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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 300x309, killemall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3586363 [Reply] [Original]

>Be in first year of college
>Hanging out between classes
>Girl mentions lesson about foetal development cycle
>Says babies can definitely hear their mothers' thoughts while in the womb
>Comment "probably not though"
>She takes issue with it, suddenly her friends join in
>I say I'm sorry if it offended her but there's no nervous tissue in the umbilical of sufficient density to carry thought and no known mechanism for 'wireless' transmission
>She says "So you think you know everything? Fine, how did we all get here?" Crowds with other girls, looks smug
>I explain big bang, stellar/planetary accretion, abiogenesis, evolution
>She interrupts me near the end
>"So you came from a monkey? Haha MONKEY BOY MONKEY BOY"
>She cups her hands at the sides of her head like monkey ears while chanting "monkey boy"
>Her friends are laughing too

>> No.3586368

Stop being such an edgy faggot, monkey boy.

It's called an atheist closet for a reason, monkey boy.

>> No.3586374


I'm not an atheist. I believe god caused the big bang.

>> No.3586376

1) i would hit her in the face with a plate if she did that with me
2) i would have left along time ago
3) would have laughed at her face for the hearing thoughts thing.
4) college? this sound like primary school.
5) get some non-retarded people to be friends with.

>> No.3586383


choose two, aperantly..

>> No.3586384

You believe in god?
You're fucking retarded.
Holy fuck, a christian laughing at another believer? Shows what sort of person the average believer is.

>> No.3586388
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>point out that she'd be from a monkey too
>point out she's too dense to be able to formulate her own opinions
>walk out with flying middle fingers

>> No.3586390


I don't actually believe in god, I was fucking with >>3586368


>> No.3586396

Well he was fucking with you!
Lol, seriously, we are all fucking with each other. <3

I would be mad too if someone made fun of me like that.
AT LEAST YOU KNOW YOU'RE RIGHT. (Or until proven otherwise.)

>> No.3586406
File: 16 KB, 400x266, killemall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill 'em all, OP.

>> No.3586411
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>I explain big bang, stellar/planetary accretion, abiogenesis, evolution
>I try to recite things I've been told by using vague terms and technical words so as to confuse them and get them to drop the subject

>> No.3586425


Why dont you go to church or something you fucking muslim.

>> No.3586436


No, that isn't what happened. And you make it sound bad to explain learned knowledge. Was I supposed to repeat the process of verifying all of that myself before talking about it? With what radio telescope, mass spectrometer and biology lab? Do YOU personally verify everything you explain to anyone beforehand?

>> No.3586439
File: 83 KB, 500x318, 28734687234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have to explain shit to people because I don't get trolled like you did... TWICE!

>> No.3586455
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Not OP but pic very related

>> No.3586452 [DELETED] 

>that feel when you can't talk about your political beliefs outside of the Internet because the layman doesn't know shit about history/economics/metaphysics/epistomology/philosphy/Statiscs/human nature

>> No.3586462
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>OP stands in group of girls
>explains stellar evolution instead of using them for sex

>> No.3586465 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 294x224, 1309800092191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to explain cosmology and evolution to a group of girls
>believes in god

>> No.3586473

I would never engage is any physical activity with beings of such mental inferiority.

Except yes I would. Long live the stupid genes.

>> No.3586475

Apes, you mongs. There's a difference.

>y u cannot into anthopogenesis?

>> No.3586480 [DELETED] 

>implying you have to mate with girls to use them for sex

>not trying to fuck random sluts


>> No.3586490
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>> No.3586498
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>She cups her hands at the sides of her head like monkey ears while chanting "monkey boy"

Priceless. Things like this makes me regret I was raised in a european country.

>> No.3586500

Another opportunity to get laid spoiled by your desire to always be right, Monkey Boy.

Better luck next time, virgin.

>> No.3586504

i was on 4chan one day and OP was a raging faggot

>> No.3586523 [DELETED] 

Another perfect opportunity for OP to get some pussy, but ruins it by having to be correct all the time. Great job, Monkey Boy.

>> No.3586531

>not asking her to explain how babies can hear their mother's thoughts then laughing at her instead

>> No.3586533

Wild guess, they were liberal arts majors?

>> No.3586538

it's a special link that happens with a mother and her son, you, a man, couldn't possibly understand.

>> No.3586549
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>> No.3586563

So, you hang out with Republicans?

>> No.3586595
File: 4 KB, 112x120, 1312261671390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck are they in college? Shit, those girls sounds like high school, or middle school kids. Da fuck....

>> No.3586607
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After we covered evolution in my biology class, we clump together to study in groups, and I somehow ended up with the group of christfags, which is like most of the class apparentaly. What they had to say against evolution....it was just..... I couldn't take it any more!
And also one girl said "we came from apes? Ha! No way! I came from no apes! I refuse!" I lol'ed so hard the way she said it.

