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[ERROR] No.3674355 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ where can I learn about Nikola Tesla? Any good books I should read? Seriously, how come we learn about Edison in school, but not even mention tesla?

>> No.3674356


>> No.3674361

bump for Tesla

>> No.3674362

Tesla just made theories (geuss)

>> No.3674370

because American education system

>> No.3674372


I hope it's not tl;dr

>> No.3674374



>> No.3674381

Go to wikipedia.
Read the article about Nikola Tesla.
Check the "further reading" section.
Read further.

>> No.3674390


"Tesla just made theories (gauss)"

>> No.3674402
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>Not having already read his autobiography

What are you 12?

>> No.3674404

Sweet jesus, this man is either an insane superhuman or just a big fat liar.

>> No.3674417
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>Nevertheless, Tesla could be harsh at times; he openly expressed his disgust for overweight people, once firing a secretary because of her weight.[100] He was quick to criticize others' clothing as well, on several occasions directing a subordinate to go home and change her dress.[21]

>> No.3674418

just watch this

>> No.3674424


Tesla confirmed for Alpha as fuck.

>> No.3674431

aspie as fuck

>> No.3674436

The dude didn't even fuck once in his life.
He also called a lot of geniuses stupid

Alpha of the year, all years.

>> No.3674441

1T = 1x10^4 G

I see what you did there.

>> No.3674442

buttmad fatlandwhale with no sense of fashion detected.

>> No.3674451

>he created the radio

Wait, what?
I was told some italian did it.

>> No.3674458
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>fter the FBI was contacted by the War Department, his papers were declared to be top secret.
What was it, /sci/?

>> No.3674464


>> No.3674463

I thought it was well know that it had something to do with Harrp?

>> No.3674461

>be on the internet, the most powerful tool in the world for spreading information
>ask how to learn about somebody

>> No.3674468

Death Ray.

>> No.3674470
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lightsabers I hope

>> No.3674474 [DELETED] 
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>mfw reading his biography and patents

Why the fuck is none of his inventions being used today?

>> No.3674478 [DELETED] 

They don't work.

>> No.3674484 [DELETED] 


Yeah, no. Edison was such a nigger he tried to fuck up Tesla at every turn.

Tesla actually invented the radio, but they granted the patent to Marconi.

However, decades later they realized they dun goof'd and gave Tesla the patent.

>> No.3674480

So he was useless and insane?

>> No.3674507

This man should have atleast fucked once before dying.
Jesus christ, he deserves it.
The world needs it.

>> No.3674514
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>Another of Tesla's theorized inventions is commonly referred to as Tesla's Flying Machine, which appears to resemble an ion-propelled aircraft.[92] Tesla claimed that one of his life goals was to create a flying machine that would run without the use of an airplane engine, wings, ailerons, propellers, or an onboard fuel source. Initially, Tesla pondered about the idea of a flying craft that would fly using an electric motor powered by grounded base stations. As time progressed, Tesla suggested that perhaps such an aircraft could be run entirely electro-mechanically. The theorized appearance would typically take the form of a cigar or saucer.[93]

>> No.3674541
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So now we know who to blame for not living in a futuristic utopia with saucers everywhere and a prototype imperium of men.

>> No.3674570


Pretty much. He was a fag, but a good businessman who essentially branded 'being ignorant' as 'being hardworking'. Tesla explains it best:

"He had no hobby, cared for no sort of amusement of any kind and lived in utter disregard of the most elementary rules of hygiene ... His method was inefficient in the extreme, for an immense ground had to be covered to get anything at all unless blind chance intervened and, at first, I was almost a sorry witness of his doings, knowing that just a little theory and calculation would have saved him 90 percent of the labor. But he had a veritable contempt for book learning and mathematical knowledge, trusting himself entirely to his inventor's instinct and practical American sense."

>> No.3674586

But it seems to me like he was an attention whore though.
Rightfully so, because the world had need to see what he was capable of in order to get the funding he needed.

>> No.3674587
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/lit/fag here

>> No.3674604


If he had gotten access to anywhere near the amount of resources that that faggot rich kid edison had, then we'd probably already be a type I civilization.

>> No.3674613

I have no idea what measuring system is that.

>> No.3674625
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He'll be a child of the storm.
Comment by the midwife who assisted his birth, "at the stroke of midnight" while lightning was striking during a thunderstorm. His mother replied, "No, of light.", as quoted in the Tesla Universe Timeline

Awesome coincidence I think, especially since it's obviously so fitting to Tesla.

