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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 387 KB, 256x256, Ampicillin_3d_structure_pdb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3627348 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for some software for modeling molecular structures.

I don't need one of those scientific programs that do actual quantum calculations, just one for making pretty 3D pictures and gif animations useful for looking at the overall structure and stereochemistry of the molecule. The program should be geared towards chemistry so it should 'know' the basic stuff about bond angles, bond lengths, aromaticity and conjugation with enough accuracy to make models that look about right and, when necessary, allow those properties to be input manually.

Anyone know of anything good for this out there?

Also, pic related. I see gifs like this all over wikipedia...does anyone know what program is used to make these? This is a gif of a spacefilling model, but I also want ball-and-stick models, which are also used extensively on wikipedia but I have no idea what program people use to make these.

>> No.3627388

if you use linux theres loads of free apps that do chemical formulas, models etc

>> No.3627399

visual python? you can learn it in like a week to have some pretty cool things going

>> No.3627420

I don't want to make pictures of snakes, I want to make pictures of molecules and shit? do you read. Fuck, who even makes a herpetologist visualization tool?

>> No.3627423
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, logic rod cutaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NanoEngineer ships with QuteMolX. Have a picture.

However you can't make a .gif with QutemolX. Not automatically.

>> No.3627434

as i said, download ubuntu (easy to do alongside windows) theres loads of decent free apps that let you do exactly what you are looking for

>> No.3627451

not op, fyi

thanks for the suggestions so far, I'll look in to the linux thing if I can get a vm of it going

>> No.3627467

>Linux virtual machine on a windows host
You are doing it so wrong.

>> No.3627474

I haven't done anything yet, but thanks for your help anyways.

>> No.3627571

For chemistry chemdraw is your best bet.

>> No.3627579

This board actually has a high female population, just incognito.

My reasoning? Men aren't little bitches. Everywhere I look everyone is complaining about some MOLECULES that doesn't agree with their particular taste, or decent threads that get imagesacked by some faggot who is being an elitest asshole. Men actually have some sense of honor and respect, where as women just simply want to have fun. If they're not having fun, they'll become the biggest bitches in the world, wherein you can heavily relate them to anyone on this board. If you've ever been in a semi-longterm relationship you would know what I'm talking about.

So yes, this board is populated mainly in women. But why do they guise themselves as men? Because they think they're being clever; they can bond with the guys without getting told 'tits or gtfo'. When in fact what they're -actually- doing is tricking -other- women into thinking their men. All that's going on here is women pretending to be men, to women pretending to be men, while the men lurk until something intellectual or respectable comes along and posts only then.

You cannot refute this deductive reasoning.
It is true, and there's nothing we can do.
This extra bit of bitchy flavor has become our current seasoning.
Understanding this may turn more than some blue.
Continue to browse with your ignorance and denial.
But go and see, for this board has become the woman's aisle.

>> No.3627616
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 1268548217230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3627730

its called spam