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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3598998 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /sci/, it's problem time.

How do you kill a man and get away with it?

From a purely hypothetical point of view, in case any LEOs are wondering.

>> No.3599006

Stalk him, find out alot about him.
Learn his patterns, when he's the most vulnerable, alone, ...
Kill him with extreme precautions.
You shouldn't try to get rid of the body, but if you want you can do it.
The body will lead to an investigation, but if you have it all figured out, there shouldn't come an accusation towards you.
Also, be weary of third parties, in your close circle and out of it.

>> No.3599009

Join the military.
Become a police officer.
Become a dictator.

>> No.3599013

You kill someone and then dissolve the body in sulfuric acid. I don't know?

>> No.3599015

This man is a terrorist and you're an american hero?

>> No.3599021
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>hire assassin

>> No.3599024

Hitmen and buttcoins and things
How would you avoid leaving forensic evidence?

>> No.3599027

By taking precautions and being extremely careful?
I don't think it's such a big deal.
Cleaning up helps? Idk, I'm just speculating here.

>> No.3599030

Umm. You could introduce a mycocenecphalopathy. Look it up.

You should have plausible deniability so something that does the job while you're safely at home is nice.

You could grow S. aureus colonies on media containing ever-increasing amounts of different antibiotics. Then, when the time is right, smear it all over a door handle and run like hell.

>> No.3599040

Let's say you're currently suspected of avoiding taxes on your income from incendiary lemon sales, and your DNA is on file because tax evasion is fucking serious.

>> No.3599042

Or create a superresistant seemingly harmless bacteria, but when they try to save him with antibiotics.. PUM PUM PUMMMMMM, MRSA EVERYWHERE.

>> No.3599044

as you do?

Plausible strategies, gentlemen. Our killer is not that guy here who wants to make flu 2.0

>> No.3599050

You won't make the flu 2.0.
It's just a superresistant bacteria, very easy to make.
You just need time, a small lab and a shitload of antibiotics.

>> No.3599053

What if you have to physically kill the guy, and you have to do it in front of camera in a major city?

>> No.3599055


Yeah, because randomly pinging IP addresses until you find unlisted web sites, including those with monitored traffic, is definitely the best way to avoid notice.

>> No.3599058

It's not flu and it's not really all that communicable.

It is plausible and can be done in a relatively small, cheap, home lab. The resistant strain will kill or severely maim this person.

If you want to get serious with things, then fine. Rig a home-made claymore with gunpowder backing to a motion sensor with a short range. Leave it at the front door of your target. Coat all shrapnel with the resistant strain. Sepsis, massive infection, death nearly guaranteed.

More plausible still is a simple gravity trap. A container of hydrofluoric acid coming into contact with skin will cause almost instant death by leeching away at the calcium channels. The target's heart will stop.

>> No.3599067

And will you get away with that? When the police discover he was killed with hydroflouric acid, what's the first thing they'll look for? Who has access to that shit. And if you are someone with known hostility towards the victim, and you happen to own a lab, guess where you are going? To the top of the suspects list.

>> No.3599068

Damn, you're good.

What if you have to do it with the resources you would find in a typical family home?

>> No.3599074

Plus, by posting here we've effectively given strong evidence that any one of us could kill in this way. It's currently impossible to post to 4chan image boards without corroborating IP logs being taken, even behind VPNs

>> No.3599077

breakind bad is the way to go

>> No.3599080

This is how you kill a man:


>> No.3599099

Which is why this is pure speculation.

I don't really have anyone I want dead aside from Oprah, Dr. Phil, Jenny McCarthy, Jim Carrey, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, et. al.

I'd make a bad murderer as my science background would be a good reason to place me at the top of the suspect's list.

You could always culture tetrodoxitc bacteria, centrifuge it out, then use an animal tranquilizer dart to deliver it from afar. That'd be pretty quiet.

Alternatively, you could go full blown KGB with it. Get an umbrella rigged with a hidden syringe and accidentally run into him on the street with it, apologize, and walk away. Toss the umbrella in individual parts in different dumpsters along a random route on your way to lunch or something across town.