>> No.3586613
File: 17 KB, 331x299, ChloeMoretz-thinks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


was she pretty, at least?

>> No.3586619

Hey guys, it's fucking monkey boy. What a dumbass.

>> No.3586620

>implying any of this actually happened

>I explain big bang, stellar/planetary accretion, abiogenesis, evolution


>> No.3586634

>don't believe in evolution
>don't study for exams
>pray every day for pussy and good grades
>I get both

Why are you atheists again


>> No.3586659

Chloe is such a goddess.

>> No.3586714
File: 77 KB, 280x287, oh-shinigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Religious Studies course
>Going over Miscellaneous Middle Eastern Religions first before moving on to Abrahamic Religions.
>Come across some stories that are verbatim copied by the Old/New Testament writers.
>Girl puts her hand up..."Those stories are obviously copied from the Bible.
>Professor: No miss, these religions predate the writings of the Talmud and Torah by at least 3000 years.
>Her: But the world isn't even that old.
>Professors face when.

>> No.3586723

\Former /b/tard and /v/irgin here, even after roaming the streets of /fit/ and /int/, I have to say you are the biggest group of faggots on the chans.

>> No.3586757

this conversation sounds retarded and probably diddn't really happen

>> No.3586759

>Religious Studies
>Religious Studies
>Religious Studies
>Religious Studies
>Religious Studies

>> No.3586771

>Chloe is such a goddess.

No, she's a pubescent piglet that you find non-threatening.

>> No.3586780

You know a better way to be able to debunk religion in general then to know at least a little about each?
Didnt think so.

>> No.3586787

Just ignore them. In your position I would have chuckled and left.

>> No.3586796

post chloe or gtfo

>> No.3586812
File: 1.93 MB, 265x205, Chloe.fit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3586826
File: 1.98 MB, 303x230, Chloe.lipsmiling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is blasphemy!! STFUGTFO!

>> No.3586848

>have Biology first semester and second semester
>realize this will happen at least once

>> No.3586867

> can't stop getting more beautiful
she's really amazing

>> No.3586883

> Random ugly chick with a crooked face and buck teeth.

>> No.3586964
File: 39 KB, 378x367, i feel fantastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you even need to respond to her when she confronted you about where people come from? It would of been better to just look at her, give a little bit of a laugh and walk away. She and her friends would of laughed at you for about 2 seconds then self-consciously made fun of you because of the realization that the original girl was talking out her ass.
>yf if you did this.

>> No.3587005

what podunk kind of retard college do you go to, OP?

>> No.3587022

Living in the south, before I started college I got tons of those booklets and fliers from colleges, tons of them private christian ones telling me about how important being with other like minded people was.

>> No.3587084

How this should have gone.

>Be in first year of college
>Hanging out between classes
>Girl mentions lesson about foetal development cycle
>Says babies can definitely hear their mothers' thoughts while in the womb
>Comment "lol thats fucking retarded"
>She takes issue with it, suddenly her friends join in
>Explain there's no nervous tissue in the umbilical of sufficient density to carry thought and no known mechanism for 'wireless' transmission
>>She says "So you think you know everything? Fine, how did we all get here?" Crowds with other girls, looks smug
>Say "look if you want to be retarded thats up to you but I'm not going to waste my time"
>walk away

>> No.3587127

>suggest monkey sex
>girl cups breasts instead
>friend suggests threesome
>other girls disperse in disgust
>both collude and dicide to buy monkey suits with tails
>end up buying gorilla suits(nothing else available)
>I shy away in the end.

>> No.3587145 [DELETED] 


>implying there are not large amounts of atheist, scientifically literate republicans like myself

We just don't want niggers stealing our money

>> No.3587155


>> No.3587181 [DELETED] 

Unless of course that nigger is white, and uses your money to pay for war and help jews that don't need help.

>> No.3587187


More like

>Be in first year of college
>Hanging out between classes
>Girl mentions lesson about foetal development cycle
>Says babies can definitely hear their mothers' thoughts while in the womb
>comment "i think you must have that wrong somehow, but i'd love to see the article or whatever where you got that from"
>she looks it up herself, see's she's wrong, and learns to be a bit more skeptical of stuff like that

But asperger rage is cool too, I guess.

>> No.3587190
File: 33 KB, 313x395, PalinSupportersMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scientifically literate

>> No.3587195


Large amounts? I think not.

>> No.3587200

>she looks it up herself, see's she's wrong, and learns to be a bit more skeptical of stuff like that
Implying that would ever happen.

>> No.3587205


>>implying there are not large amounts of atheist, scientifically literate republicans like myself

There aren't. The republican party is overwhelmingly christian, mainly evangelical protestant.

You may think your particular ideological combination makes lots of sense but that doesn't magically make it the norm within your chosen political party.

