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File: 26 KB, 280x390, IFWT_boobspm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3694455 [Reply] [Original]

Epic weight loss + estrogen pills afterwards to gain weight back = Epic BOOBS?

>> No.3694461

Females actually visit /sci/?

>> No.3694464

that's a man, man.

>> No.3694474

Interesting thread.

>> No.3694485


Yes , i look here

>> No.3694526

This is relevant to my interests.

>> No.3694532

go to Dominican Republic

>> No.3694715


>> No.3694728

epic weight loss will also probably affect your breast size making them a lot smaller

it's individual but very improbable that they will make them Epic. more like they will be the same size as before or slightly bigger

>> No.3694751

I am doing EXACTLY this. Want to know if it will work. Interesting that we came up with the same hypothesis. Have you studied body building?

>> No.3694764

No but I've read a lot about hormones and their effect because I have this condition which includes abnormal testosterone levels and I believe it's blocking my breast growth, but if I take estrogen pills I may become fat.
So I'm wondering what will happen if I go extremely skinny and THEN do the estrogen treatment...

>> No.3694781

It's very likely then because estrogen causes fat to pile up in the most feminine places - boobs, ass, hips...

>> No.3694794
File: 762 KB, 1122x1457, c67fde8f986712006f4d0b297d871d9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reasons for wondering about this were when you're bulking or cutting in body building it get successively harder to put on more fat as you gain more fat and successively harder to lose fat as you get a lower % body fat. So I am wondering if I cut to like 10% body fat or less, then change my hormones, if I will gain more bodyfat in my breasts than if I just went straight to hormones. I imagine, at the very least, my new bodyfat distribution will be more feminine than someone who did not cut first; I just want to know if from this, significant breast growth will follow.

One thing I forgot to mention, when losing fat, you tend to lose it where you last gained it. So by cutting then taking estrogen, I hypothesize that I will gain more immediate fat in my breasts. This then suggests that if I overbulk, gain too much fat, I can take off fat without it immediately coming off of my breasts to the same order it would if I had taking estrogen/anti-androgen without cutting first.

I really don't what kind of specialist would be qualified to put these hypothesis in perspective. Anyone have a clue?

>> No.3694837

Boobs are overrated anyway. Its probably better to just not fuck with the balance of your bodies hormones and let what happens happen

>> No.3694839

Why would one go to such lengths for these "boobs" as they are called?

>> No.3694841

Transgendered people.

>> No.3694844


>taking estrogen

But in body building, when taking testosterone, you need to take estrogen blockers because after coming off the test your body releases estrogen to achieve homeostasis. So in theory, wouldn't your body begin to overtime on the testosterone once you get off the pills and cause you to grow body hair and probably a tiny cock?

>> No.3694845

I don't even fully know what this means, and I don't really want/need to know.
Ok, hope that goes well for you, just don't trick any people into thinking you're something that you aren't

>> No.3694847
File: 95 KB, 630x592, Wat fractal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boobs are overrated

>> No.3694853

Never get off the pills. Bodybuilding is about goals. This is a hypothetical program for someone who is going to undergo hormone replacement therapy.

Bodyhair can be removed by electrolysis and tiny cock is getting cut off anyways. Even if it happens, that's just the cost of doing business for big titties!

>> No.3694861

Don't get me wrong, boobs are some of the most amazing things on this earth, but the size and the typical thinking that "bigger is always better" thing is pretty stupid in my opinion
As long as they aren't completely flat then they're find with me, doesn't need to be big.
In fact big boobies aren't even good, they just end up all saggy and shit brah ya dihg

>> No.3694868


>> No.3694874

It might work. Probably not though. I big part of where your body puts fat is simply where the fat cells are. I personally have very high testosterone (deep voice, back/chest hair, muscular) but if I put on weight quite a bit of it will go to my ass and thighs, which is kinda feminine.

>> No.3694877

Wouldn't the chick look like one of those models that is very skinny but has tits the size of trucks? That's disgusting.

>> No.3694882

Or she'll have the body of a female athlete(tennis player or boxer) with C or D cup breasts.

>> No.3694891

No, it won't be toned as much as an athlete unless you train

>> No.3694898

Doesn't taking birth control tablets make your boobs bigger anyway?

>> No.3694908

Cut to 8% body fat by training. I assumed workout plan, not Auschwitz diet. The biggest problem for women who work out is no titties. Imagine if you could body-build a feminine body, that would be sweet.

>> No.3694910
File: 117 KB, 500x626, 1313584125643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


experienced /fit/izen here. With multiple cycles under my belt, and knowledge of female cycles.

