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File: 184 KB, 400x196, nippon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3617053 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so I have to get into Japan illegally. I have work there but if I go legally, I'll get banned from the country when I don't leave after thirty days. You guys are a smarter board, even though you deny it. How should I do this? I have about 2500 dollars to spend on this, and I'm willing to thieve.

>> No.3617062

Plastic surgery to give yourself some slanty eyes.

>> No.3617066

Nobody there likes you. It will be nothing like your animu. You will not have sex with cute Japanese girls. Go to China if you want to feel like the great white man. In China they also don't care if you stay and they'll pay you a wage you can live on.

>> No.3617072

>2500 dollars
You poor, deluded fuck.

When I came to Japan I had $20,000 saved up. And that was back when the dollar was STRONG.

>> No.3617093

I'm doing my anthropology thesis. It's mostly finished but I can't get it accepted without tons of face time.

2500 is what I can spend on getting there, I have more than that, but if you spent 20,000 dollars in one month in japan, you did it like a tourist bro. I've been there twice before, spent under a thousand dollars each month.

>> No.3617098

> I have work there but if I go legally...

What do you mean you have work there? If you've been hired in Japan just apply for a working visa, and renew your shit when the time comes.

Japan is like fucking clockwork bro, any tiny splinter in the system will stick out and you'll get caught.

Just go there legally.

>> No.3617104

Can't you stay 30 days, hop over to Seoul for a bit and come back to Japan for 30 days?

>> No.3617109

I've been living here 6 years now. Enjoy dying in a gutter somewhere.

>> No.3617116


Where did you live before that?

>> No.3617125


>> No.3617126

swim from Korea to Japan, or find the right people to smuggle you in from China/Russia to Japan. Not going to be easy, or have some ship drop you off in some of the debris, then call the coast guard, claim you lost everything in the earthquake, live for the last 5 months eating nothing but wood. Amnesia too. Sell movie right to Hollywood, ditch that anthropology degree.

>> No.3617129

If I want to spend money like >>3617072

I already have some ideas, mostly involving boats or false identification, I'm simply coming here because I might be overlooking something blatantly obvious, like a bridge that was built last week.

>> No.3617135

How's Japan compared to detroit?

>> No.3617141

Fewer black people, but the ones here are more dangerous.

>> No.3617152


Hahaha, so is Japan the holy land or over-hyped meh city?

Because everyone I've heard from said they loved it.

>> No.3617161

Not this guy, but Japanese people kind of suck. Sure it's easy to get into their pants, but they're extremely fake and judgemental.

>> No.3617181
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>mfw that describes Americans to a 'T', but the complete opposite of what I've heard about Japanese people

>> No.3617195

OP here, can vouch for this guy. I've studied japanese people for nine years and they are ridiculously introverted in their thinking and expression. Fucking ants.

Number of american chicks I've fucked? 2, one in japan

Number of japanese chicks I've fucked? two in one day(different times), and more than that. Knowing every cognitive function they place helps.

>> No.3617197

Lived there for two years, overall good but still over hyped. Also not /sci/

>> No.3617212

americans are real when they're being fucking retarded and judgemental. And japanese people don't let you know what they think of you.

>> No.3617225

Oh, don't get me wrong. Tokyo is an incredible city and I enjoy nearly every minute living here.. but it's not some glorious perfect mecca or anything like that.

Like, I can't find Cap'n Crunch ANYWHERE.

>> No.3617242

Kansai's where it's at.

>> No.3617249

I hate fucking weeaboos thinking japan's gonna be just like their animes and getting obsessed with going there. Take your faggot problems somewhere else.

>> No.3617252
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>biggest complaint is inability to find cap'n crunch

brb checking flights to tokyo. I fucking hate cap'n crunch anyway... cuts the roof of my mouth.

>> No.3617254

There are "real" people in Japan (besides foreigners), you just have to find them. It takes some digging, there certainly are a lot of people who live that stereotypically japanese lifestyle of doing nothing but keeping up appearances and sticking to their assigned status quo niche like it's the only thing keeping them from drowning.

But eventually you can find some people who see through all that, and realize they're surrounded by total bullshit, and can talk to you on a real human level. They're rare, but there's always going to be people who want to break away from monocultural authoritarianism.

