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[ERROR] No.3672037 [Reply] [Original]

There's really no board for this, so this seems most fitting.

What's the meaning of life? Is there one? Or are we all just things? Every living creature on this planet is designed to do 2 things. Survive and reproduce. We have given ourselves a false sense of empowerment over nature because of our superior ability to communicate and learn. We have given ourselves false mandatory goals in life that every must follow, that really don't exist. Relationships, happiness and wealthiness. Those 3 things are planted into our brains that they are needed to survive, they are crucial, but they are not. We are simply here to survive and reproduce.

Anyone else got theories on stuff?

>> No.3672044
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>> No.3672050

OP I suggest you run over to >>>/lit/ before you get banned like I have been before by butthurt scientists...

Absurdist; there is no meaning of life, but you can live by arbitrary meanings you make up.

>> No.3672062

you are right OP. Thats about it. Humans intellect is too much for us to handle. We will never know shit, because it needs trillions and trillions of years of further development to see what shits all about, and even then its not necessarily given that we understand it. just live your life the way you like, because with all the intellect, you still are an affective, manipulated, reproductive, talking animal. shits on fire, yo

>> No.3672066


>What's the meaning of life?

Define "Meaning".
Define "Life".

>Or are we all just things?

Define "Things".

>Every living creature on this planet is designed to do 2 things Survive and reproduce.

[Citation Needed]

>We have given ourselves a false sense of empowerment over nature because of our superior ability to communicate and learn.

[Citation Needed]

>We have given ourselves false mandatory goals in life that every must follow, that really don't exist.

[Citation Needed]

>Those 3 things are planted into our brains that they are needed to survive, they are crucial, but they are not.


>We are simply here to survive and reproduce.

Who is "we"?

>> No.3672073


If OP gets banned imma fuck the Mods nigger mum. philosophy is just as much a science as mathematics. in fact, its even more, because maths is just numbers, its a mere tool. philosophy is something quite holy

>> No.3672077

the meaning of life is what you want your meaning to be. some go in peruit of knowledge, some for power, some for their name to be carried and some that they will have a life beyond this. what ever you want yours to be let it be and that is that.

>> No.3672081

What happens when you die? The same thing that happens before it all started.

>> No.3672090

We are far more advanced than you think. You think of advancement with human eyes, trying to rationalize the world in order to understand and manipulate it. But this is just one of the windows through which you can observe the world. Try the other ones and you will see your questions and rationale become meaningless.

I have spoken.

>> No.3672100

If you don't have an aim screename please get one at http://www.aim.com , you seem to be relatively less retarded than other people I see on /sci/ so I want to discuss with you certain things like...

How nothingness created what exists now.

>> No.3672105

you look for meaning in something that might not have one, the idea that everything has to mean something comes from how our brain works and processes information

>> No.3672106


wannabe precise elementary teacher much? in philosophy, you dont need no citations. you are the best proof of OP's opinion. CITATIONS NEEDED CITATIONS NEEDED i cant live without them. its all relative son, citations are just as invented as nearly everything. man has become a creature similar to stephen hawking: completely unable to function the way nature made us, but building so much tools and making up so much artificial constructions that we can live in a bubble thats formed around our deformed selfs.

>> No.3672110

The purpose and reason for us to be here. Is this a big test to see who is good enough for heaven? Or is it just science. Just creatures living just to live and continue this race of creatures that we are.

Things - objects in time. Living, thinking beings. Unable to comprehend why everything happens

We - humans, people, creatures, animals.

>> No.3672115



>> No.3672116


Also I forgot to add to >>3672100 that I want you to post your aim screename here or just im davidanhock as that's my aim screename i'm online

>> No.3672122

Yes. Damn that's true.

>> No.3672128

Yes I think we're just things

>> No.3672130

I think the question of the meaning of life gets rejected by scientists because it's not relevant to any specific field, and it gets rejected by us because we're ritalin addled kids with a pack mentality and we decided we didn't like it collectively.

Philosophy is science. And, science is based on philosophy. It's an innate part of the method and only a fool would try to force it out.

