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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 269x118, engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3616344 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make a new line in jsMath/TeX??

Let me try:

<span class="math">\ln e^{x}=-4 \\ e^{\ln e^x} = e^{-4} \\ \ln e^{x} = \ln e^{-4} \\ x = -4[/spoiler]

>pic unrelated

>> No.3616361


>> No.3616374
File: 104 KB, 500x333, nigger4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't help.

<span class="math">i\;hate\;niggers[/spoiler]

>> No.3616378

<span class="math">Not getting dubs
[/spoiler]<span class="math">>2011[/spoiler]

>> No.3616377

Just close the tags and open them again after a new line.
<span class="math">herp~a[/spoiler]
<span class="math">derp[/spoiler]

>> No.3616384

\\ is right, but it's disabled on 4chan.

>> No.3616388

<span class="math">i\;know[/spoiler]
<span class="math">but\;I\;want\;to\;be\;able\;to\;do\;it\;within\;tex[/spoiler]

>> No.3616413
File: 295 KB, 1174x420, engineeringsearch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just google.

>> No.3616414

There are some similar things that aren't disabled, though. Such as \atop and \lower.

>> No.3616425

<span class="math">op\;is\atop a\;faggot[/spoiler]

>> No.3616433 [DELETED] 

<div class="math">\raise{10ex}{x^2 + 1} \raise{20ex}{x^4 + 1} \raise{30ex}{x^6 + 1} </div>

>> No.3616458

<div class="math">
\rlap{x^2 + 1}
\rlap{\lower{2em}{x^4 + 1}}
\rlap{\lower{4em}{x^6 + 1}}

>> No.3616481

Holy balls that's amazing.
Maybe I can finally write matrices.

[equ]\left ( \rlap { E } \rlap { \lower{2em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{4em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{6em}{c p_z} } \right )[/equ]
Oh god please work.

>> No.3616489

failboat nigger

>> No.3616491

>well fuck me.

<div class="math">\left ( \rlap { E } \rlap { \lower{2em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{4em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{6em}{c p_z} } \right )</div>

>> No.3616502

>gonna make this work.

<span class="math">\left ( \rlap { E } \rlap { \lower{2em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{4em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{6em}{c p_z} } \right )[/spoiler]

>> No.3616517

>well shit on my face.

<span class="math">\rlap { E } \rlap { \lower{2em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{4em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{6em}{c p_z} }[/spoiler]

>> No.3616522

>whew. okay, more testing.
I hope you don't mind, i'm borrowing your thread.

<span class="math">\rlap { E } \rlap { \lower{em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{2em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{3em}{c p_z} }[/spoiler]

>> No.3616531

>makes sense.

<span class="math">\rlap { E } \rlap { \lower{1em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{2em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{3em}{c p_z} }[/spoiler]

>> No.3616534

>ah that's better.
>no way this'll work now though...

<span class="math">\left ( \rlap { E } \rlap { \lower{1em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{2em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{3em}{c p_z} } \right )[/spoiler]

>> No.3616543

>yup, utter crap.
>time for more testing
<span class="math">a \rlap { E } \rlap { \lower{1em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{2em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{3em}{c p_z} } b[/spoiler]

>> No.3616551

>well shit, that sucks.

<span class="math">\rlap { E } \rlap { \lower{0em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{2em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{3em}{c p_z} }[/spoiler]

>> No.3616559


<span class="math">\rlap { \lower{-1em}{E} } \rlap { \lower{0em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{1em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{2em}{c p_z} }[/spoiler]

>> No.3616567

>sorry, forgot to sage. ignore me

<span class="math">a \rlap { \lower{-2em}{E} } \rlap { \lower{-1em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{0em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{1em}{c p_z} } b[/spoiler]

>> No.3616570

>okay, getting somewhere now.

<span class="math">a \rlap { \lower{-1.5em}{E} } \rlap { \lower{-0.5em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{0.5em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{1.5em}{c p_z} } b[/spoiler]

>> No.3616580

>okay, not bad.

<span class="math">\left ( \rlap { \lower{-1.5em}{E} } \rlap { \lower{-0.5em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{0.5em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{1.5em}{c p_z} } \right )[/spoiler]

still gonna fuck up though

>> No.3616587

>i can work with that.

<span class="math">\left ( \rlap { \lower{-1.5em}{E} } \rlap { \lower{-0.5em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{0.5em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{1.5em}{c p_z} } ~~ \right )[/spoiler]


>> No.3616599


<span class="math">\left ( \rlap { \lower{-1.5em}{E} } \rlap { \lower{-0.5em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{0.5em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{1.5em}{c p_z} } ~~~~ \right )[/spoiler]


>> No.3616614

I'm too happy with myself now.

Still, this thing is so fragile...

<span class="math">\vec{p_4} = ~~~ \left ( \rlap { \lower{-1.5em}{E} } \rlap { \lower{-0.5em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{0.5em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{1.5em}{c p_z} } ~~~~ \right )[/spoiler]

>> No.3616631


<span class="math">\vec{p_4} = \left ( \rlap { \lower{-1.5em}{E} } \rlap { \lower{-0.5em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{0.5em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{1.5em}{c p_z} } ~~~~~ \right )[/spoiler]

just getting it right now...
then to try bigger matrices...

>> No.3616636

look what I found
<div class="math">\bbox[background-image:url('http://www.danasoft.com/citysign.jpg');background-repeat:no-repeat;,

>> No.3616657

>checking one more thing...

<span class="math">p = \gamma m \beta c[/spoiler]
--- blank line ---
<span class="math">\vec{p_4} = \left ( \rlap { \lower{-1.5em}{E} } \rlap { \lower{-0.5em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{0.5em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{1.5em}{c p_z} } ~~~~~ \right )[/spoiler]
<span class="math">E^2 - (cp)^2 = \left (mc^2 \right )^2[/spoiler]

>> No.3616654 [DELETED] 

<div class="math">\bbox[background-image:url('http://www.danasoft.com/citysign.jpg');position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width

>> No.3616693

No, really. Fuck you. I can't even adblock that shit because it makes all links unclickable on the page. So I have to fucking noscript it. Piss off with that faggotry.

>> No.3616712

The appropriate fix is to block:

You should also have this blocked because people can use it to hang/crash your browser:

>> No.3616727

You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you!

saging so I don't bring this back up to front.

>> No.3616771


Thanks for this.

>> No.3616790
File: 85 KB, 299x288, 130221984383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says i am near Trondheim but i am actually in kristiansand

>> No.3616835

>well i'm back to testing then.

<span class="math">p = \gamma m \beta c[/spoiler]
--- blank line ---
<div class="math">\vec{p_4} = \left ( \rlap { \lower{-1.5em}{E} } \rlap { \lower{-0.5em}{c p_x} } \rlap { \lower{0.5em}{c p_y} } \rlap { \lower{1.5em}{c p_z} } ~~~~~ \right )</div>
<span class="math">E^2 - (cp)^2 = \left (mc^2 \right )^2[/spoiler]

>> No.3616892





<span class="math">\overset{\cdot~\cdot}{\smile}[/spoiler]

>> No.3616898

>I can't even adblock that shit because it makes all links unclickable on the page.
what are you talking about? i adblocked it fine...