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[ERROR] No.3658103 [Reply] [Original]

Immortality thread.

Does any of you live a healthy lifestyle to prevent premature death in case age rejuvenation therapy comes along?

>> No.3658114

No, I'm not planning to live past my mid 30s.

>> No.3658112

1. Masturbate
2. Collect Sperm
3. Drink Sperm
4. ???
5. Profit

>> No.3658116

I maintain a daily regimen of cigarettes, whiskey, and big macs

>> No.3658135

This dude takes too long.

>> No.3658141

/fit//sci/ fag here.

>> No.3658144

Best of both worlds

>> No.3658151

Isn't living unhealthily sort of the point of the idea of rejuvenation therapy?

Wow, CWC is everywhere now.

>> No.3658152

I eat whole grains, lots of fiber, vitamin supplements, no soda, but need more veggies and fall victim to sugar binges when brownies or ice-cream is in the house. I try to eat right that is mostly just to be more productive.

I'm at the ideal weight for my height and frame. My blood pressure is a bit high since I started taking Adderall, but I refuse to lower it with exercise because I'm too lazy and can never find the time.

That's my lifestyle. I really don't put much thought into surviving long past what the actuarial tables say. Do you guys really change your actions in hopes of some major breakthrough in antisenescence research? I think you are going to be disappointed.

>> No.3658170

> Does any of you live a healthy lifestyle to prevent premature death in case age rejuvenation therapy comes along?
I do, but not only for that one reason. It's also nice just to be able to do physical stuff like going snowboarding without hauling around a bunch of useless weight. But yes, I also keep in mind the fact that I need to live several more decades just in case this sort of technology does become available.

I'm still not absolutely positive that it's a good idea, though. I just want to do everything I can to give myself the option.

>> No.3658193

just to let you know the truth--- grains are pretty terrible for you. Meats and vegetables are the healthiest things a person can eat

>> No.3658208

[citation needed]

>> No.3658277

If anybody knows how to to die, its Grigori Rasputin.

>> No.3658283

to not to*

>> No.3658301

>Aubrey de Grey
>Grigori Rasputin
Can't unsee.

>> No.3658306

I do, tho I don't really want to be alive. I just am because I am a wuss like everyone else. Fearing what death brings.

Immortality fags. Enjoy your stay on hell forever.

>> No.3658319

I live healthily to the extent possible without making me severely less happy.

Cryonics is a lot more likely than rejuvenation in our lifetimes, though. Look into it - it's not even that expensive, maybe $40 a month for the life insurance which pays for it.

>> No.3658323

I am already immortal.

>> No.3658327

I sneak into maternity wards at night and slice the bottoms of the babbies' feet and drink the blood.


>> No.3658328

I have nothing to say, other than the following:


>> No.3658334
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What if I like it on hell!?
Nobody understands me.

>> No.3658347

Better hell than nothing. At least you can get used to it.

>> No.3658354

Kind of ruins life though. Oblivion makes life more, idk, vivid.

>> No.3658375

Don't have to get used to being nothing. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.3658380

How would you know? Have you ever experienced oblivion?

>> No.3658386 [DELETED] 

>craving oblivion

>> No.3658410

It's all in the genes.
>become genetic engineer
>discover eternal youth

>> No.3658430

Yes, I'll probably die of cancer or get run over or something anyway though.

That said, I am the observer in this universe, so it's possible I am quantum immortal, I wouldn't dare put it to the test though which makes sense since if this universe is the one where I am most likely to live for eternity then naturally I would not put quantum immortality to the test.

>> No.3658435

Immortality is fleeting with the types of food we ingest.

Want to be immortal? Eat fresh and unprocessed.

Also, stop aging. That's also key.

>> No.3658446

>test quantum immortality
You can't. Any experiment you might think of doing is always going to fail because you will be the observer that decided not to go through with it. What it really means is that your perspective as an observer can get arbitrarily bad. Get hit by a car? You can't be the dead you, but you can be paraplegic.

>> No.3658449

Knowledge of inevitable oblivion you dolt.

>> No.3658453

You can't remove the possibility of death. Medical immortality won't save you from a falling piano.

You're making a common, but retarded, argument.

>> No.3658456

lrn2 religion

>> No.3658460
File: 358 KB, 700x990, goldenthrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I will end up like a living corpse forever stuck on a life support machine?

