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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 191 KB, 650x492, ShitBrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3587294 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Facts that will mindfuck you

1 fact per post
The shorter your post, the more powerful the mindfuck

>> No.3587300


>> No.3587296

You suck.

>> No.3587304

The iron in your blood is the result of a star dying

>> No.3587315

We only use 10% of our brains.

>> No.3587320

This chicken was kept alive for 18 months after his head was chopped off.

>> No.3587321

You are the product of millions of years of evolutionary success.

>> No.3587326
File: 71 KB, 393x491, headlesschicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chicken was alive for 18 months after his head was chopped off.

>> No.3587334


>the everything in your body is the result of a star dying.


>> No.3587350
File: 150 KB, 424x318, shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3587349

The speed of light isn't constant
Humans can detect sexual things from the future slightly
Humans can detect emotional things up to five seconds before they happen
Human thoughts affect random number generation around the world through the earths magnetic field
I just watched Through the Worm Hole

>> No.3587345

Everything other than hydrogen and helium is the result of a dying star.

Just stop.

>> No.3587339
File: 5 KB, 251x168, 1296007665438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only use 10% of our brain.
Dark Energy and Dark Matter don't exist, scientists just don't want to admit their failures.
Same with Big Bang, it's a theory that makes too many assumptions and will collapse on itself.
Global warming doesn't exist.
IQ and behavior are genetic and environment has no effect. At all.

>> No.3587336

Goldbach's Conjecture is false.

>> No.3587351


>> No.3587353

At any given point, roughly 10% of our brain is 'firing', so "we only use 10%" is a misleading statement. If we fired off "roughly 100%" or our neurons, we wouldn't have super powers - we'd have a seizure.

>> No.3587357

Remember yourself 12 years ago? All your memories, any scars you had, all your hair. Now realize that none of the atoms that formed your body then are forming your body now. You are made out of completely different stuff and yet you are still the same person.

>> No.3587360

About 1000 children are being raped as you read this
2 newborns are raped every 1 hour
Over 9000 niggers are shooting as you read this

Shall i go on?

>> No.3587362

> !

>> No.3587368

Oops! Meant to >>3587315

>> No.3587372


>> No.3587374

you mean -1/12, and it is bullshit.

>> No.3587386

some people believe the most fucked up highly hypothetical pseudo-scientific articles are facts. For instance:

>> No.3587385

Yeah. You still have failed to explain what the other 7992 niggers are doing.

>> No.3587383

this is all complete bullshit and you should go to /scifi/ with this faggotry

>> No.3587380

>Human thoughts affect random number generation around the world through the earths magnetic field


>> No.3587377


post false, please leave

>> No.3587394

Of course evolution made us only 10 % of an organ that use 20 % of your energy.

If 100% of your neurones were activated you brain would collapse by the eat, but 100 % of your neurones are used.
Sorry, you're stupid.

>> No.3587395

earth has 4 corner simultaneous cubic rotation!

>> No.3587396

He's right. Matter only exists because of the interaction

>> No.3587408


mass is interaction

>> No.3587412
File: 35 KB, 400x400, retard[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If 100% of your neurones were activated you brain would collapse by the eat

>Sorry, you're stupid.

>> No.3587413

Please stfu and learn moar

>> No.3587416


for a minut i forgot i was on 4chan, then this post came along....

>> No.3587423

Queer films don't negate your wrongness.


>> No.3587447
File: 941 KB, 359x480, 1229106423219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3587449

Richard Dawkins > you

>> No.3587450

we use all 100% of our brains,^^^^urban legend http://www.snopes.com/science/stats/10percent.asp

>> No.3587456


>Remember yourself 12 years ago? All your memories, any scars you had, all your hair. Now realize that none of the atoms that formed your body then are forming your body now. You are made out of completely different stuff and yet you are still the same person.

The link you provided does not support your post at all. Not once in the video does he say anything about being composed of entirely different atoms.

>> No.3587465

When you die the brain doesn't unleash extreme amounts of DMT.

>> No.3587470

a healthy salt content for the human body is half a pound.

>> No.3587480


not samefag but start at 10:20

>> No.3587484

Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)16:44 No.3587413

Anonymous 08/18/11(Thu)16:51 No.3587456

You need more than 7mins to watch a 22min video.