>> No.3617264

> Take your faggot problems somewhere else.

Like..... Japan?

>> No.3617278

It really is super fucking expensive, though. Things might be different in rural areas but with the dollar being shit (not sure what country you're coming from) it's even harder to thrive in a major city here than before.
To put it in perspective, my rent in my current apartment was $1500/mo when I moved in, and is now $2100 thanks to Dubya & Obama tag-teaming the dollar into the toilet.
The only way to really survive if you're first coming here is to quickly make friends who can shelter you and help you sort through the process of finding accommodations, but it can be pretty difficult to do that in a single trip.

>> No.3617285

Anime creeps me out bro. Only one I ever watched was Pokemon.

Yeah, those are the people I surround myself with in Japan, I find them to be the most enchanting people I've ever met, and I've been around. They still have habits but it's usually just funny at that level.

they flip a shit when you talk about pirating movies.

>> No.3617287


If you think Japan is introverted go to Seattle. We all are basement dwellers who panic when Californians come up here for work and want to hang out. There's even a term for this the "Seattle Freeze"

>> No.3617303

OP here, have a couple dozen great friends there, a lot of whom I have let stay with me when they came to america, one for over a year. One who wants my cock pretty bad too, will probably stay with her for awhile.

Even if I didn't, the first time I came to japan when I was nineteen and had no friends, I worked in rural temples in exchange for a place to sleep, and camped a bit as well.

>> No.3617319

So wait does anyone actually know any good ways to enter japan? corrupt taiwanese shipping or anything? got distracted.

>> No.3617327

Your best bet is probably going to be simply hopping over to Korea and back periodically.

>> No.3617342

that's so...legal.

Well, guess I learned maritime navigation for a reason.

>> No.3617357

Do any of you actually know Nihongo? Because I am studying it.

>> No.3617369

Oh yeah, I almost forgot:

I hope you like earthquakes. Because you're going to be feeling them. A lot.
>that feel when you discover firsthand that "quake sickness" is an actual thing

>> No.3617375



>> No.3617390

I'm only casually studying on my own because I'm still in school. I don't want to stress too much, I hope to teach English or something like that.

>> No.3617395


>> No.3617403
File: 123 KB, 500x500, 1291748812070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga is dat sum kanji next to katakana?

>calling yourself san

>> No.3617405

わからへんや ~(=^・ω・^)ノ

>> No.3617406

Did you mean:

>> No.3617414

Also, are you encouraged to change your name in Japan to something that's actually Japanese? Because that's cool as fuck.

Dammit, please tell me everything, I know nothing.

>> No.3617415

Meant da as in field, looks like the IME fucked up and I fucked up in noticing.

And, learn2read japanese, boku is the subject, hence the subject particle, "to" means with bro.

>> No.3617417


No, dear god no.

There's only one faggot that did that and everybody hates him.

>> No.3617423


Actually it means and

>> No.3617427

no, if you go by a japanese name everyone thinks your head is fuck, but they won't pronounce it like normal. My name is pronounced "Deh-Reh Koo", and you can try and figure out what it is in english. Some of the more fucked up names are things like Velma, which becaomes "Beh-ah-ma" or anything with an "L" in general.

>> No.3617431

Faggot who needs to learn more japanese and even english detected. what does "and" mean in english even?

>> No.3617436

Lol, well my name is fucked up even in English, I guess they'll have to cope with it too. Any more important life tips?

>> No.3617437

lol, where are you from? there was one guy who did that in my class as well, and everyone hated him. can't be rare but who knows.

>> No.3617442

"to" is generally more accurately translated as "with" than as "and", as it's frequently used for participle phrases.

>> No.3617447

If you're interested in fucking japanese chicks, participate in groups, act confident, be funny and don't overdo a damn thing, be aloof they love that, and one will always single out and try and get into your pants, though you rarely have a choice on which one.

I have seen a fat nigger who had an ass like a gorilla fuck a different japanese chick every night I was with him because he acted like this, and I've had my share of less frequent experiences because I don't want to make a fool of myself every single fucking night.

>> No.3617457

どうも。Did you study anything in college that helped you get to Japan? I think that's something I should focus on. Otherwise, I will just continue my self teaching. I'm very much a beginner though.

>> No.3617465

>Any more important life tips?

