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[ERROR] No.3589437 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers, friends, and/or social circle? Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?

Do you think that you are better than them?

>> No.3589449

Most intelligent, probably. Better? My god no.

>> No.3589453

Inb4 Dunning-Kruger conceited effect

>> No.3589455


>> No.3589462

I go to community college, so other than (some) teachers, I feel more intelligent.

Better? Not really. Everyone seems less miss miserable than me so perhaps I'm the one missing out on something.

>> No.3589464

>most intelligent
ahahah no
>more enlightened and aware
what is this supposed to mean?
>better than them
ahahahah no

>> No.3589469

Nah, I'm probably equal with most of my friends.

>> No.3589476

>Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers, friends, and/or social circle?
Slightly, in some areas at the least.

>Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?
Sadly, I do, I do think that.

>Do you think that you are better than them?
I prefer not to, honestly. At least I don't think my mind registers it as "better than them."

>> No.3589478

You are not a beautiful and unique snow flake. You are the same decayingatter as everything else.

>> No.3589483

>most intelligent
>more enlightened

>> No.3589489

>most intelligent
I would say I'm more intelligent than most, but not all

This word has no meaning to me


Absolutely not.

>> No.3589492

I've been told I'm the most intelligent person in my class, but I don't believe it.



>> No.3589494

Whenever I meet a stupid person I assume they're just pretending.

>> No.3589498

>I was the fastest runner in the Special Olympics

>> No.3589501


>> No.3589507

OP's picture accurately describes me.

>> No.3589508

>Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers
In some things, yes, in others, no
>Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?
Same answer as above
>Do you think that you are better than them?
I like to think to myself that I am better than everybody/most people but I know thats not true
I'd say we are about equal

>> No.3589513
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I am the most intelligent, wise, enlightened, handsome, and charming. I am a god among them.

Of course, my social circle is not a circle at all, but a point.

>> No.3589537

i was smartest in my year at school.

now i'm at a top uni and i'm totally average. so, no.

>> No.3589541


"People who boast about their IQ are losers."
-- Stephen Hawking

>> No.3589547

I used to think so. But then I realised I'm not THAT smart. Felt good to ditch the superiority complex.

>> No.3589549

Clearly you're not the most intelligent because your post is the first mention of IQ. Wow.

>> No.3589558

My IQ is several standard deviations above that of an average university student; so I suppose so.

>> No.3589559

>Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers, friends, and/or social circle?

Yes, in face I think they would even admit that.

>Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?

A little bit, I think I'm a little more aware of my own internal biases and such. At least one of them is pretty enlightened though.

>Do you think that you are better than them?

"Better" is pretty subjective term, they definitely make more money than my unemployed ass. But I am better at a lot of things. I'm more fit than all of them I think. Stronger than most of them and smarter than all of them.

Of course, it's difficult to judge any of these for sure, because I'm the only one that can get into my own thoughts. They may be fucking geniuses for all I know, but I doubt it.

>> No.3589573

the thing is, most "intelligent" people aren't actually intelligent.

they're just more knowledgeable than their peers in certain areas because they've devoted more time to learning. that's just being knowledgeable.

i'm sure there are a few here that have a lot of fluid intelligence though.

>> No.3589595

only people that are trying to defend their fragile egos use that argument. dunning-kruger is probably only true up to a point.

>> No.3589599

I think that I am the smartest of all my friends at school, that is, until I transfer schools next week. Then I think I'm gonna be "dumb" in a sea of geniuses.

>> No.3589633

Where I used to live, out in a small country town of North Eastern Ohio, No, I had intelligent discussions with my friends about theories of the universe, government, all that shit.

Now I live near the inner city, yes, people here lack even the most basic common sense..
But hey, they're all stoned.

>> No.3589636

>Most intelligent
I dunno, maybe. My girlfriend is for sure smarter though.

>More enlightened?
Yes, constant mental breakdowns tend to lead to truths about the self being discovered

Hard to quantify. Maybe.

>> No.3589921

Better? No.

Smarter? Somewhat, but only when it comes to science.

I'm definitely more aware, though. As an example, I tried to explain to somebody that there is a difference between what you DO and how what you do makes somebody ELSE feel. They could not grasp this.

I'm amazed at how many people think they HAVE to be right. Are completely unable to fathom others' opinions being valid in some way.

So if anything, I'm way more open to ideas and perspectives than others. Intelligence, wisdom, and compassion all follow from that as a consequence.

