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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 48 KB, 403x425, harvarddddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3589405 [Reply] [Original]

Any other Harvfriends here? Feels lonely

>> No.3589406

DF here

>> No.3589411

prove you attend harvard

>> No.3589420

cantabfag here, how does it feel having so few nobel laureates? do you cry yourself to sleep?

>> No.3589423

prove you don't

>> No.3589435

Bitches love my Ivy League dick, come at me bro.

>> No.3589443

>go to state school
>get education of equal quality
>pay less than a quarter of what I would to go to an ivy league school
feels good man

>> No.3589454

>equal quality

So this is what kids believe these days?

>> No.3589487

The best part about my Harvtard education is being forced to take 2 fucking years of schooling with medfags. Easily the lowest form of life on this planet.

>> No.3589495

Harvard doesn't have med students, dumbass. You're thinking of Dartmouth. Nice try, though.

>> No.3589499


I think medfags are the main reason for such bias against biologists here.

But we hate them just as much, if not more.


I at least saw their REU program and wasn't any more impressed than the other sites I visited.

>> No.3589504
File: 130 KB, 665x900, 1313519338344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


0/10 shitty troll

>> No.3589521

Their arrogance can be funny at times... I guess. I also admire all the gunners' work ethic and often do as they do.
No, you.

>> No.3589545

Yalefag here. Harvard sucks.

Kidding. I love you guys. I also hate it at Yale.

>> No.3589552

ok grats on the bitches, we got 'em too, i was just wondering how it must feel to be so intellectually inferior?

>> No.3589557

undergrad? ivy league schools for undergrad were something i made sure to avoid

>> No.3589562

>intellectually inferior

About that...

>> No.3589579


When I am attractive to them, is when I am interested in them.

>> No.3589592

Prestigious university undergrad/grad thread?

Any MITfags?

>> No.3589612

i heard MIT is brimming with aspies

>> No.3589626

Transferring to Columbia next week, what up?


>> No.3589624

>spend a semester at harvard
>feel stupid for the rest of your life
>everyone you meet for the rest of your life is stupid

>> No.3589627

Screw you bitch, you're just jelly

>> No.3589630

It's true. MIT actually has the highest concentration of asspies in the nation.

>> No.3589632

People with aspergers syndrome rarely do well in academic settings and are not smart to begin with

>> No.3589638

>jealous as fuck

>> No.3589643

[citation needed]

>> No.3589659

3/10 made me click

next time edit a wiki page

>> No.3589663

Are you an undergraduate? If so, I'm very impressed. I tried to get into those schools, but I didn't work hard enough during high school. Hopefully I can get there for my Master's, though.

>> No.3589664

Does it feel good man?

>> No.3589673


Working link this time

>> No.3589686

Yep, undergrad strong.
What's your major?

>> No.3589699

I'm double majoring in Physics and Math at a large state school. I hope to go to graduate school for Mathematical Physics at an Ivy League. So I plan on working my ass off and scoring well on the GRE.

>> No.3589702


Be a high school fuck up.
Waste 2 years.
Go to community college
Earn 3.9 GPA
Apply to Ivy League school as transfer student

>> No.3589712

>people going to ivies for undergrad

What the fuck... if you're not going for investment banking, what is the point?

>> No.3589714

Harvtard only accepts something like 15 transfers... Good luck

>> No.3589715
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>> No.3589720

The state school is giving me shitloads of money, but I'm considering this. It's not even that good of a state school. Most of the people here come for the music program. But I'm not paying for shit, so it's a tough choice.

>> No.3589727

why not just get your undergrad there then go to a more prestigious grad school where it actually matters

>> No.3589733

That's what I'll probably end up doing. I know my undergrad degree isn't very important when compared to a prestigious graduate school.

>> No.3589736

Yale tricked me into going by offering a better financial aid package than any other school I was accepted to.

>> No.3589741

Not my problem.

But alas, Columbia has a school specifically for non-traditional college students, which means if you're a transfer student that has at least a full school year gap from education after high school, you're fair game to apply.