Life has no meaning. From an objective perspective, all we are are complex chemical reactions. Literally, complex chains of cause and effect on nanoscopic scales with emergent calculative ability.

I had theories, but I forgot them. Sorry. I was depressed as a teen and thought out a complex network of various important tenets of the universe, and I forgot everything but the conclusion, which is summed up by Bob Marley.

>> No.3672147

I know it's >joe rogan but he's a pretty insightful guy. Some of his theories are interesting, the point he makes about humans just being mold on a sandwich called Earth gets me


>> No.3672150
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>> No.3672155


>> No.3672164


>wannabe precise elementary teacher much?

Yes because he uses evasive language.

>in philosophy, you dont need no citations you are the best proof of OP's opinion.

Since he only provided null assertions without explanation, it would only lead to appeal to authority, or source that can explain it further, which i asked for.

>proof of OP's opinion.

His assertions were "Descriptions" not "Prescriptions"

>its all relative son

If its relative to you then no discussion is needed.
Just leave this thread then.

>> No.3672165

Science is a study of facts and truths about how the world works, creating theories to support them.

Philosophy is science, just looking outside of the box

>> No.3672180

This. If you are using the scientific method, you are doing science.

>> No.3672183

There is no proof, source or facts about my theory, but I find it fun to discuss and think about.
I was not stating a fact. Simply throwing an idea out there

>> No.3672184

Philosophy makes no predictions, so it's not science. It's also not math.

>> No.3672190

Tool-listening Stoners General

>Dude, what if... like, the UNIVERSE man.
>Whoa dude
>I know right, pass that shit

>> No.3672201

The thought of absolutely nothing happening after you die: Does this calm you or scare you?

>> No.3672207

-It doesn't need to make predictions to be science.
-It does make predictions- I can predict the best strategy to deal with the trolley problem depending on utilitarianism, or whether an action can be seen as good. If you don't accept philosophy as science, why the fuck are you doing science?

>> No.3672211


>The purpose and reason for us to be here.

"Purpose" is a human notion utilized to explain functions of entities that surround us.
Humans and Societies however have the capacity to customize their functions individually and collectively hence its ridiculous to try to find a universal human purpose when they all differ from one individual to the other.

"Reason" implicates a choice, which further implicates some entity that "Chose" us to be here which is also ridiculous to discuss.

>> No.3672230

Wow, that's a good post. I never looked at it that way.

>> No.3672239

-It does; that's what science does.
-That's not a prediction, a prediction is telling what will, not ought to, happen.

And I 'do' science because it's fun, I guess? I really don't know where that question came from.

>> No.3672245

A hydrogen atom can chose to bond with a different hydrogen atom if it so wishes. It chooses to be with it for a reason, but it has no entity choosing its fate.

>> No.3672255

-[citation needed]
-Very well: Philosophy describes how science is done. Without it, science has no consistence. Ergo, discussion of philosophy is relevant if we want to ensure science is still valid

>> No.3672257

the meaning of life is to accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and go to heaven

or alternatively, to not accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and go to hell

only eternal things are important, and all important things are eternal

>> No.3672264


>> No.3672272

show me the scientific method re QM
show me the scientific method re abiogenesis
show me the scientific method re spontaneous generation
show me the scientific method to conclude there is no God

the scientific method involves observation and experimentation, not just modelitis

severe, severe modelitis

>> No.3672274

Math isn't just numbers, you dumb fuck. Shouldn't you be at work in Starbucks?

>> No.3672278


>Enoch, romvideo

>> No.3672286

-Wikipedia on science, first few lines.
-The question is not wether sci⊂phil, it is wether phil⊂sci, and your argument pertains to the former.

>> No.3672291



>> No.3672297


>> No.3672314


So you believe in reincarnation then?

>> No.3672317
File: 64 KB, 785x421, 1298438334363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the meaning of life? Is there one?

Of course fucking not, stop being so silly, and grow up kid.

>Or are we all just things?

Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.3672324

You mean, show you some scientific theories?
standard model
It's a hypothesis
It's still being done
Non-existence of evidence constitutes evidence for non-existence.
I'll go with http://www.gly.uga.edu/railsback/1122science2.html#WHATISSCIENCE

If science is a subset of philosophy and depends entirely on philosophy, philosophy is a relevant subject for discussion in a place for discussion on science. If it weren't, discussion of the scientific method would not be allowed.

>> No.3672345

No, I mean it's going to be like before you even existed. Nothing will happen, god wont fly you into heaven, you'll just die and that's it.

I'm awful at explaining things, I hope you understand

>> No.3672361


Fair enough.

>> No.3672364

wow, what a clusterfuck of nonsense

>You mean, show you some scientific theories?
>standard model
modelitis, modelitis errywhere

>It's a hypothesis
no it isn't, it's a disproven fact

>It's still being done
i.e., i dunno lol

>Non-existence of evidence constitutes evidence for non-existence.
lol wtf? since when? searched the entire universe have we? and all multiverses? been to the third heaven? missed all the occasions God came to earth and made Himself known?

you're so lost, you don't even have a compass


>> No.3672371


>Implying you have a compass
>Implying i need a compass when i can just read stars on the sky

>> No.3672375

I think we do. Most of us would agree.

I see the universe as a whole as a collective entity, and I think of myself as knowing no more about it than a neuron knows about the brain it inhabits. When I die, the rest of the universe will continue living. I can almost visualise the universe from the perspective of itself. I don't see my death as relevant on any real scale.

My theory is that god has removed all evidence of his existence, therefore you can't disprove that he exists. In otherwords, fucking stop it.

>> No.3672376

this is just wishful thinking on your part, because to cease to exist is infinitely better than to burn in hellfire forever

you're leaving your eternal destination up to wishful thinking, while mocking those of us who are going to heaven as being wishful thinkers


>> No.3672379

that's why God put them there

you really should read the bible, instead of accidentally quoting it

>> No.3672385

your hypothesis, not your theory, fails upon observation. people communicate with God every day. millions of people. to a living God.

quit looking for people to convince you of God, and dare God to reveal Himself to you

>> No.3672389


>I accidentally you book.
>Thou furious.

>> No.3672390

I'll go with [1],[2],[3] and [4] from the wiki article.

You don't start a thread about ethics on a board reserved for metaphysics. Likewise, you don't start a general philosophy thread on a board reserved for science and math.
The idea of having a single thread for a subject as massive as philosophy seems kind of silly to me anyway.

>> No.3672399

God wrote His Word in your heart; when you do something right, it is evidence of this. when you feel convicted of doing something wrong, it is evidence of this. when you accidentally the law, it approves the law, and the law giver.

not even mad, just don't want all my /sci/ bros to be the smartest people in hell

>> No.3672411

It's a theory. God created the universe to shape the concept of a theory around his existence, ergo he gets special treatment.
Anecdotal evidence is oxymoron in a scientific area.
just, like, your opinion. There's no objective definition, and I think expecting everything scientific to have results useful in prediction is rather ignorant.

The thread is about "what is your personal philosophy" not philosophy general.

>> No.3672415

You cannot have both freedom and equality.

>> No.3672423

Today children, we learn about shades of grey.

>> No.3672435
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This is an interesting picture. Makes you wonder

>> No.3672441

No, no it doesn't


Humans are exceptionally good at seeing things that aren't there.

>> No.3672445



>> No.3672449

Why don't we have a Philosophy board.

>> No.3672451

Well, the theory of us living in someone's brain has just as much justification as Christianity.

We could be living on an Elephants ass hair for all we know

>> No.3672456

mootykins hasn't made one yet. I think he should just let philosophy fags talk here, personally.

>> No.3672458

Schopenhauer was pretty much the only philosopher that got it. Life is for the sake of life and nothing else, especially not pleasure or pain. Recognizing this is the only way to manage to stay sane without yielding all rationality.