Employees of stores, service people, etc, are there to serve and be deferential. I was raised as a good wholesome American boy so I have a tendency to be polite and friendly to shop clerks, even going so far as to feel an unconscious urge to mirror their bow and say "arigatou gozaimasu" as a way to fit in, etc. Don't do this, it's actually really weird and may come across as creepy or sarcastic. Just treat them like they're an inanimate vending machine and barely acknowledge their existence.. it's what they want.

>> No.3617468

Get a bachelors in anything, take at least two years of japanese previous to this, and take the JET program. You'll get paid 3,200,000 yen for a year of teaching english in Japan, and it's easy as hell to get into.

>> No.3617470
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>speaking Japanese instead of Chinese


>> No.3617472
File: 27 KB, 412x352, 1296272724282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Japan.

>> No.3617482

To add a different perspective to this...

As crazy as it sounds, especially coming from our current emasculated western culture, japanese women want to be dominated. I don't mean whips and chains and that crap, but they want to be treated like the trembling little flower just waiting to be plucked. If a japanese woman truly isn't interested in you, she'll show it, but a lot of times I've been pretty stunned to discover that they really want, what really turns them on, is what would be considered borderline sexual harassment in the States. Sometimes you just gotta go for it and think of her as nothing more than a prize to be claimed by your manly warrior self.

>> No.3617484

Lol, if I read that with my Japanese understanding of Kanji, it says "Anyway, target(focus?) on the demon child"

Yes I know it's chinese.

>> No.3617488

Japanese* demon child

>> No.3617490 [DELETED] 

If I read it like as if I didn't know any Chinese slang it would be, "His Japanese demon child." So fairly similar lol

>> No.3617491

What's really funny/creepy is when you go to the same convenience store a lot, and see the same guys day in and day out, constantly bowing and scraping and smiling to you like it's 1800s Georgia and you have three middle names... and then one day you see them on their smoke break behind the building, with the most disgusted, foul scowl on their face, like they're just hoping an earthquake will come and knock the whole place over.

>> No.3617499

If I read it like as if I didn't know any Chinese slang it would be something like, "His mom's Japanese demon child." So fairly similar lol

>> No.3617502

If you aren't attractive, don't do anything close to sexual assault. If you are attractive or charming, you are probably in the clear.

I really dislike how japanese women act during sex. Porn isn't completely accurate, but sometimes I really do worry that I might be causing them significant pain or something, too scared to stop and find out because I'm worried that they might get uninterested. But damn my taste has pretty much evolved to liking their bodies more significantly than any other ethnic group.

>> No.3617510

dis thread is social science so it belongs on /sci/

>> No.3617511

Lapras used surf.....too soon?

>> No.3617514

It's also a hell of a lot more helpful than /jp/ ever was.

>> No.3617526

Burn this into your brain: /jp/ hates Japan.

>> No.3617531

how bad is it to be gay in japan?

>> No.3617532

lol, the only people you will find on /jp/ are weeaboos with completely fucked up ideas of japan, and trolls.

Another thing is, don't be suprised at the things that japanese people will say about you and won't, and try and follow along.

When me and a guy friend were in japan chatting up a group of around eight chicks trying to get fucked, they pretty much made us rate them from prettiest to ugliest, we intentionally got into arguments on the uglier side as not to offend anyone, and then listened to them discuss which one of us was prettier. Similar situations to this have happened as well, it's something you just wouldn't see in america, but they get a real kick out of it, and I got to fuck the one I said was hottest and he got to fuck the one he said was hottest.

Damn, most of my knowledge about japanese people is around fucking them.

Uh, sushi. Sit at the bar and ask for the chef to recommend you a dish, to get the best stuff.

>> No.3617539

not bad whatsoever, they aren't religiousfag like the US. Like, they are often suprised to hear some american's attitudes towards it.

>> No.3617540

Also would you all say it's useless to major in Japanese?

>> No.3617548
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》2011 年

>> No.3617552

Major in? Yeah, probably.
My college canceled its japanese program the year I entered so I had to self-study anyway.

>> No.3617553

I cannot into Chinese damnit

>> No.3617555

extremely, unless you extend that to some kind of doctorate and get a japanesebitch and somehow get citizenship and teach English, there's not much you can do.