>> No.3589742

>be class president/ 2220 SAT
>have good EC's but shitty GPA (3.9 weighted)
>apply to harvard/dartmouth
>don't get in

I'm okay with this.

>> No.3589745


A 2 year masters at an ivy league or equivalent is cool and all, but undergrad at Ivy is worth the money because of the connections, not because of the quality of education (although I'm SURE it is better than my state school, this shit is joke-tier sometimes). They have so much more money and get better faculty, it makes sense.

But it is mostly about connections.

Disclosure: I go to a shitty state school for electrical engineering. I'm going to try to get internships and maybe research with my professors but they all are unapproachable cunts so maybe not. Then I'm going to probably get a masters at the best school I can get into.

>> No.3589789

I'm going to be starting at a community college in a few weeks because I didn't give a flying fuck most of high school. Anyway, assuming I got the great grades I know I'm capable of, will I be able to transfer after knowing my 1st semester grades but before starting 2nd semester classes? I mean, so that I can transfer after only a semester but still get scholarships at the new school?
I'll probably end up at WPI if that matters at all...

>> No.3589793

I'd give anything to suck an Ivy League penis

>> No.3589814

forgot to add
>go to harvard
>everyone there is good lucking, charming rich and intelligent as fuck
>feel inadequate for the rest of your life

>> No.3589825

You are going to try to transfer from a community college to WPI? I think some universities have a certain amount of credits they require from transfers so check that out

>> No.3589858

Thanks, I'll look into that.

>> No.3590348


MITfag here, whats an asspie?

>> No.3590354


18 represent!

>> No.3590359


>> No.3590381

Oxford, bitch!
Harvard is for faggits!

>> No.3590390

Prove you go to Oxford, faggit

>> No.3590395

Lol I banged the girl on page 4. Feels good, men.

>> No.3590405 [DELETED] 

I knew someone with a 4.0 gpa that was turned down by Columbia, he went to their campus and took a shit on that "Alma Mater" statue. He was fined a few thousand and spent 2 weeks in jail.

>> No.3590414


>> No.3590426

skull and bones member?

>> No.3590441


There are like seven girls on page 4...

>> No.3590449
File: 5 KB, 130x119, 1310279591409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a state school
>drop out 3 units before you graduate because you're embarrassed that you never attended a good school

I fucking hate being in this world.

>> No.3590450

another harvardfag here. Either econ or physics concentrator.

>> No.3590457
File: 414 KB, 256x169, 1312494613330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oxford, for people who can't spell faggot

>> No.3590465

The white female

>> No.3590481


The names are listed faggot, just say the fucking name. There are like 2 or 3 white girls...

>> No.3590491

>go to state school for civil engineering
>higher ranked than most Ivies
>will have several years of interning and many connections by graduation


>> No.3590500

I go to Texas A&M, 4.0 in MEEN, completely agree. Getting a job is about networking, not about how much your parents paid for your college.

>> No.3590514


Harvard guy here, good thing it's not about cost. My parents pay around $500 per year for my schooling.

>> No.3590521


>parents pay tuition


>> No.3590526


lol 'sup FAGGIE!

>> No.3590537


>> No.3590539
File: 64 KB, 910x685, 1224429916240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like your attitude, pal.
>Not having 300k+ debt after graduating

>> No.3590550
File: 1.52 MB, 325x324, 1282423469055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You go to UT?
How's that liberal arts degree treating you?
You know, there are easier ways to become a waitress (applies regardless of gender)?

>> No.3590555
File: 13 KB, 523x497, 1283713038117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading this thread, it feels good to know that people in these "Top" colleges are just as retarded as everyone else. The only exception being bigger egos.

lol, thanks guys for enlightening me.

>> No.3590558
File: 21 KB, 216x220, 1308859705087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I go to Harvard, fag. I'm just awesome enough to know your shitty demonym.

>> No.3590562

why do you disrespect GSD so much?