"Nothing else can be stated as the aim of our existence except the knowledge that it would be better for us not to exist." ~Schopenhauer

> Life is dominated by the fact that it ends in death, yet this is strangely at odds with the way people normally live---as if they will never die. But what value does life really have for the living, anyway?
~ The Cambridge Companion to Schopenhauer

>> No.3672464

By that reasoning we could have science include pretty much anything, so fuck your subjectivism.

And if this thread isn't about philosophy in general, but just one's personal fucking beliefs, then I don't see any reason for keeping it on /sci/.

>> No.3672472

Which it does. You have a very odd idea of what science is.

Nope. Read OP.

>> No.3672493

except for the fact that we can find out what neurons are made of. If our cells are composed of universes, how come we can't detect them? We have the technology to do so and the technology to analyze the cells and atoms. Christianity makes more sense than that.

also, hair doesn't have neurons

>> No.3672495

Thanks for the explanation professor douchebag.

>> No.3672498

What, you mean out of smaller particles composed of smaller particles composed of smaller particles? No, we haven't found anything like that. Dumb idea.

Christianity is a self contradicting doctrine with absolutely no evidence to its name

>> No.3672499

Then /b/ is a board on science. Seems kind of redundant to have more than one board on science.

Discussions of what was on tv last night =/=science=/=personal beliefs.
If that seems odd to you, so be it.

And what is this thread about, then? You(I think, don't care to check) said yourself that it's about "what is your personal philosophy". You're really starting to confuse me.

>> No.3672502

guy calling the shot and walking out of his grave on the third day after his public beating and execution is mighty powerful evidence

to those with eyes and ears, that is

>> No.3672510

tell me when you find a universe inside a hadron or lepton

>> No.3672515

No, because the scientific method is not applied on /b/.
If a survey were conducted on what each /b/tard watched and their opinion of it, the results compiled, and then published, then science would have been done.

There are threads here about our personal opinions on math problems and paradox, about recent breakthroughs, about all kinds of stuff. It's evident that opinion is allowed here.

okay, this troll just cornered himself.

*what* evidence?
Tell me when you find a particle inside a grain of sand. Also, strictly speaking, the image is saying that the brain itself would be the universe, not a single particle.

>> No.3672526

we DO have the technology to see the basic particles that make up mass

take it to your philosophy class

>> No.3672539
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>the basic particles that make up mass

WTF AM I READING? Are you fuckin retarded? An engineer?

There are no "particles that make up mass". Mass is a property dipshit.

>> No.3672540

Yeah, we're having a lot of luck finding that Higgs Boson, amrite?


To presume our current understanding of science complete is incredibly arrogant. There has been no point in history when we haven't made the mistake. We thought atoms were the smallest. Then, we thought hadrons and leptons were. Now, we think quarks and neutrinos are. I see no reason to believe we have actually reached the end point now/

>> No.3672544

This is not the place. All of your questions are very broad and don't make sense unless you supply 'a lot' more detail, but I will try and give the answers you are looking for (according to my philosophy).

>What's the meaning of life? Is there one?
There is no one specific meaning of life. A 'meaningful' life can mean different things to different people. Someone like Newton would say that the meaning of life is to find knowledge, while an average human today will most likely answer saying love, money, power, or religion. To me personally, a meaningful life is a life where you learn to understand things. This doesn't mean you have to know quantum physics (ect.) but more just understand anything of interest.

>are we just things?

>Every living creature on this planet is designed to do 2 things. Survive and reproduce.
That is an assumption on your part I think.

>We have given ourselves a false sense of empowerment over nature because of our superior ability to communicate and learn.
Were not the only living things that can communicate and learn.
Why do you say that is false?
Why do you say that is superior?

>We have given ourselves false mandatory goals in life that every must follow, that really don't exist.
Mandatory basically means something is a rule or required. We can make something mandatory even if it doesn't seem to have any real reason.
False means not true. Are you saying that these goals are not true? I'm sure they are 'real' goals.
>that really don't exist
What do you mean by 'exist'? Of coarse they 'exist'. I assume you are trying to say something else here. Maybe you mean tangible?

>> No.3672546

>Relationships, happiness and wealthiness
Some people find these to the most important things in life. I find happiness to be important. Even though happiness is just something in the brain making you 'feel' 'good', that doesn't make it fake.

