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[ERROR] No.3596958 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, why is being smart so depressing.

>> No.3596970

Because being rational sucks, obviously.

>> No.3597049
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>> No.3597087

It is. Until you start getting the results you want.

Be a kid. Earn your toys.

>> No.3597092

it's called depressive realism, look it up

>> No.3597103

I love it. I don't find it depressing.

>> No.3597124

Dog eat dog??

>> No.3597138

Ignorance is bliss

>> No.3597140

Because you realise how idiotic 95% of the public are.

We also get burdened with thinking about things we know we can never talk about in public and just end up having them locked up in our brains.

Example, you and I both know you have to be seriously retarded to beleive in astrology and horoscopes. It's easier to just let them get on with it though because if you try and explain confirmation bias and everything to them, they won't listen to reason anyway so whats the point.

Another good example race. We all know there are racial differences. It's plain to see. Richard Dawkins is a renowned Biologist, he knows the differences in humans from different regions and heredity better than any of us. But you will NEVER EVER hear Dawkins admit there are racial differences. It just won't happen. People will assume if he does, that he's siding with racial discrimination and hate crimes and genocide. He just can't do it. So we all have to sweep it under the rug and keep the truth locked up in our minds so the far Right parties and racists don't get ahold of it. We need to say things like "Oh well IQ tests must be flawed then" and "Its just due to us opressing them in the past".

There was a professor who was suspended for racism for simply looking at the issue of race and IQ scientifically. He battled for along time to convince people this was legitimate research nothing more but no-one wants to know. He eventually gave up deciding it wasn't worth the trouble it caused. One of his students statements to him summed up this point fairly well (I shall paraphrase because I don't remember it precisely but it was along these lines).

"Professor? Do you think there's just some things we're better off not knowing?".

The burden of truth.

>> No.3597159

ignorance is dog

>> No.3597168


my rage, all of it

>> No.3597171

/sci/, why is watching losers whine so exhilarating?

>> No.3597188

Given any set of start rules, what happens afterwards is just counting. That we exist in a place predicated upon rules completely excludes any possibility of choice. There is no such thing as free will. My entire experience of now is two or three hundred milliseconds behind reality. What a horrible fate that I am the perception of this occurring. The number of times this exact experience has happened is probably uncountable. It is a fate worst than any hell to be part of existence, because there is literally no where else to go, and nothing new ever.

>> No.3597192


I like you.

>> No.3597199
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>be a stormfag

>dress up your arguments in pseudoscience


Search your heart, you know it to be true

>> No.3597208


Same. I love learning about the world, fuck the haters

>> No.3597217

Stupid people are happier?

>> No.3597231

when you find satisfaction in academic and intellectual pursuits, you forget the simple joys of life.

for example, i made a paper plane and flew it the other day for the first time in some long years, and i couldn't stop laughing for 30 minutes because it just curved straight down and went thud.

>> No.3597234


I take offense to the "Natural is always good except for glasses" panel.

It is impossible for nature to do anything unnatural.

>> No.3597243

ignorance is bliss...you should hang out with the /b/ros, not with /sci/

>> No.3597268

/insert:Flowers for Algernon citation

>> No.3597298
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That book was amazing.

>> No.3597314

Wow, you guys suffer from a major case of superiority complex.
The reason for your depression is that you THINK you're smart and are very insecure about it all the time.

>> No.3597339


Stop using superiority complex, when you don't fully understand its implications. I think it would be much more appropriate to use the word arrogant.

But I mean, not everyone who is smart is arrogant. And why does it seem that people are willing to accept the fact that some people are smarter than others? I don't THINK I'm smart, I'm simply aware of my cognitive abilities in relation to others.

>> No.3597344


>edit: UN*willing

>> No.3597355

He who has attained intellectual emancipation to any extent cannot, for a long time, regard himself otherwise than as a wanderer on the face of the earth and not even as a traveler towards a final goal, for there is no such thing.

Human, All-Too-Human - Friedrich Nietzsche


>> No.3597363

How can you be "aware" of cognitive ability of someone else? Cognitive ability exists in the mind, behavior is something else entirely.
Just the fact that you compare yourself to others screams superiority complex. You're not just arrogant, you have a psychological problem.

>> No.3597370

hurr i don't want to get any smarter because it hurts mooom bring me a sammich

>> No.3597373


Wow... you gotta be kidding me...

Are you seriously saying it's impossible for one human to be aware of another's cognitive abilities?

>> No.3597385

Understand was superior.

>> No.3597392


Nietzsche seems like a total bro. I should read some of his stuff.

>> No.3597394

OP: You're doing it wrong. Being smart should make you happy. You should be far better able than the average person to sit down and consider realistically what it would take for you to enjoy life and then to do those things.

If you're scoring high on IQ tests but aren't using your intelligence to make yourself happier, you're not really all that smart at all, are you?

>> No.3597400

That is exactly what I'm saying. Cognitive ability is complex and is purely within the mind. What you can observe in people is behavior which may or may not display all of their cognitive ability. It's basic psychology.

I'll give you one example, a cat seems dumber than a dog because it doesnt do any tricks(behavior). Does that mean it has lesser cognitive abilities? Not necessarily I've seen my cat open doors by handles, open treat jar lids etc. Without being taught.

>> No.3597407


>OP: You're doing it wrong. Being smart should make you happy.
>If you're scoring high on IQ tests but aren't using your intelligence to make yourself happier, you're not really all that smart at all, are you?

I hate these kinds of statements, there kind of like Russell's remarks on Godel's ontological proof:

"The argument does not, to a modern mind, seem very convincing, but it is easier to feel convinced that it must be fallacious than it is to find out precisely where the fallacy lies."

>> No.3597425
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>Cognitive ability is complex and is purely within the mind
>a cat seems dumber than a dog because it doesnt do any tricks(behavior)
>Not necessarily I've seen my cat open doors by handles, open treat jar lids etc. Without being taught.

>cognitive ability can't be observed
>a dog seems to have an observed higher cognitive ability
>but if you observe a cat you can see he has higher cognitive ability
>therefore you can't observe cognitive ability

You don't have to be a genius to see why you are full retard.