>> No.3590563
File: 1 KB, 39x24, 1313557591938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3590568


While your argument is indeed valid, I'd like to point out that no one who has posted itt actually attends harvard.

>> No.3590579


Harvard gave me a 52k/year scholarship, which leaves about 3k in my total costs per year - mostly for books and travel. I have some small outside scholarships paying about 2500/year, so that leaves 500 per year for my family to pay.

>> No.3590587
File: 1.59 MB, 188x119, 1312500699112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had any wit you would have came up with an insult in your first post that would have distinguished you from all the other Anonymous people.

>> No.3590592

Nobody ITT attends Harvard or any other Ivy League institution for that matter.

>> No.3590598

That's pretty awesome

>> No.3590603

Trips don't lie.

>> No.3590610


I had a package that was a little better then normal, but not crazy unusual. The average student gets ~35k/year in scholarship funds from Harvard (which is even better for regular people when you consider there is a significant number of filthy rich kids who are full-pays)

>> No.3590611

i go to a local community college, are you more intelligent than me?

>> No.3590616
File: 48 KB, 401x325, westpoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back when you need a senator or congressman's recommendation to attend school.

>> No.3590619


In every possible metric, yes.

>> No.3590620


had it. I turned down West Point because I decided military life wasn't for me.

>> No.3590621
File: 34 KB, 640x360, near.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel the strongest need, for some reason, to point out that you've obviously just visited Harvard's profile page on collegeboard.

Because first of all, not only have I never before heard of a case where a university gave a student free boarding, but the fact that you felt the need to specify your use of 3k towards books/transportation (the same figure college board gives and for the same categories).

Furthermore, let's say that Harvard DID give you full room and board.

This means that you must live on the campus (don't even start telling me that Harvard's paying for your appartment deposit and shit).

And if you live on campus, why do you need transportation?

Also who spends anywhere near 1000 dollars on books?

And...well there's so many other logical holes in your argument.

Looks like you just lost the game anon.

>> No.3590627

I go to Princeton.
Fuck Harvard.
Campus looks like shiiiiiiiiiite

>> No.3590629
File: 15 KB, 258x258, 1281991545463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lol'd

>> No.3590631

>Also who spends anywhere near 1000 dollars on books?

Clearly does not go to college.

>> No.3590636
File: 22 KB, 517x352, 1299585428380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also who spends anywhere near 1000 dollars on books?

>> No.3590638
File: 11 KB, 228x243, 1312496651045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mention that it's 40k/semester for tuition and he got a 52k/YEAR scholarship... math is flawed... Ivy league math skills my ass.

>> No.3590644 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 1049x761, xxxzo12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Oxbridge
>mfw when Yanks

>> No.3590641

clearly haven't been to the library and use the Internet.

>> No.3590642

>used books, university library, ebooks, etc

I do in fact go to college, and seeing as how you're still in high school (and samefagging) I'd go ahead and hop up off me if I were you, sport.

My advice to you is to stop obsessing over getting into the best college. It's such a limiting mindset and will only distract you from thinking about what's actually relevant in life.

>> No.3590645

What's so great about Harvard?

>> No.3590647
File: 124 KB, 800x600, ID 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how about this then? Pic is old (took it for the last /sci/ harvard thread, lol) but the trip is correct.

Transportation is plane (or train, to go back to school this year I'm trying Amtrak) tickets. I live around 700 miles from school, and 3 breaks per year adds up. I live on campus as most students do - apartment rent in Cambridge is crazy expensive. And I pay around 200 bucks per semester for books - the other money is for random shit, like eating out on occasion.

>> No.3590652


40k/year for tuition and about 12k/year for room and board. The school covers pretty much everything.

>> No.3590653


update the timestamp or gtfo

>> No.3590655
File: 89 KB, 700x628, 1281683838098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gets me is not only is there people lying on an anonymous image board (which isn't much of a surprise), but there are people so willing to waste time to prove them wrong in order to knock up their self-esteem by a notch.
ITT: Losers.