>Those 3 things are planted into our brains that they are needed to survive, they are crucial, but they are not.
Wealthiness and relationships aren't 'planned' into my brain. My brain has sex planned in it, but definitely not relationship.
>they are crucial
Crucial for what?
>but they are not
They are not crucial for what?

>We are simply here to survive and reproduce
Well you seem to be answering and contradicting your own questions. We are not 'here' for any specific reason (that anyone can possibly know off). Surviving and reproducing are things some people go without. Suicidal people don't care about surviving. A lot of dare devil type people put enjoyment over survival. Gay people usually don't reproduce. A lot of people want sex instead of reproduction. From what I know (which can be wrong) sexual pleasure was something that helped make it so humans reproduce. Once humans got intelligent enough, they realized they can have sexual pleasure without the need of reproducing. Most people now days completely separate wanting sex from wanting children.

>> No.3672552

brain cells are physically connected, while the universe is composed of galaxies and stars that when you crop the picture to this size, looks connected

>> No.3672553

i'll type it slower so that you can read it properly this time.

a guy calling the shot that He would be publically executed, and rise from the dead on the third day, is mighty powerful evidence that His claims of Godhead are valid.

>> No.3672554
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It's not like there are "Higgs" inside particles giving them mass, nor is the Higgs the quanta of mass.


>> No.3672556

>implying atoms are connected

>> No.3672561

How do you know your claim is true?
>air above your head

>> No.3672564


It's not like there are "Higgs" inside particles giving them mass, nor is the Higgs the quanta of mass.


>> No.3672573

Does OP seriously think this is philosophy?

>> No.3672576
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>believe an magical man in the sky grants wishes to good people

>> No.3672579

>spider webs are now universes
>anything in nature that is connected is now a universe
>all of our brain cells have a black hole in their center
>the reason brain cells die is because our brain cells went supernova
>when galaxies collide, that means our brain cells are combining

>> No.3672586

shut uuup

seriously though, the nodes aren't individual galaxies. Collision would be more like atomic bonding.

>> No.3672596

>gravity is shifting our brain cells constantly
>there are niggers/sand-niggers living inside my head
>people are 4channing in my head
>every time I concentrate, universes are overheating
>every time I shake my head, I am destroying universes

>> No.3672600
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LMFAO. Boy are you a stupid piece of shit.

>> No.3672607

From what I understand, that's what philosophy is, but I guess I'm wrong. Whatever I was discussing in the OP is what I enjoy talking about

>> No.3672612

>>every time I shake my head, I am destroying universes

Holy shit. This is awesome to think about

>> No.3672617

Horrifying too.

>> No.3672631
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You enjoy talking about nonsensical fairytale bullshit, how christian of you.

>> No.3672639

Can you please give me an example of your philosophy? I want to learn about it. It's interesting to me

>> No.3672645

What the fuck is happening here

>> No.3672651

Tthe meaning of life is a strong reality and the purpose is regeneration.

>> No.3672657

>This is an interesting picture.
No it isn't.

>> No.3672663

It's interesting, just not for the reasons the poster thinks.

>> No.3672664

because it is not my claim, but the truth

>> No.3672666
File: 611 KB, 1860x2153, 1278964651086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming your OP.
Read some (or at least one) philopshy books.
Go to /lit/ if none of these look interesting. They have 13 or so recommendation pictures for philosophy.

>> No.3672670

the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much

to not know that there is a God? that is to be devoid of all understanding

>> No.3672672

Weak. You gave up :/

>> No.3672674

Will do. Thanks for the info

>> No.3672677
File: 353 KB, 1858x1354, 1278963807949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read which one I posted. Feminist/Queer theory. I think I'll give you a more interesting recommendation picture.

>> No.3672683

would you trust your eternal soul to a poster on 4chan?

or would you rather pursue the truth?

the truth is the truth regardless of who knows about it; who talks about it; how it is described; it is still the truth.

and isn't that what science purports to be in search of? the truth?

>> No.3672684

>Queer theory
That's a thing?

