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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 200x300, toiletmarked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3592582 [Reply] [Original]

where do you piss /sci/ ?

>> No.3592585

Usually I don't care, but if it's the middle of the night or I just woke up I piss outside the water because it's loud.

>> No.3592587

I usually try to do it on the outside if I'm stay over somebody's house for the night, usually my girlfriend's parents. I don't want to wake them up with the sound of my piss.

>> No.3592589


you keep finding coke bottles full of piss on your doorstep, don't you? Where do you think they come from.

>> No.3592600

Sat down because I'm a civilized person.

>> No.3592617

At home? I sit down.
anywhere else? In the sink.

>> No.3592619
File: 17 KB, 211x211, get a load of this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sitting down to piss

>> No.3592659

I only urinate in urinals, that's what their there for (and yes that means I only pee in public bathrooms).

>> No.3592660

iv got a thing about loud noise...so not the water.

>> No.3592669
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>> No.3592689
File: 10 KB, 200x300, 1313782821819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3592716
File: 83 KB, 398x450, 1279896970692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pissing in the water causes more splashing and more likelihood of urine splashing out of the bowl, thus I don't do it. Actually doing it on the ceramic still splashes a lot. I discovered many years ago to my horror that piss actually splashes everywhere outside of the bowl. Tiny droplets splash out of the bowl and all over the floor and onto your pants and shoes and there is nothing you can do about it.

This is also the reason why you shouldn't piss on caked on shit to clean it off because it just splashes the shit all over the aforementioned places.

Also you really should close the lid before flushing because otherwise you are just splashing dirty toilet water everywhere.

>> No.3592724


1) piss in coke bottles
2) leave them on OP's doorstep
4) Profit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3592725

God forbid some of the piss splashes on your bare ankles.

>> No.3592727

so? urine is sterile, what the hell is wrong with some drops of it? are you never going to have oral sex?

>> No.3592745

If I am trying to prevent splashing i use the bathtub. If I want to prevent my room mate from waking up even though he blasts fucking movies and WoW on his computer when I am sleeping I just pull his clean laundry out of the dryer and piss on that. It will be dry again by morning so no harm there.

>> No.3592751


wait.... what?

>> No.3592758


piss in the washer! Problem solved!

>> No.3592764

It's not the urine, it's the fact that it's going into the toilet bowl and splashing back out, bringing all sorts of bacteria with it and spreading it all over the floor and my clothes, albeit in unseen small quantities.

Here's an experiment for you: get a wet tissue or paper towl and wipe the floor to the sides of the toilet. What do you think that stuff is? It's old dried piss.

>> No.3592765

wat at the sterile or the sex?

>> No.3592790

all over the place

>> No.3592820


I think you need to stand a little closer to the toilet.

>> No.3592842

lolnope, whatever distance or angle you try there is no stopping tiny droplets from splashing out of the bowl. It's just physics. It's too small to see but if there is sunlight shining through the window you can see the tiny droplets splashing out of the bowl.

>> No.3592857

>1 choice

or is it the bacteria in the water? newsflash, its cleaner than any doorhandles or chair youl ever come across.

>> No.3592863

I think pissing in the water produces less splashout than pissing on the porcelain, although it is more noisy

>> No.3592868

i sit down when i pee, it reduces splashing + i can read a little of my favorite book while at it

>> No.3592882

really? By the time you open the book you're already done.

>> No.3592890

Why are we still using a 400 year old waste disposal system anyway? This thread is now about inventing the new toilet.

>> No.3592888

some of us dont have little girly bladders, it takes me about 2 minutes to empty my 6L sack.

>> No.3592895


This is why you sit down to pee.

>> No.3592898
File: 16 KB, 256x352, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls people girly
>sits down to pee

>> No.3592900

hire woman to suck your dick and drink your piss, she can use the normal toilet.

>> No.3592902

jesus christ man, you should have that checked

>> No.3592904

Well...time to fire up the cloning facilities.

>> No.3592905

i dont sit down to pee, i stand 2m away and let it ark above my head.

>> No.3592922
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1310118579190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, because the bowl you shit and piss in 5 times a day is cleaner than chairs or doorhandles that aren't pissed and shat on. Also implying I touch any public doorhandles or sit in public chairs.

lolnope, sitting down the piss splashes straight off the bowl and all over your junk.

>> No.3592943

I pis on the side of the bowl, always.

Also, I wipe sitting down. You?

>> No.3592961

how the fuck sdo you wipe starnding up?!

>> No.3592967
File: 336 KB, 520x480, 1310705835212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wipe sitting down. You?

Holy crap are you insane? You can't reach. You're just blindly smearing it everywhere!

>> No.3592972

I have no idea. We should ask somebody who does.

Also, thanks fo finding my missing 's'.

>> No.3592975

After all this time, you'd think humans would've created more prefferable pissing faculties?

>> No.3592978


I use a washcloth.

>> No.3592981

You fucking spread your butt cheeks so you can get in there and clean properly. You wipe in both directions trying to contain the mess towards the center , and not smearing it round in circles.

>> No.3592986

Indeed, it is my ambition to create a new toilet device that is more practical and sanitary than the current primitive system we are using. There has got to be a better way!

>> No.3592994

no problem, now i need to find who this r belongs.

>> No.3592998

way ahead of you.

>> No.3593007

Actually, you pre-emptively stole that 'r' from me and inserted it into your 'standing'.

>> No.3593016

You mean like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwmOEg07nhY

>> No.3593127
File: 17 KB, 331x299, ChloeMoretz-thinks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sit down and I'm a male.
Why standing up when you can relax a little?

>> No.3593130

Takes longer. I'd rather not spend the extra time for an activity that only happens twice a day. Five seconds is a 100% increase in the time needed to pee.

>> No.3593133


>> No.3593137

>Pee twice in a day
>Only for 5 seconds

Holy fuck do Bedouins ride you?

>> No.3593153


I also sit down. Unlike most of you underageb&, my mom doesn't clean my bathroom, and if I stand up there's some inevitable splatter and/or unpredictable initial stream. In public restrooms or outdoors or whatever I stand.

>> No.3593177


wait, aren't most of peope on here from America?

When I went to USA (NY) I remember the toilets was full of water and not like that.

>> No.3593180



>> No.3593185

when sending in the application for a toilet you need to check the "drawr model"