>> No.3590663
File: 101 KB, 900x726, 1282245564718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one believes he goes to Harvard based on lack of intelligence on Anonymous message board.
>Has to prove it with student I.D.
Says something about you bro.

>> No.3590673


the trip matches bro.

>> No.3590675

Seems like no matter what he did, he'd still get flak.
Says something about this board.

>> No.3590679

any more self esteem and i'd explode

>> No.3590680


I was tired of everyone claiming I was full of shit whenever they were bashing my school.

>> No.3590686


Seems like no matter... eh fuck it... 4chan is shit I shouldn't expect anything from it.

>> No.3590692

Put differently, being a genius is not a prerequisite to getting into the best colleges. Kind of obvious but still encouraging?

>> No.3590695

A normal person wouldn't have to go around flaunting that he got into a good school if he or she was secure in their abilities.

>> No.3590702
File: 33 KB, 580x435, 1293014796663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>go to page 4 of pdf file, not booklet page #4
>only see men

>> No.3590707


Well first of all, you've shown us no proof that you attend Harvard. This ID could be anyone's.

In fact, there are indeed ways to prove you attend harvard without revealing your identity and this is not one of them.

But as of now I'm kind of hoping you do attend Harvard, because it would show a lot of people on this board just what it truly means to be a Harvard student.

And by the way, why use an outdated picture of your ID when you, a Harvard student, could simply take a new picture of your ID with a more recent dox?

>> No.3590717
File: 278 KB, 400x426, 1313372513138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I am thinking atm
>How the fuck did this moron get into Harvard and I didn't.

>> No.3590726


Why not take a new picture? Laziness. It's 3AM here, I am about to go to bed, and I have no idea where my wallet is. Too much work for an anonymous imageboard.

How would I prove my identity, other then with a student ID?

>> No.3590728


I'm not the idiot calling out "faggie" and similar such things.

>> No.3590730

Probably because you have a stuffed animal on your head.

>> No.3590731

;). Come on me, bro.

>> No.3590732

OP you never told us what your major is.

>> No.3590733

Fair enough, I still want to know why I wasn't accepted to Harvard though.......

>> No.3590737
File: 1.32 MB, 300x191, 1313722829825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But as of now I'm kind of hoping you do attend Harvard, because it would show a lot of people on this board just what it truly means to be a Harvard student.

>> No.3590738


I'm not OP, just another student. I'm a rising sophomore and I have not decided on a major (or "concentration" in havardspeak) yet. It will probably be either economics or physics though. Maybe CS.

>> No.3590741

Question. Based on this thread, if I claim to be a pre-med at Harvard is that just like cruise control for trolling /sci?

>> No.3590742

I happened to be in that thread, no one was bashing Harvard. It was a "what school does /sci/ go to" thread. I also remember some Yalefags talking about how their school is turning to shit, deaths here and there. You posted your ID when someone asked you for your schedule or something.

>> No.3590743

No, cruise control for trolling /sci/ is "If God isn't real then why does the sun burn without any oxygen?"

>> No.3590744


Depends. Are you from Harvard? If you're from Harvard, like me, then you can manipulate these underlings anyway you choose.

>> No.3590746
File: 13 KB, 480x323, 1282398048846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, I'll stop bashing you then.

>> No.3590747
File: 69 KB, 388x296, 1285645291605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3590748


idk, how about just taking a timestamped picture at harvard, with the words "I'm a raging faggot" (or something along the lines to discourage you trying to ask a friend to do it for you.

But don't ask me pal, you're the Harvard student.

>> No.3590751
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>> No.3590752


honestly? You probably just weren't interesting enough. In the average class, once you subtract minority/athlete places and those with insane talents, there are only about 600 slots for regular people. Harvard gets 35k applicants every year, and probably 15k of them are smart enough to do OK here, so final decisions come down to soft and subjective factors, and filling out a balanced class. An awesome applicant that is awesome in "normal" ways will often be rejected because there's just too many of them.

>> No.3590753
File: 354 KB, 300x300, 1302914810563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3590755

I agree with this guy fuck yeah Princeton is so cool!

