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File: 223 KB, 576x576, 4 billion years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3636172 [Reply] [Original]


Choke on it racists. There is more genetic difference within ethnic groups than between them.

>> No.3636186 [DELETED] 

Blacks have smaller hips than whites and Asians. This allows them to run better, but it also makes it harder for mothers to give birth to larger brained babies.

>> No.3636221

Humans are surprisingly very closely genetically related

>> No.3636238

big citation needed

>> No.3636241 [DELETED] 


One hypothesis for shorter average gestational length amongst black infants is that earlier maturation of the feto-placental unit relates to the maternal pelvic size. A smaller pelvis benefits the mother in evolutionary terms in relation to posture and stability when running. However, a smaller pelvis is also associated with a higher incidence of both obstructed labour and maternal mortality. Indeed, Africans have been observed to have amongst the highest emergency caesarean section rates. In fetal terms it is advantageous for the fetus to have a large head because of the improved brain growth. Thus, this creates conflict in the maternal/fetal relationship. It therefore would be in the interest of the fetus to mature faster and deliver earlier to avoid the complications described.

>> No.3636251

Okay. Carry on.

>> No.3636253 [DELETED] 

in short

unscientific thinking: hey all those niggers winning medals. niggers must have genetics.

scientific thinking: actually it's just a few very very small populations that produce the good runners, spreading the inference to all blacks is dumb.

>> No.3636254


i have a hypothesis you're a faggot

>> No.3636255



>> No.3636260

>black infants?

what? "black" isn't a recognised genetic grouping. why do reputable journals post this silliness.

>> No.3636262 [DELETED] 

Blacks have smaller cranial capacities and brain volumes, but have greater physical abilities. Evolution could only afford one, not both. East Asians have the lowest level of athletic ability, but the highest IQ. Blacks are the opposite, and whites are intermediate.


>> No.3636269


i laffed

>> No.3636267 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1180x1150, raceclusters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race is a genetic reality.


>> No.3636271
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>> No.3636273

blacks on average aren't any more athletic than any other race. They aren't even larger on average.

source: Africa

>> No.3636275 [DELETED] 


It's just a website mirroring a PDF written by a psychologist (J. Phillipe Rushton). It wouldn't matter if the url read whitehouse.gov or kkk.org, the file would be the same

>> No.3636276

except those genetic distance numbers are so small as to be noise compared to genetic distances between two individuals, whether in same racial grouping or different one

>> No.3636282


also his methodology has been shown to be shit-tier

he's almost into pseudo-science

>> No.3636285 [DELETED] 
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>your face when you have the lowest athletic ability of any race.

>> No.3636288

When Rushton was asked if he believed in racial superiority, he said, "Oh, no...from an evolutionary point of view, superiority can only mean adaptive value - if it even means this. And we've got to realize that each of these populations is perfectly, beautifully adapted to their own ancestral environments."

>> No.3636287 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 906x725, futufacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an actual website
>after some checking, find out it's owned by KKK
>it's highly esteemed... in stormfront

>> No.3636291

very poor quality science in his book. so poor i shouldn't call it science



>> No.3636294

>racist uses scientism as smokescreen

the guy gets his funding from white supremacists

>> No.3636295 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 600x405, iqrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't any real criticisms of modern racial science. It has all been political correctness and outdated or debunked theories (such as "intelligence does not exist," or "race does not exist").

The difference in mean IQ across racial groups is real, heritable, and remains even when controlling for socioeconomic status.


>> No.3636307

all that shit has been criticised scientifically, not political correctness

next ten posts:

>your science is not science but racism

>my science is not science but political correctness

you're just boring

>> No.3636317 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 437x586, raceiq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that shit has been criticised scientifically, not political correctness
>all that shit has been criticised scientifically

And I'd like to hear some instances of this. There have been a lot of academics who criticized the findings out of ideology. I've read their articles. They skate around the issue by saying things like, "Race is a social construct."

A poor Chinese man has a larger brain and a higher IQ than a well-fed African American. You need very robust arguments if you want to claim this is environmental and not genetic.

I know this is not exactly comfortable or what anyone wants to hear, but this is simply what the research shows to be true. I'd love for this all to be a white supremacist scam and we actually do live in a Disney cartoon where everyone is a clone of one another. But the evidence simply does not support such a notion.

>> No.3636316 [DELETED] 

yeah being a nigger surrounded by rich middle class white kids isn't going to have ANY environmental impact

read the interpretation section, and for discounting the last para by rushton as nonsense, read the libraries full of crit on rushtons book, much of it cold hard statistics, not political correctness

>> No.3636322

um, already said the crit is of the methodology

and a link was given

maybe do some fucking reading?

>> No.3636325

>a larger brain and a higher IQ

one of these is a physical trait, one is not.

your failure to recognize the difference is the stamp of dogma, not science.

you may be right, you may be wrong, but you're certainly too stupid for this board.

>> No.3636329


criticism based on validity of concept of race: 8 lines
criticism based on methodology and science: i gave up counting

you are just one of those tards that stops reading when your pet pseudo-scientific theories are challenged.

>> No.3636331

Most of those things arent even fucking quantities, it doesn't give units to some of them, and it doesn't even tell you who/how many people were studied

sounds like a flawed and biased study to me

>> No.3636335


>differences measured by "shorter, longer."

sure is qualitative measurements in here.

I know this is not exactly comfortable for you to hear but if this board wanted pseudoscientific OPINIONS we'd be studying fucking psychology, not science.

>> No.3636336 [DELETED] 

>I'd love for this all to be a white supremacist scam

disingenuousness detected. you hate niggers as much as i do. you just feel the need for back up from science. but science doesn't provide a justification

>> No.3636344
File: 342 KB, 731x687, heritabilityg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are stable, valid and highly heritable.

>> No.3636352 [DELETED] 

Brain size is correlated 0.44 with IQ.

Believe me, I've read that. The main criticism is from Richard Lewontin, who made the argument that race doesn't exist genetically and is not a valid categorization. This flaw was the subject of wave of criticism from even Richard Dawkins.

http://cairnarvon.rotahall.org/2009/01/26/dawkins-on-race/ (Snippet of Richard Dawkins's critique of Lewontin and "race doesn't exist")

That was just a chart from an academic paper. Here is the full text of the paper, and you can find the chart in its context on page 265:


>> No.3636353

>conflates heritability of iq science with race and iq science

boy you know all the tricks

>> No.3636355

I'd say that humans are too closely genetically related for us to classify us into races, although it's all subjective

>> No.3636359

except when they aren't...

regression to the mean and such.

However it's your failure to mention the exceptions, outliers, variables and alternate hypotheses that marks you as a retard. Arguing one side as fact is not what science does, even with itself.

if you'll pardon the expression, you're just too black and white to understand science.

also fuck off.

>> No.3636361

>Believe me, I've read that

no you haven't. you totally missed my point. the crit is from Wahlsten.

you've proved my hypothesis that you only read what you want to read

>> No.3636363
File: 144 KB, 984x636, 1313020568533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're up against leftists.
Better use this.

>> No.3636365

you are kind of dumb

i'll link the review again, by wahlsten, not lewontin


shame you didn't inherit the much vaunted high iq of your race

>> No.3636369
File: 428 KB, 862x912, 1313020450496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stand the heat? Get out of the internet.
>alternate hypotheses
See pic for all your questioning needs.

