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[ERROR] No.3662341 [Reply] [Original]

>chinas face when us is 17 trillion dollars in debt.

>> No.3662357
File: 93 KB, 562x453, 1289166695489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>your face you realize the burden lies on the middle and lower-upper classes.

>> No.3662379

I'm sure there are a handful of people that could pay it on their own in the US, but nooooooo, they want it all to themselves, not realizing that their big company relies on the middle class

>> No.3662405 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1024x746, 1279804111143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US simply never pays

>> No.3662402 [DELETED] 

Your face when I don't live in us

>> No.3662401

the government shouldn't bail out the rich, and the rich shouldn't bail out the government. if something cannot exist sustainably, then it must be changed or eliminated

>> No.3662417


>not realizing that their big company relies on the middle class

Something tells me they do realize this, but they realize something more important:

The middle class will continue to stay ignorant to the big red, white and blue dick that's being shoved up their ass.

>> No.3662420

>the government shouldn't bail out the rich
but lets do it
>rich shouldn't bail out the government
we must stop this at all cost, don't even think about this as a possible solution

its like saying violence is never an answer while getting pummeled in the face

>> No.3662428 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 360x269, deadpool_wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw US gets no trade

>> No.3662439
File: 6 KB, 240x160, chin chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>china's face when it loses the majority of it's exports

>> No.3662450

>but lets do it
Why? It only furthered their innefficient ways and at the expense of taxpayers.
>don't even think about this as a possible solution
Why? Not doing so will only further their innefficient ways and at the expense of taxpayers.

>violence is never an answer while getting pummeled in the face
You don't see how this actually fits my point?

>> No.3662457
File: 67 KB, 300x321, srsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canadas and russias face when they gain the majority of chinas exports

>> No.3662473 [DELETED] 

Your face when in 50-60 years after china has completely destroyed there lands and goes into civil war because they've treated there people like slaves because of low environmental regulations and harsh human rights violations that it ask for it's money, the us says no and there is a regime change because they can't afford to kill of there now 4 billion human population.

>> No.3662475


Nah, it will work as long as US decides to default on China alone.

Of course this won't happen out of the blue. CIA/etc will start a conflict between China and Tibet/Hongkong/Japan/etc and will claim that US will not support evil regime financially or any other way, then simply never pay.

You heard it here first, you can even cap this post.
It will happen within like 20 years, when China starts to really pressure US. I have seen the future.

>> No.3662483 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 700x535, Khalid_Shaikh_Mohammed_after_capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.mfw you forgot a face

>> No.3662498 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 1440x900, blacku_shadowu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you imply china high command won't be on mars by then with planetary-to-planetary ballistic missiles.

>> No.3662533


PRC's space program has several goals. The China National Space Administration policy white paper lists short term goals as:
build a long term earth observation system
set up an independent satellite telecommunications network
establish an independent satellite navigation and positioning system
provide commercial launch services
set up a remote sensing system
study space science such as microgravity, space materials, life sciences, and astronomy
plan for exploration of the moon
Among their stated longer term goals are:
improve their standing in the world of space science
establish a crewed space station
crewed missions to the moon
establish a crewed lunar base

>Implying they arn't 20 years behind russia and america

>> No.3662577 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 381x280, roflmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw people have been predicting China's imminent collapse ever since Mao took power.

>> No.3662592

>62 years later
>no collapse

I'm waiting.

>> No.3662593


I never said China will collapse, wtf are you smoking?

>> No.3662626


Yeah, yeah. Start a conflict between China and Hong Kong/Tibet? One's a city, one is barely populated? China and Japan? Why?

>Yes, Miyamoto-sama?
>We must invade Great China!
>Ah, a wise decision. Let me cash in my Toyota shares for an airforce.

Not going to happen.

>> No.3662849

The Chinese civilization has been growing in a very linear manner for something like 7000 years.

The United States appeared out of nowhere 500 years ago and grew to be at a technological level that is similar to China's in that time.

From a mathematical standpoint, my bet is on China to sustain the pace in the long run. I do not believe that the American civilization will prosper into space exploration as we intend it.

>> No.3663040

Excuse me but how do we owe china 17 trillion?