>> No.3599105 [DELETED] 


by stopping watching CSI, ant steping in to the real world, where cops don't give a shit will they catch the murder, but just pin it up on a nigger if they fail to cathc the true murder by reviewing the basic evidence.

>> No.3599109

Aww, Dr. Phil isn't that bad. I mean, his show is tripe, but he does actually help people. Just avoid network TV vehemently.

Why not shoot the guy instead of using bacteria

Stop reading prison planet, and let's say the killer is Alaskan and therefore lacks black people to pin it on.

>> No.3599118

Shooting leaves behind gunpowder, a caliber of bullet, etc. to track.

I'll admit that the poison dart is a bad idea but the umbrella is pretty solid.

>> No.3599132 [DELETED] 
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HAHAHAHA I like the subtlety

>> No.3599128

except any attempt to buy one will be a huge red flag, and any attempt to build one will leave you with a unique weapon. Guns are all but untraceable, and if you're working from a distance, fairly untraceable.

>> No.3599141

>restating myself

I'll fetch the rope.

>> No.3599145

Eeeh, there's a lot of noise involved with that, even with a suppressor.

The umbrella can be covertly constructed and disposed of. It is a unique weapon, but one that can be easily disposed of without too much trouble.

>> No.3599148

Shotgun for a weapon. Most importantly don't have a motive for killing the guy. That's how literally retarded serial killers can get away with it so long.

>> No.3599152

how about a stolen motorcycle and an illegally obtained handgun?

>> No.3599155

So there's a stolen motorcycle, nothing known of your whereabouts, and a giant "hey everybody!" noise to all within earshot.

>> No.3599164

- Bikes are incredibly easy to take. Older models don't even need to be hotwired
- They can get you away from a crime scene faster than any other vehicle
- They're easy to hide

Use public transport to a major city, nick a bike, and then ride up and shoot the guy, dropping the gun immediately after. Then, ride until you reach a rural area and dump it in a field.

Alternatively, as you're getting close you could just stab the guy and avoid the whole noise dilemma.

>> No.3599167

Icicle to the chest, several times. Then peace the fuck out.

>> No.3599177

If we are still under the assumtion this is in Alaska, this might be viable, but for most places this isn't as viable

>> No.3599178

>determine when target commutes to work
>make a bomb with time+date trigger
>place under/in car
>set for a year later.
>hope he has the same routine

I say a year, because any video evidence that might expose you will probably have been deleted/over written by then.
Tracing the materials for the bomb will be more difficult than too.
Most witnesses wouldn't remember or suspect you because a year is WAY to long

>> No.3599180

I'm not going to argue with you about this beyond this post. Conduct your hypothetical murders however you'd like.

Me, I prefer something innocuous like an accidental poking with an umbrella and a 31 gauge needle that can barely be felt. The effects are somewhat delayed, so he'll think it was an innocent mistake until he feels symptoms. After that, he has maybe 5 minutes left to live.

>> No.3599196

>implying bombs are a good idea

Bombs are almost always traceable.

Will do, thanks for posting. I still don't think it's innocuous, though, as long umbrellas are rarely used nowadays, and the supplies needed are specific.

>> No.3599205

Do you live in a fucking desert or something? Umbrellas are still in use.

>> No.3599209

I haven't seen a long umbrella folded down for three years.

>> No.3599213

shoot him, get on a spaceship, and fly to the moon

>> No.3599237

You fools watch too much television.
The goverment has managed to convice you with shows such as CSI, and shit, that it is impossible to kill someone and get away from it.
The reasons why this isn't true, and it's alot easier to kill a person than you think:

1. 95 percent of the things you watch forensics do is pure fiction
2. The police are showed as imminent good doers, heroes, engaging a crusade on every crime they come along, caring for finding the one who did the crime. In reality they don't care, they care in solving the case, not the victim nor who they will arrest. They don't care if who they arrest did it, they care whether they can prove he did it. A case doesn't last forever yf they can't find the one who did it in a short period of time (a week lets say) they will start to search for someone they can pin the murder too.
3. If the murdered was a anon, a society member, a nobody (not famous, politican, personally involved) they wouldn't give a rats ass. They would come to the crime scene gathered the basic evidence, talk a bit with friends, familly if at first investigation they wouldn't find a suspect, they would just shove the case at the back of the drawer, or find someone to pin it to him

The truth is, if u killed someone in a silent fashion (without loud noises) in the middle of the night in a empty street in a shit part of town, and had a hat and sunglasses, you would get away with it. There isn't a way they could find you, not that they would search for you anyway.