>regression to the mean and such.
Regression to the mean occurs when approaching adulthood, when every member of a race regress to his own race's mean - highly indicative of the hereditary theory.

>> No.3636372
File: 10 KB, 220x240, 220px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we're criticising rushton's basic scientific methodology and statistical skills.

and i'm a conservative who is mildly racist. i just don't pretend genetics has informed my thinking. sociology maybe.

>> No.3636374

>doesn't understand regression to the mean.

educate yourself heathen, you're an embarassment to the white side. I agree with a number of your ideals, and I want a strong, white society... I just don't want idiots like you there.

>> No.3636375


>> No.3636376

provide cites for these pics otherwise i can't judge their worth fully

>> No.3636379

"There is more genetic difference within ethnic groups than between them."

This is known at Lewontin's Fallacy.
I suggest yu read this link.

If you can't be assed to read it, let me tl;dr it for you:
There is, relative to our taxonomical classification of animals, enough difference between Africans and non-Africans to warrant a "sub-species" label.

The BBC is a joke. As a Brit, I am thoroughly ashamed of it.

>> No.3636380 [DELETED] 

That's just his book review criticizing Rushton's book. It is not peer reviewed and is subject to error and bias. Why hold a book review in such esteem over published psychology studies?

>> No.3636388

psychology is not science

>> No.3636396

because the review points to near childish flaws in the statistics that as a mathematician i can verify myself.

let me guess. stats isn't your strength?

again, you are selecting what you read.

>> No.3636397

>Claims I don't understand it
>Uses no argument whatsoever other than ad hominems
Stay classy, cryptoleftist.

>> No.3636398 [DELETED] 

>There is, relative to our taxonomical classification of animals, enough difference between Africans and non-Africans to warrant a "sub-species" label.

That's not what the critique of Lewontin implies per se (it might be true, but that's not what the "Lewontin's fallacy" deals with). You're right about it being a fallacy. Races are different genetically due to isolated evolution.

>> No.3636405

google it and see for yourself if you have the strength to face your own mistake.

if not, well we have no need for white cowards, or those that will not learn.

>> No.3636408

>ad hominem complaint

first to complain about ad hominem is a faggot

those are the rules of the internet

>> No.3636409

This is information strongly backed up by statistical knowledge.
If you claim it is wrong, prove it.
Otherwise stfu & gtfo.

>> No.3636412

15 yr old detected

>> No.3636414

>a science

>> No.3636415


>criticizes ad hominem attack
>responds with ad hominem attack

two wrongs makes a right in your world I presume?

>Africans and non-Africans

I like how you presume that "'Africans" is a completely homogenous group as are "non-Africans" also being homogenous.

gb2 your sociology studies

>> No.3636420

>Racialists use cites and scientifically proven facts
>Anti-Racialists and leftists use name callings and ad hominems
Classic internet race debate.

>> No.3636421

I'm not arguing your statistics, I'm telling you that you don't know what regression to the mean is.

it isn't some adult-onset averaging effect.

understand what it means in multi-generational or populational studies and get back to us.

if you can't understand, or be bothered to learn you're just trash. If you take the time to learn you'll improve your arguments, as I've seen you do in the past.

get to work on it.

>> No.3636428

Even if you're referring to the measurement aspect of it, you're still wrong.
All subjects have tested and retested multiple times at a very large sample size (N).
Your argument remains invalid.

>> No.3636429

Let's assume you're right and black people are generally less smart than white people. What should we do?

>> No.3636433

>scientifically proven facts
>"well i took the data of the helmet size for 5000 members of the military, and there was a difference that african americans heads were smaller by 0.15 deviations, therefore whites iz superior!!!11"

>> No.3636435

Exterminate them.

>> No.3636437 [DELETED] 

If we're going to play the slogan parroting game, I can play that, too.

A poor Chinese man has a larger brain size and IQ than a well-fed African American. How can you explain this without hereditary genetics?

>> No.3636439

>fails to catch the deliberate irony (what we call a joke around here)

retardation scientifically proven

>> No.3636440

you continue to misunderstand my argument.

I'm not surprised. I used basic jargon, and you are a layperson.

>> No.3636442

the brains of chinese people are replaced with computer chips

its mandatory there

>> No.3636443
File: 81 KB, 585x461, 1307377952951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race is just a social construct

>> No.3636446


>> No.3636452

>thinking brain size is significant

>> No.3636453 [DELETED] 

* End affirmative action.
* End all similar race-based policies that give advantage to certain racial groups (blacks, Hispanics, Aboriginals) for being victims of perceived discrimination, when in reality they are held back by their low IQs
* Change educational policies based on the idea that children of all races have the same mental capacity

That's about it. Some might say sterilization or genocide, but I disagree.

>> No.3636455 [DELETED] 

>A poor Chinese man has a larger brain size and IQ than a well-fed African American. How can you explain this without hereditary genetics?

the study used poor university professors in china and fat niggers who were hanging out in kfc

>> No.3636460

I actually know a fair number of minorities that'd agree with you on that because they're smarter than the average white person in my country and would love to prove it on a level playing field.

they aren't black though.

>> No.3636461

No. That would be cherry-picking.
The actual world average from multiple sample sizes are valued at 1267, 1347, and 1364 cm3 for blacks, whites and Asians respectively.

Source: http://psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/RandRProgressIntell2003.PDF

>> No.3636463

>percieved discrimination
So it wasn't *actually* discrimination?

>> No.3636464

I'll agree with affirmative action. But the rest show your hick-brained stupidity. If kids of race a dumber, why change anything? They only raise the curve.

>> No.3636462 [DELETED] 

Good thing you didn't say the test was "culturally biased." That would have been laughable.

>> No.3636469

>perceived discrimination
wait, so you are not only saying that blacks have lower IQs, but also that cultural disadvantages don't exist for some races.

in effect, that racism doesn't exist. while being racist yourself.

almost orwellian, congrats

>> No.3636471

>world average
I wasn't a part of this global study

>> No.3636477


It's not that racism doesn't exist, it's just that they DESERVE it

>> No.3636478

I would like to perhaps shift this discussion to sociological reasons for racism, mild or otherwise.

i personally believe african american culture does not nurture self improvement in mental facilities, nor in education.i believe caucasian culture does, and asian more so.

i don't believe racism has had much effect on limiting other races. For instance, including our discrimination of freed slaves at the time we had a large amount of bigotry directed at the chinese and irish aswell, and yet neither suck up our welfare and both are thought of in a positive light now.

i believe a man can do something if he has intelligence, tenacity or bravery. adversity is no excuse

>> No.3636482

>Doesn't understand statistics

>> No.3636483

they deserve it, and if the perceive it, they deserve it more

>> No.3636490

Stay classy, stormfront.

>> No.3636489 [DELETED] 

I meant that their low social standing is perceived to be the result of discrimination. In reality, it is their IQs.

Japanese Americans were stuck in internment camps and discriminated against thoroughly. They are now one of the most successful ethnic groups in this country. If it had been blacks or Hispanics instead of Japanese, you could only imagine the volume of welfare they would expect even to this day.
>sorry, but it's true

>> No.3636491

>Non sequiturs, non sequiturs EVERYWHERE.

>> No.3636493

indeed, a capital offense! damn them for being smart enough to realize that they're dumb enough to be hated.

if we killed stupid people OP would be dead as fuck tho.

>> No.3636494

Retributions were payed for the Japanese internment

>> No.3636496 [DELETED] 


>> No.3636497

why their IQs, why not cultural shit like work ethic

you do realise culture is inherited too?

