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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 133 KB, 1200x1458, fixedscience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3639032 [Reply] [Original]

New 3D UAV throd
Summary of situation:
I'm making a budget UAV capable of recording 3D footage. I have the recording part of the system fully sorted: Two 720*480 cameras at a set interval attached to a balsa wood dowel. Total weight is approximately 40g.
The problem I have now is that I still need a vehicle. My budget is ideally £50, but ultimately I can probably swing about £100. I'd rather stick with the former if at all possible, because I am a poorfag.
Longer battery lives are better than shorter ones, Hovering craft are better than planes, and the more stable the better. Footage is going to get stuck on youtube, as soon as I can get it done.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.3639048
File: 15 KB, 1202x452, highly-advanced-CAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I asked on /g/ and got a few results, but nothing for the £50 I'm looking for. This image describes what I want more aptly than I ever could.

>> No.3639061

You're the same guy who made that joke about immigrants and then his thread died, right?

>> No.3639068

That would be me. I('d like to) think the thread death was more to do with someone spamming.

>> No.3639078

No, it was because you made that statement, just like a generic summerfag from /b/ would.

>> No.3639088

Calling someone "summerfag" is something a generic summerfag would do. This is besides the point though, the joke wasn't serious and this is 4chan, fgs. The observation that immigrants to the US tend to hold service jobs is not racism.

>> No.3639095

>"Calling someone "summerfag" is something a generic summerfag would do."
>implying he is a summerfag
>quel irony.

>> No.3639109
File: 804 KB, 1307x734, whoosh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord, it's you.

so is this thread going to get on track at some point, or am I baleeting it and trying /g/ again?

>> No.3639118

i'd make a thread on /g/ as well, but keep this one active and lurk both. /g/ will probably be more helpful, but you never know, someone on /sci/ might be able to help as well.

>> No.3639120

>/g/ again
So, you've tried /sci/ at least twice, and /g/ at least once, see any pattern here? The most likely reason your threads are dying is because you're a douche/retard.

>> No.3639135

They were last time. /sci/ is where I squat though :3. Plus, I have mad sci envy.

At least 5 people have shown interest, on both boards. If you don't like me, feel free to leave the thread.

>> No.3639147

For some reason the first thing I thought about that image was: "Way over your head?", is this the answer?

>> No.3639158


>> No.3639176

How much does your rig weigh? RC planes can be had for under $100, but I doubt they'd carry much.

see: nitroplanes.com

>> No.3639185

The cameras are about 16grams each, with an hour's battery and 8 hours memory. Should be enough, easily.
I plan on using rods of balsa to hold them below the chopper, as they're light as shit. Overall It's probably going to total 40g

>> No.3639225

The site looks 'aight, and ships internationally. Having a good look now, thanks.