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[ERROR] No.3664891 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, I've been frustrated over pretty shitty attitude to space from every country, like China, 1.3 bil population and economy that can afford to buy out half of USA, whole EU and India were not able to go in space and do something that was expected to be done since 70' .

Recently I've red something that partially restored my faith in space exploration, but has low credibility ( like, low, claims to have spoken with high ranking US officers with Top Secret clearance) And things he claims are these

*Anti-gravity vehicles able to go in space ( Triangle-ufo)
*Bases on Moon
*Research stations in space
*Expeditions were made to Mars
*Fucking monolith build by us humans on Mars moon


Opinions ? May it be, even something from it, legit ?

>> No.3664912

Be all you can be


>> No.3664913

>bases on the moon
no... technically possible, but see below
>research stations
we already have those (ISS)
>to Mars
possibly, see below

The thing most "omgspaceissoawesomeicantwaittogotospacecuzspaceisawesomeandiwannaexplorespace"-bots (in fact, I like that, I'll call them space-spheres hence forth) forget is economy of cost: sending humans into space is hilariously expensive. the cost and complexity increases exponentially the further you want them to go (assuming of course you want them to come back as well). Robots will be the only means of exploration for the forseeable future. A mission to Mars is possible, but only for the prestige. There won't be a permanent colony/base there.

Furthermore, it will ALWAYS be cheaper to just massacre a few hundred/thousand million people and take the pressure off the earth than to terraform/colonize other planets.

We are constricted to this planet, so it'd be smart not to fuck it up, hmm? (the space-spheres have the "fuck the earth, i'll just leave on the next colony ship" mentality towards ecology)

>> No.3664988

but but but

We have fucking fusion reactors, hadron colliders, we know how the weight of entire universe, we have Ion propulsion systems, we have fucking technology that could grant us prosperity and remove poverty even today.

And yet we have officialy one fucking space station and cant even get to it.

Something is not right

>> No.3665043

And as a matter of budget, US can print how much money it wants, dont tell me that money would be an issue

>> No.3665065
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>>And as a matter of budget, US can print how much money it wants, dont tell me that money would be an issue
>>Does not understand economics

>> No.3665068


>> No.3665070

>implying I dont know about inflation
>implying that US is printing money whenever it wants
>implying that printing 1 trillion would do something more than nothing as it happens every year

>> No.3665073

>herp derp china owns US
Faggot. Of all foreign-owned debt, China bought only sixteen percent of US public debt. The largest share of the States public debt is owned by US Citizens. That's over 45% of the fucking debt. Last I checked, 45% is greater than 16%.

>> No.3665076

>money problems
>print more money!

it's like the trolls aren't even trying anymore

>> No.3665078

>because US did not get into trouble for printing money
>implying it wasn't printing its way out of crisis

>> No.3665087


>> No.3665094

>>implying I was implying and not explicitly stating
>>implying conversation is about completely different that it actually is

>> No.3665129

I have red something similar about FTL travel.

Creating a ripple in space-time that will push craft like a wave pushes surfer