>> No.3590763

Senior highschoolfag here what were your stats when applying....and any tips on getting in.

>> No.3590766

which one were you?

>> No.3590767

ur obviously retarded and know nothing about harvard,scholarships and college overall. harvard offeres shitloads of scholarships to students who arent as retarded as you are. i know a guy who came from a foreign country and got his tuition fees, flight and living funded by harvard + in addition he even got some money to spend upon his free will.

>> No.3590769
File: 227 KB, 392x308, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be black

>> No.3590771

also I come from a disadvantaged area...as in like nobody within 200 miles around me has ever gone to an Ivy in over 80 years you think this could play to my advantage?

>> No.3590774

awww shit nigga, thats how I got in. Dem whiteys be mad as hell fo sho.

>> No.3590775
File: 175 KB, 347x337, AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you poor?

>> No.3590780


Somewhere below "insane talent" with some "interesting person" thrown in. I had some national level science research and debate awards, but not quite the wins necessary for the "insane talent" admit category. The "interesting person" part came from the fact that blacksmithing has been a longtime hobby of mine - I make swords.

>> No.3590781


I am.

>> No.3590782

Is a single mother with 3 children and only making 40k a year and is likely to lose here job within the next few months considered poor? Then yea.

>> No.3590784
File: 190 KB, 361x323, lawds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know who to reply to anymore, but poor white people are screwed when it comes to college a lot of the times. Poor blacks and Latinos are put ahead of you

>> No.3590787


depends. You still need top stats, but if you want to get in on a hardship basis you generally need some unusual hard luck story that catches the admissions committee's eye.

>> No.3590791

Harvard sucks.

>> No.3590794


Unfortunately you are correct. The advantage to being black is massive - something like +400 points on the SAT relative to white/asian applicants.


Have you looked into questbridge?

>> No.3590797
File: 218 KB, 411x294, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You suck

>> No.3590798


My mom's cuban so check for hispanic, even though everyone thinks I am white. So can I get into harvard yet?

>> No.3590803

is that you ryan? from nisky? lolol

>> No.3590804

Harvard kids are sooooo gay

>> No.3590809
File: 144 KB, 265x317, niggaplz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3590813

I'm about an electric bill or two away from being homeless and isn't too far away from being a foster child, I'm applying to colleges this year...Is this a plus on a college application?

>> No.3590814

Poor and Cuban?
You're good to go. See you this fall

>> No.3590817

I have high stats, average GPA like 90-92, but awesome EC's so I don't know I will just apply and I can play the hardship card for reasons which I am not explaining on the internet. Also thanks for the link.

>> No.3590819


You can't be serious... My grades were shit, I literally just maintained a 'C' average my entire high school career.

If you're serious, I'll be so piss angry.

>> No.3590821


if you're black then I apologize, seeing as how I have a soft spot for black people.

'samatter of fact, I wish that ONLY black kids could go to harvard.

>> No.3590826

That is pretty interesting, but do you have friends is the real question?

>> No.3590827

I'm half black and half white. As far as admissions is concerned, I'm 100% black.
If you maintained C's then I'm not serious. Go to a state school and try transferring to Harvtard

>> No.3590829

Got into Princeton, but couldn't afford it. Fuck my cheap ass father. Instead I'm at state school.

>> No.3590830


Its not easy to get in as a black/hispanic person, just easier then for white/asian people.

>> No.3590835


Ok good... I am going to a state school. I assume I should probably maintain a 4.0 if I plan to transfer. Anything else I should focus on if I want to get accepted?

>> No.3590837


Enough .

>> No.3590839

There's real poetry in the real world.

Science is the poetry of reality.

>> No.3590841
File: 140 KB, 262x304, shocker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a good time and being alpha as fuck

>> No.3590850


Yeah guys. I'm ashamed of you, truly.

Leave Harvard alone I say!
The fiscally/intellectually elite institutions of this country shall be scorned upon like mere serfs no longer!