First things first, a female can't get to 10% bf. It's just unrealistic. bout 20% is nice and slim for a female. Anything under that will require clenbuterol and t3. Males tend to receive lower test levels when they want under 10% natty. This is why men take var and prop to help with the low test problems.

Women don't have such problems, cause you guys are just shit in general.

Next thing. Taking estrogen pills won't get you larger boobs. Unless you're 14, that is.

I don't know where you got that idea, maybe it was out of John Tucker Must Die or some other teenage movie, I don't know. But it doesn't work like that. Women take estrogen pills on steroid cycles to avoid turning into a man, baby. You'll grow an extra large clit and you'll have to tuck in between your legs when you want to wear a thong.

Anyway, what such estrogen pills would you buy? Do you even know where to get them online?

If you have good boob genetics, then you will have good boob genetics when you have a slimmer waist line. You know, there are only a handful of girls in the world that have a 26" waist and a 32DD rack. If you have tiny boobs when you are slim, maybe you're meant to be a man?

>pic related
>you will never look like her cause you're a stupid aspie that thinks women can get to 10%bf natty
>and also cause you have shit tier boob genetics
>she doesn't

And one without greentext. No amount of boob size will make up for your fucked up face.


>> No.3694914

Depends on what type of birth control. Old ones may do the trick, but they have many side effects.

Look here


>> No.3694916

>don't read thread
>typical fit

>> No.3694918

Weird, I assumed OP was a prospective trap, you assumed OP was a girl.

>> No.3694922

>doesn't know female athletes with 10% body fat

>> No.3694934

Eitherway you should be doing kettlebell swings to get that hourglass shape.

>> No.3694939

Obviously if you cut down on your BMI in general your breasts will become smaller. Unless you just have downright fantastic genes, then good for you.
Taking Estrogen pills is some risky business unless you have copious amounts of Testosterone in your body (if female); then I say, fuckin A, go for it. Just beware your mood will change dramatically and it'll be a bit harder to cut down on the BF%.But hey! At least you got curves, boobs and an ass!
Let's just put some duct tape over your mouth so I ... we don't have to listen to mindless bitching.

>> No.3694951


Show me 2. Hell, show me 1.

IFBB Women's champs sit at around 14% after 6 weeks at clen/t3.

10% is relatively low for a male. For a female it's just wrong. Why do people think it's a reasonable number for a chick to achieve? Stupid cunts.


I got asked to answer the post, from a linked thread in /fit/. Why would I read the entire thread?

>> No.3694962

Taking hormone pills can increase your chances of cancer. Even if you do put on fat from them around your breasts, it will just be fat, it wont be breast tissue. This fat will just burn away eventually anyway.

>> No.3694968

Doesn't have to be body builders. Can be athletes in gymnastics, canoeing, triathlon... whatever. All have low body fat.

>> No.3694971

Op it won't work. Estrogen pills give you bigger boobs because they make you retain water. They don't actually grow your boobs. What you are proposing would be like guys shooting up testosterone to get a bigger dick. It just doesn't work unless you are in developmental stages. Sorry. It's not like boobs matter that much anyway and it's not like you can't just Dave up for a boob job down the line. All a whore has to do is be skinny and 80% of guys will fuck you.

>> No.3694978

Who do transgendered people taking estrogen get bigger breasts then?

>> No.3694996


Guys can get gyno and girls can get enlarged clit. But girls can't get gyno and guys can't get enlarged penis. I don't know the mechanisms at work here but this is how it works.

>> No.3694999
File: 57 KB, 665x999, DSC_6293_EQQANZURKP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus fuck I wish I could reach through the monitor and slap your shit.

IFBB pros have the lowest level of body fat of all women athletes. Gymnasts aren't even low in bf, wtf are you talking about cunt?

fyi, this is about 10% bf on a women. The stupid bitch itt wants to get to this level of bf? Dumb bitch has got no chance in hell.

>> No.3695000

Transgender here.

If you take estrogen pills, be very wary of the dosage and how long you've been doing it.

Prolonged consumption leads to:
-Heart problems
-Permanent breasts
-fat redistribution along hips, giving you a (only slightly) more girlish figure.
-temporary softening of the skin
-weight gain (which is what you want i guess)
-reduced penis size

>> No.3695005

> permanent breasts
> problem

>> No.3695009

Guys with breasts are . . . Yeesh.

Also the breasts aren't actually breasts, they're just fast stores.

>> No.3695011

Who is that in the pic?

