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File: 12 KB, 256x279, ig_nacl_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3677117 [Reply] [Original]

Why does putting salt on a wound make it hurt?

>> No.3677124
File: 83 KB, 700x700, 1314023902660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3677126


>> No.3677131

cheers dicks. Rather than teenagers on yahoo answers I'd prefer it if you gave me an answer

>> No.3677139

but this isn't fucking rocket science
It's not even a matter for discussion.

>> No.3677165

Your nerves feel something reactive on a wound and send pain messages to the interneurons in your brain and spinal cord.

>> No.3677180

>implying the teenagers on yahoo answers arnt the same people who post on 4chan.

>> No.3677187

wtf is with that picture? its been blurred for no obvious reason. i was gonna save it too...

>> No.3677203
File: 88 KB, 710x688, Editing is hard ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Editing pictures on ms paint is hard..

>> No.3677206

according to yahoo answers it's the salt dehydrating the cells which somehow causes pain (yeah, nah)

>> No.3677223

I don't know, but the principle thing that salt does in tissues is to draw water from the low-salt area to the high-salt area. This could definitely cause some serious trauma to cells if you put concentrated salt in an open wound. It would kill a lot of cells due to extreme dehydration, and that in turn would trigger an inflammation reaction, pain being one of the effects of such a reaction.

>> No.3677226


Fuck off, EK.

>> No.3677228

exactly the salt is reacting with the cells causing nerves to fire. What I said.

>> No.3677241
File: 86 KB, 724x581, google_it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, i actually just did that, i bet my pic looks almost identical to the one you made. testing.

>> No.3677243

what's red and white and gurgles without taking a breath?
a skinned infant in a bag of salt

>> No.3677255

sick fuck, i didnt want to picture that.

>> No.3677281

>>3677255 you think you make me mad by knowing what it is? you think you make me mad by trying to troll me with that fact that I will be mad because you made me mad and I am still not mad? you didn't

>> No.3677295

lol what

>> No.3677313

Do you see the image in your pic OP? See those sharp, jagged edges? That's why it hurts when you pour salt into a wound. It's like a million tiny knives cutting your insides.

>> No.3677316
File: 254 KB, 398x360, 13645647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm, didn't you post this in that other thread before it 404'd?

protip: stop spamming the post-link, it makes you look like a cunt.

>> No.3677318

>>3677316 you didn't.

>> No.3677340
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1282266494887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>gets mad over a baby joke

>> No.3677399

Well stop posting pictures of urself. You look like a lesbian.

>> No.3677419

That's not her. But you're right, she's at least bi.

>> No.3677437

yeh thats not me, and yeh i am bi.

>> No.3677450


>> No.3677476
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 1297249776778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you please tell me about a time you had sex with a lady, and what that was like?


>> No.3677530


Yes, tell us about yourbi experiences EK.

>> No.3677544

Do bisexual women enjoy traps as much aa heterosexual men?

>> No.3677553

i'm mainly into guys. i havent got passed kissing and a little bit of touching with other girls. and that was just 1 girl aswell.

>> No.3677560

dunno, maybe some do. not me tho.
i like men to be manly and women to be cute and feminine.
traps are just confusing as hell.

>> No.3677579


..was it Harriet?

>> No.3677582

okay then

>> No.3677584

lol no. she's straight, and frigid as fuck anyway. even if she was bi she'd still be fucking untouchable.

>> No.3677608
File: 805 KB, 724x547, EK 010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not fapping to EK's lesbo pics

>> No.3677616
File: 44 KB, 604x453, 1310044553522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Still using a toilet

>> No.3677622

Meh. Not enough bdsm or leather/latex.

I think EK is pretty good as a /sci/ poster, but I get my sexual kicks elsewhere.

>> No.3677630

how he fuck do you guys still have access to her pictures. i thought EK set her facebook back onto private. also thats probably not EK's facebook anyway, so stop posting it.

>> No.3677633

and notice the big fuckoff tent in that picture? she was camping, dumbfuck. there are no toilets, you have to improvise.

>> No.3677637
File: 40 KB, 604x453, 1310043418174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Revisionist /sci/ historian detected

Its EK's facebook. And clearly some of us had the presence of mind to save the pics.

She went through a katy perry stage, i wish i had some of those, EK can be rather cute for a lanky brit

>> No.3677642
File: 116 KB, 320x280, salad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3677643


Lol EK defence league?

Notice the fence? She is in a back yard dipshit, there are more pictures than just that one of that particular tent experience.

>> No.3677641

what katy perry stage? wtf is that meant to mean??

>> No.3677645

Did the profile list a birthday?

