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[ERROR] No.3591836 [Reply] [Original]


>Extra-terrestrials could wipe out planet earth to protect their civilisations.

To me the article describes a complete waste of NASA's time and money on a retarded report.

Thought's /sci/?

>> No.3591842


anyway, this was posted here before. Retarded, NASA is fucking up, etc

>> No.3591847


Academia is largely built around working your way through a Ph.D, then churning out research and papers like there is no tomorrow.

And the cost was so low compared to anything major NASA does that it's probably not even worth mentioning. The entire budget of NASA is less than the amount the US spends on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan.

>> No.3591852


I don't even need to read it.

>> No.3591853

I'm going to need a citation for that bold air conditioning statement

>> No.3591854


he probably meant the amount Blackwater spend on hookers and booze.

>> No.3591856



Not that guy, btw.

>> No.3591857



Or you could have googled it for yourself and found numerous other sites for the info (NPR is the first on google), but I suppose asking for the source is much easier.


No I didn't, and Blackwater is now known as Xe if I remember correctly.

>> No.3591860


Yep, they changed name because they realised that their old name had gotten some negative connotations.

>> No.3591873

Well, I just think that if an alien civilisation where advanced enough to get here in the first place, they would have developed a way to terra-form other planets to live on pretty easily. This means they wouldn't really give a shit about our carbon emissions.

>> No.3591874

Yeh not so much about the money, more about the fact that NASA would even associate themselves with something like this.

>> No.3591889


As opposed to associating themselves with what?

What were people expecting NASA to do when people killed the space program? It's kind of hard to tack our names on foreign programs, and most pictures don't get much more than a "well that's neat" reaction.

You get what you pay for:

You pay NASA to go into space, they use that as their PR method and way of interacting with society.

You don't fund NASA for space, you get goofy papers on scifi topics.

>> No.3591913

Haha, you make a fair point sir. NASA got their funding cut because they were going the wrong way about space exploration to begin with and got fuck all results. They should be focussing on sea habitats for now, so we can get used to living in the isolation of space. Also rockets are a very inefficient and expensive way to get into space. No point really even trying until we can find a cheap way to escape the earth's gravity before launching a ship, such as the 'Space Elevator' idea.

>> No.3591935


yep, the National AERONAUTICS AND SPACE Administration should be doing research about underwater habitats.

fucking retard.

>> No.3591946

u mad transhumanist that the universe doesn't want you spooging all over it?

>> No.3591952

Well we aren't just going to herp derp into space without having developed the technology on Earth first. Ever heard of research? Humans need to learn to live in isolated environments that are self sustaining if we are ever truly going to move beyond our own planet.

No need to be a condescending asshole buddy.

>> No.3591951


Yeah, it's in the nautics part. More seriously, do we even have a comparable agency for aquatic research, and if not, why bother with such an arbitrary distinction?

>> No.3591957

>No need to be a condescending asshole buddy.

To be fair, you called him a fucking retard while he never replied with anything of the sort.

>> No.3591971

Who were you talking to?

Is my comments, didn't call anyone a retard, just got called one.

>> No.3591982


Sorry, due to lack of sleep I mixed up who was who.

My apologies.

>> No.3591992

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

oh wait, they cancelled NASA

guess I've got no choice in the matter now

>> No.3591993


>> No.3592016

They're getting us prepared to project Blue Beam and the fake alien invasion to bring about the New World Order.

>> No.3592229

i like how americans conclude that drastic cuts to nasa means the whole world now cannot into space. russia is better at space anyway, always has been, and their space program is going just fine. if you want to leave earth, call igor.

>> No.3592252
File: 12 KB, 470x457, 1288077802245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manned space flights no longer priority for Russia

>> No.3592262

>implying the aliens wouldn't of had an industrial period similar to our own

yeah okay

>> No.3592271

Why do you presuppose that aliens would even have the concept of fight or flight? The aliens might not even see us as sentient beings, just a lifeless extension of our own planet.

>> No.3592285


in the future, space colonists will be speaking chinese

>> No.3592310

Healthy speculation but I suppose somebody needs to do it in case that extraterrestrials no matter how improbable make contact.

>> No.3592324

You mean Mandarin?

>> No.3592365


Uh... maybe I'm fucking retarded. But wasn't the idea of eco friendly ET's wiping out humans.. the plot behind the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still?

>> No.3592376

Kind of a paradox, if they can easily wipe us out, what is their to protect against