>> No.3599406

OP: As long as you don't have any witnesses, just do it and pretend it never happened. Most murders get caught because they talk or brag about it.

>> No.3599595

Rule #1: expend as little effort as possible, to avoid leaving a trail. In particular, don't go googling for "how to kill someone" or posting about it on web forums. Unless you really know what you're doing, the more effort you put into covering it up, the more clues you leave.

Use a common weapon and common ammunition. It may help if you didn't buy them the day before.

If there's a reason why you will automatically become a suspect if the guy turns up dead, it's probably best to forget about it.

The other option is to just run over him with a car, dial 911, and take the hit for manslaughter or whatever they do you for. If it's not worth doing a couple of years for, killing the guy is probably an over-reaction.

>> No.3599602

Most fool proof way?

If we are living in a false vacuum state, collapse it.

Second best way is create a singularity that graviationally collapses earth

i stand reasonably certain i will never be called to testify at a murder case despite suggesting these methods

>> No.3599604

>commit murder
>defend myself in court
>argue that in MWI is true there are an infinite number of the guy still alive

>> No.3599615

>found to have still killed one of them
>sentenced to life without parole for not understanding how sentencing works

>> No.3599630

If you kill a random person especially far away from your homw they will never catch you. No motive and dont leave prints or blood and you are good. Even if you do leave blood you should be fine, just do it in another state.

>> No.3599635 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3599653
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>> No.3599654

lol no timestimp

>> No.3599670

you guys should keep an eye out for the vacuum collapse and singularity guy, i think he might be a mad scientist

>> No.3599678

>date taken : 1/27/11

>> No.3599679


>implying you can induce a quantum vacuum collapse.

>> No.3599690

smashing higher atomic # elements in particle accelerators only occurs on earth and possibly where intelligent life is

it's almost certainly impossible but can't be ruled out that something strange could happen

>> No.3599714


>> No.3599717

Colonel posted in my trawl thread :3

>> No.3599738

I would take MWI and >>3599602 to read in this way:
First, due to MWI there will always be a world where he survives, thus there's really no reason to kill anyone, secondly there may very well be cases like >>3599602 happening all the time around us and we just never live to see them as they no longer support our existence (such as the false vacuum one), this is also why I would never care about experiments to do so at a particle accelerator: if they succeed, we will only live in a world where they fail.

Thirdly, I'll answer OP's question using these concepts, if you're willing to put your life up against someone's (that is you refuse to live as long as someone is alive), you could do a delayed quantum suicide experiment:
- Put yourself to sleep for a couple of hour or a day, maybe with some delayed acting poison.
- Make a timed device which only releases an antidote into YOUR bloodstream/wakes you up if the person you want to be dead is dead.
This way, you'll only experience the world where he is dead and there would be no connection to you in any way (as such a world would exist physically). Of course, there would be an immense number of worlds where you'd be dead (and a lot of sad people grieving after you), but since you don't want to live in the same world as the other person, you just performed a bit of reality editing to suit yourself.

The only problem is that there may be other kinds of ways you could survive the experiment and thus you would need to make the accidental survival probability much lesser than the probability that that person would turn up dead in a day or so.

>> No.3599781

i like your thought

that was a concept i had called a "quantum genie", basically anything that can be accurately recorded and checked (say.. lottery numbers) is ran into a computer.

if the result is not what you want, the machine kills you.

but this only works if your "consciousness" is somehow linked between the "many words" which is bullshit. sure there's an insanely small chance he will die and you will be brought back to life, but in 99.999999999999999999999999999% of the universes he doesn't die and you die, boom the end.