I mean, homosexuality is interesting from a psychological point of view. but it ain't philosophy and it ain't a major field.

>> No.3672691
File: 373 KB, 1900x1200, 1284543014424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you have already demonstrated you are not capable of learning even the simplest of tasks. You also lack enough critical thinking skills to have anysort of meaningful conversation.


>> No.3672693

You're trying but you're not doing. Go back to the question.

>> No.3672695

love it when people lose it like this

>> No.3672707

i'll try again. maybe even slower this time.

it. is. not. my. claim.

it happened about 2000 years ago, and it changed the world. the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Son of God gives all meaning to this universe.

if you really want to know how i know, i'll tell you.

i was there.

in a strange, metaphysical way, yes, i was there. i was there with a cat-of-nine tails whip in my hand and the blood of God on the straps. i threw a punch at the back of His head and mocked Him, telling Him "who hit you? who hit you? who hit you? if you are God, tell us who hit you?" i put a purple robe on His shoulders and a crown of thorns on His head. i bore false witness against Him at His kangaroo court trials. i transported Him to another court, hoping they could convict Him of something. anything. i took Him before Pilate and asked the roman emporer to crucify Him. i rose the crowd's bloodlust against Him, yelling “free Barabbas!” i pushed Him as He bore His own cross. i was there with a hammer in one hand and a spike in the other. i raised that crossbar to the stanchion and fixed it in place. i put a sign mocking Him on His cross as the "king of the jews". i threw the dice to win His robe. i put vinegar on a sponge and pressed it to His thirsty lips. i went to break His legs but He was already dead. so i stabbed Him in His heart, which was broken, blood and water coming out separately. then i took Him and placed a guard around His tomb so His followers couldn't steal His body.

i did all those things.

here’s what He did. He loved me. He forgave me. He adopted me. He went to prepare a place for me in the Father’s mansion. He sent His Holy Spirit to comfort me. He inspired the scriptures to teach me, to encourage me.

He did all those things. that's what Jesus did for me. while yet a sinner, Christ died for me, so that through Him, i could live.

>> No.3672710
File: 31 KB, 265x350, 70870871094641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anyone is losing it
>Implying you're capable of love

>> No.3672714

I feel sorry for you.

Evidence or we carry on like this

>> No.3672716


: To conceive then of meaning as something that already exists, as opposed to something to be created (in other words, as something supposed to come from without, as opposed to from within), is simply to submit to someone else's idea of meaning. The question, therefore, should never be "What is the meaning of that thing?", but always "What does that thing mean to me?"; the former is merely part of an elaborate little ritual meant to pass off submission as discovery (which explains why all interpretation aimed at discovering the "intended meaning" of a thing is of its nature comical). Let the slaves then torture themselves over "the meaning" of this or that artwork, or of art generally, or ultimately even of "life" — such "torture" is always anyway yet another act, yet one more ploy meant to create and project the appearance of intellectualism, for it is plain that none of these people feel intellectual problems deeply enough! (their staunch refusal to educate themselves, if nothing else, proves it), hence are not capable of being tortured by them!

>> No.3672719


why did anybody have to die for MY sins? who made that rule.

>> No.3672721
File: 65 KB, 906x601, 1304045170313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly OP. A true philosopher worth his salt would know that non-sequitors like those are unanswerable warm-up questions. But if you want an answer, you must first tell me what kind of answer you want.

When it comes to non-sequitors, the answers are infinite.

>> No.3672725
File: 23 KB, 225x329, 1274278685853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3672730

ask God to prove Himself to you. i've done what i can to show you the light.

it seems as though you prefer the darkness

>> No.3672736

He didn't.

What evidence is there?

>> No.3672740

because, without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.

that's just the way things are.

your reaction to God paying the price of your sins against him determines your eternal destination, and your relationship with your creator.

nothing but a perfect sacrifice would suffice to pay for all of mankind's sin. Jesus provided that blameless, sinless sacrifice, so that you could be redeemed, and live with Him forever.

He did His part perfectly; all you have to do is accept it, imperfectly.

