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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3673799 [Reply] [Original]


Why are so many people in science math and IT courses such elitist stuck up cock suckers? I'm beginning to hate my major. There's little pricks who actually complain that the professor goes into detail and gives real world applications/examples to help the concepts being understood better. They bitch when people ask questions, and act like impatient faggots the entire time.

Why do you even pay for University if you don't want to be taught? If you're so much smarter buy the books and read it yourself. The thousands and thousands of dollars that tuition costs includes TEACHING. If you're going to bitch about teachers teaching, just don't come to class.

Anyone else get guys like this who act like know-it-alls and talk down to everyone else? I'm thinking of finding out what car a few of them drive and trashing the fuck out of their cars for their little bitchy female attitude.

>> No.3673806

OP is a loser who fails in his math and IT courses.

>> No.3673812 [DELETED] 

major butthurt in this sector

What major?

>> No.3673809

I get A's and B's, since I listen to the lectures and ask questions. I'm not paying 3 grand a class to be told what chapters to read.

>> No.3673810

>The thousands and thousands of dollars that tuition costs includes TEACHING.
Only retards who study in america without a scholarship have to pay that.

>> No.3673823


>> No.3673829 [DELETED] 

>not physics

>> No.3673834

I'd consider this a troll, but then I realised that this sums up a fair portion of the computing students at my university. As for why, what I've observed is that the people who are like this are the ones who's only redeeming feature is academic prowess; perhaps the arrogance is a defensive layer developed over years of being shunned by everyone else in high school, only to be thrown into sharp, jarring relief once they are placed in the presence of well-adjusted adults with similar academic interests.

>> No.3673852

It's not a troll at all. I hate elitist fucks. Especially the asians or neckbeards.

>> No.3673859 [DELETED] 
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>not Asian

Get with the times. Morph.

>> No.3673855

That's why you post on a neckbeard board.

Nice try, troll.

>> No.3673863


i completely agree with you. I'm starting my fourth year as a math major and last year was all upper division courses and I really disliked most of the people in my classes. 3/4ths of them were aspie fucks. The normal ones unfortunately just didnt talk at all so I never got to know them. I don't regret picking math because I love it, but I hate the people I have to group with.

>> No.3673865

>Implying being a hard science major makes you a neckbeard.

>> No.3673871
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Retarded engineer detected

>> No.3673874

Retarded engineer detected

>> No.3673901


retarded hivemind majors detected

>> No.3673913


Wow, and here was me thinking that /sci/ was something more than physicists sucking each other off.

>> No.3673916
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>> No.3673920

Oh, how misinformed you were.

>> No.3673922

mostly biologists

>> No.3673923

What do physicist have to do with retarded engineers?

>> No.3673930


I'll let you work it out.

>> No.3673939
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Engineers are employed by Physicists....DURRR.

>> No.3673944
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But that doesn't mean it is the physicists fault that engineers are so fucking retarded.

>> No.3673948

physicists have a job because of engineers.

>> No.3673954

Engineering relies on physics to accomplish anything.

>> No.3673963

/v/ here

You guys are more autistic than we are

>> No.3673972

>>implying physicists have anything to do with those laws
Seriously, engineers have to have a fundamental of understanding of physics to do their work. Good physicists go on to be engineers and work for NASA and CERN and shit. Bad ones work for universities and make up bullshit hoping that it will be the "next big thing"

>> No.3673997
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>engineers have to have a fundamental of understanding of physics to do their work

Has no idea wtf he is talking about. Most engineers only know very very very very very basic physics.

>> No.3674013

most physicist don't know jack, and don't do anything productive.

>> No.3674023

The United States accounts for over 5% of the Earth's total population, which means it is the third largest country in terms of citizens in the world. The first two being China which is followed by India.

Your argument has been invalidated.

>> No.3674025
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>Good physicists go on to be engineers

Why would a physicist lower himself like that? It doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.3674026

>Implying making sure Sky-Scrapers, bridges, and etc... stand up is basic physics.

Even a shitty engineer will always be more useful than some fag teaching at a University with his degree.

>> No.3674035
File: 93 KB, 485x563, you_fail-12825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most physicist don't know jack

If by jack you mean the homeless man that engineering students practice fellatio on, then yes I agree with you.

>> No.3674061
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>Implying making sure Sky-Scrapers, bridges, and etc... stand up isn't basic physics

LMFAO. All that shit is very simple mechanics and learned by physicists in freshman year. You honestly think bridges and shit is "hard"?

It is that kinda thinking that gives engineers a bad name.

>> No.3674071

Nope. You need to take math and physics almost every single year to be an engineer. Try again.

>> No.3674086
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>building bridges is hard

Sure is the 13century in here

>> No.3674115
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>Implying engineers take the same courses as physicists

Physicist do learn all the shit teir engineering mechanics (to build buildings and other simple shit) very early on. They are included in basic mechanics courses exclusive to physics majors very early on. Engineers don't take these courses, as they are too advanced.

The engineers versions of physics and mathematics classes are very fucking watered down, hence yall don't see that shit until senior year.

>> No.3674120
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>If by jack you mean the homeless man that engineering students practice fellatio on, then yes I agree with you.

Oh you

>> No.3674126
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>> No.3674132

Any physicist worth his salt greatly appreciates the infinite value and difficulty of engineering, while engineers do the same for physicists. The two ass pie fags on this board that post all the "hurr gay engineers" bullshit are not worth their salt. Stupid neckbeard fucks.