>> No.3599790

You would only experience the world where you live.
I only believe in observer moments and thus no continuity of consciousness.

>> No.3599795 [DELETED] 

I have put a tremendous amount of thought into this very question.

I dont have a perfect answer, but I have some good ones.

You can buy an x-ray tube on ebay and just radiate them for a minute or so a day. If you disguise it in an object like a briefcase or whatever you should be able to descretely give them cancer. Then they die a very slow death, and it looks like natural causes.

Another possibility is get a sample of crutzfeld-jacobson prions and infect them. Just sprinkle them on your targets food. There is no cure, they die in 6 months, and it looks like natural causes.

>> No.3599820

no, the you in that quantum universe would experinence it, but the you in THIS quantum universe would not. get it?

>> No.3599841

lasers and nicotine terriify me

you can super easily blind someone with a laser, and if it's infrared or ultraviolet nobody will ever see it

nicotine is supe rdeadly and people who buy e-cigareetes have a letheal amount just sittting there, it's skin permeable too

>> No.3599889

Since I don't believe in the continuity of consciousness, it would just mean that those 'you's where the conditions are met would experience consciousness. The others would have no experience and thus irrelevant (except to the other people in the world they live in, which might be sad).
I should have also said that yes, this is like a quantum genie and that the device's construction would be pretty difficult as ascertaining the truth value of wether someone is alive or not may not be trivial (without some automatic ways of monitoring that state). I would also suggest that such a genie might place you in worlds where you'd be worse off, so you'd best be selecting for favorable worlds (for example, by monitoring the state of being of all the people that you care for, thus you would rule out situations where most people except you dieing off).

>> No.3599975

Yea, I wouldn't doubt it just a few weeks ago I reported some guy on /sci/ who was asking if the embola virus could survive an explosion he was also asking what amount of plutonium was needed for a certain time delay on a explosive. Anyways FBI knows about it you guys should probably look into it because 5 minutes after I told him I reported him the thread 404ed and it was up for maybe 2 minutes before reporting him so he was probably legit.

>> No.3600009


No. There's plenty of ways to post things without being traced. Commercial VPNs are for skids.


That's not what the deepweb is nor how you find deepweb sites.

>> No.3600017
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>> No.3600043

Wow that's really fucked up.

>> No.3600044

Try to use reCAPTCHA without Javascript. And/or try to use javascript without revealing your actual IP address.

>> No.3600058

This: >>3600044
Anything even remotely close to Java is not one bit secure no matter what loop and holes you jump through.

>> No.3600087


>Full retard

JS doesn't reveal your IP unless you have a browser from 5 years ago. I can easily set up a VM where all traffic is routed through a VPN or something like Tor on the IP/routing layer so there's no exploit you could pull off that would reveal my IP.

>> No.3600095


>He thinks Javascript is related to Java

You're retarded too. It was originally called LiveScript. The name was changed for marketing reasons.

Stick to doing shitty maths.

>> No.3600104 [DELETED] 
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< only she knows

>> No.3600116 [DELETED] 


>> No.3600126

Yes it does. reCAPTCHA can be used (and is used) to log IP address. Google it it you don't believe me.

You could do that, I suppose. I don't know of any way you could stop js from taking down your external address, though. Enlighten me sir.

>> No.3600142

i'd hit it

>> No.3600145 [DELETED] 

>mfw I don't mind what you say
>mvq the legal decision makes more sense than it

>> No.3600148



Java and Flash are able to find your external address. Java can find your MAC address and everything as well.

JavaScript is interpreted and cannot find your real external address if you are behind a properly configured proxy. The only thing you can do with JS is XMLHttpRequest that goes through the proxy.

If you tunnel at the IP/Routing level (READ: AT THE ROUTER LEVEL OR A KERNEL ROUTE) inside a VM even if you run a fucking C program inside the VM it will only report the local VM address (i.e., 10.x.x.x), never your external because not even the VM itself knows the real address. It's all encapsulated and passed to the tunnel.

>> No.3600167

Ahah. So you need to be running a VM and using your VPN as a virtual network connection? I am not a computer person.