>> No.3636498 [DELETED] 

Not nearly as the mount payed for niggers, yet they continually lag behind everyone.
Your point?

>> No.3636500 [DELETED] 

Where does culture come from?

>> No.3636502

Accumulated ideology and customs passed down throughout generations in a specific population

>> No.3636503
File: 86 KB, 481x330, 1995-sat-scores-and-race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because no matter where they are, or where they were or how they were treated and even controlling for SES, they still manage to underperform in every single aspect.
Environment simply cannot account for that.

>> No.3636505

You're stating "what if's". I don't get any special privilege being part Hispanic. I don't see how you make the preconceived notion that being a minority automatically grants you rights in the US. By the way, the Japanese did get reparations for being in interment camps.
>"In 1980, Congress established the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) to study the matter. On February 24, 1983, the commission issued a report entitled Personal Justice Denied, condemning the internment as 'unjust and motivated by racism rather than real military necessity'. The Commission recommended that $20,000 in reparations be paid to those Japanese Americans who had been victims of internment."
Do some research before you get shown to be an idiot.

>> No.3636508

That doesn't answer the question.

>> No.3636511

but you then go on to say poor iq is what causes the welfare, low social success.

how did you make that leap? is what i'm asking.

>> No.3636512

All these pretty images yet no citations.

>> No.3636510 [DELETED] 

We need to go deeper.
/comic relief

>> No.3636513

It does. People form ideas and thoughts. People are able to communicate. In a localized population, these ideas and thoughts are spread throughout everyone. They are passed down throughout generations. There are and have been different localized populations throughout history. Therefore different cultures can arise.

Are you going to say that it's genetic?

>> No.3636516

but dumb people can work hard and be moderately succesfull

so why the iq obsession? could ambition also be genetic

>> No.3636520

>Environment simply cannot account for that.

not that opinions are bad, just that this one's all yours and nobody else wants it.

>> No.3636519 [DELETED] 

>Are you going to say that it's genetic?

It's certainly plausible. Behaviors are genetic in origin. Behaviors --> Customs --> Memes * Time --> Culture

>> No.3636521

Poor IQ scores. Intelligence correlates highly with economic success. Low IQ = Low income and therefore crime and welfare dependence.

>Implying that the addition of valid citations is actually going to influence the braindead leftists on this board.

>> No.3636523
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>> No.3636526

calling scientists leftists if a bit like calling rabbits fuzzy.

it isn't an insult, and you thinking that it is indicates that you're not a rabbit... or a scientist.

>> No.3636525 [DELETED] 

some study or other showed IQ had very little to do with days spent in gainful employment, over a lifetime. a lot to do with income though obviously.

so niggers not working can't be IQ

>> No.3636529

>but dumb people can work hard and be moderately succesfull
No. There's a limit to what a person can become and is strictly tied to his intelligence.
>so why the iq obsession? could ambition also be genetic
Ambition is genetic, but ambition is severely limited by IQ.

>> No.3636530

IQ correlates with financial success, but not with how much work you do in hours, rather than dollars

so you are making a leap there

>> No.3636528 [DELETED] 

>so niggers not working can't be IQ

If that is the case, then that opens the door to the possibility of a laziness gene.

>> No.3636531

Are you guys ready to admit your inferiority to the chinese? That you should accept any discrimination put upon you by them and this perception should only mean that you deserve it more?

>> No.3636534

You automatically lose your scientist status as soon as your disregard hard evidence and look for non-plausible explanations to fit your worldview.

>> No.3636537

says who?

pure speculation

there are dumb hardworking populations

all your shit is 90% conflation

>> No.3636540
File: 41 KB, 200x200, opidiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have athletes ever produced anything of value to humanity? Does anyone have a list of inventions or medicine created by athletes?

>> No.3636541

likewise, though you never earned that status in the first place.

I'd also lose that status by considering only some evidence to the exclusion of other, a fact you've yet to learn.

>> No.3636543

>Maintains irrelevant notions

Absolutely. They should stay in their counties much like the blacks and Hispanics and leave our White nations to us.
Then you they will be able to hold whatever notion of superiority they wish to hold.

>> No.3636546

entertainment has value.

>> No.3636545 [DELETED] 

IQ is not correlated with work ethic. That is a set of behaviors on its own that likely has its own set of genes.

>> No.3636553

Yes, and their hard work will amount to nothing compared to that of high IQ populations.
You keep missing the point.

>Argument from ignorance
>Argument from authority
Keep it up, it's getting amusing.

>> No.3636556

the dunning kruger is strong with this one.
If we had a white nation you wouldn't be helping it... just tagging along riding the coattails of your betters. a leech, of no use to us.

>> No.3636557

>Implying the US is a "white nation"
Unless you're from Europe. In which case I suggest you start learning the Sharia.

>> No.3636558
File: 9 KB, 220x210, 220px-Roger_Bannister_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roger bannister

first man to run a mile in 4 minutes

distinguished neurologist and master of pembroke college oxford

>> No.3636563 [DELETED] 

Good one. By 2050, whites will be a minority in America.

>> No.3636566

so white people have athletic genes too?

probably just too fucking lazy to train. is there a laziness gene that would account for white people's woeful failure at track and field?

>> No.3636569

>Argument from ignorance

>> No.3636570

I really don't care. Unlike the stormfront friends in this thread, I don't mind people of other color. As long as they're not idiots.

>> No.3636571

cuz we like the latina pussy.

and the black pussy and the asian pussy too.

OP doesn't get any pussy.

>> No.3636567 [DELETED] 

Entertainment has a negative value = people getting fat and wasting time while watching niggers jumping and hollering.

>> No.3636576

I don't think that means what you think it means.

>Argument from ignorance, also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam or "appeal to ignorance", is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not been proven false (or vice versa).

>> No.3636577
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>>Maintains irrelevant notions

you can't answer this one can you?

work ethic is not shown anywhere to be a function of IQ, it MAY be genetic, sure, but my first hypothesis would be it's cultural

>> No.3636575 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 400x263, iqrace3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't mind people of other color. As long as they're not idiots.
>As long as they're not idiots.

Well I got some bad news for you.

>> No.3636582

>leave our White nations to us

You're pissing into the wind there, dude. Those inferior races are breeding like maggots here in the US of KKK and soon YOU will be living in a Brown nation.

Truth is, you and your kind are doomed.

Not to mention that the majority of the western hemisphere's continents doesn't hold your opinion, so you're doubly fucked.

Deal with it.

>> No.3636585

>Maintains irrelevant notions

>> No.3636590

Not to worry. I'll pull off another Breivik long before I'm forced to deal with it. And so will MANY others.

>> No.3636587 [DELETED] 

>Those inferior races are breeding like maggots here in the US of KKK and soon YOU will be living in a Brown nation.

Oh dear God. I hope I won't be alive when whites are the minority. Somehow I don't think they will have the same mercy on us as we did on them.

>> No.3636591 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 364x423, andersbrevik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3636592

the type of mercy that labels them as inferior for the purpose of subjugating them?

I hope they don't.

>> No.3636594

This thread isn't science


>> No.3636601

>another Breivik

Methinks this unit needs to be euthanized.

It's for his own good, you understand. Don't want his racial superiority feelings hurt.

>> No.3636602

you or your ilk brought up welfare and other social ills, so hardly irrelevant. you then said it was all IQ. if you can't defend this assertion you lose.

