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[ERROR] No.3640930 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/entists, I am a simple college student that is lacking direction. Recent developments (manly the release of Deus Ex: Human Revolution) has piqued my interest in scientific fields pertaining to biology and mechanics. Also, someone at some point mentioned chemical engineering is an extremely lucrative career choice.
Can anyone point me in the right direction class-wise? I'm not sure what I should take and I do not currently have access to a councilor.

>> No.3640933


>> No.3640934

Don't fucking do it /sci/, I know what you're about to greentext, it's not even funny.

>> No.3640935

what year?

>> No.3640938

>chemical engineering

How good are you at memorizing obscure and tedious definitions and terms?

>> No.3640942

seriously what fucking year are you?

>> No.3640943


>> No.3640946
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So, basically, you want to bring about human augmentation? Be more clear please OP!

>> No.3640948

I memorized an entire menu in a day for my job at a restaurant. I didn't know I could do that.
I assume I can memorize other shit too.

>> No.3640951

Well I'd like to help the cause.

>> No.3640953

are you a fucking freshmen dammit answer me you insipid cunt

>> No.3640957

In college? Yes?

>> No.3640964

alright so you have required courses to take. take them. take at least 17 hours of them this semester. dont worry about your major until at last next semester because you need to get that shit out of the way. this way you have more time to consider it and can get counseled while knowing your taking classes you need.

>> No.3640966

I was just excited because I had no idea what I might want to do until today.

>> No.3640969

thats why you need counseling. so just get those reqs out of the way

>> No.3640978


Can we still at least talk about this stuff?
It's really interesting.

>> No.3640984

im not stopping you i just wanted to get that part out of the way

>> No.3640988

making your career choice based on a video game seems like a smart idea

>> No.3640995


Is human augmentation not a realistic future?
Don't they have arm prosthetic that can simulate the sense of touch?

>> No.3641007

sounds like you are intrigued by prosthetics
double major in kinesiology and bio engineering
acquire job right while still in college

>> No.3641026

Yeah? I can do that? Tell me more.

>> No.3641044

its all about knowing what you need to take and achieving balance.

lots of classes overlap in similar fields. these two would share some biology courses no doubt. once you get your required freshmen stuff out of the way consult your counselor.

the job comment is that physical therapy is really big stateside at least. i have literally 3 relatives who got 100k+ jobs relating to kinesiology right after graduation(two interned during the summer) in the last 4 years.

the bio engineering i imagine goes towards the creation and development part of prosthetics but there may be a better suited major. thats why counseling is important.

>> No.3641046

what about biomedical engineering?
it looks like a good carrier/path overall
not too specific

>> No.3641065

you are so much better off talking to a counselor. they provide you with trusted resources that will give you all the info you need to make an informed decision. just be patient. you have plenty of time while you are taking those required courses to see a counselor.

>> No.3641066

Alright, I'll talk to my councilor about it. Another interest, just out of curiosity, nanotechnology? What's the word on that?

>> No.3641076

basically that its the future. everything is getting smaller on the tech side of things

>> No.3641079

Right, right. But what do you need to know to, I don;t know, "get into" it?

>> No.3641091


>> No.3641101

no counselor here (not usa)
also not op
what do i do?

>> No.3641102

Oh come on, this is just for fun now.

>> No.3641119


There is materials science/ordinary chemistry that in the early 2000's rebranded itself "nanotechnology" to get cash from the NNI. Blame the NanoBusiness Alliance, lobbysts and Richard Smalley. Nowadays nanotechnology means "gold nanoparticles between 2nm and 5nm" or "Carbon nanotubes that may or may not be Hydrogen terminated". Back then, nanotechnology meant "Every atom. Where you want it. When you want it.". Nowadays this is called molecular nanotechnology and if you want to see it lead to something like Deus Ex or The Diamond Age, you're going to have to pull a Philip Moriarty and somehow get a million-dollar grant to perform mechanochemistry experiments. This is easier said than done, especially in the UK where things aren't as fucked up as they are in America for molecular nanotechnology.

Forget photolithography and microchip "nanotechnology". Drexler's molecular assemblers were envisioned as diamond factories able to print their own mass (In copies of themselves) within a day. For a photolithography machine to print it's own mass in Silicon... It's never going to happen.

So, yeah, basically this: http://nextbigfuture.com/2010/09/eric-drexler-ralph-merkle-or-robert.html

>> No.3641209
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I wanted chemistry. It gave me molecular biology. It's the admin man, he knows I like chemistry.

Mad Scientist and I accessed the oceanlab computer ourselves.

We learned something about your captors. They work for a secret organization called leopardgirl.jpg

Within the week, there will be neckbeards ruling the world.

...no, within six months.

(I'm not big into books.)

>> No.3641227

You're basing your life choices on video games?

>good luck.

>> No.3641884

You might be interrested by micro/nanoelectronics then, bioenhancements are beeng researched, but right now it's more theoratical than anything.

>> No.3642568
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I'm just posting this to let everyone know how much I LOVE this post.

>> No.3642860

>Also, someone at some point mentioned chemical engineering is an extremely lucrative career choice.

>> No.3642905

It's really really hard. I'm assuming you're doing arts and want to switch into sciences, like I have. Be prepared to work your ass off, at a pace of around 3 hours per 1 hour lecture. I switched from arts to physics, chemistry, and then settled on mathematics. The labs, they ruin you.