Look at 10:20, idiot

>> No.3587491

Doesn't apply to neurons

>> No.3587493

Actually even that is not true. Even resting brain activity when not doing or thinking about anything was something like 23%.

>> No.3587503

>Dawkins doesn't provide proof of his claim.

Me > him

>> No.3587518

Look up at the night sky outside of the city on a clear night. Check all those stars. That's 1/1,000,000th of 1% of the stars in the milky way.

>> No.3587522

Yes it does, moron. The neuron stays the same but the atoms composing the molecules that compose the organelles within the neuron change continuously. Please leave now. Fucking 13 year old.

>> No.3587524


>> No.3587528

The average penis in Chad is 7.2 inches

>this means guys with 9-10 inch cocks are literally everywhere

Feels bad man

>> No.3587537

"You can't say A is made of B or vice versa. All mass is interaction"

- Richard Feynman

>> No.3587533

> The container without a boundary stays the same but everything inside it is changed.

Smoke another one, cheeko.

>> No.3587566

This is the mother of all sampling bias.

>> No.3587590

300 billion stars in the milky way. 3,000 stars visible in the dark night sky. Now, what were you on about?

>> No.3587610

>1% of 100 billion stars = 1 billion stars


the human eye in good conditions can see up to magnitude 6

there are only about 4800 stars in the night sky above mag 6.


>> No.3587617

big bang is bullshit
our universe is a smaller universe inside a bigger universe we could even be some kind of cell structure of a body

>> No.3587620
File: 180 KB, 1074x706, dumb_mc_dumb_dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3587631
File: 146 KB, 1008x633, neuron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this? It's an interesting thought.

>> No.3587636

Interesting and correct are mutually exclusive.

>> No.3587639

> 1% of 300 billion is 3 billion.
> 3 billion divided by a million is 3,000.
> 3,000 is the number of stars you can see in the night sky.
>Come on guys

>> No.3587640

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I think it's correct. It's just interesting to think about.

>> No.3587647

> the human eye in good conditions can see up to magnitude 6
I would have been expecting the human eye to be also be able to read better.

>> No.3587652

That picture is a simulation. In other words it's only a theory (a geuss).

>> No.3587659
File: 19 KB, 400x300, drown[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> expecting the human eye to be also be able to read better.
> to be also be able to read better.
> to be also be able to

>> No.3587663

Humans only use 10% of their brain.
If Earth was 10 ft closer to the sun we would all be dead.
Marijuana and alcohol both kill neurons that can't ever be replaced
Many of the important things in your daily life were invented by blacks such as : gas masks, stop lights, peanut butter, heart surgery, and the toilet.
The moon changes sizes, as you can tell from some nights it is big and fills up the sky while other nights it is smaller. This is due to gravity, it shrinks the moon. Gravity also causes the sun to disappear.
Rain is caused when clouds are blown on, with makes the water fall out of them.

>> No.3587667

There is never a 100% chance that you observed something happening, since there is a 1% chance that you have developed schizophrenia.

>> No.3587674


>> No.3587682


I loled

>our universe is a smaller universe inside a bigger universe we could even be some kind of cell structure of a body
>we could even be some kind of cell structure of a body
>cell structure of a body

thats a nice thought,how much weed and dmt have you been taking though ?

>> No.3587683


I hate that derping image with the heat of all of those stars.

>> No.3587680

wow another one of these threads and look its filled with nonsense half truths and almost no sources.

>dark matter is bullshit because i don't believe in it
>i read 1+2+3...=-1 but didn't understand what it meant


stay classy /sci/

>> No.3587678


>> No.3588032

>universe inside a bigger universe

Why do people keep saying this. By definition universe can't be part of something bigger, since that "something bigger" would automatically be part of the universe.

>> No.3588042


then how do i still have the same scars/tattoo?

>> No.3588047

Because no one has ever observed an atom. They just make all this shit up. Atoms disappearing and never reappearing, rearranging into other things. All bullshit.

>> No.3588056
File: 18 KB, 564x532, winkwink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn't want to be Chad

>> No.3588072

Objects can move away from each other at greater than the speed of light.

>> No.3588079

I really hope Chad is gay if he's taking so many 7.2 inch dicks in him.

>> No.3588102

Technically they're not moving, but rather the space between them is growing.