>> No.3589938

Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers, friends, and/or social circle?
>academically and logically, I would say I'm above my regular hang out friends. Probably just average if I'm put against academic acquaintances.

Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?
Slightly, but I try very hard to not come off as conceited. (easy way to be forever friendless)

Do you think that you are better than them?
Not really

>> No.3589953

>Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers, friends, and/or social circle?
No, I choose to only be friends with intellects. Although I do act I am /arrogant.
>Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?
I believe I have better spacial and social awareness than them.
>Do you think that you are better than them?
Yes, but everyone thinks they are doing the best and the right thing for their own personal reasons. I am not judgmental though.

>> No.3589945

more intelligent? nope
perhaps more curious and interested in things they are, but they could be intelligent in ways they dont immediately portray

>> No.3589963

>Most intelligent
>More enlightened
Probably not
Hell no.

>> No.3590406

"Enlightened and aware", as I interpret it, yes.

>> No.3590428

No, but they seem to think I am. It's always awkward when they're "Anon explain this to me I just don't get it but you don't have any trouble with it"

>> No.3590430
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Among friends? I don't have any close friends. When I was a kid every time I tried making friends I got stabbed so I don't put much effort into my social life.

Among family? No. My father, an engineer, computer programmer and physicist is smarter than me.

Among peers? When I was a kid I was frequently one of the smartest kids in any room. When I let that show I typically got beaten up. As for now? I don't ask and I don't try to compare myself to others like that.

Am I more enlightened? I have no idea. I gave up philosophy and metaphysics a long time ago so probably not.

Am I better? I don't think so. I mean I know I'm better than most in some ways but nobody is better than everybody at everything. I'm good at engineering and math but I suck at cooking and have a hard time talking to women in a social setting. Or to men. But not cats, I can talk to my cats all day. I'm so alone.

>> No.3590431



If I had a better environment or like $1000 in the bank, I could easily be better than them by getting medicines I need to make myself useful.

Right now, no, they aren't employed, but they were, and I give them respect for that.

>> No.3590435

>When I was a kid every time I tried making friends I got stabbed so I don't put much effort into my social life.
Feel sorry for you bro. No one should have to live in a ghetto.

>> No.3590437

I'm definitely smarter than all of my friends. I really only have one friend that can actually make me think. As far as being a better person or thinking I am, sadly, I'm not a very good person.

>> No.3590439


Most intelligent in my specified field, but by fan not the best in any of my groups.

>> No.3590459

>Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers, friends, and/or social circle?
Intelligence is kind of relative. If we're purely talking about the field itself, then no, by far. In terms of being well-rounded (music, politics, pop-culture, anything non-science), I'm probably up there.

>Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?
Not really. They're older than I am, and they are proud nerds. They know their chosen life path and don't give a fuck.

?Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers, friends, and/or social circle? Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?

>Do you think that you are better than them?

Now, compared to my high school graduating class, fuck yeah I'm better than 95% of them.

>> No.3590463

>>Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers, friends, and/or social circle?


>>Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?

Yes, I feel like I'm someone from 2500AD sent back to live with apes.

>>Do you think that you are better than them?

I despise all forms of elitism and hierarchy, so no.

I find myself often assuming a level of reasonableness and respect for others that simply doesn't exist in most other people. I've actually been fired from jobs before and ousted from social groups for treating superiors and subordinates as equals.

>> No.3590470

I take a certain pride in the friends I choose. I'm certainly not the most intelligent person I know, although intellect is difficult to quantify.

Enlightenment and awareness are even tougher. I don't know how I could demonstrate I was more enlightened than somebody else. Whether I'm better than somebody else is toughest of all to quantify, I think.

As a philosophical exercise, I'd probably choose my well-being over somebody else's, so I might think I'm better than that person.

>> No.3590474

Smarter than most of my friends, but mid of the line in terms of peers.

The other two don't really concern me.

>> No.3590473

>most intelligent amongst friends
>most intelligent in my class
This is somewhat ambiguous, better according to what measure? I excelled in maths and science in school, but scored lower in things like language and social science because I can't stand rote learning and spend my time daydreaming or drawing.

>> No.3590477

>Most intelligent?
I know I am intelligent, but I have quite a few friends who I know are extremely bright, if not more so than myself.
>More enlightened and aware?
Same answer, really.
>Do I think I'm better than them?
No, because I'm not a cunt.