I'm ok with this.

>> No.3658466

You linked to the wrong post.

>> No.3658478

I'd like to do caloric restriction, but I can't stop eating McDonalds.

no willpower feels bad man

>> No.3658484

>live a perfectly healthy life
>get hit by a car

>> No.3658493

Well at least you tried. It's better than giving up.

>> No.3658500


It didn't happen to me, it's just an example. That's one of the reasons I'm not a health nut.

>> No.3658623
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>ideal weight
>doesn't exercise

skinnyfat faggot detected

>> No.3658636
File: 14 KB, 239x266, laughing_salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks grain is good for you
lectins and disease

>>S. Boyd Eaton, MD and Stanley B. Eaton III, "Evolution, Diet and Health"
>No primates other than humans ordinarily consume cereal grains, but from the introduction of agriculture onwards grains have been the single most important contributor to human food energy, providing from 40 to 90% of human caloric requirements. In doing so they have displaced fruits and vegetables which, until the Neolithic, had been the dominant energy source for Stone Agers, earlier hominids and our antecedent primate ancestors for 50 million years. A recent comprehensive analysis (150 scientists reviewed 4500 research studies) puts this phenomenon into perspective . The influence of dietary variables on 18 different cancers was assessed. Vegetables were found to exert a convincing preventive effect for five cancers, a probable preventive effect for four others, and a possible preventive effect for another seven. For fruits the analysis revealed four convincing, four probable and four possible preventive relationships. But for cereal grains there were no convincing or probable preventive relationships and, for one cancer (of the esophagus) grains may possibly have increased risk.

>> No.3658648
File: 56 KB, 270x235, fuckyea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live a perfectly healthy life
>get hit by a car
>car's totaled
>walk it off

>> No.3658656

sooo... OATZ are bad for you?

>> No.3658818

I smoke. :(

>> No.3658823

If immortality does come along only the absolute top of the elite are going to get it any time soon. So enjoy at best dieing know that you could be immortal but aren't.

>> No.3658822


>> No.3658827

>accept that one day I will die
>enjoy life

Stop being goddamn sissies.

>> No.3658831

The only restriction will be money, not belonging to some super-secret club.

>> No.3658835

>lectins can be dangerous... if consumed in excess... if improperly cooked
Because that isn't true of most foods?

>> No.3658839

But... I'm rich.

>> No.3658840

Wanting more life and being afraid of death are two different things.

>> No.3658847

Im afraid not, not at first anyway. Its not likely to get out that it even exists because imagine the worldwide rioting and chaos that would happen.

Its the sort of thing that a few will have and nobody else will.

You cant just have everyone being immortal all of a sudden. Mortal and immortal would easily become the highest form of division between mankind, meaning the immortals would not have long to enjoy their immortality.

>> No.3658853

To clarify im saying that keeping it a secret is the only option, and in order to know about this secret you will have to be 'part of the club', regardless of how much money you have.

And dont think they will need outside investors or anything either, once you're immortal you can plan for the long term, money will become trivial for such a person.

>> No.3658857

cool thread.
it won't happen for a while, steve jobs would probably be doing it if it was coming up. i hope i'll live long enough to see life extension. if i do, great; if i don't, it won't matter.

>> No.3658864

>imagine the worldwide rioting and chaos
There will be none of that you idiot. Rich people already have access to better healthcare and other things yet nobody gives a fuck.

People riot only when you take something from them.

>> No.3658871

Healthcare versus better healthcare is qualitatively different than no golden immortality thrown versus golden immortality thrown.

>> No.3658882

It will be treated like another novelty for the rich people. Ordinary people won't go "holy shit, I'm going to cease to exists if I don't get that".

Hell, they will probably rationalize it like that: "those rich bastards just want to delay the inevitable. God will get them somehow! I will enjoy MY immortality in heaven"

>> No.3658887

Living 20 more years is not the same as living forever.

Obviously you never watched bicentennial man.

Not dieing will be the largest distinction between peoples there is, nothing but conflict can result from it.

>> No.3658902

there's no way immortagens or any other anti mortality tech would remain a secret. 90+% of people would probably want it, and no matter how expensive it was, everyone would be able to afford it (5 bucks a week for 6 trillion years adds up).

>> No.3658907

And what if it's cheap? Will there be rioting if the price of the treatment is artificially inflated by the rich?