>> No.3674135
File: 93 KB, 500x500, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying engineering students don't practice fellatio on homeless men

Where else can a freshmen get a free dick to practice on?

>> No.3674144

i bet none of you engineers know what a J/psi is composed of and I bet you physicists don't even know what it means to be an elastic material.

In other words, calm down, you're all equally dumb

>> No.3674152
File: 74 KB, 925x471, win2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the little engies. Who else is gonna get my coffee and clean the lab?

Thanks engies!

>> No.3674160
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>> No.3674168
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>implying physicis don't know what an elastic material is

You do know they teach that shit in freshman physics 101 right? It is literally a section about it in every physics freshman mechanics book.

>> No.3674177

>mfw I doubt engineers know about hamiltonian reformulation of classical mechanics let alone lagrangian based mechanics

I wouldn't be surprised if they were sitting about applying newtons laws istead of writig a lagrangian

>> No.3674190
File: 188 KB, 750x534, 1314445330165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who else is gonna get my coffee but engineers

Fire the engineers and hire a secretary, technician, or janitor. They pretty much do the same job as engineers anyway.

>> No.3674196
File: 35 KB, 322x400, Fat Lady Lawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>HURRR why people not know highly specific things from my studies? what a bunch of retards HRUFDURF

Pic related, it's you. (I'm well aware I'm responding to a troll).

>> No.3674198

I, as an engineer, respect physicists, and all I have to say that if it weren't for their research we wouldn't have all the nice stuff.

It was an engineer who designed everything that gaves you the daily luxuries of life you enjoy.
If someone sends us to space or stops hunger in the world, you would need an engineer.

>> No.3674201


>> No.3674202

I see, so you're one of the people who didn't know what a J/Psi was composed of

>> No.3674214
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>Engineers don't know the Hamiltonian or Lagragian formulation

That is actually a sad true fact. Most engineers are never taught that shit. They still use the very outdated Newtonian mechanics.

>> No.3674218


Well the way you wrote it, it could be a meson or a ratio of energy to pressure.

>> No.3674249
File: 126 KB, 561x370, the-more-you-know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J/psi is fucking trivial knowledge son. Intro to particle physics is taken by a physics major sophmore or junior year, after he has gotten all the basic trivial physics (engineering shit) out of the way.

>> No.3674267

yeah, pretty pathetic that you didn't know it then

>> No.3674283
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>you would need an engineer

Yes, society will always need the little people to make bridges and unclog toilets. Engineers will always fill a place in society, just like janitors will always be needed. A shit job is still a shit job though.

>> No.3674294
File: 54 KB, 375x300, dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engineer with penis envy

Maybe if you shove some more in your mouth you will cheer up. You want that 'A' don't you?

>> No.3674304
File: 25 KB, 341x450, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls someone else pathetic

Are you literally retarded? Or just lack critical thinking ability?

>> No.3674319

actually i have a math and physics degree
I'm just smart enough to realize how much of a pain it would be to learn all the stuff engineers have to know in order to do their work.
Also, physics is janitor work compared to math.

>> No.3674340

Sounds to me like you're mad because you can't keep up, and they're making you feel bad about yourself.
Surprise! Your attitude of entitlement does not override actual knowledge and aptitude. Better get used to it, when you get out in the actual, adult working world, throwing a fit because you didn't get a prize just for trying doesn't impress anyone, it just gets you fired.

>> No.3674348

I agree with OP; I'm a math major and I'm sick of know it all faggots. Most of them are short and out of shape, too. I just stopped going to lecture and self-teach myself through the book. There are normal people too, but yeah, way too many people making up for a lack of something. I think


Is right when he says that the normal ones stay quiet. All the people I befriended were really quiet ones, but they got mediocre results and switched into physics and math. I'm basically stuck with aspies and one or two normal people now. It's weird being one of the only physically fit, social, and presentable people in there.

>> No.3674365


Not OP, but I find that these people just spend more time studying mundane coursework and judging people that don't get the rote-answers like they do. In my math classes I spent a large part of my time doing extra-curricular work in math, but when I didn't know something in class I was scoffed at. I was even scoffed at when I asked some of them how they did when I got high 70s-low 80s.

>> No.3674386

OP is whiney bitch. He sounds like an engineer who hasn't got used to cocks yet.

>> No.3674401
File: 8 KB, 298x208, BadThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that the students who bitch about college and their classmates are usually those who are failing. MAN THE FUCK UP OP!

>> No.3674415

This just in: people are assholes and complete scum.

News at 11.

>> No.3674453

I don't know, tell me why there are dumbass engineers asking for an "application" of Gauss-Jordan elimination on day 2 of my linear algebra class so that they'll have "a reason for learning this shit".

>> No.3674475

>why do dumbass engineers ask stupid questions?

You have answered your own question.

>> No.3674486

>unaware he is the bitchy female in question

>> No.3674509

math major here

engineering mathematics is a fucking joke, hth

the same is true of the math that engineers do

hey smartypants engineers with all your super hard math why dont you tell me how the mean value theorem works

oh wait

you cant
because you dont fucking know shit about math

engineers who also major in math/physics get a pass

>> No.3674520

Have fun dropping out OP

You can always go to vocational school and get a nice degree in engineering or plumbing.

>> No.3674532
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