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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 84 KB, 500x497, supermath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3625678 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when you will never be able to do math like Superman

>> No.3625693

that was an awesome comic dude. I love that feeling like computers are these new incredible machines with so much potential.

>> No.3625706


>> No.3625710

these old superman comics are fucking hilarious.

>> No.3625725

I feel somewhat unnerved when my computer immediately solves a problem that would take Einstein days.

>> No.3625726

I bet superman could open a window faster than Windows can.

>> No.3625739


>> No.3625755
File: 56 KB, 238x172, nuevo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assembly language?

>> No.3625768


>> No.3625776


Still better than Java

>> No.3625780

That's BASIC.

>> No.3625782


>> No.3625785

10 PRINT "It's BASIC you underage b&"
20 GOTO 10

>> No.3625788

It's BASIC you underage b&

>> No.3625883
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>> No.3625890

> float main
I shit myself

>> No.3625891


>> No.3625903
File: 258 KB, 745x480, nuevo11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why again?

>> No.3625906

American culture used to promote science and mathematics.

Not anymore.

>> No.3625912

Way to perform integer division instead of floating point division.
This resolves to 0.

>> No.3625929

Yeah, I was just about to post this. In C, if you want floating point operations, you should put ".0" on the end of your constants, do explicit casting, or better yet, use const variables to control the type with the best readability.

>> No.3625934

we need to welcome our chinese overlords

>> No.3625946
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>> No.3625953


How does that not still have the integer division happening? You needed to replace (5/9) with (5/9.0) or something.

>> No.3625954

nub, why do you spend extra cycles in dividing 5/9 if the value is a constant (0.5555)?

>> No.3625961

> console programming
> windows
why god, why

sage for windows

>> No.3625960
File: 261 KB, 745x480, nuevo14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this one

>> No.3625970

Superman retains surgical precision when moving at speeds close to light.
He still also has superhumanly fast thinking at really high speeds.
He's done ridiculous stuff like learning languages by hearing someone speak a foreign language once and super math and reading libraries worth of books and being smart enough to make super technology and stuff.

>> No.3625980
File: 142 KB, 535x499, 1307084096869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>optimizing this shit program

>> No.3625986

So for sure he could, say, open an office before Windows managed to launch Word?

>> No.3625987


you forgot that his turds are also used as fuel for nuclear reactors all over the world.

>> No.3625989

>implying putting a wrong number in there is called optimization

>> No.3625995

>implying loss of precision is called optimization

>> No.3626003

>implying nubs don't know the precision of a float variable

>> No.3626004
File: 118 KB, 360x360, 1311656797190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I have no clue about programming

>> No.3626005

Huh? I... guess so.
If Clark Kent tripped over something, he could change his costume into Superman's, fly half way across the earth, catch a bullet, and fly back before anyone watching even noticed he was falling or had registered he did anything. To everyone else, they'd just see Clark falling down.
So he's fast.

He doesn't eat, so he doesn't poop.

>> No.3626009
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>> No.3626013


>> No.3626016
File: 4 KB, 210x168, no troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


....I explicitly stated I had a stupid uneducated opinion...

>> No.3626018

>implying you have to have clue about programming to know that multiplying by a wrong number gives undesired result

>> No.3626024

Yeah, I'm jelly

>> No.3626028
File: 903 KB, 300x200, 1308064092630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying ive read a single post ITT

>> No.3626031
File: 996 KB, 295x223, 1303359044908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you had to read any post other than the one you quoted...

>> No.3626032


As a superhuman being, well opinion is divided, He would have a stomach and digestive system as he did in child form on Krypton. It was stated in some of the reference quiz-books that ideally Superman did not have to eat or drink, but it seems to me these organs would need some exercise as do their human counterparts. Superman"s body is essentially of human or anthropomorphic type. It might be added a true Immortal or God type would not require foodstuffs. this is valid in a number of religions, and as food and eating is considered a form of violence to some beliefs- well the saying goes, there are no restaurants or commissaries in Heaven. However Superman, a fictional character, is not a God but a special case of extraterrestrial life. It may also be said that Superman eats the rays of the sun and his cells are renewed by the sun alone.

>> No.3626033
File: 136 KB, 1122x808, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember using these things. I still have my old BASIC code from when I was around 9.

1 PRINT "Press a key to hear a tune!!!"
4 FOR A=0 TO 30:X=((A)*.095)+1
5 Y=SIN(X)*13
6 SOUND (((Y)+1)*400),((COS((X)*17))+.999)*30

>> No.3626043


>> No.3626060

When under a sun, he doesn't need to eat - but he likes it.
Also, he can apparently metabolize an infinite amount of food without getting full like Matter-Eater Lad.
When under a yellow sun, he doesn't need food and he doesn't "grow" anymore - things like his hair stay the same length and stuff. When he goes back to a red sun though, he needs to eat and he degrades and breaks down like a regular human and needs sustenance.
The sun not only feeds him but makes him superhuman, so he's good.

>> No.3626079

>implying that constant expressions aren't evaluated at compile time
Did you seriously think that compiler writers are that incompetent?

>> No.3626082

so much swag

>> No.3626097

This one was the most spaghetti:

>> No.3626101

Fucking furries.