If you want to work with Japanese people, get into social sciences along with japanese language, OP does anthropology which is kind of gay but it's one of the sciences that works for japanese study, or be really fucking good at science and sell yourself.

>> No.3617563

Gah fuck, uh

"Japan, and I hope you don't, something" Man I really wish I could read more chinese with japanese.

>> No.3617571

Oh, but I still want to.

Also, it have to be said

>> No.3617576

I go on a website like http://www.yahoo.co.jp/ and my hanzi knowledge doesn't help me at all, so don't feel bad padawan.

>Japanese major
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

Costanza just got multicultural

>> No.3617578

Lol, I think I still have a shirt with that on it in my closet...
Along with 那个Plz

>> No.3617580


"Kanji" is "hanzi" in Chinese? Also, is yours Mandarin or Cantonese?

>> No.3617581

you spoiled it. :(

It was so good when everyone was ignorant.

>> No.3617582

whitefolk something.

>> No.3617586

White person cannot understand

i think

>> No.3617587

Yeah kanji is hanzi. Mandarin
White people can't read this

>> No.3617591
File: 680 B, 244x160, glorious china.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about The Peopl's Republic of China

>> No.3617592
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>> No.3617609

Hooo! Manchuko wirr be ouws!

>> No.3617611
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>> No.3617613


>> No.3617616


Too deep for me

>> No.3617617
File: 181 KB, 900x675, 128310365449[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol hes holding that sword wrong!

>> No.3617621


Oversea Chinese here, I feel so bad for you guys.

>> No.3617636
File: 6 KB, 320x240, Sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I learned China is actually Taiwan and what is China now is the People's Republic of China
>mfb my lungs filled with sand

>> No.3617637
File: 158 KB, 336x500, fuck_anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it matter? It's not like he is in a fight to the death with a guy tied and on his knees.

>> No.3617642


>> No.3617651

>It's like I'm at a truly at /int/ernational board

>> No.3617670


I noticed the SNES cartridges on the shelf to the left of his head before I noticed how weaboo his room is.

>> No.3617705

lol, funny, same with me 'cept it was the 360 and PSone

>> No.3618212

Wow you fucking stupid weaboos. China is the future.

>> No.3618219


But China is a disgusting place to live.

That's the difference.

>> No.3618226

Only if you go to Beijing or Nanjing.

>> No.3618227


Beijing has people spitting in the streets, choking air pollution, too hot in summer, too cold in winter and heavy sandstorms in spring. I've lived there.

Nanjing I have no idea but it can't be much better.

Stay away from China for now, it's simply not a good place to live as a resident.

>> No.3618241

I saw the xbox first
that's not even weeabo

>> No.3618258

/sci/- 科学和数学。

Also, proof that China is taking over the world in Science and Mathematics.

>> No.3618259
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That doesn't make it a good place to live, it's a fucking shithole believe me. If you are an American or western European going there for a good life you are going to be so fucking disappointed believe me.

>> No.3618260

/int/fags leave!

/sci/fags aren't interested in your bullshit, we have important SCIENCE to do!

>> No.3618281

I hate animu but it happens that i am a robot-scientist; yes you heard damn right: a robot-scientist! To continue my evil research I want to do my Masters in Cyber-Japan.

Do they really hate us (Non-americunt here)? I mean... do they hate us, like everyone hates blacks? I still might go to China, but they are not so robot-savvied. I also hate the wide Chinese faces. the slightly longer Japanese ones are ok. I don't plan to live there, but i want a girlfriend for two year that doesn't look... well... not good.

>> No.3618288

No you don't, nobody ever does science in /sci/.

>> No.3618309

But we're not being completely off topic are we? Even religion troll threads are more relevant to /sci/ than this.

>> No.3618347

>You will not have sex with cute Japanese girls.
au contraire. you will have great success fucking japanese girls if you're the least bit concerned with your appearance.

>Go to China if you want to feel like the great white man.
yeah, no. thanks in great part to the commies, mainland chinese culture is extremely conservative and sexually repressed.

op, why don't you get a visa to teach english? you will have tons of free time, a free apartment and you will be paid a fairly decent wage for the kind of work you're doing (about $22k/yr)

there should be no need to do anything illegal, especially if you have work lined up.