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[ERROR] No.3632856 [Reply] [Original]

If time is relative and there is no absolute universal time, how did they calculate the age of the universe and according to what point in time and space?

>> No.3632866

you came to /x/ with this?

>> No.3632870

you came to /sci/ from /x/?

>> No.3632877 [DELETED] 


>> No.3632882

I have no clue what kind of interpolation they did to figure the big bang but it certainly did involve a constant or two.

>> No.3632897


That's almost sad lol

>> No.3632944
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It's our time, where "we" are the people, standing still on planet earth such that the metric is (conformally) flat. The people who watch the other galaxies go away.

A relevant equation here is
where dt^2 is the time variable part in the spacetime metric and it is found such that the spatial part is conformally flat, where a(t) is the time dependend conformal factor which grows in time.

If someone 1 minute after the big bang decided to use his superfast car and drives back and forth all the time, then yes, he could reach us faster, i.e. he would argue that the universe is less than 13 billion or whatever years old

>> No.3632946

The figure is given in terms of the rate of time elapse on Earth.

>> No.3632965

But then he's a noninertial observer.

>> No.3633003
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It's a bit ambiguous what "non-inertial" might mean in general relativity, i.e. it's useless to talk about it once the spacetime isn't locally (in a neighborhood) flat, but yeah, he is accelerated "relative" to the spacetime metric, and therefore the effect. your point being?

>> No.3633009

Good point. It's mainly that I thought you were reasoning from SR and yet including implicit accelerations.

>> No.3633032
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>Big bang

I was reasoning pretty much from a cosmologists perspective - although it always brings tears to my eyes to do such a thing.