>> No.3636600 [DELETED] 

RACE WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>> No.3636608

>if you can't defend this assertion you lose.

>invents rules
>demands others play by them

>> No.3636611

ok. don't defend it. leave it as merely an unsupported assertion

not my rules, science's rules

>> No.3636612
File: 7 KB, 462x385, _0_0_a_income_vs_math_sat_testf0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligence is only affecrted by cultural and socio-economic factors herp a derp

>> No.3636613 [DELETED] 

Hey guys I went on /new/ and found this thread (LOL):


It links back to this thread.

>> No.3636617
File: 63 KB, 500x461, implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying race doesn't exist

better burn those witches at the CSI laboratory then

>> No.3636621

[citation please]
Also, I'm a hispanic and I have an IQ of 140+. Even I'll say that doesn't mean shit. You idiots need to realize IQ isn't a reflection of anything other than what you can naturally absorb. You can be a gifted kid according to IQ tests and still not know shit. Likewise, it is possible to increase cognitive function through mental tests. Where am I going with this? Pushing pretty graphs with citations from unsure sources doesn't prove anything. Consider Neil deGrasse Tyson, Otis Boykin and George Edward Alcorn Jr. They're all African Americans that are smarter than most of us despite what your graphs imply. You could say that they're a rare case, but you're just proving my point more. All these graphs do is just generalize. They cease to acknowledge that there's geniuses of every race. Granted, this wasn't their intention when doing the research but you stormfags picked it up and spammed it more than ponies on /b/.

Which leaves me to my last point: if you're part of a flawless race, what have you accomplished?

>> No.3636622

most of this thread is unsupported assertions, including the conclusions you draw from your facts.

science has nothing to do with your opinion or mine. perhaps you're thinking of sociology.

also I'm not the one that made the assertion, I don't feel any particular need to defend it.

>> No.3636628 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3636624 [DELETED] 

If you really have an IQ of 140+, you should be able to comprehend the concept of averages.

>> No.3636632
File: 40 KB, 887x508, 1310826315223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget bell curves, he doesn't understand those either. Of course some blacks are going to be smarter than some whites.

>> No.3636635

I do. If you really have a brain then you should grasp what I'm saying in putting emphasis on the individual. Nice job on completely avoiding my point, by the way.

>> No.3636636 [DELETED] 

I'm more interested in which genes have a measurable effect on intellectual development, whether they're dominant or not/if heterogeneity has the same effect, or if it is diluted, broken, negated, etc.

Same with positive applicable athleticism genes.

Kenyan speed, Korean brain, Finn muscle/bone structure...

>yfw this human would require 1000 kilocalories more per day to match TDEE than most people do now, which is why we didn't evolve like that in the first place.

Stop calling yourselves the "master race", and get down to the business of actually making a master race.

>> No.3636637


>> No.3636638
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>> No.3636643

>my point
>your head

>> No.3636644
File: 213 KB, 800x740, 1262609689887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A population with an average IQ of under 80 has never been able to create a functioning society, even with significant oil wealth. IQ matters people.

>> No.3636645

That graph has no source.

You can't argue on /sci/ without sourcing your fucking graphs.

This whole thread should be consumed by fire.

Sage in all fields.

>> No.3636646

Question: Isn't the very fact that different race exist prove that evolution exists? In different climates, terrains, etc, people evolved from the same base form, yes, however split into genetically different forms of visible characteristics; skin color, hair color, eye color, etc.

>> No.3636647

the US is coming close.

>> No.3636648


>> No.3636650

i've drawn no conclusions. what the fuck are you talking about?

and plenty of people have been citing shit itt.

so if you can't defend arguments you now have to defend not defending arguments.

really fucking silly cunt much?

>> No.3636653


>> No.3636659

Looks like at least one person ITT got banhammered.

>> No.3636660

I really hope you're as angry as you sound.

probably not though. probably bored, and the only high point in your life is winning internet arguments by your rules while getting owned by everyone else in their minds.

I understand, I'm right here with ya. you're a pathetic maggot, but who isn't nowadays?

>> No.3636661
File: 91 KB, 512x568, Targhan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I never knew /sci/ was full of such creationists. Why do you deny evolution?

>> No.3636663

Well yeah, it doesn't take a scientist to realize that evolution predicts great variety among life

however, compared to how we classify subspecies in the taxonomy of other species, humans are all very closely genetically related.

>> No.3636664

aborigine society was a functioning hunter gatherer society

>> No.3636667

Evolution when we like it

Racism when we don't

>> No.3636668
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A functioning society which never invented the wheel, had high instances of cannibalism and incest. Sounded just grand compared to Europe who was doing silly things like the scientific revolution. I can't believe there are cultural marxists on /sci/. This place has really gone downhill, people are using their emotions like women instead of coming to logical conclusions based on the available data.

>> No.3636672

>getting owned by everyone else in their minds.

calm down mister

>> No.3636674

No, you're retarded. No one ever denied that there is variation in life. You're trying to justify discrimination, and that is what is being argued against.

Take your straw man arguments back to /new/

>> No.3636675

so any conclusion other than your own is illogical?

funny stuff

>> No.3636676

I'll give you an 8/10. I thought you were serious for a second. By the way, reported for trolling outside of /b/.
Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.3636677

>reporting for contrary opinion
>on 4chan

Not cool. This is one of the few places on the net with anonymous free speech.

>> No.3636681

i was objecting to the values you assigned to the word "functioning"

i have all those values too, but unless you state them, rather than thinking they're implicit in a totally separate word like "functioning", you analysis will be piss-poor.

>> No.3636683

Race is just a social construct anyways.

>> No.3636684
File: 99 KB, 800x526, 800px-TBC-BW-IQ-SES-withDiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Present some opposing data and I'll look at it.
>implying I'm trolling

Asians and Europeans have consistently scored higher than Africans and Aboriginals over DECADES of intelligence studies. Even when the tests were corrected for "cultural biases", the results remained the same and in some instances the gap widened. I know you'd love to just have everyone banned who shatters your fragile worldview, but you have to come to terms with the fact that there's ZERO evolutionary evidence to support racial egalitarianism. You are a creationist, you are anti-science.

>> No.3636685

I just came into this thread and boy there are sure lots of deleted posts.

>> No.3636686
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There is more variation between a plankton and a human, then between groups of plankton and humans.



You can't correlate and compare one on one vs group on group. Learn some genetics OP.

>> No.3636687

Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.
see >>3636621 for clarification on why I'm laughing at you.

>> No.3636688

'Herpderp, there are more genetic differences within groups of different body height than there are between them! therefor, height doesn't exist!'

>> No.3636690


>> No.3636692
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>One person's unsourced anecdote disproves decades of intelligence testing

Wow, you don't know how science works do you? Maybe you should go back to /soc/

>> No.3636695
File: 25 KB, 600x405, 20060122_Multiracialists_are_Crazy,_Part_3_IQ_graph_racial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Better curve comparison chart.

>> No.3636696


So? I know many intelligent black people who get way higher marks than my asian friends. Your graphs are worthless.

>> No.3636698

You don't understand how bell curves work. You don't understand how averages work.

>> No.3636701
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It's called an population average and statistical inference. Yes, there are very smart people in a group of morons. The point is percentages.

Negros have a much much much smaller intelligent percentage than all of the other racial groups.