>> No.3674628


google "Nikolai Kardashev"

>> No.3674646
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>“If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search.
I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labor.”
>-nikola tesla

Edison's face when.

>> No.3674642

He was way ahead of his time. He invented a shittone of crazy stuff and probably knew shitload of stuff we don't know now...
I know he was wearing gloves when shaking hands with people cause he was afraid of diseases and stuff.
Rumors say he even cut his balls so that he didn't had anything to distract him from science.

He died alone in a hotel room with his birds which he fed... There was a big hype created after that about some of his documents that some kgb agent took from his room after his death. He barely survived to take them to russia. but they were useless since tesla kept most of it in his head....

Who knows where humanity would be now if we understood him better and gave him more space and resources for his researches....

btw, go watch a movie called Prestige.

>> No.3674659

He was insane, I wish he was more openly sexual though, so he might have fathered a child.

>> No.3674676


I'd rather say strange

>> No.3674683

He was obsessed with pidgeons and it says that he would only require 2 hours of sleep.
The man lived up to 90~ years. seriously, what?

>> No.3674697

He even invented an apparatus that could heal people with energy, as well as some form of electrical bath, which I'm sure he would claim is a much more effective cleansing method than using water.

>> No.3674748

meh, it's just some shitty magic film.

>> No.3674760


Tesla is a Croat.

>> No.3674761


I hope you're trolling, or just made a snappy judgement based on reading the wiki entry.

Prestige is a glorious film.

>> No.3674771

Watched 2 minutes of it, I'm not interested in watching a film like that right now.
Didn't mean it was shitty, just an addon to calling it a magic trick film.

>> No.3674778


All you need to know is that he had an OCD involving number 3, excessive hygiene, birds and electricity.

>> No.3674783


it's interesting movie with tesla appearing....
they said he does stuff that we (magicians) pretend to do ...
it was cute

>> No.3674787
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/sci/ hates tesla

>> No.3674795

And just what was Tesla?

Was he seriously the brightest man ever born?

>> No.3675079

Tesla bamp

>> No.3675086 [DELETED] 

you did that

>> No.3675092

Also, is Tesla a man all scientist should look up to?

>> No.3675101

nope, someone on /sci/ did though, it was an old thread.

>> No.3675126


Dunno, I guess he just had a spark for science.

>> No.3675133

I see what you did there.

>> No.3675221


Soo... Tesla devised the monorail?

>> No.3675252

Tesla is responsible for UFO sightings.
In all honesty, if his stuff actually worked, he could have easily overthrown the americun gubbament and proclaim the first american empire.

>> No.3675316

>herp derp
>tesla's ideas labeled as communist
>stripped of all recognition

>> No.3675324

Well, he was looking forward to making energy free and obtainable just by waggling some device on the air (or maybe an antenna or just a highly susceptible apparatus).
That's as socialist as it could get, plus destroying the energy industry all together.

>> No.3675328


But it is Communist and hence inherently incorrect.
Its not our fault that your Autistic Mind cannot understand that, nor do we exspect that your frail psyche will ever be able to understand it.

>> No.3675332 [DELETED] 
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>yfw AC was said to be inefficient in comparison with DC by the US govt.
>therefore communist propaganda meant to weaken the motherland.

>> No.3675337
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Why didn't they just fund Tesla?

>> No.3675348


different mindset back then. nationalism.

>> No.3675352

But why would they label it as communist?
Why did Edison burn Tesla's lab?
Why were americans such faggots back then?

>> No.3675360

you don't need a reason as long as you throw in the buzz word of the era.
much like 'terrorism' today.
the world was given the opportunity and tesla ended up with his work destroyed, patents stolen, and without a penny to his name.
humans are faggots.

>> No.3675362

Does this make you rage as hard as it makes me rage?

Because boy, oh boy am I raging.
But seriously, who would throw the buzzword? what, why?

>> No.3675368

>no main cause
>only contributors to the development of such
>wishes to identify contributors
>infinite regression

so is life.

>> No.3675371


>Autism is overwhelming

>> No.3675373
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Shortly before he died, Edison said that his biggest mistake had been in trying to develop direct current, rather than the superior alternating current system that Tesla had put within his grasp.[102]

>> No.3675381

good thing it only took him acouple decades, and long after tesla was dead.

>> No.3675390

You children are funny. How old are you on average?

>> No.3675395

Landwhale with no sense of fashion detected once more.

>> No.3675398
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>asking individuals what their average age is

>> No.3675529

re tesla bamp

>> No.3675609

Well, it's not like all of /sci/ doesn't know about tesla anyways.