>> No.3590482
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Unfortunately, I cannot read other people minds. I don't know how they perceive the world, so how can I think I'm more enlightened?
I never get 100% on everything and neither does anyone else I know, so how can I be smarter? Am I to judge their behavior and deduce that if they're not like me, then they must be less intellectual?
I'm just a body standing on a rock with another 7 billion bodies. There is nothing special about me and I don't consider myself superior to anyone else.

Anyone here who thinks they're better than someone else is only deluding themselves.

>> No.3590485

I don't think so, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses, I'm rather socially inept, and have a lot of difficulty expressing my thoughts in words. However I am by far the most gifted in sciences, especially physics and chemistry. However my friends have strengths in history, arts, and languages, that I can hardly hope to keep up with them. We all bring a little something different to our group and work together well. As for enlightened and aware, again, we all have our own strengths. We still get in friendly debates over mainly philosophical questions, however none of us leave hurt and we all bring forward valid reasons for our own thoughts and opinions. Better than them at sciences? Yes. Better than them as a whole? Who can say? Better than them at their strong subjects? Definitely not.

>> No.3590487

No. I think I have more discerning tastes, but not necessarily better. I KNOW I'm not the smartest. I think I'm more aware of somethings, just because I have more time to invest in understanding, not because they are incapable of knowing.

I'm not better than any of them.

>> No.3590511

This thread makes me loose so much hope in so many areas where hope may be placed.

Never seen so many beta particles all bouncing around like idiots before in my life.

>> No.3590517

Are you upset people don't think they are always right? Really? God, the world would be so much better with hard headed idiots who think they always know whats best.

>> No.3590524
File: 4 KB, 100x127, 1281683045528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread makes me loose
> loose
>thinks hes better than everyone here
>tripfag - wants attention

LOL, we all know what category you belong in.

>> No.3590531


You are a sad, strange little man. And you have my pity.

(Also English is my third language)

Assumption making = creationist/politician logic.

u mad?

>> No.3590540
File: 42 KB, 205x205, 1300122025715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're trying way too hard lmao

don't strain yourself. Go to bed, you have school tomorrow.

>> No.3590543

I'm might be the most intelligent in my social circle. Key word being might...
Enlightened... not the most but within the top 10.
Better... No, My life is not to be envied and thus I cannot be better than others.

>> No.3590544

Some of us choose our friends wisely, and do not become "friends" with every thin slut that stumbles into our field of vision. This does not make us beta.

>> No.3590551

>Assumption making = creationist logic.
That's wrong no matter what language it's in. It's true that creationism depends on one assumption in particular, but assumptions themselves aren't bad. Science depends on assumptions that you test for veracity.

>> No.3590556

have the highest GPA by .7 over any of my friends, but no i'm not a conceited ass.

>> No.3590561

Come on guys.

Don't you realize that there are many different types of intelligence?

This whole "herp derp some people are just smarter then others and get glory" is so dangerous and untrue.

Dostoevsky couldn't accomplish some of the things that people like Feynman, Einstein accomplished, and vice versa.

Neither of the above could paint a painting as well as Picasso or Rembrandt,

and again none of the above could deduce mathematical relationships as well as someone like John Nash could.

There are so many forms that genius can take.
Working together is all that's relevant for our species, and there's no need to see things in terms of any type of bitter competition.

(Think: most instances in which scientists do something clever results in an increase for average global standard of living).

We're basically one single moldy dot and that's all there is to it.

Also, evaluating yourself as better/worse than others (not only on a universal / non quantified scale just like your other questions) based on how enviable your life is?

Holy shit. Was the buddha's life enviable?

You guys can do better...much better

>> No.3590569
File: 1.99 MB, 440x285, 1312495103186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1) (states an opinion as a fact) Assumption making = creationist/politician logic.
Step 2) (becomes hypocritical) You are a sad, strange little man. And you have my pity.
Step 3) (makes himself look like a retarded lunatic)
Pic related, it's you.

>> No.3590576


oh my god, this samefagging has to stop.

And if you're also the guy who made the tripfag posts (like last week around the same time on this board) then you really need to get the fuck on.

/sci/ is saturated with faggyness as it is

>> No.3590643

Your life is either cakewalk or you're just trying to justify your inferiority.

>> No.3590660

That's the thing. I didn't grow up in the ghetto. I grew up in a semi-affluent suburb. I got stabbed at age five and then in second grade and then again in fourth and my first year of junior high, etc. etc. Usually with any sorta sharp object but I gotta say the knives were actually easier to take because you just feel a slight pressure and then they slide right in.