>> No.3677646

no, thats not me. and that facebook isnt even mine.

>> No.3677647


>EK detected.

>> No.3677650
File: 70 KB, 495x700, 165101_10150364809025104_618615103_16425271_6592948_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For a while she changed her hair to look like katy perry

Salt reacts with nerve cells, its sodium and chloride, both ions relevant in pain reception

>> No.3677655

I've been away all summer and I come to see that you're still having the same argument over EK's Facebook that I started. This is very satisfying for me.

Hi, EK. Did you enjoy your summer?

>> No.3677659

>implying fences are only in backyards.
why the fuck would EK camp in a backyard? like 10 meters from the house presumably, she was in a field in the middle of nowhere. and yes, fields do have fences, dumbfuck.

those pics are old, she had her hair like that before katy perry was famous.

>> No.3677661

LOL. Summerfags still think those pics were from EK?

>> No.3677663


Did you not see what I said? There were more pictures of the same event. She is in a back yard. Dipshit.

>> No.3677664

yeh, fucking idiots. its some girl called like Rose emily kirsty lines or something, who doesnt even have the right initials to even be EK. but summerfags are retarded i guess.

>> No.3677672

>why the fuck would EK camp in a backyard?
When you have friends, quite often you do crazy shit with them. But I guess you wouldn't know....

>> No.3677674

Then why is she pissing next to the fence when she could just go inside. Dirty bitch.

>> No.3677676

The number of anonymous posters claiming that isn't EK is alarmingly high today.

>> No.3677679

The initials are EK but the K name is hyphenated, it's still one word though.

>> No.3677681
File: 32 KB, 1134x548, EK dun goofd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not you really?

So despite the fact that the only person in this thread who is defending EK, happens to have the exact same writing style as you is a giant coincidence?

>doesn't capitalize first letter of sentence
>no apostrophes on contractions (like "its" and "thats" and "isnt")
>doesn't capitalize 'i'
>says "improvise" clearly the british way of spelling when it's afternoon in America

Methinks ya dun goof'd EK

>> No.3677685

I agree with >>3677630
its definitely not EK. most people know its not her, thats why there are so many posters. its just like 3 sumemrfags who are still fucking deluded and think that 'rose' or whatever is still EK

>> No.3677695

Clearly several people write like that. I'm not the only person with that writing style. It's pretty much how everyone writes.

>> No.3677696

> thinks that it's rare that people claim those are not EK's pics

Dude, you're only reinforcing the hypothesis that you're a summerfag. Those pics were already debunked back in July. Next thing you'll be telling us that Teacup is one of EK's alts.

>> No.3677698

>'rose' or whatever

You know her name was rose, you're forced casual indifference is hollow and makes me suspect you are actually EK in disguise.

>> No.3677704

I noticed you changed your style as soon as you were spotted.,

You are terrible at this.

>> No.3677705
File: 536 KB, 1280x720, 1302366638019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Clearly several people write like that. I'm not the only person with that writing style. It's pretty much how everyone writes.

Sudden change of writing style...

Something wrong, Clarice?

>> No.3677710

Are you... are you really suggesting that this style of writing is unique in 4chan, let alone /sci/? Of all the amateur internet detectives, I must say you're seriously disappointing. What's next? ZOMG EK's supporters never simulpost?

>> No.3677715

> they write the same, they must all be EK's alts!
> they write differently, they must all be EK's alts!


>> No.3677717

yeah but you're pretending not to be her so you're pretending not to remember the name. how do you not understand what Im saying? are you some kind of retard?

>> No.3677728

Forgot to remove tripcode?

>> No.3677730


I'm not an idiot who thinks Teacup is EK, I just think EK is logically attempting some damage control, but failing hard on it. And your shit argument completely fails to take context into consideration.

>> No.3677734

I feel sorry for op. He never got his question answered; all of you are cancer.

>> No.3677736

lol tripcodes

>> No.3677742


Actually he did. The sodium in the NaCl causes the exposed neurons in the cut to fire. As previously stated here: >>3677165

>> No.3677751

Why is 3677706 not listed on the archives? What did EK say?

>> No.3677754

I think we should go give unwanted attention to pascal. He is much more interesting than ek.

