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[ERROR] No.3666062 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the 3rd world poor?

>> No.3666075

because you touch yourself at night

>> No.3666076


A total disdain for choice, consent, and freedom.

>> No.3666074

because you touched yourself

>> No.3666082

Guns, germs and steel- Jared diamond

>> No.3666089

in b4 herp derp it's their own fault for not working hard enough

>> No.3666091



>> No.3666093

Because it's exploited by the parasitic capitalist class of the 1st world. Workers of the 1st world enjoy parasitic super-profits made in the 3rd world by exploiting cheap labor.

>> No.3666105

inb4 1st world countries exploit them

>> No.3666114

Ever been to one of those shitholes?
It's because the people are lazy and the government is corrupt (because it is filled with lazy people).

>> No.3666126

Coming from a procrastinator.

>> No.3666129

because the people in power havent got a clue what the hell they are doing.

their situation is offensive in the 21st century, we really should be taking over and sorting these people out.

>> No.3666131

> workers enjoying super-profits
>misanthropic suburbanite detected

>> No.3666147

Workers of the 1st world enjoy super-profits made by the 1st world capitalists in the 3rd world by cheap labor exploitation.

>> No.3666148
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> A document released Wednesday shows South Africa’s government is far behind land reform efforts, a setback that could prove explosive in a country with staggering inequality almost a generation after white rule ended.

> Gugile Nkwinti, the minister of land reform, said black farmers have resold nearly 30 percent of the white farmland bought for them by the government, often selling back to the previous white owners.

The reason, you ask?

> In many cases groups of farmers have been settled on a commercial farm and told to work it collectively

> mfw this is from the washington post

>> No.3666165

no, the capitalists make all the profits
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you're from a mildly affluent white family and never really had to work and/or you're taking general/liberal arts courses at a large university, probably near a coast

>> No.3666174

2 communists arguing and they're both wrong. Yup, this is a typical /sci/ discussion on economics.

>> No.3666170

Many reasons but political instability caused by the geographic ease of guerilla warfare is a major factor. Either they end up in a civil war that lasts years like the DRC or they have an extremely repressive regime to keep control like Myanmar.

In b4 left vs right marxists vs racists shitstorm

Guns germs and steel is bullshit, racism is bullshit, you're exactly the same as each other, you both attach your egos to collective groups then get butthurt at any notion that it is flawed.

>> No.3666168

1st world worker here, still waiting for my super-profits check

>> No.3666169

Because they concentrate on making more starving babies instead of progress. And it is a succesfull evolutionary strategy.

>> No.3666183

Short answer? Guns, germs, and steel.

>> No.3666184

not a communist, i just realize that people at the top make more money than the general labor, hence why they are on top

>> No.3666186

Low intelligence.

>> No.3666194


> the people at the top make more money because they are at the top

The wheels on the bus go round and round....

>> No.3666198
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they got fucked by expanding europeans

>> No.3666202

Laziness and refusing to adapt.


China- the Chinese are great at adapting to change as well as being anything but lazy. They are doing well financially.

>> No.3666210

Well I needed to explain it, because apparently realizing something that simple makes me a communist.

>> No.3666208
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>he thinks hong kong is a 3rd world country

>> No.3666206

ITT: Your worldviews are outdated.

The "first-world" / "third-world" dichotomy hasn't existed for half a century.

>> No.3666214
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but they refused to adapt to other lazy people like Americans who pay them for making Nike and Adidas... then why is USA 1st world?

you aren't making sense

>> No.3666215

in after guns germs and steel.

that alone cannot account for the 3rd world situation today. youre a fool if you dont think atleast part of the problem is the people themselves

>> No.3666217


1st world workers get super-profits in the form of commodity price. They get to get cheaper commodities due to the 3rd world exploitation, which is as if their money was multiplied by some factor.

>> No.3666219

Ancient cultures that had millennia to advance get buttraeped by relative n00bs to the world (Europeans).

>> No.3666226

This. Everyone ITT is arguing over the cause of what world was like in the 1950s.

>> No.3666257

3rd world countries usually lack a stable system of property rights.
They usually have corrupt governments that inhibit any kind of growth.
Their governments are more content letting their people live a life of subsistence agriculture, rather than allow foreign companies to come in and provide safer better paying jobs. (Sorry, factory labor is safer than being outside 16 hours/ day, and wages are more stable, and better paying)

>> No.3666279

beucase of the euros shit genetics they carried a plethora of diseases like small pox and plague

>> No.3666300

This. You should stop blaming the 'exploiters' for your problems because they make your quality of life better. Without them exploiting the 3rd world and exploiting you to advance technology, you would be living like under the 19 century - early 20 century capitalism.

>> No.3666318

>implying the spearchuckers they conquered didn't give them new pathogens as well (which they overcame).
>implying advanced weaponry, great wealth, and imperialist determination weren't equally responsible.