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[ERROR] No.3578109 [Reply] [Original]

explain to me why some people are into kinky activities like BDSM and such please.

Why are some people dominant and others submissive?

>> No.3578124


>> No.3578131

Because it's evolutionarily advantageous to have dominating personalities and extremely loyal servants/lieutenants

>> No.3578164

Because you need leaders but you can't have leaders without followers.

>> No.3578198

Why are there followers? Why is everyone not dominant and jumping at each others throats?

>> No.3578201

What if I like both being dominant and being submissive, at different times? Does that just make me well-adjusted?

>> No.3578214

because groups like that would be wiped out by their own infighting, while harmonious D/s pairings would survive

it just makes you a switch, depending on the contexts you feel submissive and dominant in you'd be a good second in command or something - able to dominate others, but still loyal to a superior

>> No.3578216

>porn on SFW board

>> No.3578234

>porn on /sci/
I guess the 1 AM gynoid flush is A Ok to such /sci/entists as yourself.

Piss off kid.

>> No.3578239

>Why is everyone not dominant and jumping at each others throats?

Because then everyone would be jumping at each others throats.

>> No.3578243

Forgive me if I don't want smut on /sci/ and if you do, then you're the kid.

>> No.3578250

>able to dominate others, but still loyal to a superior

But it's to the same person, and only that person. It's just a harmonious relationship. I have no desire to dominate a group, nor do I respect authority in general.

>> No.3578295

We're ingrained to like the situation of someone being overpowered. The place we see ourselves in is largely arbitrary.

>> No.3578310

Perhaps it is not a biological answer, but a psychological one.

>> No.3578343

We are ingrained to the exact opposite. No one likes a bully. It's why, instead of running like every other fucking animal, humans will group together and chase down their predators to murder them.

>> No.3578349

Personally it's the same thing that makes me want to hug puppies. Submissive women are cute. It feels more like a protective instinct than anything else.

>> No.3578366


sexual attraction as a coping mechanism eh?

however, you're wrong. most bullying (from my experience) tends to be generally enjoyed by the crowd

>> No.3578411

Then I guess I am just a paragon of honor and morality or someone who has taken a few seconds to see a truculent practice for what it actually is.

More to the point, this argument rings with the tone of antiquated Hobbes vs Locke discussion of what human nature actually is. Both sides have strong support evidence and counter examples.

>> No.3578472

I don't think sexual behavior is really any sign of an individual's preferred, natural, or given role in society.

I've met many perfectly "dominant" women of high status with leadership roles of one kind or another, but they're submissive as can be in bed. I don't think it's necessarily a gender role thing either.

I'd imagine that sometimes, it feels good to some individuals to relinquish control. Sexual contexts are often the most intimate and personal of contexts so it's a natural outlet for one's desire to relinquish control and indulge in fantasy.

>> No.3579827

uhhhh, this is with sex, just because a person is submissive in sex doesn't mean this person has a submissive personality.

>> No.3579855

any psychologists in here? is it possible to explain perversions psychologically? personally i doubt it (im with nabokov on this one), but educate me pleeaase

>> No.3579868

>is it possible to explain perversions psychologically?
Yes, they're called paraphernalias, and it depends on the perversion in question.

And the answer to OP's question: some people like either overpowering somebody or being overpowered.

>> No.3579874

Sorry, paraphilias **

>> No.3579900

>is it possible to explain a psychological phenomena using psychology?

but then, psychologists are pretty stupid so they probably haven't figured it out yet, despite being "obvious" on an intuitive level

>> No.3579924
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you know, only because it is kind of a "psychological phenomena" as you say (which is pretty much everything what humans do), this doesnt necessarily mean, that there is a complete psychological explanation for it ... smartass

>> No.3579956

If you'ree really interested you can learn a lot more about the authoritarian personality and its dynamics. Start here: http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~altemey/

or download Bob Altemeyer's book, The Authoritarians in PDF: http://members.shaw.ca/jeanaltemeyer/drbob/TheAuthoritarians.pdf