I also lost a microscope set my parents gave me for Christmas when I brought it to class when we were short microscopes. I thought I would be helping everyone out but it was stolen and thrown off the 2nd story balcony of the main atrium.

>> No.3590719
File: 3 KB, 104x123, 1282416975643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I would be helping everyone out but it was stolen and thrown off the 2nd story balcony of the main atrium.

>> No.3590740

Man, I feel sorry for you.

>> No.3590757

What the hell, man?
Who gets stabbed that often?
You must live in a really bad place or just be really obnoxious or something.
Feel sorry for you

>> No.3590773

People who think they're more intelligent than others generally aren't.
Smarter kids often act stupid to fit in with their classmates; mediocre kids see this and think "man, what a retard, I'm so much smarter than them", but couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.3590779

damn astute observation

>> No.3590831

>Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers, friends, and/or social circle?
In some specific fields. I'm worse than average in others.

>Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?
Yes I sadly do. My friends seem like a bunch of sheep to me. Following orders and not even questioning themselves or anybody around.

>Do you think that you are better than them?
Depends on what exactly do you mean. I feel that I'm better person. Not making stupid decisions, thinking before speaking, accepting everyone etc. But socially? No. I tend do hate people as soon as I find out they're idiots.

>> No.3590848

>You must live in a really bad place or just be really obnoxious or something.
No, I think that it's because of nature of society. Especially among young people. Anybody who even tries to be different is immediately an outcast. Those who bully are the ones with lowest self-esteem. Those who help them just don't want to meet the same fate as the victim.

>> No.3590857

>Most Intelligent
Maybe, depends on what you are talking about because there are several types of intelligence

>More enlightened and aware
I think so, but I could be wrong. I tend not to talk in a philosophical sense to my friends because I don't think they would get it and would probably think it's weird. I think a lot about the nature of the universe by myself, but others could also do this and not talk about it due to fear of being ostricised.

No. I don't hang around people I think I am better than because I would get nothing out of such a friendship.

>> No.3590897

Most intelligent?


More Enlightened?


Better than someone?


>> No.3590991

I'll have to go for a no, a no and a no on these three, OP.

To claim to be better than those around you is in itself flawed, as one often glazes over areas one would rather not acknowledge when making such an observation. I consider myself intelligent, and somewhat enlightened, but I am by no means the most intelligent and my enlightenment is limited; I still tend to be a bit of a follower (sometimes, a lot of a follower).

I think that cartoon you've posted just about sums up the reality of the situation.

>> No.3591019

>Most intelligent

>> No.3591032

Nope. A few of my peers are those larger-than-life mathematical geniuses. I just can't compete with them in raw powah.

Enlightenment and betterness are redundant concepts.

If my peers, friends and/or social circles were full of complete idiots, I sure would assume I'm the smartest one.

>> No.3591548


I happen to know that my HS Chem lab partner is better than me.

>> No.3591718

Do you think that you are the most intelligent individual among your peers, friends, and/or social circle?
>It really depends, I think. People do tell me that I am smart though, but I enjoy learning (although I don't really study for tests, but things that interest me). I suck at music though, and I often find time tables and class schedules requiring more than a single look at them. With that said, science, social studies, language and to a lesser degree, maths, ain't a prob for me. Not saying that I am einstein, but I don't have to spend as much time as my peers learning it.

Do you think that you are more enlightened and aware than them?
>Every now and then, I guess. Although there are atleast one more person that I would consider to be better in this aspect than me. I did consider myself more enlightened and aware in my last class though, and at first it was a pretty hard to blow to my ego. Now I can live with it though. You do not have to be the best.

Do you think that you are better than them?
>Depends on what makes you "better". I think my morals are pretty good, but if it is how you succeed in life, god no. I may be pretty intelligent, but my social skills are worse than average. I envy ambitious people, and would gladly trade a chunk of my intellect for ambition. There are of course people more fit than me. Also, I am sitting home tonight doing nothing, while people enjoy themselves. Short answer, no, I am not better.

>> No.3591868

Most intelligent?

But I am by no means "enlightened", and I wouldn't consider myself better than them.

>> No.3591879

Hell no. Though I do think I'm the most ambitious. That counts for something, right?

>> No.3592100

People tend to define intelligence, enlightment and general betterness according to their own abilities. Hence, most people would place themselves in the top among their peers, friends or social circle.