>> No.3663062
File: 16 KB, 350x281, iraq-war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3663104

A better question: under which mechanism do we owe china money?

>> No.3663138


It's not all owed to China. Just they have the biggest share in it I believe.


China bought the debt as an investment. Well some of it anyway. I can't remember exactly how much.

>> No.3663929

USA only owes about 800 billion to China. the vast majority of US debt is treasury bonds owned by US citizens

>> No.3664338


>only owes about 800 billion

It's a sad time when one can simply dismiss 800 billion dollars under the header of 'oh, it's not that much'.

>> No.3664353 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 439x498, boston_legal_face_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when they can't collect or they lose their biggest trade partner and their economy would be fucked

>> No.3664424

On a slightly related note, is the German economy soaring right now? In the last month I've noticed German imported products becoming more popular and holding competitive prices against their US counterparts. Of course this could just be a reflection of basic food and manufacturing industries, but it just seems kind of odd to me

>> No.3664434


This is why they're shifting their economy from manufacturing wal mart shit to manufacturing very high tech renewable energy sources like solar and wind.

They won't need the us soon.

>> No.3664451


I saw a news article recently about how factories in the US are now exporting chop-sticks to China. Funny how times change...

>> No.3664458


I read one that said Amazon.com is completely unable to find a single factory in the US that has the capability to make the Kindle.

>> No.3664461

China actually controls less than 9% of our debt. Not a huge concern, but its still pretty alarming

>> No.3664492

Japan holds more of the US Debt than China...

>> No.3664512


Which is hilarous in itself considering Japans own debt problem.

Fucking economies. How do they work?

>> No.3664537 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 380x276, nigga-wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw none of the debt get's payed off...ever...

>> No.3664540

you realize, the only reason we have this debt problem is because of the invention of money that has no weight to it. Using pieces of paper as opposed to something with actual value.

Because of that, we have spent more money than exists, which causes obvious problems.

>> No.3664553


>Implying there was no debt before fiat currency.

>> No.3664554

Funny thing is, even when that man is looking down at that angle his eyes aren't squinty enough for his to be China's face.

>> No.3664557


>Great Leap Forward
>tens of millions dead
>not a collapse

>> No.3664568


Compared to the US' GDP of 14,000 billion dollars it's little more than a rounding error.

>> No.3664569


Like the ginormous birth rate at the time didn't make the thing look like a slap on the hand.

>> No.3664570


>Population of half a billion
>Tens of millions dead
>Big deal

>> No.3664572


>losing 7% of your population because your dumbassed leader took all your pots and pans to make shitty bars of metal and because he can't into agriculture at all
>not a collapse

>> No.3664576 [DELETED] 

>yfw china's agricultural problems were based on bad science from mother russia which mao abandoned before stalin did

>> No.3664578 [DELETED] 


>yfw both China and the Soviet Union eventually collapsed

>> No.3664577


>Communists remain in power
>Economy grows from strength to strength
>No territorial loss

>> No.3664581 [DELETED] 

yfw China is running strong and has never collapsed

>> No.3664583


>Communists drop the communist act and take up capitalism in the agricultural sector
>later take up capitalism everywhere
>not a collapse of Communist power

I mean, it's not like the chinks are even cut out to be commies anyway. They're pretty much the world's oldest race of tryhard capitalists so I'm not even really surprised that it happened the way it did.

>> No.3664585


They're communists, they only ever allow the media to film the good parts of China.

>> No.3664586


Nah, they're just doing as always...fine with a solid, high-tech manufacturing base. So when financial markets fucked up, they could just turn around, shrug it off, and keep on selling actual tangible goods.

>> No.3664588

>implying China doesn't have one of the strongest economies in the world

>> No.3664590


>Peaceful, controlled change of policy


>> No.3664596


It...doesn't. It's riddled with tons of transparency issues and the whole thing balances on a knife edge with the US. The major problem is that all the demand for Chinese products are:

A) Foreign


B) Really really foreign.

You have to ship all that shit China's making to make a profit on the product. Those boats cost money and it doesn't take much of a price increase for US domestic products to make a comeback against Chinese.

>> No.3664600

>implying you know what is going on inside a country with "transparency issues"

Go tell it to someone who will swallow your bullshit.