>> No.3672742


well, as an old charismatic friend of mine said, the bible says God does not disappoint.....

guess the punchline. And go get your OCD checked.

>> No.3672744

how do you describe purple to a blind man?

you should earnestly ask God to reveal Himself to you; He has not grown deaf with age; He will hear you. His arm has not grown short; He can and will reach you.

if you seek Him, you will find Him.

but you must seek Him, not just lie to me

>> No.3672750


you fail.. I asked you WHO..

>> No.3672751
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>> No.3672753

why do you think i have OCD, when i do not, have never said that i did, and have adopted only an idiosyncratic way of typing on an anonymous message board to set myself apart yet not tripfag/namefag?

>> No.3672755

Jesus undid all the bloodshed by coming back to life, idiot. He didn't die if he's still alive.
"Purple is a colour of light in between ultraviolet and blue light."
Christian for 28 years, pastor for 6. Come at me, bro.

>> No.3672756

there are none so blind as those who will not see

nevertheless, your blood is on your own head.


>> No.3672763


Nope. You have OCD... go get assessed.

>> No.3672767

with the blood of Jesus shed for humanity, and all of the sin of humanity past, present, and future upon His shoulders, He died, and all of the taint of the sins died with Him.

He rose from the grave, not the sins. the sins He left locked away, as far from the Father as can be, to be completely forgotten.

it is not Jesus that keeps track of your sins; it is satan. you can thank your adversary for that. nonetheless, the price has been paid; mankind has been redeemed, and when Jesus said, it is finished, it was finished.

>> No.3672768


Look at the foolishness of this "Christian". How little does he even dare think the thought that such image flood might be proof of a supernatural and mental EVIL, a disablement by a demon who seduced him with an emotional attachment to a security program which sought to wrap reality as completely embodied in his confused OS.

But how could I ask a Christian for the mental strength to even entertain the possibility that his own idea of the good is the result of an immense megalomania, an immense evil of the spirit of his psychology which seeks to establish the traits he calls good and the conditions he calls good as a literal truth for a larger cosmos?

>> No.3672772

If all I want to do is spend my free time listening to music.
If all I want is a place for myself and some good music, why can't that be the meaning of life?
To spend the time you're given the way you want to spend it.
So what if we don't know why the big bang happened. So what if we don't know why there is a quantum wave function. "Why?" is probably not even a relevant question.

>> No.3672773

to your second point, a blind man has absolutely no frame of reference for your explanation of purple, which would be why it is futile to make the attempt

what website did you get your DD from?

>> No.3672778

so funny how many times i get accused of stating things without evidence, when it is actually my detractors that do so

nevertheless, thank you for your kind words, and rest assured that as slovenly as i am, i would actually benefit from ocd

>> No.3672785

Get out of my science board. Shoo. Go and ask /g/ about the best theme for vista if you want inflammation.
He knows that matter exists just as we do. He knows that atoms exist just as we do.

Church of England, first in a small city then in a village in the east midlands.

>> No.3672787
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>> No.3672788

whatever you're going for, it's not working

and i'm not convinced that psychology recognizes evil as evil, but rather explains it away as dysfunction

if you say i am evil, you speak the truth; if you say God is evil, you are a fool, and the truth is not in you.

>> No.3672795

>not capable of context
I'm not a pastor any more. *sigh*

>> No.3672797
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>> No.3672802

ah, yes, i had heard that the Holy Spirit had fled Great Britain, and i see that it might be so

what a slow, ponderous fall from grace; from the sun never setting on the british empire, to a country full of mohammadans and faithless men dressed as christians

>> No.3672824
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Wrong, evolution isn't perfect, our consciousness and ability to go against our nature is an imperfection, a side effect of high intelligence.

If you think evolution is perfect you're a retard. We're part of a paradigm shift where we can take control over our own evolution and begin to design tools, machines and organisms, I think it's pretty obvious worshiping evolution goes against this.

>> No.3672830

I should've put quotes around "good" and "evil", in so much that those modes of valuation are ploys for the megalomania and desire of certain psychologies, as opposed to the objects of truth such psychologies seek to pose them as.