>> No.3600172

There are many ways. It varies greatly on who the person is and what skills and resources you have access to. In order for us to come up with a hypothetical "foolproof" method you must first provide detail on the subject.

>> No.3600198


You don't <span class="math"> <div class="math"> need </div> [/spoiler] to, that's just if you want to be absolutely sure.

It's basically setting up a transparent tunnel. The VM thinks it's using the real internet so nothing you can do will ever be able to get your real address.

Look at shit like onioncat, (Application layer VPN), the Tails Virtual Machine (VM that routes everything through Tor using a hard kernel route), socat and SSH tunneling, etc

Plus, you can use reCAPTCHA without JS.

>> No.3600209

Sounds interesting, but I've tried to use recaptcha sans javascript and it doesn't work. there are some captchas (including google's, oddly) that don't seem to need it though.

>> No.3600217

If you plan your assasination carefully on a *completely* random person, leave the body where the guy was finished off, avoid using a technique that alerts people in the area, and make sure no evidence whatsoever exists in the first place tying you to the victim. You should also avoid using methods that make you stand out massively from the crowd (e.g. using exotic chemicals that you had to purchase, etc.)

The largest problem is that people who want to kill other people usually have a motive of some sort that ties them to the victim. This makes them quite easy to track down and arrest, since the police can go after the most likely suspects based on motive alone, and minor pieces of evidence could easily put you behind bars. Essentially, once suspicion falls on you, it will be very hard to get away with it. A single murder investigation can cost more than a million dollars: the police can amass massive resources.

>> No.3600219

>How do you kill a man and get away with it?
Well do you know this person? Do you have a good reason for wanting him dead? Is this motive known to someone else?

These are the biggest roadblocks because if you know the person and have motive and the police find this out they will scrutinize you. Everything else is just taking care of details.

>> No.3600230

make it look random. if its some mugger or robber who killed the guy, there are no ties back to your identity

>> No.3600258

should suspicion fall on you, lawyer up fast and hard.

Everything you say can and WILL be used AGAINST you.

DO NOT TALK TO police, not to say even no, I didn't do it. The authorities can twist even a denial against you. ~ http://boingboing.net/2008/07/28/law-prof-and-cop-agr.html

>> No.3600265

1)find someone anonymous
2)see where they go often
3) scout the public places they go for cameras
4) select one that seems to have highest chance of them being alone without a camera
5)kill them all evidence linked to you has become circumstantial(dna and what not)
7)have sex with casey anthony

>> No.3600272


if some guy ran into me with an umbrella I'd be suspicious as fuck. that's not something that happens every day.

>> No.3600283
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>> No.3600335


>> No.3600354

>use my psychic power to kill him
>prove that psychic powers don't exist

>> No.3600357 [DELETED] 

When it comes to murder, I'm guessing certain countries are better than others if you want to get away scot-free.

We don't give two shits as long as it's nobody important tier: Somalia, Myanmar, Sierra Leone, North Korea
You just have to be more subtle than the jackass who runs down the street with a shotgun tier: former Soviet bloc countries, the more civilized countries in middle and southern Africa, banana republics (not the shitty clothing store)
Prosecution? We'll get to it when we get to it tier: Mexico, Eastern Europe, Russia, China, comparatively civilized countries in northern Africa and the Middle East.
You're probably gonna get raped (in prison) tier: America, Canada, Israel, Australia, the larger countries in South America
Oh shit nigger what are you thinking, murdering somebody here tier: Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Singapore

This list is incomplete. You can help by adding to it.

>> No.3600361

Especially Japan. Japan has something like a 97-99.5% conviction rate. In other words, if the police even suspect you, you're *fucked*. I'm pretty sure with that kind of ridiculously high conviction rate, plenty of innocent people are put behind bars, but you're pretty much screwed if you're guilty :P

>> No.3600385

You killed someone? How much are you willing to pay us not to through you in jail tier: Nigeria, India

>> No.3600405

In japan they don't press charges until they know they can nail you. Many murders are reported as missing persons and natural causes.

