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File: 248 KB, 542x443, 1272273752111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3579372 [Reply] [Original]

I go to a university. And for my upper division elective I choose an online class on "Applied Ethics."

Its basically a message board, where we are required to write and respond to essays on ethical problems. It just opened up, and out of curiosity I just got onto the message board to see what kind of things were up there. There were a number of assignments and the first one is due soon. So I checked it out. The question was

"What is good?"

Very open ended. Considering this is an easy online class where most of our grade is participation, I presume the question is so open ended that there is no wrong answer.

Then I noticed there was one reply already, from some go getter who wants to get his first assignment out of the way.

The answer was

"Can we define 'good' please? The reason I failed this class last time is because the instructor refused to give a definition and so I had no frame of reference or grounding for any concepts corresponding to any ontology whatsoever and thus every utterance of the term was literally vacuous. Contrary to popular belief, the term 'good' is not a base word with a culturally obvious significance, lest there wouldn't be any ethical debate within a culture.
In brief: Help me... I'm confused."


>> No.3579398
File: 9 KB, 280x210, 1276455037395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when in one year you'll post basically the same post

>> No.3579407
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Oh shut up, no I wont.

>> No.3579420
File: 9 KB, 154x167, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sayin brah

>> No.3579419
File: 56 KB, 413x395, amusement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you obviously have troll-threads even on online-message-boards of your university which is cool. try to answer sth like tl;dr lol fag

>> No.3579424
File: 34 KB, 500x334, 1292949872220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like the guy is confused. The very question posed was "what is good?", but then his response is to ask for a definition! If one was given then he could simply parrot the definition as an answer the question. Some foolish fool indeed.

>> No.3579442

please do this op. Just drop the class and take something a little more worthy of your elective.

>> No.3579447
File: 30 KB, 720x475, finalspeechamazinggrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dont want to drop it. Im taking is because its easy, and it will probably be a lot more fun than any other crappy filler classes.

However, realizing that this is how the class works. I absolutely will take every possible opportunity to troll. I regularly turn in bullshit assignments for fun.

Picture related. It was my final exam speech for public speaking class (another mandatory bullshit class)

>> No.3579456
File: 38 KB, 268x265, 1282321090234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>final exam speech for public speaking class
>public speaking class

>> No.3579459



>> No.3579498

OP, you answer this question by running through a seris of ideas. You say, "suppose good is", and you explore its implications. You then repeat this with a new supposition. Make sure to explore the common man's notions, as well as experts' notions from various fields, and damn well do your research. The point of the question is for you to explore it.

>> No.3579501

>>3579447 Grade: A
What the fuck is this, I don't even....

>> No.3579503

>Faggots that use long words unnecessarily and waffle on instead of just getting to the point.
Yup. You got yourself some quality classmates, OP

>> No.3579508
File: 36 KB, 814x562, horribleastronomyanswer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Here

More horrible answers. Ive gotten credit for all of them

>> No.3579510
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>> No.3579512
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>> No.3579516
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>> No.3579520
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>> No.3579523

You didn't actually submit this... right?
I hope your tutor has a sense of humour

>> No.3579525

It all makes sense now.

>> No.3579528
File: 18 KB, 857x342, horribleastronomyanswer8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually did submit all of these.

>> No.3579532

I thought OP was seriously asking for help.


You got a serious answer out of me.

>> No.3579533

The moon doesn't orbit earth.
It's the other way around. duh.
That shit was debunked hundreds of years ago

>> No.3579535
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>> No.3579543
File: 17 KB, 888x331, horribleastronomyanswer9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think these are kind of dumb. I remember on the clicker questions for this class the power point would only have 4 answers on. So all the hundreds of students would only press A through D on their key pads. And when that happens The graph that gets generated on the projector only contains 4 bars to show the distribution of the answers.

I had a lot fun answering "I" forcing the graphing program to generate bars for letters A through I, with E, F, G, and H, showing 0% and I showing 1%

The look on the professors face every day made it worth it.

>> No.3579553

Terracentric fags are worse than creationists idiots

>> No.3579562
File: 24 KB, 394x309, pleasehireme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

I had one assignment where I was supposed to made a commercial. I forgot what the commercial was supposed to be about. But I didnt want to, so I took this image and put it into Windows Movie Maker. Then I just recorded some shitty sounds from this distorted junky plastic keyboard. I turned it in.


Then I had an english assignment where I just wrote about how much I like "televisions"

I dont know why I am dumping ever joke assignment Ive ever done. I hope it amuses you guys as much as its amused me fucking around in my shittier classes.

>> No.3579568

There is something really wrong with your school if they let you get away with this kind of shit.
(not to mention give such incredibly easy assignments).

>> No.3579578

Can you upload somewhere the original advert?

>> No.3579588
File: 7 KB, 845x82, spaceracecar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think Im giving a biased perspective of my school. I actually really like my school. But Im sure like all universitys they have bullshit requirements.

This Ethics class is because I have to take an upper division elective.
The public speaking class was because I had to take a communications course.
The astronomy class was actually really great. But the professor was a pussy and the homework was bullshit.
The commercial was for some 1 credit, 1 hour a week class for freshman that was like a "welcome to school" class.

Besides that I think my courses have been real, and challenging.

I go to ASU by the way. I met Lawrence Krauss once because he works at ASU. He was just walking down the hall. Also Ive seen Richard Dawkins, Craig Venter, Peter Singer, Steven Pinker all give talks at my university, among a lot of other visitors.