And your defensiveness of your idea of God is amusing, in so much that your idea of him is pretty much a clusterfuck of images and imperatives. You've forgotten that the human OS is able to configure an infinite (for practical purposes) of mental images and associations and relationships and that you've pretty much taken one (God as embodied in Logos) and ignored the other ones because the other ones DON'T MAKE YOU FEEL AS GOOD.

Alas, if only Christians had some idea of physiology and its relation to psychology. But that would be asking too much of intellects that would wrap their arms around such a seduction as the one god virus.

>> No.3672834
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Are christians so gullible because they believe in fairytales creatures? or do they believe in fairytale creature because they are so gullible?

Also, what is the best way to kill a christian? Why are the so easy to rape and torture?

>> No.3672854
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Dude, you have no fucking idea. I imagine it to be that part of sleep you just don't experience (okay it's usually filled with dreams), but those nights you dont have dreams.

You fall asleep, and the next thing you know, your alarm/buzzer is going off to wake you up.

I imagine death to be an infinitely long form of this.

pic related: my face when I truly think about it....fuuuucckkk

>> No.3672871

That's what non-existence feels like, dealwithit

>> No.3672877

Thats still evolution. As long as we reproduce and pass on any information in any form, evolution works.

>> No.3672894

It doesn't seem logical to have such a huge universe with so much diversity and wonder and to only be able to experience it for, if you're lucky, around 80 years.

>> No.3672909

i think you're accusing me of cherrypicking bible verses and concepts, which i do not do, and have not done

but seriously, you should put some thought into clearly communicating your ideas. i'm really guessing at points here, though you seem to be capable of rational thought, but lacking the ability to properly convey it.

>> No.3672916

that nothingness would be far preferable to burning eternally in hell

stop your wishful thinking, and get right with God, while there is yet time.

>> No.3672918

only eternal things are important

everything important is eternal

>> No.3672931

Ok I ponder the idea of reincarnation, or maybe a larger scale infinitely recurring universe. I will die, my consciousness will end. I will sleep the eternal slumber and re-loop to the point where I explode in a ball of viscera from my mothers womb. Existence seems fundamentally cyclical to me.

>> No.3672964
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No one has posted pic related?

>> No.3672971

i dunno. maybe. it's possible. yeah, i'm guessing.

>> No.3672979

It's settled then. Nothing is important.

>> No.3672983

A nice sentiment, it's so easy to get caught in the 'why' though isn't it?

>> No.3673039

correct. except everything eternal.

>> No.3673091
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>visit /sci/
>what the hell, this board is pretty cool, why haven't I visited before?
>philosophy thread
>people saging and implying philosophy isn't science

Is this the prominent opinion in here? No numbers no science? I thought I had found a nice place..

>> No.3673100

/sci/ doesn't even consider biology a science, and they think engineers are gay. Don't take their opinion as objective fact.

>> No.3673105

it is a nice place

now go get your shine box

>> No.3673150

Philosophy isn't science, but science is a philosophy. Philosophy is more encompassing in its subject matter, but science is more limited in its scope.

But there is no consensus on what defines science from pseudoscience. Scientists typically adopts the shut up and calculate attitude. Defining what science is is what philosophers of science do.

>> No.3673267

I don't think we, as Humans, will ever find out. The answers to all our questions are out there right in front of us but I believe it's just too much for our brain to comprehend and make sense of.

Our logic follows the same pattern as what has actually happened to ourselves and what we've observed. Like, Humans are made from other Humans so everything must be made from something else!

I think this type of logic bounds us. We can't really comprehend that something can come out of nothing because we have neither experienced it or observed it (have we?). Not trying to get religion involved but it's like when we think of the trinity. God exists as three divine persons. Or in Hinduism where, iirc, there is only one God (Brahman) but it's difficult to comprehend him so they've created a ton of Gods just to cover all his aspects.

I think that there are intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe who work on a different level of logic compared to us. Some things we understand, they won't be able to comprehend and vice-versa because our minds work on different levels of logic.