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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3613092 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think interstellar and intergalactic space travelling ever be possible??

Is it possible to travel faster than the speed of light?

>> No.3613106


Theoretically, it's impossible.

>> No.3613105

we cant know yet. people though 300 years ago its impossible to fly. then someone invented a way to fly.

>> No.3613111


Yes it is. Don't let anyone here lie to you about that. We travel faster than light every day, for many different reasons.

>> No.3613112


so is your mothers half-failed abortion but here you are

>> No.3613114


>> No.3613116

Galaxies are rushing away at us faster than the speed of light. It's due to expanding space. I think it's called frame shifting. But regardless, the speed of expanding space is not limited to c.

>> No.3613119

well, the question is, will intergalactic space travel ever be possible?

>> No.3613123

Let me rephrase, it's theoretically impossible to accelerate to c.

Because of fucking theory of relativity dumb asses.

You need close to infinite energy to accelerate once you come even remotely close to c.

But in different inertia systems you can travel faster, relative to the other systems.

>> No.3613124
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If we can ever control space time then yes. We could envelope a ship in an alcumbier bubble to propel it.

>> No.3613125

> you can't travel at the speed of light
> only a fraction of it, 0.999...
> 0.999... = 1
> you can travel at the speed of light

>> No.3613130
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Geordi, I need those warp engines now.

>> No.3613136


by then we will be able to rip holes in the universe. And manipulate individual quarks.

But... By that time we'll be extinct.

>> No.3613134

Something to do with 'Quantum foam', a concept Einstein first introduced with his theory of special relativity. I don't really know much about it, just that it somehow limits the speed of like to 300 000 km/s. Try wikipedia.

>> No.3613140

Ah /sci/, why so negative always?

>> No.3613141
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you guys have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

>> No.3613145
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dumb and dumber.

>> No.3613152

0,999... is still smaller than 1.

>> No.3613154

I think that at minimum small, fast probes can be sent to nearby stars. Getting them up to speed shouldn't be outside the scope of technical feasibility for a civilization with space infrastructure. One approach involves laser sails.

>> No.3613155

i don't think so. irrelevent to think of that now
we should focus on atleast colonising our system first then maybe start thinking about heading to another system. intergalatic, i doubt it that and we actually need to go faster then the speed of light which well. I just think we are better of looking around our back yard before we go on safari

>> No.3613148


Try calculating the amount of energy needed to reach 0,9c and then try 0,999c. You will c that your calculator (no matter which) cannot show that large a number, even if your units were Giga Joules.

>> No.3613156

>look at a dying star 1000000 light years away
>travel to that star faster than the speed of light
>star is gone
>travel back to earth
>earth is gone
>time dilation bitches

>> No.3613157

You must own a shit tier calculator.

>> No.3613159


Upload a picture of your calculator showing that number please.

>> No.3613164

Burden of proof. You made a claim. Defend it.

>> No.3613160


what if you travel to the other side of the universe faster than the speed of light, that means when you return to where you started everything in the universe is now different?

>> No.3613172

>by the time you reach the "side" of the universe, it will not be a side anymore
>the galaxies are moving, so if you return exactly to the place where you started your journey ofc nothing that was there is gonna be there

>> No.3613173


you fucking idiot, I said it couldn't be done. He said it could, he has the burden of proof, you are incredibly thick.

>> No.3613175

You said, every calculator would fail to display such a number. Prove it or default and accept defeat, nerd.

>> No.3613176

Lol, not really, just trying to give what I thought was the general direction of the right answer.

>> No.3613177

>He said it could
No, he didn't. He insulted your calculator. You're thick.

>> No.3613178

btw the universe isn't curved, i know i've been there

>> No.3613181

Flat like yo motha

>> No.3613184

Scientific discussions on the internet really just don't work.

>> No.3613183
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this thread is moving away from the original topic faster than c
are we experiencing time dilation yet?

>> No.3613182
File: 175 KB, 1024x768, Star-Wars-Galaxy-star-wars-galaxies-46680_1024_768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, what about being able to travel between star systems in the galaxy, like in star wars... is that possible? Do you think there is other life within our own galaxy?

>> No.3613188

Oy, oy oy.

All so often the cause of these flame wars is simple misunderstanding. Of course it is impossible to go faster than light in your local space. All of the methods for FTL simply remove you from the local space of everyone else. When you go through a wormhole, you leave the universe, and skip through to a seperate dimension. When you use a warp drive, you inhabit a pocket of spacetime which permits you to go FTL in respect to an outside observer.

I think both parties need to pause for a second and think a little. No one is suggesting that "Hurpity derpity, we can go ftl by putting an brick on accelerator"

>> No.3613189

if you want to make the probe faster, you need bigger enigines. bigger engines means more weight, that means more engines to be faster, that means more weight etc.

>> No.3613190

>watch the movie called "Contact" if you haven't dont that already
>it's made from a novel by carl sagan
>wormhole travels
>good sci-fi

>> No.3613193

m = mo * / SQR( 1 - v^2/c^2)

where "m" = mass at velocity "v"
"mo" = rest mass of the particle.

Combine that with Newtons second law

F = a * m

Now you need a graph that shows the mass relative to the force required to accelerate further. Now take the whole area underneath the graph showing how the force required rises. And since the graph continues to infinity the number will be to large to display (even at 99%).

>> No.3613195

> Shit movie based on drama more than science.
> Waaah, my computer datas, waaaaahh, my computer datas
> What's that noise? Oh, it sounds like someone scraping metal in outer space
> Let's decode static forever until something intelligent appears by chance
> Oh, nothing happened. It makes people pass out and think they're going to outer space.

>> No.3613198


sounds like every sci-fi ever

>> No.3613200

>yeah but the wormhole principle is displayed there
>there's also drama, it's just a movie

>> No.3613203
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anotherfag here
>after a little googling

>> No.3613237

what site is that

also thats the total world energy consumption for a year

>> No.3613272
File: 105 KB, 1273x531, 1313102281811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfram α

I know. It always surprises me how low the needed energy is.