>> No.3636702


The way we measure height is a social construct. Centimeters, inches, feet, it's all made up, just like african, asian, etc.

Every individual human is essentially their own "race", because we're all that different from one another, and also that similar. I feel sorry that people like you can't quite understand that.

>> No.3636703
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You have to watch your retard levels, they're nearing full.

>> No.3636704

I know an Asian who is WAY taller than all the black people I know. How can you say Asians are shorter on average? FUCKING RACCISSDSSISISRTIAIAT

>> No.3636705

Okay at least now I KNOW you're trolling.

>> No.3636708

are mods cleaning house or something?

>> No.3636709


I understand how being a rational human being works, and that includes not being a racist.


The point is that you can't generalize. People aren't experiments, they're people, and they shouldn't be judged based on whatever dubious statistics you throw at them, just so people can discriminate and oppress them.

>> No.3636710

>The way we measure height is a social construct. Centimeters, inches, feet, it's all made up, just like african, asian, etc.

So do tell me, how does that make it any less real? We live in society, not some magical la-la land. There is a very REAL difference between heights in our perception. Just like there is a very real difference between population clusters(race).

Stop trying to be edgy.

>> No.3636714

>People aren't experiments, they're people, and they shouldn't be judged based on whatever dubious statistics you throw at them, just so people can discriminate and oppress them.

Appeals to emotion and irrelevant information.

>> No.3636716


I'm honestly not trying to troll here. I know it sounded silly but it's the principle that counts. Who's to say who is "african" or "asian" or "caucasian" or "hispanic"? There's a million shades of gray in everything in the world, nobody's just one thing.

>> No.3636717
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>The point is that you can't generalize.

When the overwhelming majority of a group are violent, rabid, morons. Generalizing might save your life. There's a reason why sub-Sahara African populations have achieved very little of note compare to every other group of civilizations.

They simply have too little intelligent populations to progress. And it's not going to change magically.

>> No.3636719

>The point is that you can't generalize. People aren't experiments, they're people, and they shouldn't be judged based on whatever dubious statistics you throw at them, just so people can discriminate and oppress them.

Maybe that's how some people (stormfags) have interpreted these results. But a rational person would see this data as a testable explanation for group differences in social status. Why are African/Hispanic/Arab/South Asian/East Indian nations poor? Lower AVERAGE intelligence could be the answer. It's obviously not a popular answer, but neither was the theory of evolution at first.

This theory makes much more sense than the standard sociological one which states that it is entirely due to culture, colonialism, oppression, and so on, with no regard to genetics.

>> No.3636721

Right, because orange exists that means red and yellow aren't colours. Because Labradoodles exist that means Labradors and Poodles aren't breeds of dog.

>> No.3636722

>There's a reason why sub-Sahara African populations have achieved very little of note compare to every other group of civilizations.

European colonialization.

>> No.3636723
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You're not a rational human being if all you can do is appeal to emotion in every debate.

This is a board for science, not herpy derpy opinionated bullshit. Statistics and mathematical data >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your emotional whining.

>> No.3636724


>> No.3636732

There's also a reason why Europeans have been the conquerors while Africans have been the conquered.
Evolution and intelligence.

>> No.3636733

Vietnam, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, India etc. were all colonised. Why aren't they horrible countries with little development?

It makes little sense that "WHITEY" is to blame when Zimbabwe has collapsed and gone backwards in development since Whitey left.

>> No.3636735
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>European colonialization.


Hey moron, I live in North Africa. We underwent imperialization by Euros just like the negros across the Sahara did. We got over it. India got over it. East Asians got over it. Only the negros aren't able to do shit.

They were garbage before European colonialism, and they still are garbage. My ancestors have lived right by them for centuries.

>> No.3636736

>False analogy

>> No.3636737
File: 549 KB, 1121x1904, added_facts_removed_stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that there's no evidence to the contrary, it's that YOU don't wish to acknowledge it.

But hey, willful ignorance has been the way of the bigoted since forever, so why change your modus operandi, amirite?

>> No.3636738


Uh, your picture isn't doing you any favors. "Great" Zimbabwe is a shitty mud wall. And Axum wasn't part of the Bantu negros, they're mixed with Semites.

>> No.3636739

>Projected and dogmatized own wishful thinking
>Proved nothing
>Claims dishonesty of other party involved
Oh you.

>> No.3636740

*sigh* once again my post goes over your head.
First of all, you only acknowledge one of my points.
Secondly, I didn't deny that white people are generally smarter than black people. One of my points is putting emphasis on the individual. A black man invented the traffic light, street letter drop mailbox, the idea of a blood bank, gas masks, etc. You stormfront friends seem very enthusiastic about sending them back to blackland so if we did this before those inventions were made, then we wouldn't have had any of those items.
Thirdly, stop using the same Minnesota study over and over. It gets annoying having to see it so much.
Fourthly, you don't understand how science works. You used hasty generalization to make an assumption on an entire variable. Case in point, using a study only done in Minnesota to back up your hypothesis.
And least but not least, don't use a few intelligent people as some justification of your opinion or your intelligence. There's countless (I'll even go as far to say majority) amount of scientists that agree with me in saying it's the individual that matters.

>> No.3636742
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Fucking bigots. Wow.

>> No.3636746

When a black person is 20 times (!) less likely to have a gifted level IQ and roughly 40 times (!!) less likely to have a genius level IQ, your argument is invalid.

>> No.3636749

>False analogy

>> No.3636750

>A black man invented the traffic light

Invented by Garrett A. Morgan in 1923? No!

The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.

>street letter drop mailbox,

P. Downing invented the street letter drop box in 1891? No!
George Becket invented the private mailbox in 1892? No!

The US Postal Service says that "Street boxes for mail collection began to appear in large [US] cities by 1858." They appeared in Europe even earlier, according to historian Laurin Zilliacus
>the idea of a blood bank,

Dr. Charles Drew in 1940? No!

During World War I, Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of "banked" blood. By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood.

>gas masks,

Garrett Morgan in 1914? No!

The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I.


>> No.3636751


Each dog is their own breed of dog, and they're also all dogs. There's no need to think so linearly - this isn't a zero-sum game.


Except the science is on my side. Otherwise, why don't they teach your graphs in sociology classes? In actual universities, not just on racist internet sites?


There are many intertwining sociological reasons for why Africa is struggling, like it's harsh environment, wars, disease, etc... - I'm sorry, but "racial intelligence" is not one of them. You can't judge intelligence like that.

People like you all who constantly talk it down contribute to it's international oppression. As a global society, we are all responsible for our fellow human's well being. Will we just let Africa burn, or progress towards a greater world?

>> No.3636752

>1 in 4 blacks have an IQ below 75, compared to 1 in 20 whites.

>> No.3636753

gifted and genius are whitefella words

>> No.3636757
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>Except the science is on my side.

Since when is science based on emotional appeals and opinions? Keep dreaming bro.

>Otherwise, why don't they teach your graphs in sociology classes? In actual universities, not just on racist internet sites?

Are you seriously resting your entire argument on argumentum ad populum? Really? Is this fucking kindergarten?

>> No.3636761


There are still many black people who are smarter than white people. Your statistics don't mean anything, except to people who want to believe it for hateful reasons. That's not what science is supposed to be about. Remove your emotions from the data, and breathe.

>> No.3636763
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>> No.3636765

>That's not what science is supposed to be about.

Appeal to emotion. All we're doing is posting what the data says.