>> No.3600414

Carcinogens, or suicide them od them on crack is always a good one its not uncommon for someone to od there first time.

>> No.3600428
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>frame myself for murder
>go to trial expose all evidence as fake
>commit real murder
>double jeopary, I'm already not guilty of murder
>problem legal system?

>> No.3600442

Yes but first trial was for murder in second degree second trial is murder in first degree, problem batman?

>> No.3600459 [DELETED] 
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mfw when you thought that was batman

>> No.3600486

I don't think you understand how double jeopardy works.
The first murder trial is for a different crime than the second one. The crimes have the same name, but it's two different crimes. In order to get off on double jeapordy, you would have to Frame yourself, get off, and then go and commit the exact same murder you were accused of.

And there is a time machine shaped hole in that plan.

>> No.3600492

I think I actually saw that movie. Except for the time machine part.

>> No.3600496

>Especially Japan. Japan has something like a 97-99.5% conviction rate.
Suddenly the Ace Attorney series makes more sense.

>> No.3600950


how to be fucking stupid

>> No.3600957

>In japan they don't press charges until they know they can nail you. Many murders are reported as missing persons and natural causes.

And they have 24 days to keep you in detention to nail you. 24 days of withholding food, interrupting sleep, and other psychological tortures.

>> No.3600994

This is how you kill a man. You get to know him. You befriend him. And then you ask him to taste this wine with an excellent vintage. You get him drunk off that wine, then you keep him away in a basement, never to be seen again. That is how you kill a man, Montressor.

>> No.3600995

Wear gloves and a hairnet,

Stab target to death with an icicle in an isolated area.

Melt icicle, burn gloves, hairnet and clothes, throw ashes into river.

Problem solved.

>> No.3601001
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Victume will die some day, just live longer and you win.

>> No.3601008



>> No.3601011

Obtain pentobarbital
Post portal pasta on /jp/
Wait for someone to complain it doesn't kill them
Offer to mail them pentobarbital
Do so

>> No.3601017


>> No.3601025
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No one posted this yet?

>> No.3601029

>sounds like a good movie
>read wikipedia summary
>now know everything that happens
>no reason to watch movie

>> No.3601031
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>mfw this is the funniest mindfuck I've ever experienced

>> No.3601044

ok, put calcium/strontium/barium/francium, either of these will work, into one of those gelatin capsules you can buy at the super-market. then insert like, a metal bb or something, so it will sink.
then, add like, another one of those casings to it, and put it in a car gas tank.

As a car runs, small amounts of water collect at the bottom of the gas tank. what happens here is the calcium, or whatever you used, as long as it's an alkali of or below calcium, will react with the water at a temperature hot enough to ignite the fuel. how the fuck is anyone going to trace that?

>> No.3601048

break into car, replace all spark plugs with bullets.
What are they going to do, sue you?

>> No.3601065

Japan rates its police officers by the percentage of cases they solved out of total cases they took. As a result, Japanese police are very particular about what cases they will pick up. A lot of murders there are never formally investigated if it doesn't look like it will be easy to assign blame.

>> No.3601074
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>obtain anthrax without killing yourself
>put anthrax in a air filter, car air circulation system, home-roof ventilation system, or whatever.
>person contracts anthrax

>> No.3601084
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>dakota fanning get fuckable

>> No.3601148

She will be her next birthday.

>> No.3601173
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>> No.3601935

with a gun

>> No.3602006

So how about this. Get someones routine and whatnot, hit him in the back of his head with a bat, knocking him unconscious. Then put him in the back of your trunk, go somewhere where there are no people, choke him with a plastic bag to death.
Put the body in a big plastic bag. Then drive far away to a sea where you have your rented boat. Put the body on the boat. Drive out and make sure no one is watching. Put some heavy weights and tie them to him. Toss him down the water and let him rot. Also, you'll use gloves etc during the entire thing.

Any problems?

>> No.3602593


steal a car ... hit and run the guy. dump the car ..be sure and wear gloves, etc... no physical evidence, nothing to connect you to the murder... they probably won't even think it was premeditated.