>> No.3587210

You guys, it's a troll. No one is that fucking retarded.

>> No.3587213 [DELETED] 


The primary role of government is to protect the country, not give fat stupid wetbacks and niggers free healthcare. I would rather elect a war monger than a "compassionate" leader

>> No.3587219 [DELETED] 


>The primary role of government is to protect the country, not give fat stupid wetbacks and niggers free healthcare

"We're not racist! Stop playing that card libruls!"

>> No.3587233


Yea and the democratic party is overwhelmingly full of communists and socialists and hippies

>that's a straw-man

Lots of reasonable democrats and republicans exist.

>> No.3587248


>Yea and the democratic party is overwhelmingly full of communists and socialists and hippies

Can I see some demographic studies demonstrating this>

>Lots of reasonable democrats and republicans exist.

So what? That doesn't preclude a majority of either party from being Christian. It's like saying "I know some nice, sensible Scientologists, therefore you can't condemn Scientology"

It seems like you think anything unflattering said about any group equals straw man. That's not how it works. It's not a straw man if it's factually accurate, and something can be statistically true overall in spite of outliers.

>> No.3587258 [DELETED] 
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>he thinks wars in other countries keep america safe.

>niggers and wetbacks free healthcare.

what about that ''provide for the general welfare'' bit?

protip, republicans haven't done anything to stop illegals from flooding the border. I'm sorry that jacking off to Palin isn't as cool as it used to be, but hey, mayb'e you get lucky if she announces her intent to run. You could jack off to her while eating your jello mold of Rick Perry's cock.

>> No.3587281 [DELETED] 

>Intelligent white male
>not a republican

I seriously hope you guys don't do this. You are supporting the wrong special interest group

>> No.3587290
File: 88 KB, 935x776, SarahDumblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>voting republican

>> No.3587291


Google "Madison on the general welfare clause"

Oh wait, the constitution doesn't mean anything to liberals unless it supports their goals

>> No.3587309

Considering republican policies as of late, it doesn't to them either

>> No.3587329


>Oh wait, the constitution doesn't mean anything to liberals unless it supports their goals

Says the guy who has never read it, of the political party for people who imagine the constitution supports their views but never bother to read it

>> No.3587330

The constitution does mean stuff to me, but the personal opinions of the writers don't. Fuck the founding fathers. If they had opinions that weren't set down as law, I don't need to act as if they're law.

>> No.3587370


No he is explaining what the words mean.

If you know anything about the constitution you know that it is a document that places specific limits on government authority.

Madison basically says that it would defeat the entire purpose of the constitution if the general welfare clause was I derogates to mean that government can do anything it deems to be for general welfare.

>> No.3587378

Then he should have written that :3

>> No.3587390



>> No.3587410


It's obvious to anyone who reads the document. Just not libtards who take one line out of context.

>> No.3587417
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>Caring what someone who is obviously ignorant about the most basic science thinks or says.

I Seriously etc. etc.

>> No.3587435

I'm glad to hear that you know better than any justice who has ever ruled on social legislation

>> No.3587461

I have a few ideals, feel free to tell me my flaws so I may improve myself. I don't think it's alright for someone, the government, anyone to take money by force. Paying for other peoples health care should not be forced. I tend to vote independently, whoever supports my ideas mainly. What does this make me?

>> No.3587466


Also, stupid

>> No.3587497


Decent, intelligent, not a thug

>> No.3587504

If I may ask, inform me how I am wrong so I can have more correct ideals.

>> No.3587505

>not a thug
>allows people to die simply because they did not have enough money

>> No.3587540

Oh no, I believe in helping people. I just don't like being forced to do it.

>> No.3587561


>implying anyone would pay taxes if given the choice
>Implying we would even have fucking roads right now if the government didn't "force" you to pay for them.

>> No.3587562

>Monkey Boy

I laughed heartily.

>> No.3587584

Well, I mean I support charity and well, toll roads do exist, right?

>> No.3587606

yo monkey boy
Now you have lernt not to argue with people who are just arguing without wanting to learn.

my gf gets pissy because I try and tell her things,well most of the time I am correcting her.SHe gets pissed and says I am a know it all.
I have no realized you should let them win a few times even if they are wrong.

today there was a rainbow and I said isnt it weird the waythings like that happen,she turns to me and says no its from the equator and i have seen the end,it ends in a lake in wales.

just nod and smile and change the subject

>> No.3587615

Whoah, you mean life isn't all about proving other people wrong? Such heresy, go be social somewhere else.

>> No.3587628
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>Dating a vapid cunt without an ounce of intellectual integrity

Don't make me say it!

>> No.3587637

I dont know why your flippin out, she seems rite 2 me.

>> No.3587656



You could at least try you know.

>> No.3587675

Foetuses aren't wireless you idiot!