>> No.3636766
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>Will we just let Africa burn, or progress towards a greater world?

Good luck trying to fix reality. It's reality that's "OPPRESSIN" negros.

I'll pass though. If you want to go down with the sinking ship called sub-Saharan Africa, it's your choice to do so. But don't bring us all down with you. Immigrate to Africa, and fuck off.

Meanwhile, I'll go with exploring the cosmos. Not paying for the overpopulation of rabid morons.

>> No.3636770


goddamn aliens are so racist

>> No.3636771
File: 7 KB, 251x240, 1313847546002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are still many black people who are smarter than white people.
>Your statistics don't mean anything

>Uses stats
>Disputes same stats WITH THE VERY NEXT SENTENCE

>> No.3636775


Are you trolling or just being retarded? I'm giving your statistical data, you're countering it with appeal to emotion and personal opinions.

Just because there are some intelligent blacks, does not discount that the overwhelming majority of them are the complete opposite. Your pipe dreams are hardly realistic.

>> No.3636779

Welp, looks like leftards got owned here. Good work /sci/. I always found it funny that BOTH conservatives and liberals denied science when it conflicted with their world view. Maybe it's just human nature?

>> No.3636780

I need some sleep so I can't call you out in your bullshit. I guess you guys won this round. Oh well. Gotta go get my rest before I make that white chick scream "ay papi" tomorrow."

Stay classy, /new/. Don't let the tinfoil hats and the extremely biased studies get to you too much.

>> No.3636784

>Meanwhile, I'll go with exploring the cosmos. Not paying for the overpopulation of rabid morons.
What? Immigration is coming to every white nation on Earth and slowly corroding it from within.
Your taxes pay for all of it whether you want to or not, and the budget deficit is removed from space exploration priority because 3rd world immigrants are somehow more important than reaching other solar systems.

>> No.3636787

Hahahaha. You lost the argument so you resort to a fictional "muh dick" scenario. Holy shit you are way too predictable, mud bloods.

>> No.3636788
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>I always found it funny that BOTH conservatives and liberals denied science when it conflicted with their world view.

It's really quite sad. Both the left and the right are full of scientifically ignorant zealots. But atleast the herp derp religious zealots don't claim to be professionals at science.

>> No.3636789


conservatives will deny science when it conflicts with their fundamentalist christianity
liberals will deny science when it with conflicts with their sociological progressivism

it's all religious

>> No.3636791
File: 17 KB, 666x603, h8Sbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need some sleep so I can't call you out in your bullshit.

>> No.3636792
File: 83 KB, 537x755, 1311580365630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gotta go get my rest before I make that white chick scream "ay papi" tomorrow."


How stereotypical. You're not doing your race any favors by follow the stereotype word to word.

>> No.3636796
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And you think we'll just let it go unhindered? Honestly, we have a larger chance of mass genocide and deportations then just sitting around and dieing.

Don't you know how crazy Europeans get when they're pushed?

>> No.3636797

Science *is* my worldview.

>Maybe that's why I don't identify with either party.

>> No.3636798
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>implying I said anything about my dick
>implying I'm black
That tinfoil hat is really effecting your cognitive ability bro. By the way before I go to sleep, tell me something you've accomplished.

>> No.3636801


>> No.3636805


So what are you, a mestizo? Why exactly are you defending negros then? From what I've seen, Hispanics, both mestizos and white ones, detest negros.

>> No.3636813

Mexican descent, but purely Spanish. Once again I'll say it: I'm not defending black people, I'm defending the individual. Not every black person I've met acts like a fucking monkey but I have met a few that do. Does that mean I'm going to generalize and look for evidence saying black people are generally dumber? I'd rather spend my time learning about computers and some politics.

By the way, my family is racist so it's not a cultural trait for me to take an individualist approach.

>> No.3636814

Imagine if all scientific theories had the same requirement of proof that evolutionary biology had.

"Oh so you think you have evidence that CO2 is causing the world to warm? First, tell me what you've accomplished"

>> No.3636821

>Mexican descent, but purely Spanish

I'm confused. Didn't you just say,
>Gotta go get my rest before I make that white chick scream "ay papi" tomorrow."

Why mention white chick if you're Spanish yourself. Spaniards are white considering they're on the goddamn European continent.

>> No.3636822


"Evolutionary biology" is far more weighted of an idea than CO2 effects are. It does require more evidence and scrutiny. It has to be able to stand up against the far more credible sociological theories concerning racial differences (or if there are any to begin with).

>> No.3636833

Because I'm brown as far as other white people (you like to call them aryans) are concerned. I really don't care; the white chick part was tongue-in-cheek humor. It is true, just so you know.

>> No.3636846
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>Because I'm brown as far as other white people (you like to call them aryans) are concerned.

Since when does skin tone imply race? It's based on various things like bone structure, facial features, muscle density, brain density, hair density and color, iris discoloration, etc, etc.

And since when do pretend-racialists called "skinheads" make the decisions for me? They're a disgrace to everything the actual nazis stood for.

>> No.3636848

Actually, Spaniards are Arabs.

>> No.3636854
File: 1.83 MB, 1285x816, Spanish_people_-_mosaic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's probably one of the most amusing things I've heard today. Even if you say they're all mixed with Moors, which is incorrect, Moors aren't arabs. They're Berbers. Basically the indigenous people of North Africa(Carthage and so on).

Spaniards are clearly Europeans.

>> No.3636863

>Spaniards are Arabs

Jesus. Some Spanish people may have a small admixture of Semitic genes, but most Spanish are CELTS, just like the fairy-worshiping fucking Irish, and with better claim I might add.

>> No.3636865

Dude. You need to understand I don't care about racial traits at all. I like redheads but that's besides the point. And sucks, it seems like all members of the "White Army" fall under the second category. However Nazism was an idea that was failed to begin with. The increase of 'faggots' was expected.
[citation needed]

>> No.3636867

>Some Spanish people may have a small admixture of Semitic genes

Not really correct either. It's the Moors who conquered the southern parts of Iberia for awhile before the natives pushed them back. And moors are not semites or arabs.

>> No.3636878
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, Galatic View.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude. You need to understand I don't care about racial traits at all.

It's simple genetics, you don't need to care about it. Disliking how reality works is rather pointless.

>I like redheads but that's besides the point. And sucks, it seems like all members of the "White Army" fall under the second category.

So just because they are the ones who are pushed as the image of understanding genetics by media sources, it becomes fact? Honestly, they're only marginally better than the negros they hate. And they don't even know the scientific factors of population clusters.

>However Nazism was an idea that was failed to begin with. The increase of 'faggots' was expected.

How so? Look how much the Germans discovered in scientific and medical fields during the Nazi regime. We wouldn't have been to space for awhile without their scientists and research of propulsion rockets. They started the entire damn rocket science field.

>> No.3636879

Fuck the Moors, I was referring to the Jews.

Moors are Mediterranean Caucasians. But that's probably splitting hairs.

>> No.3636880

Bullshit, the nazis themselves were largely underclass thugs and common psychopaths. How else could they have gone against everything that is sacred to the human mind?

>> No.3636884
File: 24 KB, 461x403, giorgioatsoukalos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How so? Look how much the Germans discovered in scientific and medical fields during the Nazi regime. We wouldn't have been to space for awhile without their scientists and research of propulsion rockets. They started the entire damn rocket science field.

Ehm. Aliens.