Yeah sure if I can find it.

Also pic related. For astronomy we were given an extra credit opportunity. Where we could find some astronomy pictures and then write about them and we would get extra credit. This was one of those pictures/paragraphs among 6. I got the extra credit.

>> No.3579593


Here you go:


Like I said, some people did real assignments. I didnt, and I got 100%

>> No.3579594


> Everyone Ive ever met has been made out of meat, and its beginning to seem like more than just a coincidence.

This is the best sentence ive ever read. Thank you.

>> No.3579596

What the...

>> No.3579601


Aw thanks...

>> No.3579611

gee, what podunk kind of institution do you go to, OP?

>> No.3579622

What the fuck?

>> No.3579626
File: 276 KB, 1536x2048, sovietsssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah okay.

One time a friend and I snuck into a lecture hall and attached this note onto the projector so it would display this stupid image next time it starts up, presumably for a class.

Then, going a bit further into the past. For a high school english paper I had to write about "a time I had to make a tough decision" so I made up a bullshit story about being born to a pauper family and being offered to become adopted by a wealthy industrialist, and how I had to choose between family and wealth. I remember turning it in and seeing the english teachers face. Nonetheless 100%

>> No.3579631

What was the commercial supposed to be about?

>> No.3579633


I think it was supposed to be for myself... If I remember. Like, a resume, but visually. Like why Im so good, and why I should be hired. Thats why it said "WILL YOU PLEASE HIRE ME"

>> No.3579635


You're passing either because:

a) Whoever is grading you is laughing his ass off at all your submissions and doesn't want to fail you, making the submissions stop.

b) They are afraid you are clinically insane and will murder them if they don't pass you.

>> No.3579638

OP, your "trolling" is akin of that of a toddler.

Now as an academic troll you must look up and be versed in logical fallacies and debate techniques, then knowingly use them while incorrectly accusing others of using these fallacies.

Basically start out with a common misconception, and then twist the reasoning so that you can still explain it rationally

>> No.3579644

This thread has put my in bullshit-assignments-I-turned-in nostalgia. So Im rereading some of my english assignments Ive had to turn in. Here are my favorite lines

"Men were not created equal, but they were created equate enough. Bat man is far from equal because he can obliterate anyone he wants"

"This article was about the Galapagos islands. The Galapagos islands sure sound like a place."


I never really considered what I do trolling. But I will certainly practice and study hard in the art of trolling for this up-coming class.

>> No.3579649


So he just needs to study the debate techniques of Kent Hovind and Ken Ham?

>> No.3579657

I found something I was looking for. I once turned in an english paper that said

"...An analogy of how this works, is to imagine a war in your brain. Your brain is full of reasonable tough thoughts. Your thoughts, and you reasoning ability are like 100 marines, who can handle any kind of problem thrown at them. Billy Mays sends an army of 9 billion preschoolers at once into your brain..."

The teacher later came up to me after class to tell me she had never read such an analogy.

>> No.3579660


What the fuck is the context for this?

What was that an analogy for?

>> No.3579661


It was an analogy for the way infomercials (specifically Billy Mays) flood viewers with too many thoughts. And thus convince them to buy a product because they cant fully rationalize everything going on in the infomercial.

>> No.3579663


That... Actually makes a lot of sense.

Bravo sir.

>> No.3579664

That is a bit too broad of a question, good in what context? Does the question mean good as in beneficial, good as in pleasant, or good as in morally correct? A case could be made for the last one given the course but never the less it's a poorly formed question.

>> No.3579677


If it's an ethics class it's probably implied that it means moral.

>> No.3579681

another great source of insipiration is Italian politics if you know the language. basically scream your arguement over and over like the sound of an enraged babboon on a broken record


example. This is a parody collection from public debates and interviews on TV. To non-italian speakers: the silver haired man in the beginning keeps repeating "shutup", the timer is counting how many times. Later or the blonde woman is repeating "shame on you!" and the counter is counting it. the yellow sentences that appear on screen is what the person is saying/repeating and mostly its just screaming "pleast let me talk/explain" through the middle of the others incessant fussing.

It all starts out with somebody talking, the other person takes the word but the 1st wasnt done and just drones on, and for the fear that the public wont hear their arguement, 2nd guy keeps talking louder and louder and it devolves into retardedness.

Obviously these are all unimportant side politicians or acquantiances of politicians who are doing this puppetry on purpose to get popular on tv. The political spectrum is left/right only. no such thing in puclic opinion as lib/authoritarian. The center right (in power) is accusing the left of being commies, to which the reply is that the right has no clue how to run a country and is opressing the people, the reply to that is "then why did we get elected?" (bought votes and promises of low taxes-- as a result local government has 0 money)

but now the center right is fucked because they raised taxes to decrease public debt as commanded by europe.

>> No.3579695

lol - ASU is a good school, but there are real goons there too.

>> No.3579700


Oh man, I love watching videos of Italians debating (I am italian).

Berlusconi (Italy's prime minister) is fucking amazing. Best troll in the universe.

Some examples of the things he's said:

>What are the prospects for women getting out of University, trying to find a job
>Just marry a rich guy, like me!

>Berlusconi, what do you say about the fact that Italy's economy is getting worse and it's harder to get a job
>Emigrating is always a possibility, you know

I love him.

>> No.3579706


Also this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XSBr7nPlWE

Master troll.

>> No.3579769

"Check it out and btw dont forget to watch in HD"