>> No.3587694


I wasn't the one arguing that they were. You've misunderstood, and now ironically called me an idiot.

>> No.3587720

Well, I'm not a scifag, so I don't know as much as you people. However, this pisses me off every single time:

>Dude, we only use 10% of our brains. Imagine if we used 100%! We would have, like, super powers!
>We only use 10% of our brains.
>10% of our brains.

>> No.3587722

That's why girls should stay in the kitchen..

>> No.3587729

You couldn't really actually have taken that silly post this seriously.

>> No.3587737

That guy probably does.

>> No.3587741
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>from the equator
>ends in a lake in wales
Come on, bro. The pussy can't be that great.

>> No.3587750

I heard this from my fucking psych teacher in high school. Right after she had just explained all of the different parts of the brain and their functions, she says we only use 10% of our brains. I said it was bullshit and she just said "Well how do you know?"

>> No.3587781
File: 19 KB, 145x247, BOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if Bachmann chose Palin as her vice presidential candidate and won? Wouldn't that be great?

>> No.3587791

I'd transfer to Waterloo or McGill and get the fuck out of this country.

>> No.3587911

I am the one that wrote that
and it actualy puts me off her from time to time.

But then in a way if no one has told her the truth then how else is she suposed to know ?
the only reason why I know is because I just like to google random stuff and used to smoke so much weed that I always end up questioning everything.

she thought it ended in wales because she seen it end there.
she said she seen it in this lake thing,I thin it had a waterfall in it

>> No.3588099

Should have whipped your dick out and tell here to suck your superior intelligence.

>> No.3588117
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Ha. That reminds me:
>What's the smartest thing to ever come out of a woman's mouth?
>Einstein's cock

>> No.3588129


You can't come out of a woman's mouth, only in. Nice try, though!


>> No.3588180


>> No.3588198


>hanging out

pick one

>> No.3588226

ITT Americunts act like their constitution was written by infallible human beings, kinda like.. the bible?

>> No.3588236

>implying Einstein was the smartest man to ever live
>implying Einsteins ever he got a blowjob (he didn't)

>> No.3588258


bet his cousin gave him blowies

>> No.3588780
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Tea party activist present.

>> No.3588795

>forced to use monopoly because alternatives are not allowed
>claim monopoly is justified because there are no alternatives

Sorry but that's just not logical.

>> No.3588796

Bro, einstein had all kinds of sex

>> No.3588810
File: 148 KB, 399x315, darkhot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get mad because nerds get all the bitches
>hate on einstein because that's the only scientist you know
lol are you fucking kidding me? That's not even a piss take, that's just.. lame

>> No.3588854

Dont let people laugh at you.

I decided that I was going to kill the next person that fucked with me and nobody has in over 15 years. Well except for girlfriends but they dont count, thats just part of the relationship package.

It was like as soon as I made the decision in my mind to absolutely commit to making the next disrepctful person foot the bill for those who came before them, disrespectful people ceased to exist in my world.

I think it only works if you are serious though, it has to be a legitimate line in the sand that you will enforce.

>> No.3588980
File: 143 KB, 560x687, 1286300847284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monopolies exist as a result of corporate greed.
>continuously vote for candidates that support corporations.

Gearing your family up for Romney 2012?!

>> No.3589002

Holy shit you're retarded god boy.

Damn I love living in a country where people laugh at the religious.

>> No.3589295


>> No.3589503

>I explain big bang, stellar/planetary accretion, abiogenesis, evolution

A single video destroys evolution and everything you believe in under 3 minutes.

You see the atheist tries to remove the source and replicate the source. Trying to jam a square piece where the circle belongs.

Atheists, no matter how hard you jam that square inside, it will never fit inside the circle.

Give it a rest.

>> No.3589533

has anyone taken religious studies. what's it like?

>> No.3589550

Point one:
Addition mutations, checkmate.

Point two:

I just refuted your trol video in one post.

>> No.3589646

>Addition mutations

go home troll, shift's finished.

>> No.3589655

>anyone who disagrees with me is a republican
Wow, another shitty argument.

>> No.3589697
File: 72 KB, 250x272, athiesm at work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brings up the bible
I know it's a Christian website, but goddamn.

>> No.3589766

>be in college
>studying biology
>some of my friends are ardent christfags
>have reasonable discussion about evolution and cell biology and the beginning of life and origins of the universe
>some of them are women, even
>no one ever gets mad and disrespectful

This thread is now has one non-aspergers greentext.

>> No.3589777
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, biomajor3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread is now has one non-aspergers greentext.
>this thread is now has
>this thread is now has
>this thread is now has

Lol biology.

>> No.3589795




>such is life as a biology major

>> No.3589842

thanks for the laugh good sir

>> No.3589879

OP should have minded his own fucking business.

As for the believing god created the bigbang, you're actually just as retarded as them.