>> No.3677757

I see there is a lot of confusion regarding EK pictures, most probably from EK herself. So take it from a guy who was there that faithful day

Events played out in this order
>random thread, not sure what it was about, something about universities I think
>EK in thread, posts about three of her typical posts ("umad", "lolitrollu", etc.)
>some anon starts asking her questions, appears genuinely interested
>asks her if EK are her initials
>she says that they're her middle name initials
>anon asks which uni she goes to (it was already known that she studies zoology)
>Imperial College London (I think, not quite sure anymore)
>anon says something like "thanks, I'll cross-reference those pieces of information and try to find you on facebook
>EK says "lol why would you do that? You'll never find anyhow, don't even try. I gotta go now" and leaves
>after about an hour EK is not posting, Harriet is
>anon posts that girls facebook
>Name: Rose Elizabeth-Kelly Lines, studies zoology at Imperial College London, her facebook realtionship status is "engaged" to Harriet something
>Harriet starts panicking, says something like "leave her alone", basically confirming it's EK
>Rose's wall is public, at that same time her "facebook fiancee" posts "get your phone, I need to talk to you right away" on it.
>EK comes on /sci/ about five minutes later, claiming that Harriet has trolled us all, even though she is very stupid. Rose's facebook is set to private.

Yeah, right, that wasn't EK's facebook...
The best part is, both Harriet and EK say that EK is better looking, when Harriet is way cuter.

>> No.3677758
File: 34 KB, 1096x495, LOLOLOL EK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3677759

> EK is logically attempting some damage control
Ah yes. She's defending herself, therefore the accusations must be true and she's the one in the pics. But if she weren't defending herself, then it would be a tacit admission, why defend herself, and she's again the one in the pic. This circular logic has been going on for months.

Please, do go on, tell us how she was reacting nervously the days after the leak, the poor train wreck who didn't see it coming, while also telling us how she's a master troll and all the details that don't match are a result of her skillful planning and lying. All while keeping a straight face and not seeing the contradiction.

>> No.3677763

Post more EK facebook pics, I want them as reaction faces.

>> No.3677770


You're an idiot.

>> No.3677771
File: 64 KB, 640x480, dawson-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3677773

protip: I'm
and was there that day. But I will admit, I haven't been here most of summer. How exactly were the pictures "debunked" in July? And I mean with evidence, not 15 anonymous posts saying "lol thats not ek you guys are all summerfags, get a life".

>> No.3677774

EK is an arrogant bitch, and said she is better looking than Harriet, But I think Harriet just refused to answer and said she didn't know who was better looking so at least she has modesty.

>> No.3677780

That thread is archived.

>> No.3677784


I'm not letting people ignore this.

>> No.3677787

The correlation between what happened on facebook and what happened in the threads is very convincing.
>"get your phone, I need to talk to you right away"

>> No.3677791
File: 3 KB, 109x147, EK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3677797

You fucked up, bitch.

>> No.3677798

Naw, I've seen Harriet post several times how EK looks better. It's also clear that they're in some kind of weird relationship because EK constantly calls Harriet dumb, and it's not that friendly sort of way, but straight up demeaning.

>> No.3677814
File: 5 KB, 131x151, ek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hit it.

>> No.3677815

You're inferring correlation from one single event? GTFO of /sci/ and get back to /b/.

>> No.3677819

I thought Harriet was straight? Or was EK lying?

>> No.3677823
File: 130 KB, 480x640, 1301834027432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck that pussy raw dog...

>> No.3677824

>implying that's the only event
What the fuck is your problem here?

You need me to spoon-feed you?

>> No.3677829
File: 56 KB, 807x269, EK gonna get raped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see how anyone could not think that Rose isn't EK. The number of similarities and "coincidences" surrounding it are ridiculously large in number. Read the archived thread in the post I quoted. Then afterward EK tried to say that Harriet was lying. Then later (in an unrelated matter) she posted pic related. Everything EK says about Harriet makes her out to be a straight edge person. This is far too much evidence to be a coincidence.

>> No.3677832

EK, it is so obvious it's you. How come Harriet trys to urgently contact EK minutes after EK gets dox'd? She wouldn't be aware unless Harriet was in the thread, which she was.

>> No.3677834

> . How exactly were the pictures "debunked" in July? And I mean with evidence
LOLwut? Welcome to /sci/. In here, the person that states the hypothesis is the one that has to prove it. It's not a matter of saying "lol here's what I believe now prove me wrong". If you think so, I invite you to disprove Krishna had a three-way orgy with Christ and Mohammed.

London has 8 million inhabitants. The only evidence is of one person with the initials EK studying zoology and having a friend called Harriet. The rest is circumstantial evidence and the stuff that doesn't match is all the result of EK lying. I'm sorry, that evidence is laughable. And this is supposed to be the scientific board.

>> No.3677848


Harriet confirmed for cute very submissive girl abused by dominant bitch.