But srsly, do u have dreams where you sword fight with kids from other ivy league schools and the dream always ends with you and your teammates from Harvard winning and protecting your mystical honor and every female anime character is giving you kisses and it's also a day dream btw?

okay now you've had enough

>> No.3590852
File: 17 KB, 514x385, 1292130779964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never tell if you're being serious...

>> No.3590860


>> No.3590861

How does the admission officers even confirm the hardship story in an applicant?
Can't anyone claim to have been raped by their Dad, beaten by their schizophrenic mom, mastered differential equations in a homeless shelter, and have taken care of your infant sisters all by himself?

>> No.3590862

98% of standing out as a transfer is how high your GPA is.

>> No.3590868


Usually they talk to your school counselor/teachers if they are not sure. A small minority of applications get a real audit if they think you're full of shit.

>> No.3590871

Court documents and testimonials don't lie....

>> No.3590873


I think that human dignity should come into play...at some point.

Nah, who am I kiddin', I'm talking to harvard applicants here. yuck

>> No.3590878

Yo Harvard kids I'd just like to say that I ain't plannin' on hatin' on u or nothin', but UCB reporting in and none y'all got shit on me.

>> No.3590880
File: 221 KB, 477x333, ohhya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3590886


I'm also black, by the way. Blacker than yourself, even.

>> No.3590892

In what sense of the word?
Are you 100% black? Or are you darker than me?

>> No.3590895

Everyone knows you're just white kids playing black man stop this nonsense already.

>> No.3590900
File: 8 KB, 238x211, 1282414759837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wasn't saying he's had enough, he was saying he has enough friends.

go back to your pretentious hole and touch yourself

>> No.3590909

basically what he is saying is keep your lies within reason, that's what i did.

>> No.3590920
File: 140 KB, 275x247, peacebitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to wake up in 4 hours.. It's been real, peace bitches.

>> No.3590930



Also, shit like this is the most annoying thing about being a Harvard student. When you say something totally common sense, everyone automatically thinks you are being a pretentious dick...just because you go to Harvard.

>> No.3590932

is it possible for any substance to be 100% black without taking into account the possibility of gravity being so great light cannot escape?
does all matter have the potential to transmit electromagnetic radiation?

>> No.3590943

how often do you watch porn?

>> No.3590945

I'm so black, I emit Hawking's radiation similiar to how black holes emit it. This will be awesome on a college app

>> No.3590947


about once a day.

>> No.3590949

being colored black makes your gravity higher?

>> No.3590952


Well then I, for one, would like to rescind my argument that Harvard kids are pretentious.

But you guys itt sure are stupid.

That aspyfag who always posts pictures of near wrecked you all, and nobody even likes him on this board.

(Should say something)

>> No.3590957
File: 57 KB, 266x267, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good man

>> No.3590961


There are not many people with assburgers at Harvard - far more are at MIT or Caltech. The heavy emphasis the adcoms put on rec letters (and to a lesser extent interviews) essentially disqualifies most for admission, with the exception of a handful of math geniuses.

>> No.3590964
File: 1.06 MB, 1680x1050, 1280636932670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're so similar!
*commence bitching about how you got into Harvard and I didn't* (except no)
I wonder how many ivey league students watch porn and 4chan... like do you think you're in the minority.
bonus points if you know movie from pic

>> No.3590981


I remember reading some news article awhile back that said basically 100% of teenage/young adult males watch porn. I doubt it's different at Harvard. Regarding 4chan, I know a several people that are on here. The concentration of Harvard 4chan people is almost certainly higher then it was when I was in high school.

Regarding your pic, I feel like I have seen the movie but I can't place it.

>> No.3590995

pretty sure it's from the movie 21
And why do you think it is that smart people are attracted to 4chan?
True freedom of speech?

>> No.3591016

Not the poster you quoted, but true freedom of expression there is a difference.

>> No.3591029

You're right, you can have freedom of speech but not expression because of the limiting factor of potentially becoming a social outcast in real life.

>> No.3591070

I had a threesome with two recent Harvard grads. I'm a tranny, they're both girls. Was fun.