>> No.3636888

All there discoveries are arguably the results of sociological forces, esp. the science bits, just as America went to the Moon lickety split after Kennedy fired up the troops with speeches and let loose with the cash. Also, Manhattan Project.

>> No.3636889

>How else could they have gone against everything that is sacred to the human mind?


>> No.3636890
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>> No.3636891

>Moors are Mediterranean Caucasians

No, they are a group to themselves, a median between sub-saharan and european populations. They also share strong genetic ties with certain populational segments in the British isles, especially in Ireland and Wales, where they are said to have migrated some 5000 years ago.

>> No.3636893

>All there discoveries are arguably the results of sociological forces

Our entire perception of everything is "sociological" so using it is rather general.

>> No.3636895

>sociological is nebulous

OK, try esprit d'corps and money. Lots of it.

>> No.3636896
File: 79 KB, 415x521, PLATE1BX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a median between sub-saharan and european populations

That is incorrect. Moors/Berbers are not fucking Ethiopians or Somalis who are mixed with Arabs. They are the result of Phoenician settlers colonizing the region. It's how Carthage was born.

>> No.3636899

What the nazis did was an abomination . The amount of mass murder they perpetrated is simply not something people have ever done to each other since the beginning of time. That is why many post-war thinkers asked themselves whether the inhumanity of Auschwitz and other such instances was inherent in our culture (or perhaps only in the Germans), and to where its roots can be traced.

My claim is upheld by holocaust denial - even the Nazis of today can't stand behind the senseless act of intentionally murdering countless millions of innocents.

>> No.3636900

I don't dislike, just don't care. you're nitpicking at details I really have no interest in.

Also, my mistake. *Most* fall under that category. The closest thing you'll get to a nazi is the ones that took refuge and formed families in Latin America.

Once again, my mistake for not clarifying. Hitler would have probably been successful in making Germany a powerhouse if he didn't try going past his boundaries. Just imagine if they were solely about making scientific advancements how prosperous Germany would be right now. But I think Hitler was more about control than knowledge.

wtf I was supposed to fall asleep like an hour ago. Good day sir.

>> No.3636901


Money has value to us because of society. Our perception is literally entirely based on sociological factors.

>> No.3636904

News to me, but that's why I hang out on /sci/.

On the other hand, I also thought Carthage was a leftover Greek colony, full of Greeks, Woah, I take that back. It's actually a Phoenician colony.

anyway, I'm not here for the stormfronters and their dubiously sourced citations.

>> No.3636905
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>> No.3636909


You do realize that mass murder was extraordinarily common throughout history right? People have always claimed such, but honestly, as a half-jewish guy, the entire holocaust deal is ridiculously over-exaggerated.

There's a difference between pointing data to population drops, and claiming the nazis made lamps out of human skin. That goes beyond full retard.

>> No.3636913

>Moors/Berbers are not fucking Ethiopians or Somalis who are mixed with Arabs. They are the result of Phoenician settlers colonizing the region. It's how Carthage was born.

Berbers came north out of the Sahara when it dried out about 10.000 years ago. They still today inhabit the Atlas mountains in Morroco and Algeria, with fragments trailing down to Burkina Faso and Chad. They have a langauge group of their own that is unrelated to Semitic or Indo-European languages. The Phoenicians of the coastal cities were last mentioned by St. Augustine in the 5th century A.D.

>> No.3636916
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>I also thought Carthage was a leftover Greek colony, full of Greeks, Woah, I take that back. It's actually a Phoenician colony.

Pretty much.

>> No.3636918

>You do realize that mass murder was extraordinarily common throughout history right?

But never before in this number, not even remotely. And especially not in detainment camps by gassing.

>There's a difference between pointing data to population drops

How about piles of starved-out bodies laying about when the Allied troops came?

>> No.3636924

>nobody ever did genocide before.

Dude, lern2history, starting with the Mongolian hoards, who killed everybody in their path. Or the Christians who killed everybody in Jerusalem regardless of race or religion. Or the bishop Amalric who advised the general assaulting some town during the Albigensian Crusade, one those horribles religious wars that went on for 300 years across Europe. The bishop who said, "Kill them all. God will know his own."

>> No.3636927

>How about piles of starved-out bodies laying about when the Allied troops came?

Right, so? That's war. Look at Dresden. The allies burned 300,000 civilians alive.

>> No.3636929

got nothing to do with it. seriously, grow up and start learning arguments.

>> No.3636932

>starting with the Mongolian hoards, who killed everybody in their path

This is just anecdote (like the pillar of bones at Samara), but the truth is, the Mongols needed sedentary populations to leech off of. There are no reported instances of Mongols actually killing thousands, let alone millions, of people.

>Or the Christians who killed everybody in Jerusalem regardless of race or religion.

40.000 dead during a single siege =/= 6 million dead

>The bishop who said, "Kill them all. God will know his own."

But he didn't say "Kill them all and proceed killing everyone you see in this entire country for years upon years"

>> No.3636934
File: 259 KB, 674x571, Parting-The-Red-Sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jews are actually the best at genocide. Biblical history states that they genocided over 500 tribes as they went further north.

Now that's some mass murder.

>> No.3636936

Medfag here.

A bit late to the party, so let me get this straight.

You people are telling me there is serious scientific discussion in Murrika (even if for purposes of this post we treat psychology and sociology as science) arguing that different populations aren't, you know, DIFFERENT from one another? And also that uttering the heresy that "different groups are different", which is a fucking tautological statement if I ever heard one, is racism?

I suppose next you will be telling me all populations have the exact same averages and distributions of all measurable qualities, because to claim otherwise is to be racist.

Another argument I see pop up in here is that intelligence isn't genetic. Really? In 2011?

>> No.3636937

One of those PBS dudes went looking for the Phoenicians, and did gene samples of the residents of Tunisia and surrounding areas, and found a genotype that corresponds to local populations in Tyre, the alleged home port of the original Phoenicians.

>> No.3636940
File: 17 KB, 1417x139, compare wars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is just anecdote (like the pillar of bones at Samara), but the truth is, the Mongols needed sedentary populations to leech off of. There are no reported instances of Mongols actually killing thousands, let alone millions, of people.

Are you derp? They killed more percentage of the world population than both world wars combined. They were crazy fuckers. They didn't want to leech shit, just conquer. It's why they fell apart so fast after they ran out.

>> No.3636943

>The allies burned 300,000 civilians alive.

But that was vengeance, just like the Russians took their revenge on the civilians retreating from Koenigsberg. What the Nazis did was pure hysteria - claiming the Jews deserved what they got is ludicrous and the Nazis' claims are about as solid as that of medieval inquisitors against witches. The fact that this irrational fear of the other gave birth to organized crematoriums that housed hundreds of thousands of people is what startled the international public/intellectuals. This in turn gave rise to new approaches in psychology and sociology (think the Frankfurt School and Hannah Arendt).

>> No.3636947

”So there’s no question that any trait can by affected by either [nature or nurture]. The point I would simply make is that that’s true for individuals. There is no, however, inherent reason to believe that those tendencies cluster on the basis of “race” for the simple reason that the racial designations that we currently use are principally based on three characteristics. They are facial structure, skin color, and hair texture. Those are things that are controlled by six genes out of thirty thousand genes in the human genome and those genes have never been shown by any geneticist on the planet, any biologist on the planet, to be connected, or what geneticists call “concordant,” with any other trait known as intelligence or known as temperament or behavior or ethics or morality or any of those kinds of things. So even though individuals absolutely have certain genetic predispositions towards everything from certain diseases to the ability to sing, to play music, to jump high, to run fast, there’s no reason to believe that those things would cluster on the basis of this thing that we now call race.”

from your source... was that your point?