>> No.3677849

Not a dishonest bone in her body? And yet it was Harriet who apparently trolled us all and just pretended EK was dox'd? Her story doesn't add up at all.
I think EK just told Harriet to post and pretend she was trolling, as damage control.

>> No.3677851

... because that was the only event you were mentioning in the context of correlation?

And what was that pic supposed to prove? That EK samefags as anons to defend herself? That's nothing new, everybody posting here for more than one year knows that by heart. Are you pretending that proves anything about the Facebook fiasco?

>> No.3677855

Protip: There are only four people in this thread:
You, the guy who compared EK's writing style with posts defending her and points to the obvious similarities; me, the guy who posted the series of events that happened that day and made a few posts after that; one guy who casually responds to you and me, calls EK out and is probably just having a laugh; and the last person is EK, posting anonymously trying to defend herself.

There are no "people" who ignore that post. I've seen it, the other guy has seen it and EK has seen it. Though I don't think EK is in the thread anymore.

>> No.3677857

Every single post i've seen of EK replying to Harriet she treats her like shit, and Harriet just seems to take it and doesn't argue back or anything.

>> No.3677876

I didn't mean romantic or sexual relationship.

>> No.3677881
File: 210 KB, 778x497, EK_harriet_london.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be reading even if she's not posting. It definitely is her facebook. I mean London is big and all, but she has the right initials, the right age, majors in zoology, has a friend called Harriet who she lives with, and has short black hair like EK said she did. It all adds up.

>> No.3677901

>London has 8 million inhabitants. The only evidence is of one person with the initials EK studying zoology and having a friend called Harriet.
At the same uni EK attends, and looks like EK describes herself. I don't know why I'm even arguing with you:

Protip: the word "debunked" means PROVEN to be false. So no, those pictures were never "debunked".

>> No.3677902

Pics of Harriet?

>> No.3677910

You are aware that post was probably made by EK's anonymous counterpart?

>> No.3677916

Don't forget that the Facebook profile said bisexual. and this was after EK mentioned that she was bisexual when she posted on here.

>> No.3677918

>You are aware that post was probably made by EK's anonymous counterpart?
Not that guy, but what the fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.3677921
File: 662 KB, 849x601, harriet and EK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3677924

>as probably made by EK's anonymous counterpart?
I knew before I even started to reply, I don't know why I do that, fuck.

>> No.3677927

Harriet confirmed for hotter than EK.

>> No.3677928

What the fucking fuck is going on in here? I told you homofags to stop posting pictures of them.

>> No.3677931

I have no idea.

>> No.3677935
File: 45 KB, 451x635, StonedEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another point in favour, EK was well known for being a stoner before she got dox'd. She can be seen smoking weed in some of her FB pics.

>> No.3677939

And you showing up right now is just coincidence?
Teacup confirmed for Ek sockpuppet.

>> No.3677940


>> No.3677941


>> No.3677944

Yes, I just came to /sci/ for the first time today. This doesn't mean I'm EK or Harriet.

>> No.3677945

> At the same uni EK attends,
[citation needed]
No, your link doesn't mention that.
> I don't know why I'm even arguing with you
Good question. Why is EK's Facebook identity so important to you? The vast majority of /sci/, save a couple of loud anons, doesn't give a shit. Maybe you should think your priorities in life?

Oh and
> short black hair

> Protip: the word "debunked" means
> 1. Expose the falseness _or hollowness_ of (a myth, idea, or belief)
> 2. _Reduce the inflated reputation of (someone), esp. by ridicule_

Uh yeah. Words have more that one meaning. The evidence of this hypothesis wouldn't be hollower if it was filled with pumice.

>> No.3677951

Oh. Hai newfag! It's a pity that you're new and definitively not /sci/'s most glorious stud with a 6.5 inch cock.

>> No.3677953

>not tripfagging


>> No.3677958

You sound jealous of me. Luck didn't smile upon you, did it?

>> No.3677959

New anon ITT
10/10, you are trolling well.

Oh and look, Teacup is here.

>> No.3677961

I don't even care if it's not harriet. Seeing that girl's face has undoubtedly brightened my day.

>> No.3677967

Yes, I am. Apparently making people butthurt over my glorious penis of infinite earl grey.

>> No.3677974

Jealous? Why? Your manhood isn't fit to be envied, only to be worshiped.

>> No.3677987

My penis brings out the best in people, doesn't it?

>Implying I'm EK

>> No.3677991

>120 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

seriously /sci/ ? I am disappoint
for things that you can just google...

>> No.3677997

No, you see, midway through, people started shitposting about how EK is master troll xdxdxdxd and so on and so on, so it turned into the usual shitfest. So the thread is, in actuality, an EK thread.