>> No.3695019

>Says females can't get to 10% bodyfat
>posts female with 10% bodyfat
>still hasn't read the thread to find out he replied to a trap

>> No.3695020

They don't. They take it to soften their features (stop facial hair, softening of the skin etc.). That's my guess anyway, I don' know much about transgendered people, but I do know taking oestrogen won't make your tits bigger.

>> No.3695026
File: 444 KB, 1360x1813, nicole_scherzinger_wet_20080813_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this is about the lowest a girl could achieve natty. Still got some abs and stuff.

If you want to get lower (and why would you; it's ugly as fuck) you'd need to use clen at 40mcg ed, or the safer option of t3 at 50mcg ed (longer cycle)

Just diet properly (500 cal deficit) and exercise and come back in 6 weeks. Save up for tit surgery if you're that concerned you look like a man. Or you could just deal with your shitty genetics and stop being a bitch.

>> No.3695031

Except it totally does.

>> No.3695035


He means naturally. As in a girl won't ever get to that without real fat burning drugs.

>> No.3695034
File: 141 KB, 529x359, 1287423272878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also the breasts aren't actually breasts, they're just fast stores.
>implying real breasts aren't made of body fat

>> No.3695033

Nope. It's not breast tissue, just water and fat.

>> No.3695037

>Wont make your tits bigger
if you don't already have them, it will cause fat to be stored as if they were a breast. there's a maximum size
>stop facial hair
Hormones don't stop male facial hair. Once you have testosterone in you, you permanently have facial hair unless you kills the cells that grow it.

>> No.3695038

Then why are they permanent?

>> No.3695041

because the hormones tell your body "Hey, you should store fat in the breasts instead of the stomache from now on."

It's like a switch.

Also the idiot that says breasts store water is full retard.

>> No.3695046

Transgendered person here; you're better off taking estrogen pills while losing weight.

Weight loss before, estrogen pills after: You have to rebuild fat where you want it.
Estrogen pills then weight loss: You lose less fat in the places you want it.

The only disadvantage to the second is after a few months on estrogen, it becomes hard as fuck to lose weight. I struggle to lose 5 lbs now where before I could drop 10 in a couple weeks.

>> No.3695057
File: 72 KB, 450x373, niggersafullretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> 10 % body fat is unrealistic for women
I will whole heartily agree with you a 110% on that part... But...

>Estrogen doesn't make boobs bigger.
I'm calling total bullshit. Estrogen does make your breasts a bit bigger, not DD, obviously.
(Ii.e.)Birth Control. Makes your boobage ache, yes? That's because they are growing.

You WILL get curves and become more moody as I have stated before.
OP, if you plan on loosing 'epic amounts of weight, hopefully you're not a land whale, make sure you do it the right fucking way and THEN take some Estrogen pills while you are keeping your health at a good level.
This shit is known to cause blood clots and that is not something you want to add to the list of complications.

>> No.3695065
File: 346 KB, 108x120, slanteyedmagic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>And one without greentext. No amount of boob size will make up for your fucked up face.

Hahaha, can't believe I skipped over that. So true so very fucking true

>> No.3695118

Dang, thread turned ugly. Basically, I am a transgendered person(going to go MtF) and wanted to know the "best" way to do it to end up the prettiest possible(and have the biggest possible titties). There is information on how to become female, but not on the best way to do it. This is equivalent to telling athletes "lol just go work out, genetics will do it if you got it!". There has to be a best way to do things(referring to results wise, not safety wise) and I can't find any research on it.

I'm a person who doesn't like to do anything important half assed. I have about a year before I start my PhD(maybe MD) to prepare. I have infinite discipline and a genius IQ. I know the basics of the process; I'm looking for deep details. Seeing a psychiatrist in a few weeks to pursue this deeper. Does anyone know if any research/anecdotal evidence exists on the BEST way to go MtF?

>> No.3695122

take estrogen while losing weight so you keep weight where you want it to be

>> No.3695125

What if I am already in shape? And won't that effect my breast size negatively?

>> No.3695127

Human growth hormone enzymes make a lot of women grow some unfinished breasts. Not HGH itself as you get tolerance or something.

Aunt went from an F to a G. Eventually got a reduction of course.

>> No.3695129

Probably not legit, but:


>> No.3695189

So lets say im 18 now, even if I take estrogen pills I could never grow "Real" breasts?

>> No.3695401

No, you can grow breasts from estrogen if born male even if you're way over with puberty. The sooner you start, the better results you're likely to get. A-B cup is likely. More than that is less likely, but certainly possible. After about two years they're not going to grow much more.

I'm at a year on hormones and they're definitely at an A-cup now.

>> No.3695575

Thats a terrible shame, when did you start?