>> No.3636949

>But that was vengeance, just like the Russians took their revenge on the civilians retreating from Koenigsberg.

Right, it's A-OK to rape and murder just as long as the other side is SUPPPAAA EBULLLLL DERP.

Stop trolling.

>> No.3636955

>Kill them all and proceed killing everyone you see in this entire country for years upon years
Well, the Christians, starting with the Council of Nicea, did in fact do just that. The massacres just go on and on for a thousand years if not longer, Edict of nantes, St Bartholomew's Day massacre (100,000 dead Protestants) and the arguments continue (God hates Fags!, etc.).

As far as the Mongols killing everybody , they didn't obviously kill EVERYBODY, that's a tough job, but they killed enough and they did indeed leave piles of skulls, but again, it's nothing new.

but you are arguing numbers.

Historically, Christians have wiped out more people in the name of God (Cuba, Santa Dominica, Haiti, nearly the entire native population of North America, -- and it wasn't even 6 million Jews. It was maybe 3 million, but who's counting?

>> No.3636960

>Right, it's A-OK to rape and murder just as long as the other side is SUPPPAAA EBULLLLL DERP.

Of course, the Nazis murdered 15 million people in the Ukraine and Russia. It would be impossible to expect that the Russian soldiers themselves wouldn't have exacted vengeance against the Germans - even the Czechs did so, and there weren't nearly as many casualties there.

I think you'll find that the entire population of Asia in the 13th century correlates with the supposed number of Mongol casualties.

>> No.3636964
File: 51 KB, 604x419, White_Sulde_of_the_Mongol_Empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit the mongols were OP. They butchered 7.5 to 17.1% of the world's population. That's pretty much the highest body count in all of history.

Mongols confirmed for bad-asses.

>> No.3636969

>Of course

Yes, clearly those civilians DESERVED to be raped and murdered!!! FUCK YEAH I'M SO EDGY AND COOL!!!

>> No.3636975



Fucking pros.

>> No.3636976

Op is a faggot. We already knew This existed. Most of us hate white trash as much as we hate niggers.

>> No.3636989

>Yes, clearly those civilians DESERVED to be raped and murdered!!

Of course they didn't, they were the Aryan Nordic 14/88 Master Race! How dare those dirty Slavs lay a hand on the Chosen People!

>> No.3636990

But no one posts any studies comparing white trash to affluent whites.

>> No.3636998

>Nazis murdered 15 million Ukrainians

Try about 7 million. But let's not overlook the 1.8 to 12 million ethnic Ukrainians who were said to have been killed as a result of the Stalin-ordered famine of 1932-1933.

Lots of death up in this bitch tonight, morning, whatever.

>> No.3637000


Did I even mention anything about slavs or race? I find it fucking disgusting that you condone the rape and murder of people, and then call it "justified"

>> No.3637006

These people themselves condoned nazism. This made the entire nation fair game for extermination, really. But what was truly shameful is that no-one mass murdered any Austrians. They well deserved it.

>> No.3637009

How about that Potato Famine, eh?

1.5 million stone dead Blarney Stone kissers at the whim of the fooking English.

(The English can kiss my royal arse.)

White people die just as easily and for the same fucking lame reasons as so-called niggers.

>> No.3637041

Jesus Christ you tards are so tarded up your ass you might herpa a derpa moving with an unstoppable force directly into an unmovable object.

The truths of racialism (that is, someone who recognizes racial differences, particularly those in intelligence and behavior) DOES NOT IMPLY THAT NAZIS WERE CORRECT OR SHOULD BE HONORED.

>> No.3637078
File: 88 KB, 640x930, mistakes-life-time-second-wrong-fail-purpose-merely-warning-demotivational-poster-1250617383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the majority of the people that do recognize them DO hold that nazis were on the right track and that Adolf was a pretty cool guy.

If you have a problem with being grouped among them, then sucks to be you.

As long as you like to tell people about your beliefs, you WILL spend a whole lot of time trying to explain the difference.
And most of the time it WILL be to no avail.

See, generalization is a bitch when it's you that it's being applied to.

>> No.3637208

you know what's funny. Nazis pushed science drastically by killing the jews. We need another holocaust.

>> No.3637230


30% of Nobels. 25% of Turing Awards. Plus we have awesome hair.

>> No.3637245


Jews have pushed science like no other race can even compare you ignorant twit. Who knows how much better the world may be if those Ashkenazi Jews had lived and been able to reproduce. The next einstein, Feynman, erdos, could have been in that gene pool.

The holocaust was grand scale dysgenigs and it shows just how fragile the intelligent are. The intelligent have suffered at ye hands of the stupid for to many times in history.

>> No.3637307

Oh God you're such a derp.

First you say racism is wrong and you shouldn't stereotype individuals, then you say it's alright to rape and murder as many civilians from a country as you can based on what the government does.

Not him, but you do know how hypocritical that is, right?

>> No.3637326

Yes. The irony is that Jews from that period and prior to that period were also pretty racist though. They only bred with other Jewish people, and only those of certain families. Also the Talmud was pretty racist and pro-Jew "screw everyone else" BS which was always useful when the historical anti-Jew Pograms took place in the middle ages..

They're victims in World War Two, but it isn't as if their population is any better than any other one. Nor would it be justified to say they deserve anything for their ancestor's mistreatment, since that's just be incredibly racist too.

Look at Israel, sure they've suffered attacks, though their country did steal land from other people and their ruling parties, according to certain "leaks" are essentially planning on taking all of the Gaza Strip piecemeal.

They're just as corrupt(possibly moreso recently) as any other racial or ethnic group, and now that they have their own power and country (nazi and people who use the holocaust as an excuse for anything they do) shouldn't get this kind of treatment and should be based entirely as it is now, without backing up onto the Holocaust or anti-Israel sentiments whenever someone says they're doing something horrible.

>> No.3637331

What is ironic about the Holocaust and Nazism is that Ashkenazi Jews are the *real* master race! Aryans by comparison are a whole standard deviation lower in IQ.

>> No.3637338


I mean hell, they're just as terrible as everyone else. Eastern Orthodox Jews don't seem to approve of their own people.

I'm not racist, but I think anyone claiming any group of people deserves to be raped or murdered over something they had no direct part of is an irrational sociopath. It's all politics, not general populations, that cause problems. Look at the Dutch and Swiss, who were technically German but opposed or Neutral to the Axis.

>> No.3637344

Saying that makes you just as racist as the Nazis and people who call all blacks stupid. The Ashenkenzi Jews are smarter than almost all other Races though, by "racist-standards", but you shouldn't consider them smart as a people unless you're willing to consider Africans less intelligent as a people.

Also they got that way, and have attained a lot of bad genetic orders, by inbreeding and only intermarrying with groups that were successful in vocations that required high intelligence, like banking or accounting.

It's sort of like unintentional(probably) eugenics.

>> No.3637351

Oh but it IS pretty ironic, at least from the standpoint of intelligence and IQ = superior, which racial supremacists seem to go behind most often.

>> No.3637367


Yea I agree. Ironic and tragic at the same time.

>> No.3637405

It won't be ironic anymore if you view Nazis as a bunch of desperate people taking desperate action.