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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 214x213, yaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3631252 [Reply] [Original]

Relationship status:
Are you a virgin:
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had:
When did you find 4chan:
How long do you spend on 4chan:
What boards do you frequent:
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half):

>> No.3631260 [DELETED] 

NOT science or religion related

keep this shit out of my /sci/

>> No.3631261

This isn't /b/, asshole.

>> No.3631269
File: 38 KB, 550x365, Chloe-Moretz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /soc/ or /b/

>> No.3631276 [DELETED] 


Go to /sage/, idiot.
And don't reply to my post.

>> No.3631280

This is in the interest of science.

>> No.3631288


>> No.3631290 [DELETED] 

This is in the interest of bullshit.

>> No.3631298

Relationship status:
>single (not looking)
Are you a virgin:
>yes (haven't tried to lose)
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had:
>none (haven't wanted)
When did you find 4chan:
>maybe a year or so ago?
How long do you spend on 4chan:
>it's open on Chrome most of the day, but I probably only lurk 1-2 hours a day while doing other things
What boards do you frequent:
>mostly /sci/, but I venture out to /mu/, /g/, /v/, and /b/ occasionally
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half):
>way under half, I mostly post in homework help threads

>> No.3631311 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 250x287, 1312989102504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he seriously replies to this thread

>> No.3631320

Fucking argh

>> No.3631319
File: 763 KB, 1280x850, 1309146422118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I didn't greentext

>> No.3631316
File: 22 KB, 500x315, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw why not?

>> No.3631327

Age: 28
Gender: Female.
Relationship status: Married.
Are you a virgin: No.
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: 4 (including husband)
When did you find 4chan: I don't know... a few years ago.
How long do you spend on 4chan: Not very long, maybe 15 minutes or so, unless I find an interesting thread.
What boards do you frequent: /lit/, /wg/, /ck/, /y/ (yeah, yeah, I know)
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half): Under half. Then again, I say whatever crosses my mind most of the time, so take that for what you will.

>> No.3631342

Explains a lot.

>> No.3631442

>mfw people replied anyway

>> No.3631444
File: 150 KB, 458x458, 1276359282266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your survey has somewhat backfired...
<-- Consider the following

>> No.3631467

Holy Fuck! Check DEM TRIPs!!!!

>> No.3631472
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>> No.3631481
File: 26 KB, 226x166, 1285417299484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is indeed interesting

>> No.3631519 [DELETED] 

Relationship status:single
Are you a virgin:no
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: 2
When did you find 4chan:a couple days ago XD
How long do you spend on 4chan:alot :P
What boards do you frequent:/b/ /v/ /sci/
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half):over half

>> No.3631525


>> No.3631559

Age: 22
Gender: M
Relationship status: I gots me a woman
Are you a virgin: No
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: 3
When did you find 4chan: about 4 years ago
How long do you spend on 4chan: 1hr per week
What boards do you frequent: /sci/ & /b/
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half): over half

>> No.3631569


>> No.3631580

Age: 7
Gender: male
Relationship status: single
Are you a virgin: no
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: 4
When did you find 4chan: 2010
How long do you spend on 4chan: 2 hours
What boards do you frequent: /b/ /sci/ /o/
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half): none

>> No.3631592
File: 4 KB, 376x270, 1294842692402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting personal info on the internet

>> No.3631600

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Relationship status: Single
Are you a virgin: No
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: 5 girlfriends
When did you find 4chan: 2005, I believe
How long do you spend on 4chan: 1-2 hours a day, in short 15 min visits. I just check to see if there's a good thread and reply.
What boards do you frequent: /fit/, /v/, /sci/
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half): under half

>> No.3631604

Age: 21
Gender: M
Relationship status: Single
Are you a virgin: No
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: 1
When did you find 4chan: about 4 years ago
How long do you spend on 4chan: 4hrs /week
What boards do you frequent: /sci/ & /b/
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half): over half

>> No.3631608

Relationship status:
Are you a virgin?
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had:
About 5
When did you find 4chan:
2006 ish, when I was around 13
How long do you spend on 4chan:
3 hours a day perhaps
What boards do you frequent:
/sci/ for general
/s/,/b/,/gif/ for pron
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half):
under half

>> No.3631614

Lol who wanted a science and math board on 4chan

>> No.3631636

Age: 20
Gender: M
Relationship status: Single, by choice. Money is needed, I'm a student from a low-middle class existance.
Are you a virgin: obviously
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: 0
When did you find 4chan: probably a year ago, but I was lurking and never posting until July.
How long do you spend on 4chan: 3 hours a day mostly at night.
What boards do you frequent: /d/, /cgl/, /fa/, /sci/, /sp/, /tg/, and /vp/.
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half): under half

>> No.3631644
File: 457 KB, 348x614, evildick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Relationship status: Single
Are you a virgin: No
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: None
When did you find 4chan: 2006~
How long do you spend on 4chan: Whenever I click
What boards do you frequent: /sci/, /v/, /sp/
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half): troll posts, over half, but immature content none

>> No.3631660

I wasn't aware that this was >>/soc/
I'll play along anyway though, since I fear people who understand the boards of 4chan (ie can read) are under-represented.
I'm 21
Not a virgin
Probably about an hour for each day, without specifying that it be an hour per day.

>> No.3631675

>Relationship status:
>Are you a virgin:
>How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had:
2, still with both of them
>When did you find 4chan:
about 4 years ago, maybe 5
>How long do you spend on 4chan:
way too long
>What boards do you frequent:
/d/, /w/, /sci/ and /x/ with an occasional visit back to /tg/
>Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half):

under half, usually I drop my namefaggotry when I troll. But sometimes I just want to mock someone and call them a fag, it's an impulse I give into occasionally

>> No.3631709 [DELETED] 

Age: 18
Gender: MALE
Relationship status: in a relationship
Are you a virgin: NO
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: only one lol
When did you find 4chan: 2007
How long do you spend on 4chan: a few hours
What boards do you frequent: b, gif, wg, an, sci, tv and x

>> No.3631719

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Relationship status: Single
Are you a virgin: Negative
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: 4/4
When did you find 4chan: September 2009
How long do you spend on 4chan: about 2 hours/day
What boards do you frequent: /g/ /sci/
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half):under half

>> No.3631753
File: 137 KB, 463x462, body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking my troll survey seriously
It's a shame other people replied with the filled out survey

>> No.3631768

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: Single, actively looking (Bit of an easy semester relative to the mind-fuck that is upper level chemistry)
are you a virgin: Nope, and i'm damn glad I don't have that thing to worry about when seeking out relationships

How many girlfriends have you had: 1, which is completely ok with me right now.

When did you find 4chan: Back in late 2009.

How long do you spend on 4chan: Depends on the amount of work I have to do and the amount of socialization that I do. Anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours a day.

What boards do you frequent: /b/, /int/, /sci/ and sometimes /soc/ to make failed attempts to hook up with women in my area, 920.

Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts: Definitely under half, I tend to be halfway intellectual when I respond generally, unless its a witty zing I can make.

Gee I thought this was /sci/

>> No.3631851

Age: 15
Gender: Male.
Relationship status: Have girlfriend.
Are you a virgin: Yes.
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had: 1
When did you find 4chan: 2007
How long do you spend on 4chan: Like 6 hours per day.
What boards do you frequent: /v/, /co/, /int/, /adv/ and /b/
Of your overall posts, how many would you say are troll posts or contain immature content you wouldn't say in real life (under half, about half, over half): About half.