> No.3695058

no that's how it works. capitalism is just a big pyramid scheme.

>> No.3695062

Wages are set artificially and NOT arbitrarily. Wages are set in such a way to minimize shortages and surpluses, to attain an equilibrium.

I'm sorry, but your neoclassical economics textbook might be wrong. Neoclassical economics doesn't investigate the production process in detail. For this reason, exploitation at the production process and the surplus value is invisible to neoclassical economists.

>> No.3695064

neurolinguistic programming duh
anyone who isn't always thinking about thinking can be manipulated pretty easily.

>> No.3695077

schizophrenia up in this bitch yo

>> No.3695078

It's called "negotiation"

you can google it


It is not a hard science.

>> No.3695087

Alright, wanna know the secret?

Just get people to like you. It may not be easy, but it sure is simple.

Once someone cares about what you think of them it's quite easy to sway the dice in your favor.

However, if any point they realize they are being manipulated... shit will backfire like a summabitch